1 I don't own Magic Knight Rayearth! _~!

Chapter 1 At the Site of You


On the cool crisp January morning he walked down the sidewalk to Wilingdom (windom) High. The wind caused his wild green hair to cover his eyes, rendering him unrecognizable. He walked by a magazine vender and look blankly at himself on the cover of every magazine in the shelves. He, Ferio was the most well know model in the entire international modeling world. He had won every modeling award since the beginning of his career, in the 10th grade. He was now in 12th grade at the age of 17. Suddenly remembering were he was a cocky smile spread across his scared face (you know what they say chicks dig scars). ' Hey I'm Ferio Cephiro I'm the sexiest guy in the world any girl would die to go out with me, but then why is it when ever I go out with girls it feels so hallow and that they….they aren't really interested in Me, as a person but as a sex idle.'

When he arrived at school that day he was starting a new class Algebra 4, boy was he excited….not. The only reason he was taking the class was his agents told him that guys who are smart and sophisticated are really "in" right now. So he decided to take Algebra 4. It's not like he was stupid or anything but it's not that he's smart.

He entered the room and slumped in the chair while all the girls in the class started giggling and staring at him. His thoughts started to wonder to what he was thinking about earlier that day, but his thoughts were interrupted when the sound of the door to the classroom opened. He could have sworn it was an angel. A beautiful girl gracefully stepped into the room, her hair was an auburn color, that fell just below her shoulders and curled at the ends. Her eyes were the most beautiful thing Ferio had seen in his life. They were a deep, sad emerald color that showed her every emotion. Her eyes were modified by glasses that made her eyes look soft and doe like. She was wearing the feminine version of the Wilingdom High uniform, a green short jacket, a knee length green pleated skirt, and a small black tie was under the white coaler of her shirt. Even though he had seen gorgeous girls in his school wear the same uniform but yet she made it look as elegant as a million dollar dress. With poise she sat down in the seat beside Ferio.

He couldn't help but blush at him self for staring at her like she was the first girl he had seen in his life. She got out her Algebra 4 book and put it on her desk. Every move she made Ferio watched intently.

Fuu could feel eyes watching her. She looked up and looked to her left and briefly locked eyes with the golden-eyed model and her face turned bright red at the way he was staring into her eyes. She then 'tried' to focus on her algebra teacher. But she found her self stealing looks at Ferio. The same was with Ferio.

The bell rang suddenly and Ferio for some reason felt sad that he would have to wait till lunch to she the emerald-eyed girl. When he stood up all the girls from that morning that had been giggling and staring at him all crowded around him and started flirting with him. At this Fuu ran to the door and when she got on the other side she stopped and started breathing deeply, her heart pounded in her chest, her palms were all sweaty, but yet she was enjoying this indescribable feeling. She had never felt this way before in her life.

Ferio rushed out the door and was disappointed to find that she wasn't there, but there is always lunch.

* Lunch Time *

Fuu was sitting with her long time friends Miss Shidou Hikaru and Miss Ryuuzaki Umi. Hikaru was literally bouncing up and down telling her friend all about her new boyfriend Lantis and how sweet he was. Her red hair was tied back in a waist length braid. Umi was staring at Hikaru intent on hearing every detail of Hikaru's love life. You see Umi was a girl who you could say loved playing mach maker. Umi's beautiful blue hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her bangs fell in her face. Fuu was just sitting thinking about the golden-eyed boy, she had a silly grin plastered on her face which was accompanied by a crimson blush.

Suddenly a thought hit her, she remembered one of the many girls from her Algebra 4 class asked him what it was like to be a model. Her friend Umi was also a model so Fuu started…."A hey Umi do ya know any green haired models?" Umi looked stunned at this question and simply said, " Do you mean Cephiro Ferio?" "If I was asking do you think I would know his name?" Fuu said logically. "Well in fact Ferio goes to this school" at this statement Fuu's heart skipped a beat, her prince charming had a name. Umi continued " Look see there he is in the line for Pizza." Umi looked at the wildly blushing Fuu and said " Here I'll go get him we've done a couple shoots together." At this Umi got up and headed towards Ferio not listening to the quiet protests of Fuu.

Ferio was lost in the thoughts of the beautiful emerald green eyes of the angelic girl from his first class. He was abruptly interrupted by the yells of Umi " Hey Ferio do you wanta come and sit with my friends and my self?" He was planning on finding the girl but Umi looked like she really wanted him to sit with her. So he gave in "Ah sure Umi. One sec." A little dishearten he walked with Umi to her table and sat down next to someone, but he never looked up and her until Umi introduced her friends. "This is Shidou Hikaru," she pointed at Hikaru, smiled cheerfully at Ferio. "and this is Houjiou Fuu." Ferio looked beside him and found himself unable to breath. 'It's her it's the girl Fuu have you ever heard such a beautiful name, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.' All he could say was " Hi Fuu don't we have Algebra 4 together?" "Ah ya, I think I saw you this morning with all of those giggling girls." Fuu said, not intending to have the last part come out so coldly. " That's Ferio a ladies man, a Ferio?" Umi said slapping Ferio on the back. "Not really anymore Umi." Ferio said quietly. "So have you finally found someone then?" " I hope so." Ferio said staring at Fuu out of the corner of his eye. The only one who saw this look was Umi who got a mischievous look and asked Ferio " Uh Ferio isn't that Ascot & Co. clothing line party to night? Do you have any one to go with? Cause I think I know someone who is perfect to go with you." When Fuu heard this her face turned a bright red. "Ah ya that's tonight and no I don't have a date to it and I guess you could set me up since I don't have one." He said looking hopefully at the now bright red Fuu. "Well it just so happens I know this extremely beautiful girl who is open tonight. I'll give you her address so you can pick her up around 6:30. Okay get a paper and pencil out it is very important, okay it's 4167 Farhen Drive." "Okay" Ferio then got up and left. "Nice meeting you Hikaru... Fuu, Umi I'll see you at the party tonight." He winked at Fuu and smiled a genuine smile when Fuu turned once again red with blush.

"UUUUUMMMMMMMMIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!" Fuu screamed, not to loud thought, " why did you give him my address?" "You two would make an extremely KAWAII couple and did you see the way he was looking at you?" "I'll help you with your make-up Fuu-chan, Umi can help you pick out a dress YAAAA this will be soooooooo much fun right Umi!"

*6:00 Fuu's House*

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Fuu you look sooooooooooooooooo lovely, Ferio won't be able to even look at you and breath normally." Hikaru cried at the top of her lungs. " HIKARU please!!!!!!" Umi asked her friend. "Fuu you look absolutely breathtaking!" Umi said. Umi had her hair up again in high ponytail but this time it was curled at the end. She wore an almost skin tight blue dress that cut off an inch above her knee's. The color matched her hair perfectly. Fuu on the other hand was a little more sensible. Not too much thought since it was Umi who picked out her dress. She wore a light green spaghetti strap low cut dress that cut off at about the same place as Umi's dress but it was a little bit longer. Fuu's dress hugged her every curve and made her look like she herself could be a model.

" Oh Fuu-chan you'll fit in perfectly you look like a model. I can't wait to see Ferio's expression when he sees you. Guess who's going to pick me up at your house in ten minutes?" "WHO?" Hikaru asked Umi excitedly. "Ascot!!!!!!!!!" " Wait isn't he the guy who is hosting the party you know Ascot & Co." Fuu asked. "Yup you know it teehee!" Umi said blushing slightly. "He is so hot!!!" Umi gushed. Suddenly the door bell rang and Fuu's mom yelled up "Umi you date is hear and he has something for you come on down." "Okay I'll see ya their Fuu, bye Hikaru." Umi said embracing her friends. She then ran down the stairs.

" T minus 5 minutes till Ferio gets her Fuu and you look dazzling." Hikaru told her friend. "Okay enough with the compliments Hikaru." "I'm really sorry you can't come Hikaru but Umi said unfortunately it's an invitation only party, but Umi and I will tell you everything that happens." "It's perfectly okay Fuu I don't want you night to be ruined by a stupid guilty feeling HAVE FUN FUU!!!!!!!!" DING DONG. "What I thought you said I had 5 minutes Hikaru!" " You did" Hikaru said pointing at the clock on the wall. "Fuu sweetie your date is hear come on." Fuu's mom yelled up.

"Fuu!" Ferio whispered to himself. 'I knew Umi wouldn't let me down I can't wait to see her it felt like an eternity since he had last seen her.

"Bye Hikaru." Fuu hugged her friend goodbye. "Hey Fuu did you tell your mom that your date is an international model who has won numerous awards." "Ah no." Fuu said quietly as she walked out the door.

She stepped down the stairs one by one very slowly it seemed to take forever to Ferio but it was an enjoyable forever as each inch of her revealed it's self from the dim light of the upstairs hallway. He felt his breath get caught in his throat as all of her self was exposed from the dark. Fuu's mom quickly stepped towards Fuu and whispered in her ear "Isn't that Ferio the male model that's won all those modeling awards?" "Ah ya" Fuu whispered back. Ferio just stared at the beauty that was before him.

Her dress was in every way to Ferio was PERFECT for her. Once again she made an ordinary dress look like a million dollars. Fuu seemed to float on air to Ferio. He held out his arm and Fuu gladly took it. Ferio opened the door and escorted Fuu out of her house into the cold out side. Fuu had been so excited for the date that she had forgotten to bring a jacket. She felt a shiver run through her. Ferio saw this and hastily pulled off his jacket and offered it to Fuu.

Fuu blushed deeply. " I'm so silly I completely forgot that it's the middle of January." She said as she accepted Ferio's jacket. As she put it on her nose was filled with the intoxicating sent of Ferio's cologne. "Oh my!" Fuu said as Ferio opened the door to his green Jag. "Ya I know modeling kinda pays well." Ferio said blushing a little. Fuu giggled a little. At the sound of this Ferio's heart felt lighter than a feather. This was the first time he had seen her smile let alone giggle. "What?" Ferio asked wondering what see was laughing about. "Why did you just blush when you said you got it from the money you made modeling?" "I didn't know I did." Ferio said laughing at him self.

"Lets go Ferio." Fuu said unlike herself. She was a little hyper off of this crazy feeling she got when she was around Ferio. Feeling the same way Ferio floored the car and they sped of both screaming at the top of their lungs " YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Thanks for reading this first chapter I will continue with this since this is my first fic ergo I won't start another one till I'm done with this one TEEHEE _~

P.S. that was a lot longer than I thought possible well I don't know how long it is on the Internet but on word it's 4 pages I thought it was going to be like one or two pages long. TEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!