Hey guys! Here's the second chapter!

I tried not to make it OOC. I really, REALLY want them to get together! Stupid power...stupid Luke...

Anyways, I had a lot of fun writing this. Enjoy!

Andy hadn't slept well that night - actually, she didn't know if she had ever fallen asleep. It was as if she had been in a state of semi-consciousness, between waking and sleeping. Whatever had been the case though, thoughts and images had played in her mind like a silent movie.

Officer Shaw, motionless on the ground. The little girl, bound and gagged in the makeshift prison. The rapist, on the ground bleeding. These images had brought tears of anguish and pain.

And then there had been other scenes - Sam, in his doorway. Sam, kissing her passionately. Sam, laying her on his bed, his fingers roaming everywhere. Sam, standing in the bedroom doorway, staring at her with those dark, expressive eyes.

Sam, Sam, Sam. Those images brought tears of a different kind - of panic, desperation, confusion, guilt, and regret.

Regret for going over there in the first place. Regret for stopping. Regret for leaving.

Now here she was, standing outside the Barn. She reran her plan of action through her mind again. There were only two things to do - though one took obvious precedence over the other. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the building.

Sam was half-tempted to call in sick, but he wasn't one to wallow in self pity. Instead, he calmly collected himself and poured his sixth cup of coffee, heading out to his truck. He hadn't slept at all last night - Andy's scent had been everywhere, taunting him with the fact that she had left and he had let her leave.

Turning right onto 6th Avenue, he was half glad Andy hadn't been cleared to return to work yet. He needed time and space to work out the dicey position he now found himself in. Not that he blamed her for it - he couldn't seem to bring himself to blame her for anything.

Damn those innocent doe eyes, he thought angrily, pulling into the parking lot. Although, they hadn't been so innocent last night...Sam squashed those thoughts before they fully developed.

He slowly entered the building, making his way towards the men's locker room. He passed Peck on the way there.

Oh dear god, he thought, please don't let me be paired with her while Andy's out. I will shoot her. Suddenly, he found himself missing his rookie.

Andy made her way to the homicide division. She entered Callaghn's office without knocking.

"Luke," she started. The blond detective turned around quickly. Andy could clearly see the dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. She wondered if he had even gone home last night from the crime scene.

"Andy - what are you doing here?" he asked. That was definitely not the response she was looking for. "I mean, you aren't supposed to be back for another week. Are you okay?"

The worry in his eyes made her falter in her resolve. She was never any good at breakups, and this was no different. Maybe she should just try to make things work with him...she shook her head in a physical attempt to clear her mind. Out of nowhere, an image of Sam, shirtless, surfaced in her consciousness.

"We need to talk," she said resolutely, shutting the door behind her. She wasn't going to string Luke along just for her own security. She couldn't do that to him - she owed him that much.

Sam saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, and for a moment thought his sleep-deprived mind was playing tricks on him. Sure enough, there was Andy sitting in Callaghn's office, holding his hand.

Familiar figure indeed, he thought wryly. For a second, he was angry. Then uneasiness set in. He wouldn't call what he was feeling fear, but he was suddenly uneasy about the situation taking place before him. If Andy was still with Luke - and from the way she was holding his hand, it definitely looked like it - then she would most likely confess everything that had transpired last night between her and him. And if he knew Callaghn like he thought he did, then the minute Andy told him what had happened he would blow the whistle on her and her training officer.

He found himself uneasy for Andy. And what about yourself, huh? You're the veteran cop here. You could lose everything on some stupid mistake. Had it been stupid though? It had been passionate, it had been spontaneous, and it had been rash, but he wouldn't categorize it as stupid.

He took a deep breath, tearing his eyes off of the couple, not sure how much more he could take of seeing them together. He quickly continued on his way towards the locker room.

There wasn't anyone in there, which was unusual for this time in the morning. He turned his back to the door and took off his shirt.

"Sam," a voice said from behind him. He whirled around, violently startled. He saw his rookie standing in the doorway.

"Damn it, McNally! Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to sneak up on people?" The words came out more sharply than he had intended them to. He noticed her hands were shaking.

"You alone?" she asked. His heart clenched at the same words spoken last night. He opened his mouth, hesitating slightly before speaking.


Ann awkward silence followed. He was acutely aware of her chest rising and falling, trying to forget how incredible she had felt under him.

"Sam, I..."

"It's alright. It was what it was. You want to disregard again?" he asked, swallowing his pride, swallowing his feelings, and held out his hand.

Andy frowned, slightly disoriented by how he was handling the situation. She had half expected him to completely ignore her or jump down her throat in a nasty tirade. She blinked several times, trying to figure out what to say. She took a deep breath.

"No. I mean, I guess there was a reason I came to you last night. It was irresponsible, and foolish, and incredibly idiotic, but I did, and now everything is just so confusing!"

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Just apologize Andy, and move on. It's that simple.

"Look, I don't want you to think I'm some...slut, so you should know I broke it off with Luke."

Now it was Sam's turn to frown. "Because of..."

Andy shook her head. "It was a long time coming. I mean, yes, last night had something to do with it, but..." she trailed off, not trusting herself to say any more with the way the conversation was currently going.

Sam took a step forward. "So you're telling me that you and Callaghn are done?" he asked. He had been completely wrong about the scenario he had just witnessed.

"Yeah. And that I'm sorry for doing what I did last night." No you aren't.

He raised an eyebrow. "What? Coming on to me or leaving me?" he said, smiling slightly. That seemed the only way he could handle talking about it.

She lowered her eyes, intently studying her hands. "Leaving," she said, so softly that Sam thought he had imagined it. Then she looked back up and met his eyes, and he realized that he hadn't imagined it. His heart was deciding whether to stop completely or go into tachycardia, resulting in a weird stop-start beat.

"Andy," he started, his voice husky. She looked at him through her long lashes, not trusting herself to speak.

Sam slowly moved towards her, until he was inches away from her. She laid her hands on his bare chest, closing her eyes as he lowered his forehead to hers.

"Sir, Sam...I can't. We can't - I...you're my training officer," she stammered, trying to will herself to move away from him, but couldn't.

"That didn't stop you last night," he said, gently kissing her. Her lips tasted better than he had remembered. It felt like a lifetime since he had last touched her. She hesitantly allowed herself to fall into him, savoring the feeling of his arms around her. She deepened the kiss, and was surprised when he pulled back.

"Andy," he said again. Her frustration from last night spilled over.

"Don't do this to me Sam. Don't try to teach me a lesson by pushing me away," she whispered, her breaths becoming ragged from the tears she was unsuccessfully trying to hold back.

"No, no, McNally - Andy, I'm not pushing you away, it's just that..." he gestured around them, "we're kind of in a really bad place to be doing this."

"Oh." Relief flooded through her. Sam smiled crookedly, revealing the dimples she had come to love. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Come by around ten?" His breath against her skin made her shiver. She bit her lip.

"Yeah. Okay." She stood still for a moment longer, then turned around and walked out. Sam watched her go, still smiling. He had no idea what he was getting into, but he might as well jump in headfirst.

She had barely pulled her hand away from the door when it flung open, revealing a very flustered Sam. He pulled her inside and slammed the door shut with his foot, devouring her lips with a searing kiss. Her hands hungrily pulled at his shirt, and she was momentarily surprised when hers came off first. He pushed her against the wall, his hands roaming over her body. She shivered at each touch.

Somehow they made their way to his bed, and fell on it. Sam moved on top of her, and she tried to pull him closer, as if to get him under her very skin. He kissed her so wildly, so passionately, and she reciprocated equally. Her skin was so soft, and she smelled so good. The night before was nothing compared to what he was experiencing now. It was as if each sensation was heightened.

His mouth trailed down her neck towards her chest. She moaned as he whispered her name against her skin.

This time there were no boyfriends or power surges to interrupt them. It was just the two of them, together.

What did you guys think? Good ending or no?

Thanks! xx