Hey guys! This is a one-shot drabble with Damon and Stefan as kids! Enjoy and please review!


" Pa?" Stefan asked, while pulling on his dad's sleeve

"Stefan, how many times have I told you? You are to call me Papa!" Giuseppe Salvatore shouted at his youngest child

Stefan nodded and ran out of his fathers office, and ran smack into his older brother, Damon.

" Stef?" Damon asked, "What's wrong?"

Stefan just cried harder, Stefan felt bad that he couldn't talk properly but it wasn't his fault! He couldn't remember the words! :(

Damon picked up his little brother and carried him outside and the two spent the rest of the day running around in the beautiful lush green garden. Stefan hid behind the rose bushes and Damon looked around and then saw Stefan's arm poking out from behind the bush and ran towards his brother.

"Damon!" Stefan shouted happily, "You found me!"

"I know!" Damon said happily

"Damon, Stefan, come inside now, you must get ready for supper!" Angelica said, Angelica was the maid that was given the task of taking care of the two Salvatore boys and she pitied them, because their father didn't spend a lot of time with the kids.

Stefan grabbed Damon's arm and the two brothers ran towards Angelica gleefully and laughed when Angelina scooped them both up in her arms and walked up the stairs…

13 year old Damon, 8 year old Stefan

"Damon? How do you say "Can I please have a cookie " in Italian?" asked the 8 year old Stefan

"Posso preghiamo di avere un biscotto?" Damon replied while working away at his math sums


Do you like it? Review!