A/N: Sorry about earlier, here is the non matrixed story! No reviews this time, just read the story and see how these people will end there Happily Ever After. By the way, I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

"Roxas, don't forget you have to submit your final paintings for your portfolio." My professor called out to me before I left the classroom.

"Right! I'll make sure to bring them by next week." Grabbing my bag of art supplies, and books I left the classroom quickly, I was going to be late if I didn't hurry, and knowing the bus driver he would leave at exactly three o'clock, which would mean I would have to wait another fifteen minutes before the next bus came, making me even later.

It's been roughly four years since I left Destiny Island, and I haven't gone back once, even for my own graduation. My home there is currently being rented out by a family after it was renovated with Areis and Alex acting as a liaison between them and myself. I did keep in contact with a few people though, Alex of course made sure to call me every week to give me an update and we usually talked for an hour before one of us had to go. Namine actually joined me here in Twilight University as this was one of the best art schools available, and I wasn't surprised when I walked into the art studio to find her sitting there. It was...rather difficult to explain why I left without a word, but after she threatened to tell Kairi, who would tell Sora, I finally accepted the fact she was going to be a constant force in my life. Then, Areis called on a monthly basis to make sure that I had enough food and money to get me through the month, which was always unwarranted as she knew that I had more money than I ever needed from both the scholarship and the funds my mom left me. Every phone call though I got to learn a little bit more about my mother and the person she was.

Looking at my wristwatch I knew my mom would be ashamed if I were to be late for a meeting this important. I was already dressed in an orange polo with charcoal pants and nice black dress shoes. Usually I wouldn't mind taking the bus, but right now I was a little frustrated that I didn't ask Namine for a ride, or just taken a damn cab. Running, I saw the bus waiting in it's usual spot on the outskirts of campus. Usually I would take the time to take in the campus, but today I couldn't.

The doors were just about to close when I stuck my hand in, yelping when the door slammed a little too roughly on my hand. "Sorry sorry! I was finishing some things up in the studio." I told the bus driver. He wasn't a very friendly man as he just nodded and told me to get on or else I would make him late. Which was total bull because he usually got to each of his stops five minutes early.

It was a thirty minute trip and two stops later that I arrived at Sunset Terrace. Walking another block I arrived at the little Bistro called Sunset Bistro where I saw the two people waiting for me sitting outside sipping on some hot beverage. They were chatting away, the man with brown hair sticking up at the back and the woman with blue pixie like hair were talking quietly to themselves. I ran the last block to make sure I wasn't late and arrived a little disheveled. "Sorry, sorry I'm late, I had to catch the bus and I got stuck at the studio." I said as I sat down at their table.

Terra smirked, "I could have sworn that you were Ven." Terra said, ignoring the fact that I was out of breath.

Aqua just smiled. "He really is like him isn't he?" Aqua said, seemingly ignoring my presence. "It's alright Roxas, we are still waiting for someone anyways. You got caught up in the studio?" She sweetly said.

It was slightly odd meeting Aqua, she reminded me of Namine and Kairi at the same time. Originally she seemed very sweet, a woman refined by the world to be able to keep that innocence in her that made her so trusting, but as soon as she was in a business atmosphere that sweetness changed into a ruthless woman who used her words to win any argument. If you thought you you could win against Aqua, you were sadly mistaken. With Terra in the room he was the intimidation factor while Aqua was the one that sealed the deal, no one willing to talk back with Terra at her side. It's what made them the perfect partners in business.

"Yeah, I was. I've been trying to finish up one of the last paintings I need to submit for my portfolio. The portfolio is all about memories, the mysteries that they come from, sometimes how we can forget something so important, chasing for those feelings, those ideas, and especially just the vision that they bring. How they shape us to who we are. My professors love the idea." I proudly said.

"We know. You've only been mentioning it for the past two years now." Terra rolled his eyes. "Just make sure you are getting ready for your debut gallery. We've already set up a venue to display your work in Hollow Bastion after your graduation as an upcoming artist."

Aqua decided to contradict to this, "Though you should be working on school, we know that is what comes first. You still have two pieces for us to finish up though. We just want to make sure we will have a finished gallery." Aqua reassured me. Although she hasn't had any children yet, Aqua still had that motherly instinct. When I first arrived, she was always wanting to make sure I was ok.

"I know, I know." I said as one of the waitresses set down a glass of water for me. "No worries, I already have the last two pieces almost ready. I think you will be happy with the result." I know I was going to be, but that is something that shouldn't be revealed quite yet.

The two of them nodded. "Good." Terra said.

"Other than that, what else did you want me here for?" I asked. All I got was a call yesterday saying that they needed to meet me. "I need to sign some document?"

"Yeah, for a friend of ours. He wants to use one of your pieces for a cover for one of his authors. We told him it was fine by us, but he had to run the idea through you. Here he is." Terra pointed his direction behind me, and I could hear the panting of whoever it was.

"Sorry, sorry I'm late. I had to catch a taxi and got caught in a little traffic jam, and then I got caught up in our local office here." The voice said. Turning around my eyes widened a little at the man standing behind me. Wearing a black suit, a red tie and a white polo, it was like looking in a mirror. The infamous Ventus, who Aqua and Terra have been talking about for years, was standing there out of breath, holding a suitcase.

"Nice of you to finally join us Ven." Terra teased him, ruffling his hair slightly. You can tell he was younger than the other two, but maybe by a couple of years. He was taller than me, his hair a little more kept on mine, but I can see why the two of them kept thinking we were the same person. The color hair, the facial features, shape, and even the eye color was almost exact, albeit his might be a little lighter than mine, it was uncanny looking at him, and when he saw me, his face must have mimicked mine.

"Whoa!" He said, taking a step back. "That is...weird." He waved his hand in front of him.

"I'm not a mirror…" I said.

"Oh, right. Heh." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. It kind of reminded me of Sora. "I knew that, just you know, scattered brain a little bit." Yup, definitely reminded me of Sora. "Oh! Right the names Ventus, but you can call me Ven!" He stuck out his hand with a goofy grin on his face. It was hard to believe this man was the CEO of a publishing company.

"Roxas, nice to meet you." I shook his hand. He took a seat across from me, in between Terra and Aqua. "I've been informed that you wanted to use one of my pieces for a book cover?"

"Yup! One of my authors insisted it had to be yours. He apparently fell in love with some of your pieces when we showed him the available artists from Aqua and Terra's company, Land and Sea." He opened his briefcase and took out some documents, "We just need your permission to use it." Handing me the papers.

There was a lot of techno mumbo jumbo, that, without a proper lawyer, would confuse me completely. "Uhh...don't I need a lawyer or something?" I asked, a little confused.

"That is why we are here Roxas." Aqua said. "You have our word that this is all completely legitimate. It just states you have granted permission for the artist to legally use your work for the novel, that you are going to be entitled for five percent of the overall profit of the book when it is released with your artwork, which I had to fight tooth and nail for by the way." She added, giving Terra a smug look, "Our presence is here to reassure you that you should sign."

Terra just glared at Aqua, "Besides that, it'll be good to create buzz amongst critics that'll take notice to the cover and bring in publicity for you when we open the gallery in a couple of months. Good advertisement, you get a nice profit out of it, and you get to say that one of your pieces is being used as a book cover. It's a win-win situation for you. Sign the papers, it's an opportunity that doesn't come around often." I did change my life to gain new opportunities...

Blinking I just shrugged. Looking for anything that would sell my soul to them, maybe I already did without knowing, I did see something interesting though, "The title of the book is The Happily Never After…?" I questioned. "It sounds like an odd book." I noticed a look that crossed the three faces, but thought nothing of it.

"Yeah, it's been getting great reviews, but our marketing division says we need a new picture for the cover." Ventus just shrugged. "Our author agreed and if you sign the papers we will be publishing the new covers for the books by the end of next month."

"Cool. Alright then, it'll be interesting at least to see what you guys use." I took the pen on the table and signed the highlighted parts of the contract.

Ventus blinked, "You don't want to know what piece we were thinking about using?"

Smiling I shrugged again, "I kinda want to be surprised."

Ventus rose an eyebrow. "Perfect." He took the document. "Now that that is done, can I just address the weirdness that is the fact that you and I look so much alike." He stated, and Terra just rubbed the temples of his head.

"Ven, do we really have to discuss that?"

"It's interesting! Come on Terra, you know me. When I meet someone interesting about them I have to ask." He grinned that goofy grin again, and once again I could see Ventus and Sora being kindred spirits, probably raised in similar households.

Terra began to argue his point about why it was going to eventually lead him into trouble by just blurting his mouth without thinking, as Ventus retorted about getting to really know someone is to...and I lost track. "Sorry about them." Aqua smiled apologetically. "They go into these brotherly arguments all the time." She sighed giving the two arguing men a small shake of her head. "It's good you signed those papers, I'm sure the author will be happy. Just make sure you keep your eye out for the book too. I think you will find it quite interesting." She informed me.

I nodded, "I'll make sure I do." Looking at my watch I knew that I could probably stay for a little longer, but with the way the two men were going at it, I knew that it might be a bit before I could actually get to talk to my...doppelganger. "Is there anything more you can tell me about the book?" I was a little curious about it.

"Oh, it's more of a memoir if anything. A little bit of an autobiography of the authors life, with some fantasy thrown in about how he grew up, the things he experienced and a little bit of romance. I've taken a look, and I must say the author is very expressive with how he writes. It's a nice change of pace from the usual novels out there now." She informed me. I noticed that she was a little hesitant with the next thing she said, "You might be interested to know that it's set actually in Destiny Isles."

Now that piqued my interest. "Really? Huh, yeah I think I will get myself a copy when it comes out. There isn't a lot of books about Destiny Isles, and I would love to see the place in the eyes of another."

She nodded, and looked at the two men still caught in deep conversation about the importance of human interaction and the correct social etiquette needed when first meeting a person. "Would you boys like to join the conversation now?" She asked, almost threateningly.

"Sorry." The two voiced at the same time. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the two of them.

"Anyways Roxas, the other thing that we wanted to discuss with you is that a magazine wants to do an interview with you, the problem is they want to do it back at Destiny Islands." Terra announced.

"No." I shook my head. "You know I won't."

"That is what we told them, but they are insisting, considering that many of the pieces you are unveiling have images from the island, they want to do a piece about where you come from, where you got your inspiration, and wanted to do a detailed report about the place you were born as well." Terra furthered his explanation.

I still shook my head. "I told you I wasn't going back until I was ready. Right now, I still don't feel ready yet."

"Roxas." Aqua interrupted Terra, "You know you have changed so much since we first met you four years ago." She was right. I felt like a completely different person, self-sufficient, much more confident in who I was, I held myself with more dignity and poise than I ever did when I was living on the islands. Life was going exceptionally better now since I left and…

"I guess I'm just scared to go back…" I finally said out loud. "I don't want to revert back to my old ways. I don't want to relive those horrible memories. Please guys...I really don't want to go back. Not yet. Give me a little bit, but right now. I can't." The three of them shared a look. Over the years I've told Terra and Aqua my story, the story of what my father did, and the memories. No doubt Ventus must know if they are as close as they claim to be. I've gotten help over the years, went to go see a psychologist even for any emotional distress, but refused to take any of the medication he prescribed. I didn't want to be under the influence while I worked, it would have seemed...wrong in a way.

"Ok." Terra finally said. "We won't force you into it, so we will tell them to either stop by the office or you can set-up a place to meet with them."

"Thanks guys." I said.

"Hey, no more depressing moods alright?" Ven interrupted whatever Aqua was going to say. "So Roxas, I hear that you were on the Swim team in High School, I was too." He grinned. "Now that I met my doppelganger, I'm interested to see how much we have in common."

That simple interaction led to a bombardment of questions, all geared to what Ventus and I had in common and what we didn't. Aqua and Terra laughing when we found some striking similarities with our high school activities, our disastrous attempts at first trying to keep a pet, apparently he killed a bunch of fish too, and even the way we laughed was striking. He also didn't have much taste for Sea Salt Ice Cream which is still my favorite flavor ice cream, he preferred something called Double Crunch which had too much fruit for my tastes on ice cream.

Terra and Aqua also convinced us to go up to a stranger on the street and introduce ourselves as twins. Of course they believed us, and we couldn't help but laugh as they walked away. The two of us even chuckling at the fact that we laughed in a similar manner. Over all, the business turned into a nice hang out with some great people who have become sort of like a makeshift family.

The business meeting was put out of my mind for a couple of weeks. I had to finish my work for school, the paintings that Aqua needed and my portfolio for my graduation, and my finals were finally over. I was planning on sleeping for the next three days. There was no time to see how the deal went through, and it didn't seem like anything happened until I got a phone call from a friend right after my last final of the semester. I walked into my apartment, and my phone began to ring. "Hello?" I answered.

"Roxas!" Alex practically yelled into the phone. "You forgot didn't you?"

Blinking as I put down the groceries I cocked my head to the side confused. "Uhh...what?"

"Really?" I could already hear the exasperated sigh and smiled because in the past four years our banter hasn't lost it's edge. "I'M IN TWILIGHT TOWN! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GRAB DINNER!" I moved my phone away from my ear as his boisterous voice explained why he was pissed. I would be too.

"Uhh….oops." Was the only reply I could give. "Heh, sorry Alex, we were supposed to have dinner at Sunset Hill right?"

"Yeah. You are buying tonight my artist friend. Hope you bring your wallet." He promptly hung up. Quickly putting away the groceries, I got ice cream to celebrate and was gonna watch movies like a girl getting over a breakup, I changed my clothing, grabbing some cargo shorts and a striped black and white tee, I ran out the door grabbing my cellphone, keys, and wallet making my way down to catch the bus.

It took twenty minutes to get to the Sunset Hill stop, and still I had to walk to the restaurant which was ten minutes away. Looking at my watch, I questioned why the hell I was getting late for everything lately, and passed by some shops. Something did catch my eye though as I passed by a bookstore, it was the number one best seller for two weeks in a row, catching the title in passing The Happily Never After I would have stopped to get a better look at it, because the cover looked familiar but instead I got a text from Alex telling me to hurry up.

Arriving at the diner, it was a small bistro on the top of sunset hill so you had a great view of the ocean, the train tracks leading away from the city, and of course the perpetual sunset that cast itself across the town giving it its name. I remembered Alex made a reservation and has a table outside with a view. "Hey Rox." Alex said as I sat down. "Glad you could make it…" He looked at his watch, "forty minutes late." I chuckled as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry sorry, you know I've been busy with practically everything for the past month and a half and just got done with finals."

"That's why we were gonna go out to celebrate! I needed a break from school too, and now that I got that internship in Twilight Town we can hang out all the time while I'm not busy coding and designing for Twilight Engineering. Plus! You graduated! That's something to celebrate man."

"So, all night video games with movies on the side?" I smirked.

"Of course! What else would we have done?" We both laughed. The conversation flowing naturally after that. The waiter came by and took our orders, sharing an appetizer, as Alex ordered a steak with some mashed potatoes and some asparagus, and I of course got some smoked chicken with fries and corn kernels.

The two of us talked about the last semester, my portfolio being displayed at a small gallery with the rest of the art students for a month before they are returned to me and I can then display them as a small part of the gallery in Hollow Bastion. Aqua and Terra already liked the idea of showing the portraits at the gallery and would be some of the few items that weren't for sale. Alex on the other hand talked about the things he was learning with coding, and designing with a grad student at his university as they wanted to build a robot that was designed to withstand heats to explore a local volcano over at Neverland. The rumor is that there is a treasure chest hidden in the depths and just as a cool experiment they wanted to see if they could find it.

"You want to be a treasure hunter essentially." I laughed as he said this.

"Actually, the design is going to help with outer space implications as it'll be able to resist extreme cold as well as extreme heat, but you know for our own fun, yeah I'm going to be a treasure hunter." I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the serious Alex has such a childish fantasy. "Yeah I know, its ridiculous."

" Just a little bit." I snickered, "I'm glad you are having a good time. Senior year is going to kill you, so I suggest you get all you can done before then." I told him. He just nodded.

The two of us were having great fun since the last time we were together was last year after Alex decided to come visit for a week. Both of us realized how romantic our situation seemed, the two of us looking over the sunset on the hill where couples usually fell in love. Two men, single by the looks of it, laughing and chuckling as if it was an actual date. Plus, we kept catching the eye of our waitress who would look away, a blush on her cheek, every time we caught her. So, for the rest of the time the two of us acted like we were flirting with one another, winking, hands brushing together, and even the occasional leaning forward like we were gonna kiss. This brough about a different conversation topic though.

"By the way...have you read that new Best Seller book?" He asked as he looked over at the sunset.

I was confused what brought this on. "No, I saw some poster of it though. Why?"

He didn't look at me, but a smile crossed his face. "It's a good book. Shows the story of a struggling boy trying to come to terms with his feelings as he faces this idea of an unrequited love. He watches from a far, as the person he loves grows into someone that seems so unobtainable even though they are close." I kind of chuckle, because it sounds like what happened with Sora and I. "The reason people love it is because you see the depth that both characters have, the reality of each of the characters, circling around each other, drawn to each other, but circumstances change the two characters and it seems like against all odds they might finally find love, even if it's not with each other. The drama, the love, and even the comedy. People are saying it is one of the best modern literary works today and will be loved by generations to come."

"You read it?"

He smirked, "A friend gave me a copy, wanted my opinion on it." I couldn't help but watch the mischievous smile he gave me.

"I guess I'll pick myself up a copy when I have the time."

"Good." We talked a little more, Zephyr is doing well in school as he was following his brothers footsteps with getting good grades, he was being sociable, and he was finally declared cancer free with almost no chance of it showing up again. Things were looking good for him, and apparently him and Sarah are going to be in the same class this year.

We eventually went home, him back to his apartment on the other side of the city in which he had to take the train home. Before he left though he handed me a small gift. With the only words saying, "Congrats Mister graduate. Hope you like it. See you real soon." Was the note he left on it before he told me to just open it up at home.

I really wanted to open it, and was going to on the bus before I got a text from Alex with the simple words of "Don't. Open it." Again, he always could read my mind, even when he was across the city. I sent him a picture of the finger and the package still wrapped in it's place.

Getting home, I got ready for bed, throwing the package onto the bed. Doing my nightly routine, I hopped into the queen sized bed, which hasn't been shared with anyone, except that one time Alex came over and forced his way into my bed, in my boxers and picked up the package. I carefully unwrapped the package, seeing it was a book with it's red hard cover. Pulling it out of it's packaging the title read The Happily Never After but the illustration made my heart skip a beat.

It was a picture I recognized from years before. A drawing that started a year that would change my life. It was the drawing of Destiny Isles, the very drawing that Sora took that last day of summer, the sun in the distance, you didn't know if it was a sunset or a sunrise with the clocktower creating a shadow that cast itself over the town. The colors of the sun showing yellow, red, orange, and some hues of purple as the town was waking up, or getting ready for the night. A contrast of neither light nor darkness, it was a picture I didn't think I would see again as Sora took it from me.

Looking down at the author's name I knew one day I would see Sora's name on a book, but the elegant script, the golden color, I couldn't have imagined my picture would be the cover of his book. On the back another note was taped onto it. It read, "A certain someone asked me to give this to you Roxas. I hope you read it soon."

Of course it was Sora.

How could it not be Sora?

I missed him…

Opening the book, the first page was an acknowledgement page and my heart fluttered. You could see the original acknowledgement was scratched out. It actually was made to look like that by what it seems, because the ink was neither wet, dried and perfectly symmetrical, and you could make out the original acknowledgement about family, but now it was in a script that could only be Sora's, replicated in each book, it read "For that golden haired boy with the eyes deeper than the ocean, you are always my inspiration. Home is where the heart is, and one day I hope you'll come home."

For the rest of the night, I read. I read the story made from the one person who held my heart. No one could invoke the feelings that Sora could. It was odd seeing my life in the eyes of my best friend. The heart that went into the novel you could feel just by the way he described our little island. A world in itself, driven away from the modern world to live in it's own paradise. The people who live there a species of their own living in a place where others could only dream of, and those who live there only dream about wakening. A place where the soul can heal and rest, and find itself once again after being lost in a world always moving. I found it perfect.

The book entices you about the two boys sharing everything together, the feeling of being lost when the other wasn't around like the scene wasn't ever complete unless the two boys were together. Then, at the tender age of fourteen the main character, Sora, realizes that the way his heart beats faster, stomach feels funny, and the way he can't stop to think about his best friend becomes something more than the simple friendship he thought it was. Everytime the golden haired boy smiled at him, or touched him, those feelings of electricity between them seemed to surge through the two of them. I remembered those moments too, the feeling of that first electrified moment between us on the pier after getting ice cream, another beautiful sunset, another day with my best friend all ordinary except I first noticed how deep his eyes were, the baby fat was beginning to fade and underneath you could see how handsome Sora actually was.

I didn't stop reading that night. I got myself some coffee, moved to the couch and read for hours, until the morning. I was surprised when the book ended right after freshman year of high school. Those memories filled my body, my mind, until I could only think about how badly I missed Sora.

How badly I messed up leaving him…

Reading the way he felt during those moments, there shouldn't have been any doubt in my mind that Sora was waiting for me. That Sora was the person I was supposed...no needed to be with. My life was his...he was right our hearts were traded when we first met each other. He has my heart, and my heart belongs to him. Home is wherever he is. It's wherever he wants to go, and anywhere he is. My home is with Sora. My heart is with Sora. My life belongs...with Sora.

I left Destiny Isles because I felt like I needed to grow on my own. I needed to stand on my own two legs without having to rely on Sora or anyone else. That my friends were leaving me behind, but what I didn't realize is that Sora wasn't leaving me behind. It was like I was ten years old again, his hand in mine as he dragged me forward into the unknown. It being pitch black around us, but he is still dragging me forward. Now though, now I finally feel like the rode around us is beginning to illuminate itself and I don't need to be dragged around. That Sora and I could actually walk hand in hand. Unfortunately I should have made this realization before I left then maybe I would be in his company now.

As I was about to close the book, something fell out of the last page of the book. It was a plane ticket, to Destiny Island. The last page was written in:

Now that you have come to the end of the book I hope you realize that you are never truly alone when it comes to the life around you. I wanted to stop you all those years ago, when you left, and tell you what an idiot you were being, but I don't think you would have believed me or been the person you are today without going through went through some tough shit when you were little and being able to grow was something you have finally done, even if you didn't realize how much Sora was trying to be there for you. No one can say what might have happened if you stayed, but we can always look back and realize our mistakes. The question is do you feel like what you did all those years was a mistake?

Looking at the ticket I realized it was scheduled for noon today. I couldn't help but laugh a little at Alex conniving ways as he understood me the best. Well, I would say almost the best besides the brunet on Destiny Island.

It didn't take very long at all as I got up from where I was and quickly called a cab that would arrive at my apartment in ten minutes, packed a small suitcase that was stashed with clothes for about a week, and then head downstairs and towards the airport. The ticket was one way. Alex knew I wouldn't leave unless I talked with the brunet and rectified this...missing piece in me.

In the cab, I had one thing I had to tie up. Picking up the phone, I dialed Aqua's number, knowing full well she would be awake by now, probably already in the office with Terra. "Hello?" Her voice echoed in the phone.

"Aqua! Remember that magazine that wanted to do a report on me?"

I could hear the question arising in her voice. "Yeah?"

"I need you to schedule it for tomorrow. At Destiny Island. I...I'm going home." I smiled, knowing full well that it wasn't the place I was returning to that was my home but it was who I returning to.

There was a pause in the conversation, and I was trying to imagine the smile that must be playing on Aqua's lips, "Alright Roxas, I will let the magazine know that they got their interview. I'll let you know if they can get there tomorrow, but you have to know that they might not be able to until at least two days from now."

"No problem, just get them there. I'm going to be out of town for a bit Aqua, I hope you understand."

"Just go do what you have to do Rox." Aqua promptly hung up the phone at that point, the friendly statement made my heart sing. It really did feel like Aqua was my older sister and I just got her blessing or something. Chuckling at the thought, I watched the streets of Twilight Town bustle by as I got myself ready, mentally, for what was to come. The buildings fading into a blur as my mind began to relive those moments in the story. The time I saved Sora from the cliff, the time I first met him by that stupid ball hitting my head. The drawings of him I always did. The way his story really made me feel the love he had for me. I was so stupid, and blind that I didn't see it before. "Wait for me Sora…" I whispered. "I'm coming Home."

The flight took six hours, to get to Hollow Bastion, from Hollow Bastion I took the ferry back over to Destiny Isles. Watching the island come into view a plethora of feelings overwhelmed me. The feeling of longing was definitely there, but that gut wrenching feeling of nerves was just as prevalent. I wanted to run away again, but wanted to run towards the island. I guess I was a little conflicted, but this time it was a good kind of feeling.

I arrived on the dock and was greeted by a very odd sight. A shock of red hair standing next to a girl who I would never forget. "Roxas!" The two of them jumped up at the ferry docking, waving emphatically at me as I walked off the ship. Practically running over to them, I hugged the two of them like no time was lost. "It's great to see you again!" Xion exclaimed.

"You guys too, I'm sorry I haven't called much in the past year, I've been a little busy." Which was true. I haven't talked to anyone really besides Namine, Alex, and Areis. Xion, Axel, and I usually would talk over the phone as the two of them worked over at Hollow Bastion now. Axel was hired as a pyrotechnician for a movie studio right out of high school. Xion was still in school for a degree in psychology.

Axel reached around, slumped his arm around my shoulders, and ruffled my hair. "Ah, it's alright Rox. We know you have been busy being all famous and stuff." I swatted his hand away, but smiled none the less.

"How did you guys even know I was coming?" I asked them. I was shocked to see them waiting for me, and planned on calling them after talking with Sora.

"Alex gave us a call, telling us that you were coming back home." Xion explained as we walked off of the docks and towards the beach.

Axel scoffed at this, "More like ordered for us to go. That little punk thinks that he can get away with ordering me around…" Axel began to grumble a little, a little sullen over something.

Xion just rolled her eyes, "He is just petty because Alex fixed one of the machines in a few minutes when this one," Xion pointed over at the red-head, "was struggling with it for months." It was at that moment that I noticed the glimmering stone on her left hand.

"You two are engaged?!" I proclaimed, although it was a question. "When did that happen?!" All mentions of Alex was forgotten as the two looked at each other lovingly and chuckled before they caught me up on everything that was happening. The two were engaged but didn't plan to get married until next year, since Xion would be graduating then.

It was a silly moment between the two of them. Axel tried to take her to the clocktower of the school in Destiny Islands where he set up a whole firework show that could be seen from the mainland, but instead what happened was it began raining. The fireworks weren't able to go off, but the two of them sat there in the soaking rain laughing. Axel looked at Xion pulled out the ring and said "Got it memorized?"

It was perfect for them.

Eventually though, I turned to the two of them, "I...I have to go." I told them.

"Yeah." Axel said. "We know, the kid told us. Just hurry up and get him already."

"Yeah! So then we can go on a double date!" Xion smiled.

"Oh joy, three women on a date." I punched Axel hard in the arm. "Fine, two women and one that can kick my ass." Xion punched him this time. "Ow! You have no control over me Xion!" Xion pulled on his ear and began dragging him away.

"See you later Rox!"

"Xion! Ow! Ok! I'm sorry!" I heard Axel yelling as Xion dragged her fiance away.

Now where was I gonna start? I know I had to go find Sora, that was the first thing I had to do, the reason why I was here. Of course, I had no idea where that place was. This time I got a text message, from Alex.

Hope this helps!

It simply read with a picture of what looked like was the cover of The Happily Never After but when I realized it was a picture of the actual spot I drew the picture I made my way over there. Duffel bag slung over my shoulder, and nothing more than my dignity and pride I made my way to where I guess change first started to happen.

It only took me thirty minutes to walk there, the cliff itself was a little difficult, and the sweat ran down my face as I made my way up that hill that led to that magnificent view. The sun was hitting the hill that lead to the cliff perfectly, casting a shadow over the town probably. I didn't want to look back at the great ocean behind me. I just wanted to keep moving forward, until I reached that top. When I did, I was a little shocked.

It was beautiful.

There sitting on the table that overlooked the city sat a man. I could recognize those chocolate brown spikes anywhere, and the strength of his back. I was nervous as I tossed down my duffel bag, trying not to make a sound at all. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to just walk over to him. Do I say his name? Do I tap his shoulder? What if he didn't want to see me? Instead I just observed the city.

The view itself was spectacular. The shadow that was cast over the town made it seem almost like it was sleeping even though people were still moving. Like time sat still in the little place, that even if darkness comes the place will continue to move forward into tomorrow. The sun behind me also casted a small illuminating effect on the outer rims of the city isolating the city itself, it was a spectacular view.

Inhaling deeply, I walked over to where he sat and just leaned against the table as naturally as I could. Opening my mouth to say something, instead I was interrupted. "You know, I've dreamt about this moment ever since you left. Everyday I would think about you coming back home. Everyday I missed you Roxas." The person who spoke wasn't the same person I left at that time. His voice was a little deeper now. He still had that tinge of innocence in his voice, but also of a person who has grown up, just like we all have to eventually.

Opening my mouth I couldn't form the words. I just said the first thing that came to me. "I'm sorry." I looked over at him, to judge his reaction. Long gone was the baby fat that usually was on his round face. Gone was those short spikes that bounced on his head. His hair was a little longer now, still in the usual spikes, but that same time they seemed more organized, groomed. He was handsome, beautiful, everything I missed and more than I deserved. "I know...I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for doing what I did. For leaving the way I did, but just know. I am sorry." I turned to walk away this time.

He didn't move for awhile, just kept staring out into the air. I went for my duffel bag and picked up what felt like the weight of the world and was gonna leave him. I said what I wanted to say, but I guess it might have not been enough. I felt heartbroken, dejected, like this was just a waste of time. I wanted him to call me, and just as I thought he wouldn't I heard it. "Roxas." I turned around to look at him, the pleading in his voice, the way it sounded desperate for me. I loved the way it fell from his mouth. But as I turned around, I was greeted with something unexpected.

Sora punched me right in the gut, and then again in the jaw hard enough to knock me to the floor, groaning.

"You are a jerk is what you are. An ass, who has no right to do this to me." He cried out, his fists clenched tightly to his sides. his eyes being covered by those spikes. "Roxas, I have waited to see you everyday since you left. I felt like I did something that drove you away. I cried when I woke up to see you gone, and was devastated when I couldn't find you anywhere. Then, Alex told me why. He watched me break down to my knees as you took a piece of me I didn't plan on getting back, but…" He looked up at me, the fire in his eyes were still there. "I kept hope that one day you would return, so I kept going through. I finished school. Did what I had to, and kept myself busy with my novel, college, and taking care of Sarah. I would beg mom to tell me something about you, and all I got of a response was that you were ok. Alex made sure to keep me updated on your status until I asked both of them to stop. I didn't want to know anymore, I didn't want to think about what you were doing because that was too painful for me." He sighed. "I wanted to be with you so badly. My body ached for even in the way you would think, I just longed for your presence, your laughter, your small shoves you liked to do when you were teasing me. I just couldn't stand there as Areis and Alex talked to you and I was told you didn't want to talk to me, so instead everyday I imagined what I would do if you showed up that day."

"Did any of them include punching me in the face?" I rubbed my jaw, knowing a bruise was going to form.

"Most of them." He chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh a little at that too, and just like that the tension was gone. That's all it took was one small joke and it seemed like nothing changed. His anger wasn't there anymore, this time it was replaced with an ache. "How can I trust that you won't leave again?" He all but whispered, but I heard it loud and clear. It reverberated deeply in me.

"Because I love you Sora." I got up, my gut aching, and my jaw still feeling like it was hit by a small truck. "I left because I thought I had to grow myself, which I did, but what I didn't realize was the one thing that really kept me going through the years. You. I needed you in my life. I was lonely in Twilight Town, I was missing you every single day, thinking that what I was doing was for us. The two of us. That when I was confident enough I would reach out to you to show you how much I've grown. But I was an idiot."

"Yeah, you are."

"Can I talk without being interrupted?" I smiled over at him, and he did too, the same goofy grin I remembered and it made my heart melt at the sight. "You reached out to me. You published that book, with my cover and wrote it yourself. My home is with you, no matter what I build, create, or try to do," I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, there was no hesitance this time, no awkwardness, the world seemed right as my hands wrapped around his lower back, "my home is right here. In your arms, in your heart, in your eyes. You have always had my heart since our first meeting. Since the first time you hit me in the head with that ball." I inhaled that cinnamon scent I missed so much and chuckled when I felt his hair tickle the side of my head. "You beat me to the punch first, and when Alex gave me that book I knew what I did was dumb."

"A lot of things you do is dumb." He retorted quite quickly.

"Oh shut up." I pulled back from his neck and kissed him. Hard. His lips tasted like sea salt ice cream, and the way he wiggled and slightly squirmed made it all the better because I could feel his lips curl up in a smile as he kissed me back. I missed it, and now that I had my taste, I would not be able to give him up again. I pulled back from him. "I'm not letting you go again. I made a mistake leaving all those years ago, and now I'm here to make up for that. If you will have me."

He looked up rubbing his jaw in thought. "I'll think about it." He grinned.

"Please don't punch me again." I almost begged.

"Not gonna promise I won't Roxy." He chuckled as I felt him push against my chest, and out of my grip.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I grabbed his hand as my other bent down to pick up my duffel bag.

"What indeed?" He smiled at me, and I smiled right back. I was finally home.

2 days later…

I sighed as I fixed up the black dress shirt, freshly ironed, and white dress pants I had with a black and white belt. Sora was fixing the red tie I was wearing neatly for me because I was terrible on tying my own tie. He was dressed in more casual fashion with a green shirt and cargo pants on. We were sitting at what was now my new home in Destiny Islands, errr I guess it would be the old home, just changed.

Areis destroyed the walls downstairs opening up the living room to connect to the kitchen and dining room making it feel more like a loft. The windows lined the whole back side of the home giving a beautiful picture of the ocean. The upstairs was changed as well, the upstairs was completely redone, thanks to Alex, there was three rooms now, the master bedroom overlooked the ocean and the theme was Twilight as Alex liked to say "A little piece of where you used to live" He shrugged when I asked why. The second bedroom was a little larger, it had soft blue colors with a simple bed and drawer, it was classy and was a guest room, while the last room was more for me. It was empty and let me be able to paint on the walls whatever I wanted. Sora and I agreed it'd be turned into an office when I was done painting the walls.

"I had them set up in the living room, you are gonna have the ocean behind you." A voice called up.

"Tell them we will be down in a second!" Sora called back.

"Ugh, I should have told Aqua to cancel this." I sighed.

"Oh come on, after everything you did you are camera shy?"



"I don't know if you are calling me a child, or if you are trying to call me an endearing nickname. You know like babe, or something like that."

"You are a child."


"You really are nervous huh?" I just nodded. He leaned in and grabbed my head and kissed the top of my forehead. "You'll do great, trust me! I've done these things before and just be yourself, answer the questions and I'm sure they will love you! Besides even if they don't I still will."

"And what more could I ask out of my wife?" I winked at him, and he punched me again. "You are so abusive."

"You love it."

He was right I did.

"Now let's go Rox! If I could be on a talk show talking up my book a few weeks ago I am sure you can do a magazine story because I mean at least you won't have to watch yourself be embarrassing." He tried to reassure me.

"You said I was going to be fine."

"You are, just better not to have a camera there."

"I hate you."


"Right now I hate you." I said as I walked downstairs.

"That I can believe." He laughed as he grabbed me and led me to the other side of the room where the reporter and his camera guy was waiting. It wasn't going to be televised but for photos and what not a guy with a camera was there. His name was Neku something. Didn't talk too much, but did take a shine to Sora who talked with him animatedly about his job. The reporter who was interviewing me was now talking to my best friend, Alex, who showed up yesterday. I believe the reporters name was Shiki or something like that.

The unexpected person in the room who was lounging on my couch as he watched Alex interacting with the reporter was Riku. Now to my shock yesterday I hugged Alex before seeing Riku who promptly came up behind Alex, wrapped an arm behind his waist and leaned in to kiss him as a greeting. My head nearly exploded at what just happened and Sora had to stop me from hyperventilating.

Apparently Alex hooked up with my boyfriend's ex after they broke up. It took a year, Riku didn't even really think about it, just one day Alex was sitting there talking to Kairi, who was off to get her law degree, and he realized how awesome Alex was and how he always had a weird feeling when he was around him. It took another month before he finally had the nerve to ask Alex out in which he denied him and it wasn't until right before Riku left for college that Alex finally agreed on one date and ever since then the two have actually had a strong relationship. While Riku was cool, calm, and relatively trying not to show his humanity to others, Alex balanced him out. You could see the bond the two shared and it was a little touching.

I was just pissed Alex never mentioned something like that.

"Roxas! Your friends are just so charming!" The reporter Shiki told me as Sora shoved me into the room. "Alex here has been telling me all about what life here on the island is and just it seems like paradise."

"If you can get over the nosy people who have no sense of privacy." I sighed, making Sora and Alex grin at each other as they laughed. "Anyways, just tell me what I have to do so we can just get this over with."

"Come on Rox! Be excited! A magazine interview!" Alex hyped.

Sora came over to me, and gave me a sweet long kiss. his lips pressed to mine, the nerves kind of melted into him. The feel of him in my arms, and the same vanilla taste on his lips was something I would never get over and if doing this, very stupid, interview made him happy then fine. "You'll do great Roxy." He winked.

Smiling at him, I agreed to follow Shiki to the kitchen table.

"Roxas, now that we have finally got you here, there are so many things I would love to ask you." She began, as she took out a notepad. We were sitting across from each other now as Neku worked a camera and I would hear the click of the shutter every few seconds. "I guess the first one that I ask every artist is, what is your inspiration?"

Nervously, I responded. "I guess it's a little bit of everything. The island itself was filled with beauty that I doubt you could find anywhere else, my parents were my inspiration for many of my abstract things because...I think there isn't one thing to describe it. My dad wasn't the father who he should have been and my mother died before I could carry any real memories of her, so many of the abstract things I do are based on her. But, if I'm being completely honest." My eyes flickered over to Sora who was smiling softly at me. "It would be Sora. He's always been the inspiration I've always needed when I couldn't finish something."

You could see that Shiki really wanted to just squeal in delight. "How is Sora the inspiration?"

I just chuckled. "How isn't he?" I posed the question. "It's nothing significant, nothing really big, but when we were growing up Sora was kind of all I really needed." Sora's eyes were glistening. "It wasn't like he did anything major."

"I resent that!" Sora called out, making all of us laugh.

"It was just him. If I was stuck on something just hanging out with him for just a few hours and I'd be able to finish a project. It could've just been the way he laughed, or the way he pondered with his head cocked to the side, arms crossed, or just the glisten in his eyes. I guess after being with him, I just felt more confident, more whole, that I could finish things that I didn't believe were good until he saw it." I shrugged.

"You are one of the corniest people in the world." Alex added his input. I heard him get punched by Sora and chuckled.

"Well, then I guess there isn't anything else to say that. It seems like you have a great support system here in Destiny Islands, even if you haven't been back in a while." Shiki said, it wasn't a question, but I think we've kinda moved past the traditional.

"Yeah…" I looked over at my friends and smiled. "I do. I never would have thought about it before because things have always been so lonely when I was growing up, but I have friends that would support me no matter what I would do, I was just to blind to see it."

"More like too stupid." Alex and Riku said at the same time.

"I'm going to kick you guys out if you don't stop interrupting." I called over at them. Again the atmosphere wasn't even like an interview, it was more like the feeling of friends talking. Even Shiki had put her notepad down. Neku was still taking pictures though.

"I know Aqua asked me not to ask, but you talk about your parents and your life growing up, but have never commented on how it was. Through Sora's book we see the good times of what happened between you two, but in some parts of the story he finds you and describes it as," She pulls out a small note, "'finding a shattered glass, trying to find all of the pieces'. Do you have any comment on that?"

Sora came over and sat next to me this time. "Shiki, I don't think it's right to bring my book into this interview."

"You are right, I do apolo-"

"Wait." I interrupted. "A couple of years ago I might not have been able to talk about this, but I guess I should. My father was a corrupt man. He was a man that was misguided and did some terrible things to me." I shook my head as my eyes closed, remembering that night he brought those men in and, instead I felt a warmth on my arm as Sora clutched it tightly, bringing me back from my nightmare. "I won't get into it now, not like this, but the thing was that I don't think of him as a bad guy. He lost the love of his life, and all I was doing was just reminding him of what he had lost and the future that would never happen. Like Sora said, it did shatter me, it haunted me. Now though? I'm glad I could move on from it. I forgave him long ago for what he did, besides if it wasn't for that I would never have met Sora the way I did."

"How did you meet?" Neku was the one that asked this questioned, and when we all looked he just shrugged.

"I hit him in the head with a football." Sora piped in at this point.

"How romantic?" Shiki was confused.

"No seriously! It kinda was. My mom, my little sister, and I were all playing on the beach. It was one of our first days on the island and my dad was still settling things over at Radiant Garden for the move here. We tossed a ball around before I accidentally made it collide with the hard head of Roxas." Sora smiled, "It wasn't romantic, but it kind of set up the rest of our relationship. We always messed with each other, a flirtatious punch here, a small nudge here, and then Senior year those emotional hits left bruises that would span four years into the future until today."

"How am I the sap, when you say things like that?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Both of you are saps!" Alex chimed in.

Shiki just started laughing. "Sora, since you are here, I would like to ask what made you write that acknowledgement page in the book? The style of it was brilliant, with the original being scratched out and a hand-written acknowledgement being made was beautiful."

"Because it was the truth." Sora laughed. "The book was inspired by the blonde-haired boy from my childhood. The story wouldn't have been written if I wasn't with Roxas in my life, he was always the darkness to my sunny attitude, but thats the thing it wasn't bad! The perfect blend of darkness and light, the Twilight. People always say that I'm like the sun, always happy and bubbly, well when you need the sun, you need the moon right? That's what Roxas is to me. He's the moon and the stars at night. Always a constant force, and shines when I don't have the strength to." He grabbed my hand, and I loved the way his hands fit mine perfectly.

Shiki had tears in her eyes. "Well it can be seen by everyone how much you two mean to each other." She sniffled slightly. "Sorry." We just chuckled. "Now, on to the topic I've been asked to really cover and that is the art gallery that you are premiering in the spring. Your company has already set it all up, and we even have pictures of some of the work to be displayed." She brought out a folder. "Can you tell us about it?"

"Sure! I would love to talk about my art." I smiled, and Sora rolled his eyes. Ever since we got back together, I would talk to him about all of the pieces of art I did. "The gallery is called 'Memories'. Everything we do we create a memory about it. This interview will be written from memory, the time I was apart from Sora was a memory, and even Sora's book was based off of all the memories we had together as kids, and I guess I just thought about my old life." I pulled out a small note, folded up to fit in my wallet and unfolded it for Shiki to see. "That is a memory I will never have. It's a note from my mother before she passed away. It was that what inspired the pieces in the gallery. I have so many memories but rarely are they of my mother, but even today she has guided me. Memories are always fleeting, but the experience stays with you." I pulled out one of the paintings I did. It was of Destiny Islands in my mind, before I left what I imagined it to be.

The picture was fully colored, the detail of the island on the left side of the frame was delicate and detailed with the trees sticking in every direction, you could see small children even playing in the sands, but as you moved towards the right, the picture began to become less and less detailed, and the color began to lack it's vibrancy before it looked black and white on the other side.

"I've live here my whole life, but still Destiny Island always changes. The fading of my memory faltered in the end. I wasn't sure if the right side of the island held the coffee shop or the ice cream shop. If the dock was closer to the right or the left side of the island." I put that one down and picked up another one of the pictures.

"This one for example is about even how memories seem to get lost or confused." I showed another one, "This one is a favorite of mine because it was inspired by my friend Xion. She was always afraid of getting forgotten." It was a picture of her and Axel on the Clock Tower in Twilight Town. They never came to visit me, nor have they been with me on the Clock Tower here in Destiny Islands, but the image of them there never left me.

The picture portrayed Axel leaning against the wall, Xion sitting down on the clock tower, but parts of them were missing, as you saw what looked like pieces of paper floating off into the sky coming from the missing parts. They were disintegrating into the abyss, and it was a personal favorite because I felt like this is how memories sometimes feel. "Personally I loved this picture. My friends have never been to this area the portrait is portrayed, but they were always with me."

"I love the way it looks like they are disappearing." Shiki commented.

"That's the point." I smiled. "You don't know if they are being blown into the wind because the memory is fleeting, or you are re-creating a memory that never happened. Putting people in that never were there, or over exaggerating something that happened. We all do it. Memories change with time, or become forgotten and that becomes the theme throughout the rest of the gallery. The pictures fade into a blank canvas, or they are changed from how one person is small and petite and another looks large and intimidating. It's also how some pictures are drawn and sketched rather than a complete painting because sometimes memories can feel like that. As if they are forgotten or just barely there."

Finally she pulled the last picture out of folder. It was of Sora standing on the beach, the sun hitting him just write to create a long shadow behind him, a sea salt ice cream in his hand as he ate it in the water. He was shirtless, but you could see his contemplative face. Nothing though was altered, and everything was in perfect detail. "Now why is this one your ending portrait?" She asked, genuinely interested.

"Simple. That is a memory I won't ever forget." I smiled. "Sometimes we create memories that will never change no matter how much time will change. There are some important things in life that no matter how long it takes we won't ever forget them because they are close to us, and we don't want to forget. This one is mine."

"That is…" Sora began a tear in his eyes.

"Yeah it's that day Sora." I smiled at him.

"What day was that?" Shiki asked.

"Sora's little sister, Sarah, was hospitalized when she was younger because of a rare disease she developed. Because of this she had to live with her grandmother back in Radiant Garden to get treatment for awhile and Zack and Areis, Sora's parents were going to go with her for awhile and Sora wasn't allowed to even say goodbye to her." I remembered the day with such clarity. "It was the day I first saw Sora devastated because his sister was such a big part of his life he was crushed. He called her and told her to come back, and it was fine, but Sora was lost for the rest of the day."

"I fumbled my way over to his house and knocked on his door and all but collapsed into him."

"I freaked out and thought he was hurt or something, but no he was just being overdramatic." I rolled my eyes.

"My sister was being taken away! There is no way I was being overdramatic!"

"She was fine! They even said she wasn't going to die! They just needed to give her treatment and she would have to be monitored." He just huffed and let me get back to the story.

"It wasn't special to anyone else, but that was the first time I spent the entire day with Sora. We would usually only hang out in the afternoon or with his family, but because everyone was gone it was just the two of us. We didn't think much about it, but I think that was when we really connected with each other. From seven in the morning he was at my house and all I kept doing was trying to think of ways to cheer him up."

"He even suggested to go build a raft to explore other islands." Sora had to add.

"That was you." It was him.

"No! I remember that clearly!"

"Sora, that was you. You made the same suggestion to me when we were like ten." Riku this time corrected him.

"Jeez, your memories are more fleeting than my portraits." I teased him.

"Just get on with the story." Sora rolled his eyes and I just laughed, kissing his cheek as he blushed.

"Anyways, it wasn't anything special we did. We hung out, played video games, and eventually went to the pier and down to the beach. We were only fourteen at the time, but the way that the sun hit Sora, the way he looked still contemplating something, so focused, even though his attitude was completely different I couldn't help but remember it clearly. My whole life seemed like that day, just one long lazy summer day with my best friend. And it was then that I knew that Sora was the good in my life, even with all the bad."

Shiki was sniffling now. "Now that . I'm so glad that you guys are together again." She congratulated. "I have enough material to write a beautiful piece I believe. Is there any last words for the reader?"

"There is no need to feel like you are fading into oblivion."

I remembered Xion and her anxieties of being forgotten.

"Even when the world seems like it's forgotten about you."

The night my dad first hit me came to the forefront of my mind.

"Never give up that hope that people bring into your lives."

The sight of Alex and Riku holding hands caught my attention.

"Because even when you are alone, you really aren't."

Namine and Kairi giggling when I told them about Sora and I.

"Life can be a cruel thing to endure."

The image of my mother.

"But that's why we endure, to find the good in it."

I squeezed Sora's hand in mine.

"To build the strength we need to get through it."

Sora squeezed right back.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that…"

"Life is always better than the alternative." Sora finished my thought for me.

"Because you need to enjoy the life you have, and the joys from it, even if it means going through the bad. It just makes moments where the good happens that much better."

My final thoughts: Thank you for reading my story. It's been a couple of years now, but I finally finished one of my stories and the feeling I get right now is one of profound joy, but also of sadness. To me, this is more than a story, it's a piece of me. It lives and breathes as much as I do, and seeing it come to a close is hard, almost painful really. I would like to just say thank you to all of you. You are the reason I kept going, and the readers are truly something that have such a powerful impact on an author.

I would like to give special thanks though,

Dwaxren: You have stuck with this story for so long. We have talked, and discussed the story, and you were one of the first readers who made me feel great about my writing and about the story itself. During those few first chapters I wanted to just give up, but you didn't let me, and for that I would like to say thank you buddy. Truly. You always hold a special place in this story. Because without you, it probably wouldn't have been able to make it past its infancy and into this. The story has been something else hasn't it? Thanks for sticking with it.

Tori-no-Shonen: Oh Little Bird Boy, when it came to the emotions of the story you understood them perfectly. You are someone who really connected with the story and that makes me overjoyed with a connection to you. Especially when you told me you felt the strength to post your own story because of this one. I'm glad. It's one of the best compliments I could have received and trust me, coming to the end it is worth it. Just keep writing, keep your strength, and just keep hope. I don't know what else to say but thank you for being so emotionally invested, it made me think about you whenever I had to write some of those parts.

ProfessorFiction: My friend, you have been a part of this story in those little moments. I think you see them when you read the story, and trust me when I say I can't thank you enough for such encouraging words and for being someone who truly listened and understood what I was trying to say and convey in the story. I'm sure others caught them too, but you always told me. I always got excited when I read one of your reviews because of how intune to the story you were, and that made me more happy and proud of myself than anything else. So thank you.

CanadianCold: What can I say to you sir? You have left me some of the most amazing reviews that I've ever had. (Actually all of you have, but his were just...speechless) I know I've told you this before but your reviews always brought small tears to my eyes because of those kind words, and I still do whenever I go back and reread your reviews. I never gave up this dream of writing and still do it to this day. You got all of the symbolism and the things I never even realized were there. You really inspired me, and kept me going through it even when I didn't know what to do. Your words will always ring in my ears whenever I write my friend, and for that I have nothing but pure gratitude.

A Lonely Dreamer: We finally come to you Mr. Space Cowboy. Many people have you to really thank for these last chapters because it has always been you who messaged me to keep writing and always gave me little incentives to finish. For that I have to thank you. You have been one of the best friends I could have, and you have had an influence in this story in those smaller moments, those funny moments. I think you've realized it too. Thank you so much for what you have done sir. I am glad to have met you and have been thankful that you are who you are. I really don't think I could have done these last few parts without your support because there were so many avenues I was thinking of going with, but in the end I think you were the one that gave me the idea for this one, and I am so content with it.

Thank you to everyone who read this story. Please review one more time, and tell me what you thought. Let me read the thoughts about my first story for the very last time.

Thank you.

Humbly yours,

Dark Islander