Notes: After 'A Paige From The Past'. Doesn't contain any info from eps after that. I'm sorry that it's so short. If I get enough reviews, I might make it into an AU, but there's me dreaming again. LOL.

Relief filled Cole's body. Phoebe, just hours ago, had finally accepted her proposal. Though Cole knew she doubted her decision, that's why she didn't say yes right away. What was he doing wrong? He didn't understand women. They were so confusing, and hardly ever open. Phoebe was his first real relationship, so he didn't have much experience reading signs. Piper sometimes helped him out, by telling him what Phoebe was going through.. But he would rather hear it from Phoebe.

He wasn't saying that Phoebe wasn't open to him at all; it's just that he wished she was a little more open. If he didn't lose his demonic half, would Phoebe still have accepted? He didn't know, couldn't know.

While he was by himself, complaining to himself about women, he could be out celebrating with Phoebe. Where was Phoebe? He would go see what she was up too. She was talking to Piper about him. He was very quiet and started to eavesdrop.

Piper was cooking in the kitchen, and they were talking "Phoebe? Did you say yes because you felt you had too? Because if you'd said no again, I'm sure Cole wouldn't have left you. I know he's put a little pressure on you, by asking all the time.."

Phoebe sighed. "It's not like that at all. I've always known that I want to spend my life with Cole, but I thought he just proposed out of the heat of the moment"

"Did you ask him about it?" Piper asked

"Yeah. He said that it still didn't change anything. But, if you proposed, you kinda can't take it back.."

"So you thought he didn't mean it?" Piper asked

"I knew that he wanted too.. But I didn't know if he wanted it just yet, though when it blurted out, he thought it wouldn't matter asking a little early. So that's why it took so long for me to tell him"

"So you knew all along that you'd say yes?" Piper asked

"Yeah. But I just didn't know when" Phoebe answered, "By the way, where is Cole?"

"Upstairs, I think" Piper said, putting a dish in the microwave

Cole knew that if he eavesdropped any longer, he risked being found out. So he walked in the kitchen.

"Hi, Mrs Phoebe Turner. How are we today?" Cole gave Phoebe a kiss

"Hmm. Okay, considering" she answered, looking into his mysterious blue eyes.

"What? Bad day? Yeah, accepting a proposal must be the worst" he joked

"Actually, being possessed by a criminal ghost, was the bad part"

"I reckon it was OK" Cole teased "I got to go to a chapel, wear a tux, with you in a beautiful dress beside me"

"That wasn't me. It was Lulu!" Phoebe pouted

"It'll be you soon" Piper told her. Phoebe smiled, while Cole gave a goofy grin.