A/N: I saw a prompt like this on the APH Kink Meme, except it was Hungary who was to eat the sausages… heheh. Well, I'm a Prustria fan so that's a bit different, but anyway, here it is :)

God, he was hungry.

Prussia knew that it was hard to ignore once his stomach growled for the fourth time during that meeting, and it was loud enough for most people to hear at the table. Fortunately, America's overly-excited shouting of his plans to use nuclear bombs to destroy Jupiter for no apparent reason covered this embarrassing noise, but it didn't quite stop the blank glances given to Prussia.

I shoulda eaten breakfast today, Prussia mused to himself. Silently he pulled a blue can out of his pocket, opened it, and popped a Vienna sausage into his salivating mouth. I can't believe I'm eating this shit, he thought.

Austria quickly caught notice of this and blushed, along with Germany, who looked at his brother with disdain. Prussia shot a quick "What?" glance at both of them to silence them, but it served no purpose—soon other nations began to giggle, particularly France, quietly chuckling that French laughter of his, while England tried to remain the ultimate gentleman but obviously trying to suppress a dirty guffaw or two.

America, having no ability to read the atmosphere, continued rambling on about his amateurly-made PowerPoint presentation.

Another soft storm of giggling blew over when Prussia stuffed a second Vienna sausage into his face, and soon enough everyone was receiving a confused and annoyed expression from Prussia.

Prussia elbowed the blonde young girl next to him. "Hey kid, do you know what everyone's laughin' about?" Lichtenstein looked at him curiously with her enormous green eyes.

"You mean, you haven't noticed Prussia, sir? You're eating—"

Suddenly Sealand got out of his seat, climbed on top of the table, stood, and bellowed, "PRUSSIA LIKES TO MUNCH AUSTRIA'S COCK!" And the entire room started to burst into full-blown raging laughter, Hungary pulling out her camera, England completely losing his polite composure, Sweden coughing out a few laughs, Austria burying his red-face into his arms with Germany at his side, telling him that the humiliation would be over soon… in a few weeks.

"Then, we're gonna light the fuel and it'll go up and go PEW PEW BAM!, and Jupiter'll explode like WHAAAAAPAOO and—hey, what's going on guys? What'd I miss?" America exclaimed. Then he saw the can in Prussia's hand. "WAHAHA, Prussia, I knew you had it in ya!" Then the can flew in the air and met America's face.

"Ahh, screw you guys!" Prussia said, blushing and mortified, walking out of the room. "America, don't you eat hot dogs? I'm sure they use Polish sausages." Everyone momentarily stopped, thinking.

"I just wanted some goddamn lunch," he mumbled to himself, heading to the break room. And then he pulled an extra can of Vienna sausages from his pocket.