38. Fitness For Duty.

The Sandaime Hokage exhaled a stream of smoke and looked at the medic expectantly.

"Genin Uzumaki Naruto is fit for duty. The bindings are merely precautionary due to the nature of the injury but he seems to have full range of movement and has suffered nothing else that would hinder his service." Yamanaka Souchi droned "Genin Haruno Sakura is fit for duty. Both are supervised by their Jounin-sensei as per regulations regarding green class genin teams."


The blonde stared impassively without blinking. "Genin Uchiha Sasuke is fit for duty."

"Hmmph. Are you certain on that Medic Yamanaka?"

Souchi gave the Hokage a disapproving expression "He's as fit as he ever was Hokage-sama. Keeping him off-duty is not a productive line of treatment at any rate."

Sarutobi frowned. It was hard to argue at any rate. Several Jounin were far more dangerously unhinged and they still qualified for active duty. "What are you recommendations?"

The medic flipped up a sheet on his clip board and frowned minutely "Continue observation as normal. Genin Uchiha is channelling his energies in a productive manner. Until he demonstrates a change in mental state he's cleared for active duty."


Yamanaka Souchi regarded the Hokage steadily but didn't say anything.

Sarutobi sighed and exhaled a long stream of smoke. "Very well, I'll approve it as long as he continues regular sessions with you Souchi-san."

"As you wish, Hokage-sama."