
I should be working in other stuff not a two hour fanfic that I rushed through to get finished! Well I wanted to do this for a while...

All of my Arthur are always just, well...either too crazy, too fucked up or just too...crazy. So I wanted to write a fic with ukefied Arthur to give myself a rest and that is how this abortion was born. Well, you can't spell Uke with out UK! hahahahahano.

AU. Bleh. My sex escapade fic. lawls.

Warnings: Ukefied Arthur, BDSM, sex, D/S, M/S, and all of those terms, smut, and possibly a decent amount of grammar mistakes because I didn't ask my friend to beta this. I mean come on...

Arthur had always been told that he was too much of a stick in the mud. Every day at work people would either talk behind his back or make fun of him. Truth to be told he didn't understand why. He was polite, and tried his best to be nice and had good manners, but in the end it all came down to the fact that he was just too old fashion. All of his friends were around the age of twenty one and twenty six, which meant that after work they wanted to go out and have fun, to live their youth until it was time to step back and have a more relaxing life while Arthur was already living in that phase and he was only twenty five.

The Brit just didn't like going to noisy clubs filled with people rubbing against each other, he also didn't like random strangers hitting on him for no reason and it happened before when he accepted to go out with his friends. The situations were always awkward and then Arthur was left to deal with those situations by himself while his friends were just poking fun of him from far.

Arthur just wasn't the type of person that lived in the now and would think about what may happen later, no, that wasn't him at all. So his friends were now starting to ditch him whenever they would go out or felt like making a party, except when they needed a designated driver since Arthur didn't drink anymore, not after having problems with alcohol during his teenager days.

"You should relax Arthur, I know of a place that could for sure suit you well, you should go when you have the time."

That's what his friend Gilbert said before giving him some address on the back of a napkin when they were having lunch at work. The Brit worked for a computer company and all day long he was answering phone calls with people that had technical issues. It was truly frustrating sometimes and it took all of Arthur's will power not to tell the person behind the phone that they were idiots and deserved to get run over by a train while they were sleeping. Gilbert didn't work in his department but the testing department but still, they pretty much worked together.

Arthur wasn't sure why or for what God forsaken reason he decided to do what the albino said, maybe he just wanted to show his friends that he wasn't such a prude and he could, if he wanted, have fun at any nightclub he wished! Yes, that was definitely the reason.

So now Arthur was standing in front of a three storage building with a very settle look from the outside. The walls were a blue color with a mix of gray and the door looked like something that belonged to a fancy hotel in New York. The windows were all dark and for the looks of it there was no line whatsoever so he didn't see the reason for a man to be standing in front of the door.

The sandy blond swallowed and walked across the street. He felt awkward, weird even because now he was regretting doing this. Maybe he could come back tomorrow yes! But now the male in front of the door was moving and smiling at him before letting him go inside and before Arthur could turn around and walk away his feet were dragging him inside the building and he almost felt his heart jump against his chest when the door closed behind him.

The long hallway in front of him was decorated with paintings and low candles where hanging from the walls, illuminating the hall a little bit. Arthur clumsily dragged his feet across the rich red carpet and turned to his right once he reached the end of the hallway and what he saw was for sure something completely different from any night club he had ever seen.

The club looked more like a rich party. The huge room was decorated like a castle and rich fabrics hang from the ceiling and rolled around the pillars in the room. There were a lot of different expensive looking couches and chairs all over the floor, making up around twelve different living areas within the room. On right wall there where chairs and a pair of double doors that took to a kitchen while on the left side a modern bar was standing proud and tall and even though it looked too modern it still fit with the decor of the place.

The people were all dressed up with nice clothes not elegant but nice none the least and Arthur all of sudden felt so out of place. He was merely wearing some normal black trousers with and oversize button up, dark blue, sweater that his brother gave him for Christmas, he didn't know his size so he ended up buying one that was too big for him! So now the bloody thing would reach a little bit below his thighs and the dress shirt he was wearing underneath was nothing fancy either, or the black tie on his neck.

The sandy blond rubbed his lips nervously and moved over to the bar, his fingers nervously playing with the long sleeves of his shirt before he sat on one of the stools with his hands on the bar. He felt so stupid now!

The bartender however just smiled at him and walked over. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked with a heavy Hispanic accent hanging from his tongue.

Arthur thought about it, and he truly didn't want any alcohol in his system but asking for water was just too lame even for him. "Do you have any tea by any chance?"

"Sure do sir!" With a grin the brown haired bartender picked up a menu from behind him and handed it over to Arthur. "Take your pick."

The sandy blond was of course surprised that a bar would have tea! That was great so with a small smile he ran his eyes over the menu. "mhm, I would like a white Scottish tea please." He smiled and handed back the menu to the bartender.

"It would be ready in a second sir." And with that being said the bartender picked up a see through cup of tea and poured in hot water inside. The man smiled a bit as he picked up what looked like a steel ball with little holes inside. He dropped the ball inside the cup of tea and then gently moved it around with a spoon. Soon enough the water was changing color and the smell was able to reach Arthur's nose.

"Here you go sir, enjoy."

The cup was put in front of Arthur and he said a small thank you before taking a sip of his tea. Apparently the small steel ball contained the herbs inside and once the tea was at the costumer's liking then they could remove the ball

"You are new around here."

Arthur almost choked with his tea when he heard a voice right next to his ear. The mortified Brit moved back and turned his head to stare at a pair of azure eyes. The sunny blond next to him was practically leaning on top of him and was smiling at him like if it was normal to do so! One of his hands was resting on the bar top while the other one was on the back of Arthur's stool.

"Y-yes…uh, a friend of mine recommended this place, though to tell the truth I don't know why. I don't think I fit here quite well." Arthur nodded his head and leaned back a little bit more.

"Really? And why would you say that?" The bigger male smiled at him and finally leaned back against his own stool much to Arthur's relief.

"This place looks far too, well, uh…" The Brit frowned a bit, not knowing how to put his words together.


"Yeah sex-wait no! No! Not that!" Arthur huffed a bit and gave the laughing sunny blond a glare.

"I was just trying to help ya out. My name is Alfred by the way." The American grinned, leaning his face against his hand. "And I like your accent."

The sandy blond felt a blush crawling on his cheeks but he ignored it for now. "I'm Arthur, Arthur Kirkland."

"Ohhh, fancy last name and all." Alfred smirked a bit. "So tell me Arthur do you have an owner yet or are you just looking for one right now?"

Arthur that had been about to take another sip of his tea almost dropped his cup at what the American asked. "P-pardon? What are you talking about?"

"Well I was just asking because…" The American smiled a bit more and then gently reached for Arthur's throat, his fingers running over the smooth skin before the digits quickly took a hold of Arthur's chin. The taller blond pulled his face forward until Arthur was at the edge of falling off of his stool. "I don't see a collar around this pretty neck of yours."

The sandy blond felt his face quickly heating up, his lips were trembling and he wanted to pull back but he couldn't, all he could do was to stare at the blue eyes in front of him and the smirk in those lips. "I-I really, I really don't know what you are talking about." He was able to finally say something and he didn't like how shy his voice sounded.

"So you are that new uh? Well I like you, you are pretty and I like your accent so I'm going to be the one to introduce you to this." The voice wasn't asking or making a suggestion he was telling Arthur what he was going to do and before he could even say something the American was dragging him across the club! The sandy blond hardly had the time to even register what was happening. Alfred was pulling on his hand and taking him up the stairs of the night club until they were on the second floor of the building.

The American smiled back at him and pulled out a card from within his back pocket that he used to open one of the doors on the hallway. Really, Arthur thought that the second floor looked exactly like a hotel and when he was pulled inside the room he was sure of it.

The room was big, with a small living area and even an electric fire place. Arthur could see a large bathroom to his right with even a Jacuzzi tub and a rain shower next to it, though what made the blond twitch soon enough was that there was a big bed near the center of the room and that was starting to worry him because this seriously was now starting to look like a hotel room and nothing else.

"What are we doing here?" Arthur swallowed heavily as he asked, afraid of what the answer may be.

"I said it didn't I? I'm going to be the one to introduce you to this and I'm going to make sure you enjoy yourself like you never did before." The American smirked and turned around so he was facing the sandy blond, he took a step closer and then another one until he was cornering the other against one of the walls in the bedroom. "Say Arthur, you look like you need to just relax…I can tell for the way you dress and the way you speak that you are too proper, that you have too much control over your life. How about you give me that control uh? How about letting me take over?"

Arthur gulped softly and almost sulked against the wall behind him, a new blush was slowly forming across his cheeks because of how close the American was to him. "H-how can I do that?" Why was he even asking? He should be running and kicking the damn door open so he could escape.

"Simple, just do what I say and if you don't then you get a punishment. I'm going to train you so well that you are never going to be worried in your life ever again."

And Alfred was purring out those words and it was making Arthur shiver and close his eyes. Once again he was nervously playing with the sleeves of his sweater but this time he was even chewing on his lips. He truly wasn't sure what Alfred was talking about, but the idea just sounded so perfect. He wanted to get away from everything, he didn't want to think about his job, his bad friends and how lonely he was every time he would come back home. All of it, he wanted to forget all of it even for at least a couple of minutes.


Arthur opened his eyes slowly when he felt something slipping around his neck. He tilted his head down and stared at the black collar around his neck. The leather was soft against his skin but not heavy and uncomfortable. Blinking the blond gently touched the collar with his fingers before giving the American a confused look.

The sandy blond truly didn't have time to be confused though, because in a blink of an eye Alfred had pulled him across the room and shoved him against the bed until he was sitting on the middle of the bed.

"W-what are yo-"

A hand quickly was shoved on top of his mouth, keeping him from asking any questions.

"Rule number one, you do not speak unless I allow you to do it. You don't say a word unless I let you do it." The American smiled amusedly and let go of Arthur's mouth slowly, just testing it to see if the blond wouldn't say anything. When the Brit kept his mouth shut Alfred smiled a bit more. "Good."

A pair of hands quickly moved on top of Arthur's body. One hand tugged on his tie until it was off while the other one moved lower to undo his pants and tug them down below his hips. The poor sandy blond had to quickly cover his mouth to keep himself from protesting or saying something and doing so appeared to be amusing Alfred even further.

"Rule number two, no matter what I do to you, you are always going to thank me. No matter how low and humiliating it is you are going to love it and say thank you." Alfred pulled down Arthur's pants all the way below his knees before doing the same with his underwear and he had to laugh when the Brit quickly pulled his sweater down to cover himself. "Don't be shy. I'm going to see more than this if we keep this up."

Arthur only blushed in response and kept his hands on top of his sweater, covering the lower half of his body. He wanted to say something and his mouth was opening and closing but no words would come out. Arthur was feeling helpless and he wasn't even sure why, he could always kick this America right on the crotch and run out of the room and he would never see him again but…but he didn't want too. The feeling of shame that he was getting from what the America was doing was washing over his body and it was feeling so good.

"Little slut aren't you? You are already half hard and I haven't even touch you yet." Alfred chuckled softly, his eyes fixed on the small tent that was forming on top of Arthur's sweater. With a quick move the American took a hold of the sweater before yanking it up along with the dress shirt. He exposed the other completely, pulling the sweater until it was above Arthur's nipples.

"Rule number three, you let me do whatever I want with you, at any time I want and anywhere I want." The American licked his own lips before leaning down to run his tongue over the Brit's navel all the way to his chest, his spare hand quickly pinched one of the soft nubs on Arthur's chest, making it hard before twisting it softly. Alfred could see Arthur's hands shaking and fighting back the urge to push him away but apparently Arthur was able to keep his body under control for now.

"Rule number four, your job is to please me. If you do anything to upset me then I am going to punish you."

Arthur whimpered softly and closed his eyes tightly. He was chewing on his bottom lip and shivering as the skillful tongue licked and sucked on the skin of his chest. Still he nodded his head slowly at what Alfred was saying, his body already trembling in excitement and a feeling that he just couldn't recognize.

"Rule number five, you call me master. You call me master when we are like this, alone. When in public you can call me by my name unless I tell you otherwise. Now say it." Alfred gently took a hold of Arthur's chin, forcing him to look at him as one of his hands spread his legs apart.

The Brit swallowed heavily and rubbed his lips together. He could feel his tummy twitching and something below his stomach as well but he wasn't sure of what it was, not even when he first had sex he felt like this.

"Ma…Master." Came out the shaky voice and Alfred grinned while Arthur's stomach sank.

"Those are enough rules for now."

Arthur yelped softly when Alfred flipped him over so he was lying down on his tummy before forcing his knees to bend forward so his ass was hanging in the air. He blushed and buried his face against the bed, his legs shifting back and forth a little bit. There was a loud smack then and Arthur felt his thigh burning and soon enough a whimper crawled out from within his throat as both of his hands tightly took a hold of the bed sheets under him.

"I didn't hear a thank you…" And Alfred then smacked Arthur's thigh again, this time doing it hard enough to leave the skin red. "Thank me you little slut."

The sandy blond yelped softly and rubbed his cheek against the bed, his eyes were tightly close as his mouth opened slowly. "T-thank you master." He said with a soft trembling voice.

"Good." Alfred was grinning again and lean over Arthur, rubbing his clothed body against the other's exposed skin. The American didn't pay attention to that though, because he was reaching for the night table next to the bed and pulling something out. "Spread them."

Arthur ran his tongue over his lips and did what he was told. Slowly he spread his legs apart, forcing the same red blush to crawl back across his face.


The Brit moved his legs, spreading them a bit more. Goose bumps slowly crawling all over his skin.


This time he ended up spreading them even more until he felt shame all over his body. It was an odd feeling, like if he was cold but he knew he wasn't and his stomach wouldn't stop twitching inside of him.

"That's good enough." Alfred smirked and pulled Arthur's hands until his wrists where right next to his knees. "Don't move."

Arthur just nodded his head and sighed. He could feel himself breathing heavily through his nose and his cock. Fuck, he could feel how hard he was and it was just painful not to do something right now. He wanted to reach down and stroke himself or ask Alfred to do it. That idea made the sandy blond shiver and moan. Yes, he wanted to feel Alfred's hand on his member, stroking the sensitive skin and bringing his body to an orgasm.

The Brit snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something cold pressing against the back of his knees and soon enough something soft was wrapping around his knees and wrists. Arthur slowly lifted his head and glanced back, his eyes going slightly wide at what was happening.

The American was tiding his wrists and the back of his knees to what looked like a long metal bar. Arthur gasped softly and tried to move but by now the sunny blond was done and it was impossible for him to close or stretch his legs or move his arms.

"What a-are you doing!"

The answer the Brit received was a hard slap on his ass and a hand roughly pulling on his hair until he felt tears building up on the corner of his eyes.

"No talking unless I let you, you can remember that right Arthur? Follow the rules or I'm going to have to punish you." The American let go of Arthur's hair and smiled at him.

Alfred tilted his head a little bit and then gently ran his fingers over Arthur's ass, one of his hands was used to spread apart the other's asscheeks while the other one rubbed against the tight hole that was there. "You are cute Arthur, you were meant to be fucked by me, to be used by me and to be made a mess by me. I hope you enjoy it." The American pulled his hands back just to reach for the lube that was on the night table. He popped the lid open and just poured in some of the lube on top of Arthur's ass. One of his fingers lazily rubbed against the tight ring of muscles before pushing its way inside the tight opening.

Arthur twitched and gasped softly when the finger was pushed inside of him. He squirmed and moved a little bit, his body truly not being used to any of this. He never had anal sex before, ever. Just the normal kind with some girls in high school before college ate his life away. The short male wasn't sure of what to think of something like this. It was odd and it was making his face red all over. In other circumstances the mere idea of somebody wanting to do this to him would anger him, but right now after everything Alfred said he couldn't help himself but to thrust his hips back against the finger.

"Such a horny bitch, thrusting his hips already. I'm surprised you are not a loose whore if you get worked up so easily." A second finger was then added and Alfred chuckle at the moan he got in return. "Though I like that, I like how sensitive you are and how you are not used to it. It's making me hard already." The fingers began to thrust in and out, spreading apart the tight insides before pulling back just to be shoved back inside until Arthur's asshole was rubbing against Alfred's knuckles.

Arthur was mortified because of what Alfred was saying, he had his eyes tightly shut and the blush on his face was not leaving at all now. Yet he could feel his cock twitching with every word the American was saying. It was like if his brain was responding to everything in the opposite manner that it was supposed to!

And then another finger was added and Arthur was squirming more and more. He was moaning and thrusting his hips back and forth against the fingers, rocking and rolling his hips as the digits moved in and out of his body before spreading apart his insides. It felt good, so good. Even his nipples were getting hard just from the feeling on his asshole. Oh god his nipples. He could now feel how hard they were and how every time he would thrust back against the fingers the nubs would rub against the sheets, creating a delicious friction on his chest.

"I think that's enough of that." Alfred pulled his fingers out and Arthur couldn't help himself but to whine. The American laughed a little bit at that and roughly rubbed his hand against Arthur's ass. The shorter male arched against the touch, letting out another needy moan.

"It's alright Arthur, I have something else for you."

The sandy blond let out a soft noise against the bed but soon he felt something else rubbing against his ass. It was soft and a little bit cold and for sure it was bigger than the fingers that had been inside of him. Slowly the thing pushed inside of him, spreading apart his inner walls and stretching him until the blond felt full, until his insides were twitching and screaming at him. And the only thing he could do was to moan and thrust his hips back, letting his body rock back and forth against the thing that was now in his ass.

There was a flicking noise and the object began to vibrate. Arthur let out a loud moan and buried his face against the bed, his hands struggling a bit and trying to get free before holding tightly on the bed sheets instead. The blond was panting, breathing heavily breathing through his nose before letting the air out through his mouth. He could feel sweat slowly coating his body and pre-cum leaking out from his cock but that was nothing compared to the pleasure the toy inside of him was bringing him.

"That's right Arthur, thrust your hips like a fucking bitch in heat."

And Arthur did, he felt a shiver running down his back as he moved his hips faster against the toy, soft noises crawling out from his mouth nonstop until he felt the bed shifting and Alfred was sitting in front of him with his crotch only a few centimeters away from his face.

The American took a hold of Arthur's hair and lifted his face off of the bed before getting closer to him and rubbing Arthur's cheek against his crotch. "Have you ever sucked a cock before fuck hole?"

Arthur shivered at the nickname and shook his head, his lips rubbing against each other.

"Then I'll let you have it easy this time." Alfred smirked and flicked the button of his pants open before unzipping his pants slowly. He pulled his underwear down, just enough to get his member out from within his clothes. "Lick on it, suck it, take it in your mouth as much as you can. I'm being nice since it is our first time together." The American chuckle and gently rubbed the head of his cock against Arthur's lips, letting the pre-cum rub over the soft skin. "And what do we say Arthur?"

The sandy blond swallowed and stared at Alfred, his body once again trembling against the bed. "T-thank you master."

"Thank you for what?"

Arthur let out a soft noise. "Tha..thank you for letting me suck your cock master." He said in a low shaky voice.

Alfred just smirked.

The sandy blond licked and rubbed his lips together before sticking out his tongue to run the wet muscle over the warm skin in front of him. He shuddered at the flavor but didn't stop, instead he lightly wiggle on the bed to get closer to Alfred, his asshole tightening around the toy inside of him as he sucked on the tender flesh.

Arthur closed his eyes and let his tongue roam all over Alfred's member, coating the skin with a thin layer of saliva. His hips were now rocking back and forth against the toy, sucking it in deeper inside of him until the base of the toy was rubbing against his ass ring. The Brit moaned softly against Alfred's member, his head tilting upwards to take in the head inside of his mouth and suck around it. Maybe…maybe if he did a good job then Alfred would do something else, something better, something that would truly drive his body insane. Right now the blond couldn't think about his worries, his friends, his job, his lack solitude. No, all of that was gone, right now the only thing the Brit could feel was the toy that was deep in his asshole and the cock that was in his mouth.

Arthur wanted Alfred to fuck him. Yes, he wanted to be fucked by him, to have the other fill him up until the toy in his ass was put to shame. Until he couldn't think about anything else but the pleasure that Alfred was giving him and he moaned. He gave a loud needy moan as tears formed on the corner of his eyes.

Alfred smiled a little bit and stared down at Arthur with an amused stare. He took a hold of the other's hair and pulled his head back, his thumb gently rubbing under the Brit's bottom lip. "Why are you making lewd faces like that? Mhm? Are you thinking about something Fuck toy? Tell me."

Arthur groaned softly and closed his eyes, his hips moving almost violently against the toy inside of him. He let out a loud moan and leaned against the finger on his bottom lip while his head was trying to nuzzle against the hand on his hair. "I-I…I want master to fuck me. P-please. I want master to fill me in like this toy and fuck me, u-until I can't think of anything, anything but master and how he makes me feel. P-please." The blond let out a small needy noise, his half lidded eyes staring at Alfred.

The American blinked a couple of times before a small smirk tugged across his lips. "You truly are a slutty toy." But the sunny blond was pulling back and yanking out the toy inside the Brit. He tossed the thing aside and purred softly as he leaned his weight on top of Arthur. One of his hands pushed Arthur's face down against the bed, letting him move it enough just so he could breathe.

Arthur gasped softly and his eyes went wide when he felt the head of Alfred's cock pushing inside of him. He shivered from head to toes and let out a loud moan as his lips formed a small, slutty smile. His now half lidded eyes were staring at the bed sheets and he could feel his lungs burning from the lack of air. He forgot how to breathe for a couple of seconds. But he didn't care because soon enough he was moaning again and began to pant softly against the sheets his hands once again fisting the bed sheets.

"Does it really feel that good my slutty fuck hole?" The American chuckle, his fingers reaching down to gently pet the soft blond hair. There was a soft growl though and the sunny blond took a tight hold of the sandy locks before pulling his hips back just to thrust them back against the other. The rhythm was slow at first but Alfred grew bored of it and began to thrust his hips harder against the Brit. Pounding inside of him until he could hear his skin slapping and rubbing against Arthur's. He licked his own lips, taking in the sight below him.

The shorter male was panting heavily and he couldn't stop moaning with each thrust Alfred would give inside of him. He was twitching and trashing around, moving his hips back against Alfred's to meet each and every single one of his thrusts. The green eyes were filled with lust and tears, tears that were slowly rolling down from the corner of his face. Arthur was blushing again, and he was arching his back to stick his ass out in the air and make it easier for Alfred to thrust inside of him, so he could fuck him harder and faster so he could feel so stuffed and filled that he would go crazy.

Alfred growled softly and shut his eyes, one of his hands was now holding on Arthur's hips to pull the body closer to him, his other hand was reaching lower though, spreading apart Arthur's asscheeks so he could feel his hole being stretched even further. "Tell me how much you are loving this you fuck hole! Tell me how much you are enjoying being fucked by me and how much you want my dick to fill you up until you can't fucking walk." The American hissed out, giving a rough thrust as he did so.

Arthur bit down on the corner of his bottom lip, his half lidded eyes struggling to stay open. He was moving his hips faster and harder against Alfred before tightening his asshole around the cock inside of him. "I-I…ah! M-master. I-I love it, p-please, ah!" The blond couldn't help himself and moan loudly, his words struggling to get out. "God please, please fuck me harder! Please! Fuck me u-until I can't walk and the only thing I can think of is Master fucking my ass!"

The American groaned and spanked Arthur's right ass cheek, a small satisfied smirk spreading on his lips. "Good fuck toy, good fuck toy!" And he was thrusting faster against the body underneath him. He was now holding on Arthur's hips with both of his hands, roughly pulling the body against his member as he thrust forward. He kept thrusting deeper searching for that spot that was going to drive his little slut insane. A loud moan that soon turned into a scream told him all he needed to know. With a grin the American aimed for the other's prostate, hitting that spot with each thrust.

Arthur lightly choked with one of his moans and he just couldn't take it anymore. He could feel his tummy growing warmer and warmer, and his body shaking without control, his eyes were lightly rolling to the back of his head and everything was just too much for him. The sandy blond moaned loudly and he came against the bed sheets underneath him, his body twitched and jerked a little bit as he came before he moaned again and closed his eyes. All of his body instantly went into a dream like state, he was so relaxed and in so much pleasure he couldn't even hear what Alfred was saying to him anymore.

The next thing he was able to feel was something wet filling his asshole and Alfred collapsing on top of him for a couple of seconds before pulling back and out of him. Arthur shivered when the American pulled out, his asshole now feeling empty and used. Soon enough his legs and wrist were free and Alfred was sitting against the headboard and pulling him on top of him.

"I-I just had sex with a random stranger." Arthur finally said after breaking free from his pleasure high like state.

Alfred laughed softly and groped the Brit's ass, one of his fingers slipping inside his hole and wiggling inside. "I'm clean so don't worry about it." The American snickered, and leaned in to lick Arthur's ear while pulling him further on top of him until their chests were pressing against each other. "Your asshole is so wet, like a woman's cunt."

Arthur blushed at that and just let out a soft noise, his eyes shutting tightly. Though he did noticed something and slowly he opened his eyes with a small frown. "Y-you never took your clothes off."

Alfred smirked and the hand that wasn't busy playing with his ass moved over to take a hold of his chin. "Sluts don't get to see their masters naked until they are good little pets." With nod the American licked Arthur's lips. "They don't get kisses either or any kind of nice affection. So are you going to be a good little pet so you can get this Arthur?"

The smaller male swallowed heavily and stared at Alfred, his body already shivering from the attention on his lower body. With a soft whimper he moved his hips against the hand on his ass before he nodded his head. "Y-yes master."

"Good." Alfred chuckled softly and made the other sit on top of his hips. The sweater and shirt soon rolled down pooling around Arthur's thighs. "Now what are you?"

Arthur blinked a couple of times at the question and licked his own lips, he thought about everything Alfred said to him or at least the things he was able to get before becoming such a big mess. With shaky lips the sandy blond gave a small smile and stared down at Alfred. "I-I'm master's fuck h-hole."

"That's right, and for being such a good bitch and getting it right I'm going to let you ride my cock, right now." Alfred smirked with half lidded eyes and lifted the Brit's hips, letting his already hard member rub against the other's entrance. "Have fun with it. Ride it you wet bitch."

And Arthur shivered before lowering his body and letting out a loud moan.

I am possibly going to add more chapters...which are going to probably be full of smut but I doubt I am going to be updating this fic too I feel the urge of writing super uke UK again.

GOD I'm such a pervert, the reputation of french people is never going to change because of people like me. Fuuuuuck!

Reviews amuse me.