
A Sam/Andy fic.


Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Rookie Blue.


A/N: Alright, tonight's episode pissed me off. I had many grr moments. While the kisses and NEAR sex scene with Andy was Sam was hot, it was far too short for my liking.

So, here's how I would have done it.

This references back to something Sam said at the beginning, which I think would have made a good "argument" in the end scene.

I hope you guys like this one, I know I'll love writing it.

As always, please read and review, I live for feedback!


He knew that tonight was about comfort. Sex and comfort. It might turn into more - he secretly hoped that it did - but he knew what it was about. She couldn't deal with shooting that guy, and she needed something - anything - to take her mind off of it.

He thanked his lucky stars that she'd chosen him to help her.

Sam hoisted her into his arms, loving the feeling of her taut belly against his skin. Every breath that she took heaved against him, driving him on. He laid them down on the bed, his mouth almost never leaving hers. It was perfect.

And then the power came back on. He could hear his many electronic devices come back to life with the surge of power.

She stilled beneath him, though his eyes remained closed.

"The power's back on," he informed her.

Her eyes flickered open, glancing up at him. "Oh," she stated.

He could see a change in her, and knew that she was suffering a moment of clarity. He didn't want her to regret this when it was over, but he also knew that if he didn't seize the change, they might never get it again.

"Don't over think it," he told her in a soft voice.

She closed her eyes for a moment, seeming to think. Then her hands slid up his chest, her nails dragging through his light chest hair. She breathed a few times through her nose, and then nodded her head. One of her hands slid around to the back of his neck, pulling him down to her lips.

Sam sank into the kiss, his hands moving down to work the snap on her jeans.

She arched up into him, moaning into the kiss before bringing her own hands to undo his pants. The humming of the electricity mixed with the sounds of their heavy panting, creating an odd sort of melody.

The night wore on, and they fell against each other a few times, taking comfort in each other's bodies and seizing every opportunity that they had to be together. Both of them knew that come morning, things would be different. So they didn't think about that. They just focused on that night, and holding each other.


The end.

What did you guys think? Like it, hate it?

Just a quickie, but hopefully a 'goody'.

Reviews are appreciated, flame if you must, but constructive criticism is much more useful.

Until next time ...!