An Update:

I'm sorry I haven't don't anything else with this story, even though it's received lots of kind reviews and even a few nominations!

First and foremost I must say I appreciate EVERY review (Even if I haven't published in awhile, I still read every review) and I'm honored to have Wisdom Teeth nominated.

I know many of you may hate me for writing this story and then not writing anymore chapters.

So, to make it up to you, I'm adding at least one more chapter to the story.

My due date is May 1, 2011 although I may publish it before.

I had no idea anyone would like my story and I appreciate every comment, rating, suggestion, or critique (I know I'm repeating myself but I didn't think my story was very good and to receive any attention for it gives you a sense of a job well done. Don't let it get to my head though)

If I enjoy writing Chapter 2, and you, the reader, still enjoy my story (don't forget to Review!) then I will keep publishing chapters and hopefully will create a half-decent FanFiction.

Once again, I must express my appreciation for every one of you who even took the time to read my story, and the nominations were more than I ever dared expect.

If all goes as planned, you'll be hearing from me before May 1st