Hope this will interest you. It's a little boring at the start, but it will get better when Zach and Cam meet for real! I promise

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Chapter 1 : Graduation & First Sight

Cammie's POV

It was my last day at the Gallagher Academy for Young Women.

"…use those skills well, and you can be anything you desire. But remember, once a Gallagher girl, always a Gallagher girl. Never forget your sisters…"

My mom dragged on with her speech as my friends and I sat in the seats in Gallagher's mess hall, which had been transformed into a graduation ceremony hall. I squirmed in my seat, feeling itchy in our blue graduation gown. I glanced at my graceful friends, Bex and Macey, who looked as poised and confident as ever. Liz was, well, Liz. Her hat was far too big for her tiny head, and it was falling in her eyes.

"…one last time. Women of Gallagher Academy, who comes here?"

"We are the sisters of Gillian."

I savored words I had spoken so much that they just fell out of my mouth, feeling sad that this might be the last time I spoke them.

"Why do you come?"

"To learn her skills. Honor her sword. And keep her secrets."

My mom's speech ended and it was time to pick up our diplomas and the most high-tech laptop available at the moment. I waited for my turn, biting my lip.


Bex walked up to the platform confidently, flicking back her caramel hair. She shook my mom's hand, and got her diploma and laptop.


Anna was actually graduating and going into the field. It was a miracle. I shifted my weight on my feet, uncomfortable in my blue heels. I watched Mr. Solomon standing silently at the sides, his hands folded.


Macey had caught up with us in her junior year, and now she was just a good a spy as the rest of us. She probably had the best deception skills in the whole grade. She walked with purpose, her head held high. She managed not to fall on her face in her 3-and-a-half inch black stilettos, and I wondered how she managed to look good even in that gown.


I gulped, and put a shaky foot on the steps leading up to the platform. My eyes focused on my mom, looking at me like wanted to cry, but somehow the tears weren't falling. My eyes darted to Mr. Solomon, who was gazing at me with such an intense gaze I momentarily stopped walking. I shook my mom's hand, and our hands shook slightly. I took my diploma and laptop, and suddenly it was all over. As I walked off the platform, I kept thinking that it was over. I wouldn't be going to Gallagher anymore; I wouldn't be going through secret passages to get to my classes. I wouldn't have Mr. Solomon pushing us to our limits, I wouldn't eat my mom's burnt dinners every Sunday. And…I wouldn't have Bex, Liz, and Macey. Even if we were to go to the same agency, it wouldn't be the same.


It would never be the same.


Liz stumbled onto the stage. She took her diploma, dropped it, and uttered an "oopsie daisy".

I felt a lump in my throat. I felt like the tears were going to overflow any second.

There was a slideshow playing next to the platform, documenting pictures of us. A shot of us in the mess hall with boys filled the screen. A random thought flitted through my messed up head. I wondered if Blackthorne was having their graduation now, too.

Zach. What was he doing now? The boy who kissed me in sophomore year then left. We had seen each other a few times after, when our classes had joined up for Cove Ops missions. I couldn't say that I had never thought about him; I did. I wondered what he was doing now.

I joined my friends' circle. Bex, Macey, Liz, and I looked at each other and threw our arms over each other.

I finally let the tears flow.

Zach's POV

I yawned. Dr. Steve was going on and on about Blackthorne's long history and how we should do our best to honor our "ancestors". In summary, it was the most boring speech ever. I just wanted it to end so I could meet with Grant and Jonas and do something more worthwhile. Then Dr. Steve said something that caught my attention.

"…pavement artist, bag man…."

Pavement artist. That reminds me of Cammie. My Gallagher Girl. Not mine, though I had thought about that a lot. I flashbacked to the time I had kissed her. It had felt so good. I had seen her a few times after that, but I didn't-couldn't-do it again.


My head snapped up. I must have been thinking about…her…for a long time. I quickly went to the platform to get my diploma. I came back to my seat and sat down.

"Hey man, you okay?" Grant asked. I looked up into his familiar face. The open, friendly face I saw everyday. I felt a sudden wave of emotion come over me, and I gulped, my adam's apple jerking up and down.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I cleared my throat. Grant gave me an uneasy smile before settling back into his seat.


"That's me," Grant said, and stood up, his wide shoulders casting a temporary shadow over me. Jonas's leg shook next to mine as we watched Grant shake Dr. Steve's hand.

After the ceremony was over, we headed back to our dorm to pack our things, side by side. I was struck by a sense of alarm as I realized that this familiarity was ending; we didn't know our futures anymore. For the longest time it had been 'Get up. Wash. Dress. Eat. Train. Go to classes.' Now, the future was a big blank.

It was unnerving how that blank space was suddenly filled with an image of Cammie, smiling at me.

Cammie's POV

The letter was in my hands. I gulped and looked around our bare dorm room. We had all packed, ready to leave. Wherever we ended up next, it wouldn't be here. I saw Bex, her normally straight figure slumped as she held her letter. Liz looked like she was going to have a panic attack any second. And Macey…she was unaffected. Or she looked like it.

"On the count of three?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking.

They all nodded.


We all ripped open our letters and skimmed our eyes across the page. I focused my eyes to actually read the letters, not just roll my eyes over them.

'Dear Cameron Ann Morgan…We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Central Intelligence Agency…Sincerely, the Director…'

My breathing quickened. I got accepted! Now I would be able to live the legacy my parents left for me…

The weight on my shoulders considerably lessened, I turned to my friends eagerly to see that they all had smiles on their faces.

"Cammie! I got accepted to the CIA! Research and Operations!"

"Me too! Pavement Artist!" I cried, elated.

"Well…I applied for the NSA and the CIA, I guess I'll choose the CIA," Macey said in a weird voice. We looked at her expectantly.

"Oh, what the hell," she said, smiling, and we met in a big hug. We looked over at Bex, excited, and our smiles fell to see that she had a bittersweet smile on her face.

"I…the CIA rejected me," she said, her voice shaking. "But MI6 accepted me…"

I forced a smile.

"That's great, Bex! That's where your parents are, and you're British. It's perfect!" I said, trying to be enthusiastic.

"It is great…right?" Bex asked in a small voice, her head down.

"Of course it is…"

"But…but I won't see you guys!" Bex cried, sobbing. My heart ached, and the tears fell from my eyes once more.

"We'll see each other a lot. MI6 and the CIA have a lot of joint missions," Macey said, in a soft voice.

"It won't be the same," Bex wailed, her happy-go-luckiness gone.

The rest of us stayed silent, just hugging her to us.

Zach's POV




I looked at Grant, surprised. He looked back at me, his eyes fierce.

"I didn't apply to the CIA. My mom…my mother…" he trailed off, and I knew what he meant. His mother had been MI6, and she would've wanted Grant to take on the legacy.

I felt a big wave of sadness come over me, and tried to keep it under control. I looked at Jonas. Jonas wasn't the first guy I would've chosen as a friend, but once you got used to his genius, he was pretty cool. But he wasn't Grant, my right wing man. I pursed my lips and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Well…there's always joint missions," I told him.


We stayed silent for awhile, each thinking of different things.

"Do you think we'll meet the Gallagher girls?" Jonas suddenly asked.

I gave a little start. Come to think of it, maybe Cammie and I would meet at the CIA. I mean, her parents were CIA, weren't they? She wouldn't go to NSA.

"Maybe," Grant answered, thoughtfully.

I had an image of me meeting Cammie at Langley(the CIA headquarters), and felt a shiver go up my back. Would I be able to do anything if I saw her again? Did I want to see her again?

The answer to those questions, I won't know until the time comes.

Cammie's POV

So we were leaving. I took one last look at the mansion that had been my home since the seventh grade. I loaded the last of my trunk into the limo Macey, Liz, and I were taking. Then I turned around and met Bex's caramel eyes. They were watery, like my own. We met in a fierce hug.

"Call me, everyday, you got it? Or I will come on a plane and kick your ass," Bex growled roughly in my ear.

"Same goes for you," I told her and pulled away. Macey and Liz also hugged her.

I waited in the car for them, and when they were seated, we all exchanged glances.

"Do you think she'll…"

"Yeah she will…"

"She's Bex, guys."

The limo started moving, and I took a deep breath.

This wasn't the ending.

It was only the beginning.

Zach's POV

"Ok, that's enough," I almost said, but decided not to, just this one time. Grant and I were in a hug, saying goodbye. Normally I would've disliked the contact, but I made an exception.

We were at the airport, where Grant would be off to England, and Jonas and I to Langley. Grant pulled back, and we clapped each other on the back. Then he picked up his bags and walked away, turning around to wave before he disappeared into the sea of people. I tried to stop the scary 'this is the end' music in my head.

"Come on, let's go," I told Jonas, and he bobbed his head. We had a plane to catch.

Later, sitting on the plane, I looked out the window, seeing the houses get smaller and smaller. I was leaving all familiarity behind. Everything from now on was new. Well, except for the beautiful snoring of my wonderful roommate—er, co-worker?—Jonas. I slid the window covering shut and leaned into my comfortable seat.

Missions, criminals, terrorists? I'll take them all. Even seeing her again.

I'm Zachary Goode.

Cammie's POV

I took a deep breath as I stood holding onto Macey and Liz's hand, in front of the CIA headquarters. We looked at the big building and exchanged nervous glances. I took a step forward, and then we were really doing this, walking through the first doors. We got to the front desk where we had to do identification. Then we got our security cards, and a nice blonde lady took us to another not-so-nice-looking lady, who scrutinized us from behind her rhinestone glasses.

"Elizabeth Sutton," she said, glancing at her clipboard.

"Yes," Liz squeaked.

"Go to section eight and ask for a Drew Roberts."

Liz hurried away, sending us a terrified look while she was at it.

"Macey McHenry? Why don't you start with those files over there? Henry can show you what to do," she said briskly.

"Cameron Morgan…" she trailed off, looking at me with a bird's eye.

"Um…yes," I said, uncertainly.

"You look just like your father…" she said, like she was reminiscing about old times. My body froze for a second.

"You knew him?"

She just gave me a grimace, which I guess was her version of a warm smile, and told me to do some paperwork for her.

I followed her, ready to get to work, when something caught my eye. I caught a glimpse of a familiar brown head before the person disappeared around the corner.

I had a feeling I should know who it was.

Zach's POV

The first few days at the CIA were fine, if not boring. I was mostly doing paperwork, since I was new. I was itching to go on a mission soon. I yawned while getting some water, and my heart gave a sudden jolt as I caught sight of a dirty-blonde head. Should I know who that was?

I yawned again, and decided that I should get some coffee. I was having trouble staying up. I walked over to the coffee machine and got a cup. I filled it up and started walking back to where my work was.

I passed a hot dirty-blonde girl as I made my way.

My eyes widened. It wouldn't be her, could it?

I snapped around to catch another glimpse, but she was already gone.

I couldn't tell if I was hopeful or just surprised.

That's the first chapter!

Next: Zach and Cammie meet—for real!

Please REVIEW for the next chapter, and tell me what you thought~