Okay it has been WAY too long since I last updated this story, it must be months. I'm sooo sorry people I just have had a rough last few months, spent about a month in hospital and had to have an operation so I have been recovering from that. So once again I'm sorry and will try to update at least once a week from now on =).

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the storyline.

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

The rest of the day passed relatively normal, with the usual regulars, the same ould banter. Once my shift was over I grabbed my stuff and made my way out to the car park, checking my hours for next week on the roster that was hanging by the door. Great, mostly early mornings for the whole of next week. I slammed the door, mainly because it was the only way to ever make sure that it was shut properly, though if I'm honest it was partially because my hours for next week were quite frustrating.

I was so caught up in my anger that I hadn't even noticed there was someone standing in the middle of the car park leaning on what looked to be an expensive car, though it was kind of hard to see in the dim light of the car park, until I walked smacked bang into them.

'Ohh I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz' I apologised profusely as I look up into a pair of emerald eyes, as dark as it was out there was no mistaking the colour of them.

'Yeah, maybe you should watch where you're going' I recognised that voice instantly, let's face it there wasn't many people round this way with that accent and that attitude. I tore my eyes away from his and sure enough stood in front of me was none other than Edward Cullen himself. I had to laugh at myself that I really didn't recognise him earlier.

'Oh it's only you, never mind' I said dismissively as I side stepped him and make my way to my beaten up old car. However Mr Cullen was obviously in the mood for a chat.

'Ha, I should've known that the beaten up old car was yours' He laughed as he came up behind me, call it instinct but I just backed further away from him.

'Well unfortunately not all of us can be filthy rich and afford shiny new cars' the reply was out of my mouth before it had even registered with my brain. But hey, I wasn't in work now, I didn't have to be nice to him.

'I work for my money just like everyone else does. Besides I'm only here for one reason' He stood so he was blocking the drivers door of my car, great now I had no option but to look at him.

'Well can you please hurry up and explain that to me, and also explain why the hell you are blocking my door, it's freezing out here and I would quite like to go home' I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest. He stared at me for a second, as if he was trying to figure something out before he spoke.

'I'm here to give you the chance to apologise to me, which should answer both your questions' as soon as the words left his mouth my mouth dropped to the floor, was this guy for real? It took a few seconds to recompose myself before I could answer.

'You have got to be kidding me?' I all but shouted at him.

'No, I think you were quite rude to me earlier, especially considering who I am and all' if he didn't look so serious I would actually start laughing.

'I don't care who the hell you are and I don't think I was rude to you earlier either. Maybe I'm not as polite as every other teenage girl who will suck up to you but that's life, looks can't get you everything you want' I stated as I shoved him out of my way and got into my car. He was obviously caught off guard because I'm sure that if he wanted to he could have stood his ground and not let me shove him aside.

As I drove away I looked in my mirror to see him standing in the same place I had left him looking truly bewildered.

If I didn't like the guy before, I certainly did not like him now.

Okay that's it for this chapter. I'm thinking of doing the next chapter in Edwards P.O.V. what do you guys think?

As usual if you enjoyed it please review, it really does make my day =).

It's my birthday Sunday (yeah I know, how unlucky am I to have a birthday the day after Christmas lol) but I will try and update before then, if I don't it will defo be during next week at some stage. Once I know people are still following the story I will continue to write it.