Rose pov:

I stopped the little show before they became to enthralled "I have to go see the queen Lissa is with her trying to heal her now but we still need to check the wards so if you guys don't mind can you please do that we can meet back here in two hours?" I looked at my mother and she nodded thank god I went running to the queens chambers I could feel through the bond that the queen was very bad off. As I rushed up guardians stopped me the queens royal guard great I really don't want to have to deal with this now Liss can you please have them let me in?.. Rose oh yeah ok be there in a sec..

just then the queens doors opened and lissa looked so weak I turned to the royal guards "You need to go get her a feeder right now! Look at her if she is going to heal the queen then she needs energy!" they looked at me like I was stupid then Lissa spoke feeling my anger " please I do need a feeder this is my guardian Rose!" they looked at me and bowed a little what the hell is going on here I went right past them "Lissa let it go I can handle it just let it go ok!" she did and the rush of energy I got from it I could have done some summersaults good lord it felt good she just looked at me funny "Why aren't you freaking out like you normally would?" I shook my head "I don't know it no longer feels bad it feels well kind of good!"

the guards where back by then and with them trailed a female feeder she was pretty in a loopy kind of way until I smelled her lissa was just about to bite when she felt my unease she stopped "what's wrong rose you cant still have a problem with the feeders?" then she read my mind and gasped and backed up from the girl "Who gave you this feeder?" the next words made me want to punch him "No one she was just wandering around outside we saw the marks and brought her as fast as we could!" for Christ sakes well I guess the saying is true if you want something done right do it yourself god but I couldn't leave her not with these idiots! "She is a feeder but she is a feeder but a strigoi has fed from her cant you smell it on her? And you bring her here to your queens room come on damn it man think would you!" I guess stone and dimitri heard my yelling cause they were now at the door "Stone I need you to do something for me please?" he nodded "I need you to go get lissa a proper feeder one strigoi havent fed from since they.." I motioned to the guards "cant seem to do it!" he glared at them then ran out of the building on guard spoke "I don't appreciate you indicating we cant do our jobs we were here when the attack happened where were you?" this man was pissing me off! "Well lets see I was protecting my charge killing strigoi oh yeah and HAVING A BABY!" I screamed so loud dimitri looked at me with a glare "what?" he just shook his head and smirked "If you keep yelling like that you are going to wake Catalina!" shit now I felt stupid "how is she?" he looked down at her with love "she is fine she has been with me her father so do you really need to ask that question?"

no I know I didn't he would protect her "no I am sorry I know I don't!" he chuckled and the guards looked stupefied oh lord "yes he is the father apparently me being shadow kissed gave me some perks like having a child with someone I loved! Now close your mouths before flies get caught!" Just then Stone came in with a feeder I smelled him "he's ok liss go ahead!" Stone looked at me as if to say well duh he is ok but he just laughed we walked in the queens chambers and I was not prepared for what I saw she looked so pale she had cuts everywhere I couldn't help what I did next I might not like her but I am no monster I went to her bedside and took her hand she looked over to me with shock.

"Rosemarie? You are the last person I would have thought to come see me." I chuckled "I know me to but you are the queen you do need help so here we are came back as soon as we herd!" she got a frightened look on her face "there are strigoi everywhere we have to leave!" I shook my head "There are no more strigoi in court queen I swear the rest of the guardians are now putting the wards back and patrolling now you need to let Lissa finish healing you I have to get back to them in about an hour so we can talk about our rescue mission they took a lot of our people queen and we need to get them back!" she had pride on her face for what I did not know "why are you looking at me like that?" she sighed "Oh rose it seems like I have made a huge mistake in my judgment of you Lissa told me of your journey and the strigoi once I am well you will receive your nine marks and I want to thank you for protecting our future queen!"

I was taken back Lissa was going to be queen she looked just as surprised as I did but I always knew she had greatness in her she looked at me and smiled while she herd my thoughts "well actually I will need twenty-nine marks so I guess another battle star will be due but not until after we rescue our people!" I felt a tingle in my head and I knew Lissa was going over my memories "rose you cant take on the whole world I mean I know you were protecting your mother but god twenty at once! that's nuts even for you!" the queen looked shocked god I knew what my job was and how to do it so why the hell was everyone surprised when I did? "well i need to leave and get with the other guardians." just then Christian walked in with Yeva "ok I need you all to stay here as it is the safest place at the moment if that is ok with you queen?" she nodded "ok then dimitri and stone you will both stay here to and don't give me any crap I am not in the mood I need you to protect Catalina Lissa and the queen cause her guards, not so good I know I know I am sorry but come on now bringing Lissa a feeder the strigoi drank from not to smart!" Christian and the queen both gasped the queen tried to get up but I held her down " It is fine stone brought a good one you three four should be good but hey Stone could you go get two more please cause we all know my daughter has my appetite!" the queen looked at me with confusion "Lissa fill her in please I have to go and no dimitri and no stone before you say anything you will not be going on this rescue mission I need you here in case.." Lissa glared daggers in my head "you will come back rose do you understand!" I shook my head "Lissa we both know there is a possibility that I wont so don't glare at me it is the truth I will do everything in my power to come back but I make no guarantees so promise me if I don't you will help dimitri take care of my angel ok?" Rose if you don't come back I will find you bring you back and kill you myself! I just rolled my eyes at her "You know I will look after her like she was my own!" oh yeah one more thing "Babushka I need you to promise me the same thing ok?" she laughed "Child you know me what do you think the answer is?" ok good I gave them all hugs and made my way to the door I knew my daughter would be fine and so would liss so I was ok! As I stepped out the guards turned to face me

"we are very sorry for our actions earlier we would be honored if you would allow us to come on this mission!" ok so maybe they weren't bad guys after all but they still had to stay "I am sorry for my outburst obviously you are good at what you do because the queen is still alive but I need you to stay here because what we both hold dear is in that room your current queen and future queen and my daughter. So please don't argue but know that I give you the most important job of all!" they nodded and bowed slightly this bowing crap has got to stop with those last words I walked off to the guardian hall to plan this shin dig as I was walking I caught site of some one dragging themselves along the ground Tasha and she looked horrible I hate her true but she needed help so I guess I had to be the one to do it as soon as I got to her she cringed away probably thinking I was going to hurt her I rolled my eyes "Ok Tasha I don't like you and I know you don't like me but things are bigger than us now I am going to take you some place safe I wont hurt you I swear ok?" she started sobbing "Ok thank you rose thank you so much no one else helped me!" I couldn't help it even if she was a bitch she was still a mori "What no one helped you are you serious?" she sobbed again and nodded "it will be ok Tasha I swear!" she shook her head "you don't know what dimka and I did you wouldn't help me if you knew!" I picked her up bridal style and held her close to my body so I wouldn't jostle her "I know you slept together the other day Tasha I am not that cold I will still help you but you need to know one thing where I am taking you my child is there and I swear I might be helping you now but if you hurt her I will kill you do you understand?" she looked up at me not in fear but in sadness "I wont I swear I know we have our issues but It has nothing to do with your daughter!" just as she said that I was walking towards the queens room the guards looked at me then at Tasha and opened the doors as soon as I stepped in all hell broke loose "Get her out of here!" dimitri said Yeva smacked him Stone looked pissed as did Christian and Lissa Tasha just hugged me tighter I shushed her and laid her on the couch "everything is going to be ok Tasha trust me ok" she nodded and I turned back to the rest of the room who looked at me like I was crazy I threw up my hands this was nuts

"hey we all make mistakes and she knows she did when you love some one it can do that to you but she is still a mori and she still deserve to be protected they just left her on the ground out there what the hell was I supposed to do walk away no I may be cold at times but I am not a fucking monster now stop staring at me like that lissa don't worry about using to much spirit please after the queen of course heal her she needs it you have feeders for strength I am going to tell the guards to bring people here who need to be healed and like I said stop looking at me like that!" Rose she said she would hurt Catalina "lissa I already told her about her and we have an agreement she hurts my baby and I kill her! Guys I have to go I am going to be late!" and with that I walked out "hey guys keep a listen in there for me would you the girl I just brought in well they don't like her to much but I promised her protection and we need to see she gets it ok?" they nodded and bowed again good lord I walked away I made it to the hall just in time there were over eighty guardians there ok this is going to work I made my way up to the front everyone was whispering apparently my mother told them about the incident great more people thinking I was a freak just what I needed at a time like this but when I got up to the podium there were no laughs no snickers they all bowed to me not little ones like before but full on bending over bows I was flabbergasted " Please stop while I appreciate your signs of respect you don't need to bow to me we all are the same we have the same goals but before I begin I have to tell you I am very disappointed on my way here I had to stop to pick up lady Ozera because no one would help her she was bleeding and crying and people just walked by her and that is not how you were raised! I would expect better from you in the future!" my gaze swept the crowd my mother looked shocked "now I am going to need people to go in teams I need maps of the area and they need to have the biggest area's marked I am also going to need a list of the taken we have to know who we are going for make sure no name is left out! The strongest of you will be coming with me on the mission which should be most cause I know we are not of weak people the others will stay and guard the court! Are the wards back up?" one man stood "yes guardian Hathaway" I nodded

" Call me rose please what is your name?" "I am guard.." he saw me roll my eyes "Connor. Rose my name is Connor!" I smiled at him "Thank you Connor now we have seven hours till the sun sets so we need to be quick I would like to do this while they are at there weakest and so there's not to much work for the alchemists! I want at least fifty of you to come with me and I don't care how it is decided you are all grown adults you can handle that then I need you to pick a partner it will be their jobs to watch your back as it will be yours to do the same we have already had enough loss so be vigilant with what I what I have planned other than strigoi we should have lives lost ok?" they all looked at me with the same expression just then I felt lissa with me .. they are no in shock rose realy look at them they are In awe of you and so am I really bringing Tasha here was the last thing I would ever expect from you… well liss there was no other choice was there?..

Anyone else would have just left her there… I couldn't do it don't get me wrong I thought about it but I just couldn't but if she takes one step towards… don't even think about it rose never gonna happen.. I smiled and realized everyone was staring at me "Sorry just checking in with Lissa making sure the queen is ok!" they nodded "ok people you all know what we need to get done now lets bring our people home!" as I was walking off stage my mother came over to me "Rose I am going to be your partner!" I shook my head she looked insulted "mom it's not like that before you get mad let me explain ok I will be fine I know I am not invincible but I can also sense where they are so I will know if one tries to get the jump on me I need you to be with one of the others I need to know our people are in good hands and I trust you will watch over your partner like no one else could please take it as it is met!" I pulled her into a great big hug she responded in kind "ok now we meet here in an hour ok can you make sure they are all ready by then please I need to go see my daughter one last time before we go!" she smiled at the thought of my daughter "I will make sure and give her a kiss for me ok!"

I nodded and ran back to the queens chambers when I got there she looked a lot better she was up walking around now good "I am glad you are feeling better Queen Tatiana!" she smiled and hugged me I swear I think the world has lost their minds. "Rose call me Tatiana please and your little girl is so beautiful!" oh ok my little girl see now suspicion has set in "Oh rose I know we have had or differences but after the events of the day I can honestly say I mean no harm and I have no agenda!" ok makes me feel a little better not much "In time rose you will see the truth in my words!" ok cool crazy queen better than mean queen any day! " ok good well I will be leaving soon and I wanted to spend the time I have with the most important people in my life give me our daughter dimitri!" he smiled at me and gave her up as I looked down at her I knew why I was doing what I was doing for her for all the future mori and damphir I kissed her on the forehead and gave her to stone I walked up to dimitri and gave him a hug a big one "Everything that has givin me the strength to do what I do now came from you! You'll never know how much it means to me to have had your child!" I kissed his cheek took my daughter back and gave her to her father next was stone "I have enjoyed every moment I have spent with you from kicking your ass to pouring out my heart and soul you'll never know what it means to me to know that no matter what I choose you will always be there for me and my daughter!" I gave him a peck on the lips and a hug and moved on Yeva "ok crazy Russian come here! I love you babushka never ever doubt that you helped me through more than you'll ever know!" Christian "come here sparky! Please know I think of you as my brother and love you like one too always. Take care of our girl till I get back ok!" I went to Tasha and everyone froze "Tasha I know why you did and said the things that you did I don't condone them or appreciate them but never doubt that I would protect and comfort you in your times of need!" I hugged her too she began sobbing "and last but not least Lissa my sister my best friend we have been through hell and come out on top know that I love you no matter what! I know you will be the best queen.. " I looked over to Tatiana and winked "our people have ever seen!" I looked over at the queen "you and me we have had some fights while I don't agree with you most of the time I wish for you to find the love and happiness that has filled my life and I am glad to say you will always be queen bitch to me!" I had to make a joke and she took it well she busted up laughing and hugged me again with that I said one final big goodbye and went to get my shit in gear! When I walked in the guardian's hall fifty able bodied guards were waiting for me a female stepped up to me "I am Lola I have the maps that you asked for and the list of names!" ok good "How many were taken?" she looked down at the pages "twenty mori!" ok not what I asked "What about damphir's?" she looked at me strange "I said we are rescuing our people that means damphir's to!" she looked at me like I was crazy again just then my mother handed me another list thirty five damphir's I was getting angry! " Lola you didn't think thirty five taken damphir's was important?" she shook her head and I almost punched her the shadows came out

I shook myself visibly "I'm … I'm sorry rose I just!" I nodded "I know you thought we would only be getting mori because in truth they do come first sorry didn't mean to get so angry but when I said our people I met damphir's and mori we are all of the same people." she nodded and smiled brightly "ok now where is the biggest closest place?" Lola beamed "well there are two one is victors old mansion and the other is just some old mines" ok probably in the mines but just to be sure "ok they didn't have time to get far we will go by the old mansion I doubt that they are there but we still need to make sure more likely it will be the mines I need everyone to get packed up two stakes per person bring the infused knives as well rope and first aid things for the wounded everyone got there partners?" everyone nodded "ok lets load up!" god help me I hope this works

As soon as we were out of the wards I called the royal guard stationed out side the queens room "are you listening to me?" he laughed into the phone "Yes Rose I am listening!" good here goes "What ever happens under no circumstances allow any one in that room to leave do you understand get six more guards and quick I don think you'll have much time before they try to leave!" "Got it hey Brandon call six more guards and get them here now rose's orders" a second later I heard the footsteps "thank you remember no one in and no one out they will try to come after me until the return of our people do not allow it ok?" "ok belikov is trying to come out do I let him!" what the hell did I just say "No let none of them leave!" as I said it I herd dimitri say he needed to get his mother and sister "you hear that rose!" the guard asked "yep I heard have them brought to him do not let him go anywhere!" then I heard the guard say "Rose said to have them brought to you so I will but you all have to stay in there untill they get back if you don't like tuff! That girl has killed more strigoi than anyone I know I am not about to get on her bad side so go in and sit down! Hey rose he isn't happy!" I snickered "yea I know and don't look Lissa in the eyes either ok she might try to compel you to let them leave! I am counting on you please don't let me down!" he chuckled again "Like I just told Belikov I aint tryin to get on your bad side!" I laughed "gotta go pulling up to the first location!" I hung up and I got the sick feeling in my stomach they were at the mansion but not a lot of the " ok people there are strigoi here not a lot though so I doubt there will be allot of survivors here we go in two teams twenty front twenty back other ten circle the house got it?" I said this through my ear piece and got fifty yes's

" I will be going in first I will try to subdue as many as I can for you to stake ok lets do it" we got into position and I busted down the door I let the nausea take me where I needed to go there where twenty two strigoi I lashed out with shadow pulling in their darkness and some from Lissa too "NOW" they swarmed I held the strigoi in place and they moved in for the kills I heard screams from downstairs in the basement but I couldn't pull darkness from down there so I knew there were no strigoi down there with them as soon as it started it was over I didn't have to kill a single one! We went down stairs there were thirty in the small basement more damphir's than mori which means the rest were at the mines we took the hostages out of the house my mom called the alchemists I called back to court this time I got Brandon "hey I am sending thirty hostages back were are going to the second location same rules apply no one leave that room got it take the badly injured to Lissa one at a time!" "got it Rose but stone and belikov are really pissed!" I laughed again "I know tell them I said to suck it up and tell them to keep my girls safe or I will kill'em"