
Set in the summer before the sixth year. Please review and give me suggestions.

Harry crept down the stairs of the burrow. He was parched and needed a glass of water, also he wanted to see where Ron had gone- he wasn't in his room anymore. As he walked past Ginny's room he heard Ron's voice muttering.

"I don't know what to do! I'm in love with my best friend!"

Harry's stomach lurched. WHAT? Ron was in love with him, this was bad- very bad.

"I know it's not easy, but I think you should confess your feelings." Whispered Ginny.

What? What was Ginny playing at? He should most defiantly not confess his feelings. No, no, no!

"Easier said than done, I know it's unrequited-"

Damn right it is, thought Harry.

"I just can't help imagining getting married and growing old together-"

Harry felt like vomiting.

"-and the feeling of our lips touching-"

Harry felt like dying.

"and I can't even comprehend what making love would feel like."

This was going to far. Harry had to put an end to it- He marched into Ginny's room.

"Ron I am not gay. End of it. Finished. I'm sorry."

"Ok? Err good to know."

"Look I don't want anything to be awkward between us just because of your feeling towards me."

Ron looked dumfounded.


Ginny however was shrieking with laughter, so loud that it awoke Hermione.

"Waz' going on?" she cried groggily.

"Ron's just declared his love for me that's what." Harry shouted infuriated.

Ron then caught on and burst into laughter along with Ginny.

"Well, I don't see what's so amusing about the whole situation," said a very cross, yet sad looking Hermione. "If harry and Ron want to be together than that's their choice."

"I'm not gay!" Harry and Ron both cried. Ron cried it out as though the idea was absurd still in fits of giggles as Harry screamed it out in rage.

"Are you sure?" came two new voices. Fred and George had entered. Fred flopping on the edge of Ginny's bed whilst George took advantage of Hermione vacancy from her own bed and lied on top of her covers.

"Look, all I heard was Ron telling Ginny he was in love with his best friend what am I supposed to think?"

Ron looked positively mortified.

Ginny smacked her head with her hand.

Fred looked gleeful.

George, who was slightly more considerate than Fred, gave harry a look clearly saying "Nice going dumb ass!"

"You idiot!" shouted Ginny. "He wasn't talking about you, he was talking about-about"

"Well let's think shall we? Who is Ron's other best friend?" Fred asked aloud.

"Hermione." Said Harry, still totally oblivious. "Oh, you were talking about Hermione, sorry mate."

Ron had turned bright red and after a few short seconds he made to dash out of the room.

"Wait!" shouted Hermione he stopped abruptly.

"Go get him girl!" exclaimed George.

"What?" snapped Ron still facing the door.

"I'm in love with my best friend too."

"WHAT?" shouted Ginny. "Hermione I don't know what to say-"

"I WAS TALKING ABOUT RON!" Hermione shouted exasperated.

Everyone burst into laughed except Ron and Hermione who's eyes were locked.

"You love me?" he whispered.

"Do you love me? She whispered back.

"Well I- Do you?"

"Do you?"

"FOR GOD SAKE!" screamed George. "Just say yes already."


Both their voiced had merged into one sound and in that same second their lips met and their bond was made.

"What an earth is going on?" cried Molly storming in. Ron and Hermione leapt apart.

"Well, it's what you'd call a misunderstanding," grinned Fred.

"Bed now!"

They didn't need telling twice.