Chapter 3

Aqualad's POV

My heart was racing fast, beating hard against my chest; it was almost impossible to breathe. The air around me was thin and cold, the wind blowing hard. I had one hand in his, my other gripping his wrist as I tried to pull myself up. I couldn't. The gaping wound in my shoulder and side that the man we were pursuing had caused was burning. It hurt so much to move; I just couldn't. The man had shoved two long knives through me, and when he pulled them out, he pushed me. I was standing near the edge of the building, might I add that it was a ten story building, and I fell back, tripping over the ledge, but I was able to grab onto a piece of concrete jutting out from the side of the building. He got away, but mostly because Speedy wouldn't go after him. He ran to me instead. The slab of concrete gave way from under my weight, it snapping from the building with a loud CRACK! The terror was running through my veins as I watched it break, but before I could even fall a few centimeters, Speedy's hand was grasping my wrist, clutching it as tight as he could. He wasn't strong enough to pull me up though. All we could do was stare at each other, our eyes gazing into the others pleadingly, praying for somebody to help us as we did our best to keep our grips on the other.

I could feel my wounds bleeding severely, and I could feel the blood coming up as I coughed, and with each cough, my body would jerk. He'd grip my hand and forearm tighter every time I did. "It's okay Garth. You're alright...just keep your eyes on me," he kept telling me, "Everything will be alright…just don't look down!" My mind was telling me to listen to him, but my eyes deceived me. I shifted my eyes away from his, glancing over my shoulder. As soon as I looked, a wave of fear rushed over me. Several stories down was concrete, not water…concrete. I could survive a fall from this height into a pool or an ocean, but onto solid concrete? That's where my body drew the line. I tried not to panic, but I couldn't help it. I was struggling, pressing my feet against the wall as I tried to climb it, but the more movement I caused, the more Speedy started to lose his grip. The pain in my wounds was gone, the adrenaline pumping through my veins rapidly. "Garth stop! Stop moving!" I didn't listen. I didn't want to fall. I didn't want to die.

"Roy, please! Don't let me fall!" I screamed over and over. "Please…don't let me go!" Half his body was leaning over the edge, and I could tell that he was about to fall too. I willed myself to stop moving, to just hang there so he could at least be able to hold onto me and keep me from falling to my death, but my body refused to cease its movements. Streams rolled down my cheeks, the water overflowing from the corners of my eyes. My fingers were slipping. He grabbed hold of my upper arm, trying to keep a grip on me, but he couldn't hold me for long. I slipped from his fingers, and the distance between us began to grow. My insides felt like they were floating inside of me, rising higher as I fell. I kept my hand out, reaching for him, and he tried to grab onto it, but I was too far. We screamed each other's names, yelling out in terror. My surroundings were darkening. Everything was turning black, fading into absolutely nothing. Our gazes never left the others, and even though I couldn't see them that well, tears were slipping out from under his mask, dripping from his chin and falling along with me.


"GARTH!" …He jumped. I couldn't believe it. He actually jumped. He dove for me, his hands by his sides as he tried to fall faster to get to me. My heart stopped when his arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close to his chest. By instinct, my own arms snaked around his body. We fell through the nothing surrounding us, falling deeper into the dark as we held each other. "I'm right here," he whispered, his hand rubbing the small of my back, "Everything's gonna be okay…" I could tell he was lying, but I didn't say anything. My hands clutched onto the fabric of his shirt on his back, burying my face deeper into his chest as I cried, the darkness consuming us as we seemed to fall forever. I looked down, and I could barely make out ground. We're going to die, was what I was thinking.

THUD! My body slammed onto something hard, and I was half expecting to feel the absolute pain of shattered bones and the burning sensation of internal bleeding, my body mush as it connected with concrete, but it never came. The only thing I felt was the searing ache in my back and the slowly forming headache in my head. I opened my eyes, the normal scenery of my bedroom filling my vision. I blinked my violet eyes several times, them burning from the salty tears brimming under my eyelids. Involuntarily, I reached a hand up to run across my face, wiping the tears and sweat from my eyes and skin. I stopped, looking at my hand. It was trembling, and my heart was still beating furiously. These were the after effects of a nightmare…or would it be a dream? Sure, I was falling to my death. That's what made it nightmare-ish, but it also had Speedy in it, jumping after me to catch me, knowing all too well that he was going to die with me. That's what made it a-somewhat-good dream. I lowered my hand, resting the back of my head on the wooden floor of my bedroom, gazing up at the ceiling above me. Would he ever do something like that? Maybe? I needed to ask him that sooner or later.

"Garth?" I turned my head to the side, my eyes falling on my door as Bee's voice echoed through the metal, reverberating off the walls in my room. Her tone was more of concerned with every word she spoke, "Are you alright? I heard you yell and then something fall…you okay in there?" Damn, I was yelling? What was I yelling exactly? I decided it best not to ask to avoid another one hour session of having to talk to her about my feelings towards the whole separation thing. I don't understand why she was even going along with it. She loved the fact that me and Speedy were together. She was actually the one who got my hopes up about the possibility that he might like me back, and guess what? He did! Thanks to her, we finally came out with our feelings. Well, like I said before awhile back. I knew something was bugging him, and I had a feeling it was because of how he was feeling towards me, so I just kept pushing and pushing, and BAM! HE KISSED ME! Gods, that was the greatest moment in my life. Okay, my love life, but it was still a part of my entire life, so…ugh, I'm getting off topic! Sorry…

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Bee. Yep, she was the one who had helped us get together, and now she was suddenly siding with Robin on how our relationship could jeopardize the team? It's not right. She shouldn't have to listen to that boy wonder. She's the leader of the Titans East, not him, so why is she taking orders from a boy who's half her size and runs a different team? Because he's the main leader of the Titans is what she had said. He runs everything, so that automatically means that she has to obey every single freaking order he gives. I didn't like it one bit, but every time I tried to talk to her about it, she'd immediately dismiss it and walk away. She'll listen to anyone's opinion on anything? Yeah right…

"GARTH!" I jumped. She sounded scared now and more worried, her fists pounding on the door.

"What?" I drawled out the word, my mind still not quite awake and processing well. I glanced up at the clock…seven forty-nine. Training was at eight thirty.

"Are you alright in there?" she repeated, "You're not hurt are you?" I shook my head although I knew she wouldn't see it,

"I'm fine…just fell out of bed." The sentence came out more like a groan. I was just so tired which surprised me a bit. I had slept for a little over eight hours, and I was still sleepy? Usually, I only need about seven hours of sleep, and I'd be fully refreshed for the next day, but I felt like I had just taken a sleeping pill. My eyes refused to stay open, I felt like I could hardly move, and my head was just pounding because of my headache.

"Did you have a nightmare or something?" she asked, "You were screaming pretty loud…" Of course I was. I bet half the world heard me screaming, right? Actually, I don't think I was screaming exactly. Maybe I was just yelling; there is a difference, and no, I'm not going to explain how they're different.

"Yeah, something like that." I don't think she even heard me because I wasn't even sure I heard it. I felt my mouth move, but I just couldn't get the words out of my mouth without it being over a whisper.

"Hey, do you wanna come with me to the kitchen? I made some breakfast…that is, if you want any." Same old Bee. She was never going to give up with trying to get me to eat more. Maybe that's why I'm so tired. My body's probably slowly giving up on me for depriving it of the basic things it needs. I winced, my stomach grumbling as it willed me to get up and go with her. My arms were instantly around it, clutching it tight. It felt like it was collapsing in on itself. It just hurt so much. Well, that's what happens after starving yourself for a little over a week. I sat up slowly, the room spinning a bit before it settled. I needed to eat…now. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed a shirt from my hamper, tossing it over my head. As it fell into place, settling on my shoulders, I realized it was a lot bigger than any of my other shirts. I looked back down and smiled. It was bigger because it was Speedy's. It was his favorite t-shirt too, but he always said he liked it better on me; that it made me look hot. I only ever wore it on days off, but I didn't feel like putting on my uniform. My normal clothes were a lot more comfortable than it anyways.

When the door slid open, Bee looked a little shocked to actually see me smiling a little. I was thinking about Speedy. What do you expect? The thought of him always made me cheerful. It's just something I can't help, but my smile was only little because my stomach was screaming at me to get it food. "Let's go," I said, "I'm starving…" She smiled weakly, happy to see that I was actually going to eat, but still a little worried. She had a right to be though. I was giving up on myself. I didn't want to do anything. Life just wasn't worth living anymore without him, but after seeing Speedy's face, hearing his beautiful voice while he tells me he loves me, I was more set on keeping myself healthy. If I kept treating myself the way I was, Speedy would never forgive me or himself for letting it happen right in front of his eyes. I didn't want him to feel useless, like he couldn't do anything to help me, so I had to stop.

Stepping into the kitchen area, I pulled out one of the stools by the island counter before sitting on it, crossing my arms on the marble and lying my head down on them. I peeked through the small slits where my arms weren't touching and could see the twins munching happily on their waffles, their faces covered in syrup. It took awhile before I found Raven. She was sitting by the stairs, a book in one hand as she read it, and an apple in the other hand. Bee slid a plate across the counter, and it stopped next to me. I looked up, gazing down at the food on the plate. My mouth began to water. It had been too long since I'd eaten anything, so at that point, any food that she made looked good. Two over easy eggs sat next to two slices of bacon, a huge, Belgium waffle taking up most of the plate. I inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of maple syrup and the smoky smell from the bacon overtaking my senses. In a matter of seconds, the food was gone. I'm not kidding. The plate was clean, sparkling even, and as soon as it was void of any food, I was asking for more. How could I starve myself for so long? Gods, I don't know! Everything tasted so good. However, it wasn't as good as Speedy's cooking, but it was a close second. It may be because I was just hungry, but either way, it was good!

Bee happily dropped another waffle down on my plate, just glad to see me eating again. I dropped my fork back down on the plate after I finished the waffle, humming low as I smiled. It was like I was drunk on my breakfast. "Mm…" I murmured, "…that was good…" She shook her head, chuckling as she plated one last waffle for herself.

"Well, I'm glad you liked the food," is what she was saying on the outside. On the inside, she was probably thinking something like, "Well, I'm glad you're eating instead of starving yourself." I nodded, lifting my plate off the table and setting it in the sink. I was still humming, a huge grin on my face. "You know…I'm wondering about a few things," she continued, "What made you decide to eat? And why are you so cheery all of a sudden?" I stopped, stiffening where I stood and my smile disappearing. Why did she want to know…now? I quickly relaxed myself, shrugging my shoulders. I settled on washing the dishes instead of looking up at her. I was just trying to buy some time. I wanted to tell her about me and Speedy, but if Robin told him that he could have no contact with me, it meant that he told Bee to do the same, but she probably decided it best not to tell me. Still, even if she didn't tell me, I still wasn't supposed to talk to him. She leaned against the counter, one hand on her hip, the other resting on the marble surface as she supported herself.

"N-No reason," I cursed my shaky voice, "I-I just feel like…I have to…move on!" That'll work. "Hurting myself because of some guy? Psh…I'm being stupid! He's not worth it!" The words burned my mouth and my entire throat as I spoke them. I hated saying things like this, but it had to be done. He wouldn't mind because I was doing it to protect us both…or was it just me? No, it was both of us. If Bee found out, she'd definitely go to Robin, and then Speedy would be in even more trouble. I chanced a glance up, my eyes connecting with Bee's mahogany colored ones. They were staring me down, an eyebrow raised while her lips formed into a straight line. Did I say something wrong?

"Really?" I could tell she wasn't convinced. "Not only two days ago, you were crying over the separation, and now, suddenly you're fine? I thought you loved him?" I kept silent. I didn't understand her! Then again, what guy can understand a girl? First, she helps me and Speedy get together then she gets us separated and starts to worry about me because I'm not happy. Now that I am, she's suddenly questioning me? She has every right to since I'm speaking to Speedy behind her back, but I thought she would be happy to see me doing better. Guess not…gods, why must women be so difficult?

"I did." I still do… "But I can't exactly just give up on my life because of him. One: that wouldn't be good for me, and two: he wouldn't want me to do that…" Both were true statements, and they seemed to work because she started nodding her head in understanding, but she still looked a little unsure. Before she could say anything else, I quickly added, "I think I'm going to head back to my room…" I turned away from them, heading towards the door that led to the main hallway.

"Don't forget, we have training today," she reminded me, "Go get changed and be down in the gym in twenty minutes." I groaned, but she didn't hear it; nobody did. I almost forgot about training. I nodded my head slowly, never turning to look back at the others.


I collapsed onto my bed, the waves rolling under my body. Everywhere hurt. Maybe slacking off in training for eight days in a row wasn't the brightest idea ever. You wouldn't think that a few days off would be bad, but damn. Those workouts were killer. The swimming laps part was easy, no duh, but doing all the other stuff Bee planned (I can't say what they are though. They're supposed to be "secret") was killer on my muscles. I took a deep breath, releasing it slowly as I tried to regulate my breathing back to normal. A shower would definitely help because I just find it easier to breathe in the water, but I still had to create an email account so Speedy and I can talk. I had a few hours though. Maybe a shower would do me some good.

I tried to sit up, but my muscles just tightened beneath my skin, and I fell forward, landing face first into one of my pillows. I tried to stretch, but, sadly, my suit was constricting me slowly. I forced myself up, grunting as soreness hit me like a car slamming into a brick wall. Stumbling a bit, I used the wall as a support, making my way to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I leaned against the face of it, my back pressing against the hard wood. I winced at the sudden contact and let out a groan, massaging my shoulder with one hand. Usually, Speedy would be the one rubbing my shoulders, but some things have to change, at least for now anyways.

The steam rose from the shower as the water sprayed out of the faucet, the heat soothing every inch of my body and relaxing my taut muscles. It felt amazing after such a strenuous exercise. The water was always a place where I could find solace, especially since Speedy's removal. I spent a lot of time in my room, yes, but most of the time I'd either be sleeping or sitting in the bathtub with the water falling like rain onto my back and body. It was just peaceful enough to allow me to get my mind off of things which was what I needed so badly at this point.

I leaned myself against the glass door of the shower, breathing in heavily. The water was losing heat. Bee was going to get pissed at me for wasting the hot water, but I didn't care. I needed the warmth. That was another reason why I usually just sat in the tub or curled up in the blankets on my bed. It reminded me of the way I always felt whenever Speedy would wrap his arms around me. It was amazingly warm and tender, and I always felt safe. I let out a sigh, I miss his hugs…

If I told you that I could hold you for eternity in my arms, would you let me? I shut the water off before I pulled my towel off the rack, wrapping it around my waist. Of course I told him yes when he asked me that. There was no hesitation either. It was the end of another long day of fighting crime, and the sun was setting over the horizon. Yeah, I know. It sounds like the typical romance crap everyone expects to hear, but it's how it went. Speedy and I were standing up on the roof of the tower, and a stereo was settled not only a few feet away from us. I had my head resting on his shoulder, my arms around his chest while his were placed about my waist as we just swayed back and forth to the song playing. I could hear him humming along to the song as we slowly danced. He asked me the question, and I pulled away from him, gazing lovingly into his masked eyes. I reached up and pulled off his mask, my heart jumping beneath my chest as my eyes connected with his green ones. Like I would ever say no to you. If you could hold me forever, I'd be the happiest boy in the world. He smiled before he leant in closer, pressing his lips to mine.

I collapsed onto my bed after I dressed myself, burying my face into my pillow. I can still remember the song that was playing. Sure, it was by someone Speedy had an absolute dislike for, but he liked the song. It was actually one of the songs I chose for him for today. I pulled my laptop off my nightstand, setting it down on the blanket in front of me. I didn't care much for the fact that it was covering the fan that was keeping my laptop cool, but I was too lazy to actually go to my desk and use it there. As I waited for the computer to load, I laid my head down onto my bed sheets, shutting my eyes as I relaxed on the surface of my bed. I wish you were here to hold me Roy…


I loved the Internet. I finally came to that conclusion. It was probably the best inventions ever. Being able to actually talk to someone who was a thousand miles away without having to call them was a brilliant idea! Sure, it's not exactly new, but for me, someone who's never even thought about something like this, it's pretty amazing. Sure, I wasn't able to actually hear his voice, but this way, no one would find out.

StarcityBoy: Seriously, he put you under lockdown?

Fishyluver: That's wat he calls it…it's just a fancy way of saying that I'm grounded. Lil Mr. I-Think-I-know-it-all…

Poor Speedy. He used to always complain about Robin and how he was comparable to a dictator. Of course, he was over-exaggerating quite a bit then, and now he was being forced to live with this so called "dictator". I was pretty sure that he was not enjoying it one bit…

StarcityBoy: Don't worry…it's only two days, so it isn't that bad.

Fishyluver: I really don't care…I have more time 2 tlk 2 u…

StarcityBoy: I guess that is an upside…

Fishyluver: U guess? U don't wanna tlk 2 me?

StarcityBoy: Oh, you know I do! You can't possibly think that I would ever NOT want to talk to you!

Fishyluver: lol…Im just messin' wit u!

StarcityBoy: ...(pouts)Do you always have to mess with me like that?

Fishyluver: (pretends 2 put actual thought in2 it…)….umm, YEAH! It's my job!

StarcityBoy: Honey, we both know what your job is, and it is definitely not that…if you catch my drift. ;)

Fishyluver: Lol! Looks like Bee was right…I AM rubbing off on you!

StarcityBoy: In more ways than one… xD

Fishyluver: Ooohh you're on a roll!

I couldn't help the happy feeling that was building inside of me. It felt as if we were together again, just spending time with each other like we used to. It was just like normal times.

StarcityBoy: :) Well, you know how I do…

Fishyluver: Oh, no doubt about that… :P

Knock. Knock. Knock. I let out a yelp, my hand instantly snapping to the top of my laptop before I shut it quickly. Who the hell could be outside my door? "Aqualad? Bee wanted me to come check on you…are you alright?" I let out a groan. Why couldn't they just leave me be? I was fine…mostly. Sure, I wanted to be alone, but that was because I wanted to talk to Speedy without any disturbances.

"I'm fine. You can tell Bee that everything's alright, and that she doesn't need to keep checking up on me," I snapped, a little too harsh for my liking too. I didn't mean to sound so rude, but it couldn't be helped. I wanted to be alone for a little while. Of course, Bee could argue that I was spending too much time alone, but it's all I wanted. Well, that and for Speedy to be back home. There was silence outside my door, and I assumed that Raven had already left. I picked up my laptop from my desk, where I had moved to just seconds before I began my conversation with Speedy, and moved back to my bed. It would be more comfortable there.

"Aqualad, are you sure you don't want to talk?" I almost dropped my computer at the question. Raven scared the hell out of me. I was pretty sure she had already left…guess not.

"No I do not," I growled, hopping onto my bed. I rested my back against the headboard, facing the direction of my door.

More silence…

Jeez, I knew Raven was the silent one, but I didn't think she was this quiet…

"Are you sure?" I sighed,


"Alright, I guess I'll leave you alone then…" I kept quiet. Was she gone now? I wasn't sure. Curiosity got the better of me as I rested my laptop onto my bed sheets. Usually when Raven said she was doing something, she would do it, but I was still a little unsure. I walked over to my door, pressing my ear against the metal before I silenced everything. I even held my breath to make sure my constant inhales and exhales wouldn't be a bother. There was no sound outside my door.

"Good, she's gone…" I murmured, making my way back to my bed. I reopened the computer, and I was half expecting to see a trillion messages from Speedy about where I was and if everything was alright. That's not what I saw though…

Fishyluver has logged off

Not something I was expecting to see.

StarcityBoy: Are you there?

Fishyluver is not signed on. Your message will be sent and will be seen the next time Fishyluver logs back on.

Wow, thanks a lot Speedy. Leave me hanging…

I grabbed my notebook off my nightstand, flipping to the page of songs I had prepared. He had left without saying goodbye, the bastard, and without exchanging songs. Maybe it was something important though. Maybe Robin was at his door, and he had to log off so we wouldn't be discovered….but that was highly unlikely though. We fixed our usernames to where no one would figure out it was our other we were talking to. So…

…why would he log off?

Fishyluver has logged on

What the heck?

Fishyluver: Hey Al…sorry, I had to log off real quick

No explanation? No reasoning?

…and did he just call me Al?

StarcityBoy: Why?

I waited for a reply, but one never came…until ten minutes later.

Fishyluver: The alarm went off, and Robin came pounding on my door when I didn't go running off to the living room to receive the report. I logged off, and then when I got to the living room, I found out it was just a false alarm. They need to get the stupid alarm fixed because I don't want to have to rush out when nothing's wrong…

StarcityBoy: That's weird though…there's no such thing as a false alarm, especially at their tower. I mean, Cyborg built it. There's no way that there'd be a glitch.

Fishyluver: …u can't trust today's technology…

StarcityBoy: I guess…

Something was up. Speedy was the last person to ever say, "You can't trust today's technology". He was all about today's technology. He couldn't live without his laptop, cell phone, I-Pod, his technologically advanced arrows. Without technology, he'd be using those old, or as he put it, "piece of crap" arrows that have no power behind them at all. Of course, they were the original so they had to have been useful back when, but now, compared to the arrows that Speedy created, they were outdated and useless.

There was no way that this could be Speedy, but who was it? They knew who I was, or at least who I was in the Teen Titans…

…let's play along shall we?

StarcityBoy: Hey Speedy, question?

Fishyluver: Wat's up?

Hmm, didn't look like he minded me calling him Speedy. Usually, I would call him Roy.

StarcityBoy: Do you remember that song we danced to on top of the roof that one night? Remember, you asked me if you could hold me forever, would I let you?

Fishyluver: Yeah, of course! How could I forget?

StarcityBoy: Well, do you remember the name of the song that was playing?

Fishyluver: Yup! I'd always remember…

StarcityBoy: Well then…what is it?

Another ten minutes, no response. I had a feeling I knew why…

Fishyluver: It was that one song! Um…I can't think of the name right now, but I DO know it! You know me…so forgetful.

…forgetful? Speedy was somewhat forgetful, but he would never forget something as important as that song. Not that one…

"Garth, shouldn't you be inside resting?" Speedy asked me as he stepped onto the concrete padding that made up the roof. I just shrugged, hugging myself tighter as I watched the sun set in front of me. My breathing was still a little uneven, but after what happened only a few hours before, I wasn't going to miss the sunset. I was happy that I was able to see it again, and that I'd be able to see another day. I felt a hand touch my shoulder lightly, moving down my arm and to my hand before it tightly gripped mine. "You really should be in the infirmary right now. Come on..let's-" I jerked his hand as he tried to pull me back towards the door, and he stopped. "Garth?"

"Isn't the sunset just beautiful?" I muttered, glancing at him from over my shoulder. He looked at me worried but said nothing. His dark green eyes seemed to glow as the sun shined before us, but the concern within them took over their beauty. He gripped my hand tighter,

"Yeah baby, yeah it is. But please, will you go back to the infirmary?"He was pleading now, voice shaky as he tried to pull me along back towards the door.

"Roy, I'm fine, honestl-"

"Garth you are not fine! Your breathing and heart stopped altogether today!" He screamed, tugging my arm harshly now. I jumped at his sudden outburst,, shocked and forced into silence. "Please, you don't know how scared I was of losing you. You could have died!" How could I be so selfish? He was only worried and afraid for me, like any good lover would be. But…like he said, I was so close to dead. Well technically, I was dead, but I was alive now. And I just wanted to come up and enjoy the sunset, afraid that it could possibly be my last, like it almost was today.

"I'm sorry baby…but…can I please stay up here? For a little while longer? You can keep me company if you'd like?"

StarcityBoy: Okay, whoever this is, give it up. I know you're not Speedy…

Fishyluver: Dude, what are you talking about? Of course this is Speedy…

Dude? Never once have I ever heard Speedy say that. I knew of only one person though…

StarcityBoy: Beast Boy, get the hell off of Speedy's computer!

Fishyluver: Wow, Aqualad you're good. How'd you figure it out?

I rolled my eyes. He was a complete idiot. A good friend, but an idiot.

StarcityBoy: BB! What are you doing? Where's Speedy? Crap, you'd better not tell Robin!

Fishyluver: I won't! Jeez…you don't trust me?

StarcityBoy: It's not you I don't trust…it's your big mouth…

Fishyluver: Now that's harsh…why are you trying to keep this a secret anyways?

StarcityBoy: You can't seriously be asking that? If Robin finds out, Speedy and I are screwed! Robin will have Speedy under close surveillance to make sure he's not contacting me AT ALL! We'll be completely separated…

Fishyluver: Don't worry, I won't tell. My lips…are sealed!

StarcityBoy: *thinks*Why do I have the feeling that this is going to go terribly wrong?

Fishyluver: Everything's going to be alright! Trust me!

StarcityBoy: Okay…now, where's Speedy?

Fishyluver: Robin lifted his punishment for a bit so he could help him with a problem in the city…some bank robbery that's getting out of control. Apparently there are hostages…

StarcityBoy: When he gets back, tell him you know so he doesn't freak out, and tell him it's okay that you do…oh, and to be careful when he goes out to missions. Don't want him getting hurt…

Fishyluver: Got it! See ya…

Fishyluver has logged off

Speedy, next time you'd better come up with a better password. If Beast Boy can figure it out, that's saying something…

An hour later

Fishyluver: I'm sorry for leaving at such short notice…

StarcityBoy: It's okay. I understand…just, maybe a little warning next time, like "I got to go! Bye!" or just "Bye!" would be fine too.

Fishyluver: I know…I'll remember that next time.

StarcityBoy: Good.

…Idiot…I mean, as harsh as it was to think this, it was fine. He embraced his idiocy, and he even said that he knew he could one sometimes. No harm in me agreeing with him.

Fishyluver: Damn BB. How the f* did he know my password?

StarcityBoy: Let me guess, maybe because it was too obvious?

Fishyluver: IT WAS NOT!

StarcityBoy: SexyHair123

Fishyluver: …

Fishyluver: How in the world-


Fishyluver: -_- soorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy. :/ I'll make a new one.

StarcityBoy: Yeah you'd better. Ready to exchange songs?

Fishyluver: Yes, but I'm going to send your song through a link instead of telling you it :) Make it a surprise. Thank you youtube haha

StarcityBoy: Oohhh that sounds like a great idea actually!

I did mention I loved technology now, right? It was so convenient!

Fishyluver: /watch?v=JWiwuiT58Yc

StarcityBoy: Rhythm of Love by the Plain White T's? LOVE IT :D haha

Fishyluver: Yeah I do too! This song reminds me of all the times we spent those nights at the beach together :) Makes me think of the huge bonfires we used to have with the team and the others, remembering when I'd have you so close, arms wrapped around your waist and holding you against my chest as we sway back and forth to the music playing. Hehe

StarcityBoy: I remember those every night I close my eyes, every time I'm alone. I miss it all so much…

Fishyluver: Don't worry baby. Just keep hoping. We'll be back together again in each other's arms before you know it, k?

StarcityBoy: You're right hon'. :) I have nothing to worry about. Okay, so here's your song. /watch?v=3ExWsVFJlFo

Fishyluver: SHOOT ME! It's JUSTIN BIEBER. *screams in terror*

StarcityBoy: HEY! This is that song we listened to while we were on the roof that one night…

Fishyluver: You think I don't remember? Pretty sure that night, the entire day actually, is permanently burned into my memory. I almost lost you…beat the shit out of that guy who hurt you though. He apologized. xD haha hmm…maybe that's why I beared through this song. I was just so happy that you were okay that his voice, one that burns my ears to listen to, was bearable. You know, it still pretty much applies to now, right?

StarcityBoy: Yeah that's another reason why I picked it. I'm sorry it hurts you to listen to. You don't have to then.

Fishyluver: Baby, for you, I'll listen to it :) it's okay, really. I'll listen to it only once though…

StarcityBoy: That's fine xD

Fishyluver: Oh shit, I hear that little twerp's voice heading down the hall. He sounds pissed. I have to go! I love you! Ill try to get back on later! BYE

Fishyluver has logged off

Wonder what that's all about…

Apparently, the websites for the song can't be typed out completely. Sorry :/ tried to fix it several times, but it won't work.

As well, I want to say to all my readers that I'm sorry for the delay. Sophomore year brought only more stress and drama, especially in my school life, but mostly my love life. And I just gave up with writing these stories. But I was reading through some of the stories I wrote a few days ago, and I felt I should restart and finish this one since it was my favorite. Hope you readers out there enjoy it. If it's poorly written, I'm sorry. Still trying to readjust to writing fanfics once more. I've been focused as well on a novel I'm trying to write. Well I say a novel because it's practically as long as a book now, but I don't know. If you haven't given up on me yet, I hope you will enjoy the chapters I post for this story.
