Disclaimer: I own nothing. The Mentalist is the property of Bruno Heller and the producers of the series. The others are mine.

A/N: So Grace is going to a have a love interest that isn't Wayne in S3? We all know that's just wrong unless it's a ploy to get them back together again, so I thought I'd try and have a bash at a story that explores that. Please bear in mind that S2 only finished here recently and we can't get the dvd set yet. Also, I'm not that happy with writing dialogue for these characters, so please bear with me.

Moving On

Grace thought carefully about what to wear. The age old first date dilemma. Don't overdress, be comfortable, but look as though you've made an effort. She had a few 'date dresses' but none of them seemed quite right. Truth be told, she felt just that bit awkward. In the few long - or was it short, she wasn't sure anymore - months since she had spilt with Wayne, she been out a couple of times, but only casually. This though, was the first formal date with someone and she wanted to get it right.

Steven Tribbick worked for the Organised Crime Unit. Grace had been seconded there for a specific case where they had needed not just her computer skills but also her experience from the Serious Crimes Unit. It had been happening a lot recently. Wayne and even Cho had been 'on loan' to other Units for their specialist skills, which had pissed Lisbon off no end.

Steve had been the one Grace had worked most closely with and she had been thrilled when he and the others on the team had not only treated her with respect, but as and equal. For once, she hadn't felt like the rookie and she relished it. To be fair, she wasn't a rookie anymore with getting on for two years with the CBI but somehow compared with Lisbon, Cho and Way– Rigsby, she always felt like it.

She had been instrumental in cracking that case and her testimony had helped nail the conviction. The time she had spent with Steve had seen them grow closer and the attraction had been obvious, so once the case was over, he had asked her out. It hadn't been easy for her to say yes, but when she'd told Rigsby that she'd moved on she'd had to give herself a good talking to. She'd made a decision that, right or wrong, she'd have to live with and going out with Steve was a good way to show that she was doing just that.

She eventually decided on a simple skirt and blouse, more daring than she'd wear for work but still comfy, teamed in kitten heeled shoes as she didn't want to come up to Steve's height, checked her make-up and was ready.

Right on cue, her doorbell rang and there stood Steve. Roughly 6 feet tall, well built, dark blond hair, blue eyed and with a good looking, youthful face, that made him look younger than his thirty five years. He was immaculately, yet casually dressed in dress trousers and shirt and shoes that gleamed.

"Well, don't you look beautiful for a computer geek," he smiled at her.

Grace blushed and smiled back, taking his hand as he led her towards his car, opening the door and helping her in.

Steve had chosen a small, family run Italian restaurant for dinner and Grace instantly fell in love with its charm.

Almost immediately the waiter came over to ask them what they would like to drink. He and Steve discussed the various options on the wine list and the decision was made. Steve looked at Grace's blank face.

"Oh Grace, I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask you what you wanted did I? Is red alright with you? Honestly, I can change to white if it isn't."

Grace gave him a small smile.

"It's ok, I generally do prefer white, but red is fine. Really. It'll be good to try something different."

"If you're sure? I think it's being the boss – you just get used to making the decisions you know. I'll try not to do it again, I promise," he offered, smiling sheepishly.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that, but I can see how it could become habit. Don't worry about it. Now what's good on the menu?" Grace glanced down the menu not at all sure what she wanted, it all sounded so good.

In the end Grace couldn't decide so went with Steve's recommendations and was glad she did. He obviously knew this place well.

They talked easily and she learned that like her, he wasn't a native Californian, he'd been in the army before joining the CBI and had only been in Sacramento for about six months, having been in San Francisco before that.

He'd had a long term relationship break up shortly before the move to Sacramento and that had been one of the reasons he'd been keen to make the move, although it had been clear that he hadn't wanted to talk about it. She knew how he felt. What was in the past should stay there – it was easier that way.

He was easy to talk to, smart and funny and Grace was relieved at how well the evening had gone.

"Thank you for wonderful evening Grace. I had a good time tonight."

"Me too," she answered quietly.

Steve stepped forward slightly, taking her hands in his.

"Does that mean that it's safe to ask you if you'd like to do this again?" he asked, looking expectantly at her.

"It does," she replied trying not to giggle.

"Is tomorrow too soon?" he asked laughing. "A movie maybe?"

"A movie sounds great, but I've got loads to do tomorrow, so it'll have to be in the evening ok?"

"Perfect, I'll call to arrange a time and we'll go from there. Until tomorrow then."

Tugging gently on her hands he pulled Grace in and placed the softest of kisses on her lips.

"Goodnight Grace."

"Goodnight Steve."

And with that he was gone.


Wayne jumped out of the shower, got himself dried off and threw on a pair of jeans and casual shirt. Making sure he had actually done something to his hair and not just left it towel dried – it wouldn't have been the first time - he picked up the six of beer and the packs of meat from the fridge and bolted out the door.

"Well, only twenty minutes late – that must be some sort of record for you!" teased Dave as he took the bags from Wayne and shook his friend's hand.

"Leave him alone Dave!" scolded Dave's wife Clare as she pulled Wayne in to a huge hug. "It's great to see you. Go on out back, I'll be there in a moment. Dave will make the introductions, he needs to get back to the barbeque anyway."

Wayne followed Dave out to the back yard where about twenty people were chatting in groups and all eagerly waiting for the food to be ready. Before Dave could say anything a high pitched screech came from the behind the assembled adults.

"Uncle Wayne!" screamed Jess, Dave and Clare's four year old daughter as she jumped off her swing and ran full speed towards Wayne, throwing herself at him. Wayne's face broke into a huge grin as he caught the little girl and swung her high into the air before twirling her round and round.

"Princess, there you are. How's my favourite girl?" he asked, tickling her ribs until she squealed.

"I'm good. I got fish. Come and see?"

"Honey, Uncle Wayne will see your fish later, there's plenty of time. Look, your friend Chloe is here." Dave managed to distract his daughter.

The little girl wriggled in Wayne's arms until she gave him a kiss so he'd put her down and she ran off.

"Right, now introductions." Dave went round the little groups of people, some Wayne knew, some he didn't, by which time Clare had joined the group. She brought out the salads, relishes and rolls to add to the table as Dave announced the meat was ready.

Wayne passed the next hour talking amiably to acquaintances old and new but especially Dave and Clare. He had known Dave for a good few years and the two had become firm friends. This had extended to Dave's family as Clare being the most people orientated person Wayne had ever met, had insisted on her husband's single friend coming to dinner often. Wayne had often admired and if he was honest, had been a little envious of their relationship. A solid, loving partnership, both complimenting each other, but each still having their own interests. Dave was one of the most respected police officers in the department, having chosen to stay a beat cop and had built an incredible relationship with the community he patrolled. He worked at the youth centres, watched out for vulnerable people, went into the schools and had slowly built up the trust of the people in the area. On more than one occasion it was cops like Dave that had been of great help to the CBI. It was while working an arson case that the young, green Wayne Rigsby had been taken under the Dave's wing and had subsequently caught a break that had turned the case on it's head.

Clare had been a budding musician at High School who had never really made the grade to be able to play professionally, but she stayed close to her first love by being the music librarian for the Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra. In fact, many of the people that were here now, were members of the orchestra. In typical fashion, Clare had invited the waifs and strays that had nowhere else to be on the weekend.

Wayne was enjoying himself. He noticed as it hadn't happened much since Grace had left him. Dave and Clare had been the only people outside his Unit who knew the whole story and had shown their friendship and support.

Determined not to let his thoughts dampen his mood, he filled his plate with chicken, sausage and coleslaw and turned around to get his drink. Just as he did he heard Clare behind him calling his name.

"Wayne, I'd like to introduce you to.."

As he turned he overbalanced and tipped the whole plate on to the very pretty woman standing next to Clare.

".. Kate," finished Clare.

Wayne watched in horror as chicken and coleslaw slid down the front of the woman's blouse in what seemed like slow motion. Quickly he grabbed some napkins and started to pick at the mess, apologising over and over, before he realised what he was doing.

Why wouldn't the ground open up and swallow him?

Clare's voice brought him back to his senses and only then did he realise that the woman was actually laughing.

"God, I am so sorry. Please, I'm more than happy to pay the cost of any damage," he spluttered.

The woman looked up at him, still laughing.

"Don't worry about it, honestly. I never liked this blouse anyway. Just sorry you wasted your lunch on it. Clare's offered me something to wear so I'll change and we'll start again shall we?"

And with that she was gone.

Smooth Wayne, real smooth. He couldn't help but berate himself and it wasn't helped when he saw Dave crying with laughter.

Five minutes later Clare and the woman came back.

"Okay, Kate, meet Wayne Rigsby, Wayne, this is Kate Franklin – try not to throw any food at her this time eh?"

Wayne looked at Kate very sheepishly. "Hi. Sorry. Again. Seriously, make sure I get the cleaning bill okay?"

"Okay, if it makes you feel better, but I was serious when I said I didn't like it!"

Only then Wayne realised that she didn't have an American accent. Seeing the quizzical look on his face, she answered his unspoken question.

"English," she said with a smile. "I'm from London, but have been working here a while. I'm currently with the orchestra here in Sac for three months."

"You're a musician?" he asked, finally finding his tongue.

"Yep, cellist. I'd been doing cover work with the Los Angeles Phil and the San Fran Symphony. My contract there had come to an end when I got the call to come here. So here I am."

The pair of them spent the rest of the afternoon totally rapt in each others company, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by Dave and Clare. When it was time to go, and after both Wayne and Kate had admired Jess's new fish, Dave asked if Wayne would mind giving Kate a ride home as she didn't drive. Having spent all afternoon talking and laughing with a woman for the first time in months, he was more that happy to oblige. It helped that she was incredibly pretty. At 5' 8" with a slim build, she didn't make him feel like too much of a giant. Long chestnut brown hair and dark brown eyes that sparkled with an openness he didn't see too much in his line of work, he found himself more than a little physically attracted to Miss Franklin. But what really did it was her gentle sense of humour and how easy it was to talk to her, especially with that adorable accent. Not one to be overly confident with women, he had found himself in unfamiliar territory in that he wasn't fumbling around trying not to say the wrong thing. There had only been one other woman that he had been like that with – and even that had taken a year or so.

They chatted happily all the way to the apartment that Kate shared with another member of the orchestra. As he opened the car door for her, Wayne found himself not wanting to let her go just yet. Before he could even think about it, he heard himself speak.

"Are you doing anything tonight? I mean would you like to go to a movie or dinner … or something?" He inwardly cringed as he listened to his own voice.

The pause until he heard Kate speak seemed like forever.

"I'm afraid I can't tonight. I have a rehearsal. But another night maybe? I'd like that."

She reached into her handbag and gave Wayne her business card with her number on it.

"Call me and we can sort something out. Would that be ok?"

"That would be great. I'll call tomorrow." He gave her a huge grin and saw her look at him as if to say 'sure you will'.

"What? No, I will. I'm not one of those guys."

"Well, we'll see won't we?" she replied. And with that she was gone.