A/N: Okay, I'm sorry it was really bugging me. this fic needs a sad ending. and while I don't want to re-write the whole thing I'm just going to write and alternate ending and post it as a new chapter.

So, this alternate ending starts when Hayner's waking up from his romantic beach dream with Seifer.

His eyes fluttered open and what he saw he wished was the dream. the walls were white. the sheets were white, everything was white. And his sorry excuse for clothing was papery and itchy while his left arm was cold and almost numb due to the IV in the fold of his elbow. even under the sheets his feet and legs felt cold and bear. He wanted out. He needed out. what landed him here was nothing. Just sleep deprivation. The Ambulances could have waited until he had actually done something bad. Like attempting suicide. Which he would've done many times over already if he wasn't too much of a coward to end his own life.

Hayner finally let himself actually look around the room and saw a figure in the corner. He bursts into a grin. Seifer was there. He was really truely there and he was waiting in Hayner's room. His eyes start filling with tears of joy.


"You know, lamer, I told you to change your emergency contact number. I told you I didn't want to be bothered by you anymore."

"Yes but-"

"You should have someone that can fill the role. Roxas, Olette, Pence, someone."

The tears in his eyes were no longer happy. Seifer of all people knew that everyone had left him. Hayner was all alone in the big world. No family. No friends. No lover.

"There isn't. I've got absolutely nobody. And if you didn't want to have to deal with me then you shouldn't have fucking come here in the first place you douche bag!" Hayner couldn't help it he snapped. He swung his feet out of the bed and stood, and although his vision swam he stood frim and lared at Seifer, a death grip on the stand holding the IV fluids. "If I'm that annoying and bothersome you didn't have to come back. you didn't have to wait in my room for me to wake up. but in my defense, I thought the years and moments and secrets were actually worth something to you. I thought you werent a total and complete asshat. I guess not. I guess I was wrong. I guess I'm just that wistful little pussy you thought I was. Now go, before I have to do something I'd rather not." Through the whole rant he couldn't see through the tears that were welling in his eyes and spilling over, running down his face and landing on his ice cold feet.

"No one tells me wha-"

"Well I am." Hayner turned his back on Seifer. He didn't like feeling this weak and defenseless in front of his sole love intrest since he was thirteen. And he didn't like having to tell him to go and never come back. It was easier if he wasn't looking at the blonde. "Go. I don't want you here anymore. I'm sure you have a girlfriend or someone to go back to, since I obviously do."

Seifer squared his shoulders and clenched his jaw in anger before marching out the door with one last uttered word. It was low and quiet and Hayner didn't even know why he tried to hear it. he didn't want to. He wanted to have had the last word in their relationship. But he struggled to hear it anyway. Pushed his hearing to the limit. and the one word he heard he did not like. It made the tears run faster, made him fall on his knees with sobs racking his body. It normally didnt even faze him, much less bother him. But this was Seifer uttering the word. Seifer with the intent to kill Hayner emotionally-at the very least. He had never heard just one word said with so much malice and contempt. No one had ever hated him this much.

(It should have been something like "I hate you" or "go die" shouldn't it?) That one word. That one word that shouldn't have been as bad as it was.


As soon as Hayner was released to go home he went straight to the bed room and threw the picture frame at the window shattering both in the process. If anyone were to look at the picture now, all they'd see two happy smiling faces all bent and torn up.

A/N: okay, I admit. I read the school newspaper's GSA article one too many times (as is obvious with that first part if you actually read the article, but I know, like, none, of you even go to my school) but whatever. it works. apparently "faggot" hurts people's feelings. no clue why (not that I find gay-bashing okay, far from it. I'm part of the LGBT community too), but whatever.
