Rogue shifted in her seat, crossed her legs the other way, and rested her Global homework on the one that hadn't fallen asleep. Even without her Discman blasting, she wouldn't have heard her roommate phase in through the floor. Kitty absentmindedly tapped Rogue on the shoulder as she walked by, not realizing that her entrance went undetected. Rogue jumped, and her pen slid halfway across the page.

"Oops," Kitty said, plopping down on the bed to avoid Rogue's stare.

BAMF. "Ladies."

Both girls jumped this time as Kurt appeared, hanging by his tail off of the ceiling fan.

"Date's ova already?" Rogue asked, taking out a fresh sheet of paper and removing her headphones.

"Yeah," Kitty huffed, "Like, who knew Wolverines were pests?"

"Do you even like Lance?" Kurt asked rather unexpectedly.

"Sure, why?"

"Sometimes it seems like you just go out vith him to piss Logan o--" BAMF. Kurt made a quick exit to avoid the flying pillow aimed at him. He didn't see any need to 'port back, he'd made his point. Not that he was purposely trying to stir things up, but from his point of view, Lance was just the means to get a reaction out of Logan. Granted, Kurt's point of view was just a tad obscured with a crush on Kitty, but he couldn't be that far off the mark.

"He's right, y'know," Rogue said once Kurt's telltale puff of smoke had dissipated.

"No he's not," Kitty protested. "Well, like not totally," she added a few seconds later. "I mean, I like Lance a lot, he's great, but...I know we don't always have to come back here every time we go out. In fact I think next time it'll like be his last." She illustrated her point by slashing across her throat with a gesture like Wolverine's claws.

"So y'are tryin' to get Logan mad?" Rogue prodded.

"No, no...and omigod, don't give me that look, I am not trying to make Logan jealous!"

"Did ah say anything?" The Goth girl asked innocently.

"It's just that, you know I think of the X-Men as like, my family. I think everyone except you does. And I guess in some weird way I think of Mr. Logan as the dad around here. He's just, like, there for us more than the Professor or Mr. McCoy, y'know? But it just like throws me off that he never cracks a smile unless its that evil one he does when he's fighting, he never acknowledges when we do good in training...I know I sound like a lunatic, but it totally drives me up the wall sometimes that he doesn't show any emotion. He's gotta like, know how we all look up to him."

Rogue pondered for a moment. Kitty had a point, but..."You're so dumb sometimes."


That had sounded meaner than was intended, but now it was Rogue's turn to counterpoint, so she continued. "Ah said you're so dumb sometimes. From what ah've heard, you and Kurt know more about what Logan went through than any of us, and you still don't understand where he's comin' from."

Kitty looked at her friend questioningly.

"Do ya realize that if he ever had a wife, or kids, before he got turned into Weapon X, he wouldn't know em if he bumped into them on the street? He had all his memories erased, all the people he ever cared about might as well be dead to him. That can't be an easy thang to deal with. Ah don't blame him for not being willin' to show emotion, he's been burned real bad in that department."

Kitty, who had come to sit on the edge of the bed while listening, dropped onto her back again with a sigh. Of course Rogue was 100% right. She guessed that maybe Rogue was able to hit the nail right on the head because she was just the opposite, her traumatic thing was getting other people's emotions stuck in her head. But who was she kidding, nobody's that good.

"You absorbed him, didn't you."

"Once," Rogue confessed, "It wasn't fun, as ya can probably guess."