Merry almost Christmas everybody!

Sorry for not updating for so long, it's just school, tests, finals... you know how that goes. Anyways, here is the eighth chapter (woot!) and I hope you like it! Didn't switch really switch POV's.
Oh! And for BBgal, I've been getting all of your messages and I do want to reply, but you're messaging is not on so I can't reply. Sorry!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Transformers. At all.

Bumblebee cowered in terror as three very loud sounds echoed through the forest. The birds in the trees were disturbed and they squawked and chirped as they all launched into the sky.

"What was that?" shouted Sideswipe from beside Bumblebee.

"I don't know!" replied Sunstreaker. Prowl had taken temporary command of the pack in the mysterious absence of their alpha. Three very familiar roars pierced the air.

"That's Optimus!" shouted Hound.

"Ratchet and Ironhide too!" yelled Prowl. "Move towards the origin of that sound!" Bumblebee tried to keep up as the pack burst into a sprint towards whatever had made that terrifying sound. Bumblebee kept stumbling on tree roots and rocks as his small legs worked themselves to the limit, and Bumblebee squealed in surprise as someone picked him up by his muzzle.

"You need to grow fast kid!" shouted Sideswipe, his words slightly muffled by Bumblebee's fur. Bumblebee giggled as he bounced up and down, the ground becoming a blur as Sideswipe sped across the ground. Bumblebee could make out a blurry Prowl next to Sideswipe, and to Bumblebee's right, he spotted Sunny. The pack kept running for a long time before Prowl abruptly stopped, eyes frozen to the scene in front of him.

Mia screamed at her Grandpa and the police men as she sobbed over Ironhide's bloody body. Sam stared at the wolf's torn side, seemingly frozen as he hovered above Ratchet, who had also gotten shot. Sam glanced over at the third wolf that had come barreling into the scene at the wrong time. The wolf was also bleeding, breaths heavy and hoarse. This wolf was almost bigger than Ironhide, but much leaner and younger. And the wolf was also blue. With red flames. Loud, harsh barks disturbed the scene and Sam whipped around to see a pack of almost twenty wolves surrounding the humans, and all of the wolves were also rather strangely colored like Ratchet and Ironhide. Some of the police men staggered back in surprise and fear, their guns reloaded and ready to fire again. This time Mia regained control of her emotions and she sniffed as she stood up, her back to the wolves.

"Don't shoot," she said, voice lower than usual with a deadly menace. "Don't shoot or I'll…" Mia seemed to run out of her sudden courage as she ran out of things to say.

"Don't shoot unless you want to die too," said Sam, also standing up. "I know you know that you don't have enough bullets to finish off these wolves. And plus there's six of you and twenty of them." Mia nodded firmly in agreement and walked over to stand by Sam. She crossed her arms and frowned, a determined expression on her face. Sam could've laughed. His little sister looked like some kind of heroine, in all of her girly, seven-year-old glory. But Sam didn't laugh of course. Instead he glared fiercely at his own Grandpa and the policemen, daring them to make a move. Slowly, one by one, the police officers lowered their guns, and Grandpa lowered his rifle.

"What do you children think you're doing?" said Grandpa. "They can kill both of you any second!"

"But they haven't, have they?" retorted Mia. Sam didn't say anything, and he was focused on something else. A police officer had taken out his phone and was talking to someone, probably calling for reinforcements. Sam narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what the best thing to do was. They definitely couldn't outrun the police, but they couldn't stay either. The police would probably come and shoot all of the wolves. Sam glanced at said wolves, and all of them were low to the ground, ears flattened back and snarling, baring their fangs.

"This situation could get out of hand fast," muttered Sam to himself.

"Let's go home kids," said Grandpa. "We can eat your favorite for lunch. Just let the police take care of these wild animals." Sam almost had said yes, his stomach was growling so much.

"But they'll just kill them!" exclaimed Mia. Grandpa shook his head and chuckled.

"Mia, I know you like animals, but these are wild animals, honey," replied Grandpa. "They aren't tamed, and they aren't used to humans. They'll hurt someone as soon as they get the chance."

"Well, they have a chance right now, don't they?" said Mia, defiance glowing in her eyes.

"Kid, back off," ordered a police officer. Mia and Sam didn't move.

"Sam, Mia, this is ridiculous," stated Grandpa. "Come over here right now." Mia bit her lip, struggling with the fact she was flatly disobeying Grandpa. Suddenly a black and yellow ball of fluff bounded out of the growling and snarling pack, right up to Sam. Sam looked down in surprise at a tiny yellow and black pup, yipping and wagging its tail. Then the cock of a gun could be heard. Mia and Sam were knocked to the ground as the pack of wolves launched at the police officers, tackling each and everyone one of them to the ground. Sam and Mia struggled to get back onto their feet, but they were knocked sideways again and again by the flurry of fur and dark blue uniforms around them.

"Grandpa!" screamed Mia as she tried to look for him.

"Mia!" shouted Sam, reaching out his arm to grab her hand. Mia held tightly onto Sam's hand as they crawled on their stomachs, trying to get out of the fray.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Mia as a wolf picked her up by her shirt and jumped out of the chaos. Sam felt himself lurched upwards as he too was taken to safety. Sam and Mia were carried to a nearby tree, and they leaned against it as they tried to catch their breath. Sam stared at the gold and silver colored wolves standing before them, along with the black and yellow pup.

"You two okay?" asked the silver one.

"Yeah," replied Mia. "We're fine."

"Good," said the gold one. "Now we can get back to the…" The gold wolf paused as he turned around, seemingly looking for something. He froze as he spotted something darting back into the fight.

"Oh crap, Bumblebee!" shouted the silver one.

"Excuse us, we'll be right back," said the gold one as they bounded after the black and yellow pup.

"Bumblebee?" said Mia, laughing a little. "These names are getting weirder and weirder." Sam and Mia stayed by the tree as they were told, and the battle slowly died down as the police officers ran out of energy and quickly retreated, along with Grandpa. Grandpa glanced back at Mia and Sam before retreating as well. Mia and Sam suddenly found themselves under the undivided attention of twenty wolves. The black and yellow pup, Bumblebee, bounded forward again and prodded Sam's leg curiously with his nose.

"Hey," said Sam, stifled giggles catching in his throat. "S-Stop that! It tickles!" Sam fell to the ground laughing as the pup climbed all over him, licking his face.

"Bumblebee," called out the silver wolf. "Come back here." Bumblebee whined but nonetheless got off of Sam, allowing him to sit up.

"Sam," whispered Mia. "Look at all of them." Sam finally got a good look at the pack wolves standing in front of them. They were a mixture of blues, reds, blacks, whites, and the occasional yellow. It was the strangest thing Sam had ever seen.

"Hey!" shouted Sam, remembering something. "Are Ratchet and Ironhide okay?"

"And that other wolf too," added Mia. "Are they okay?"

"They'll be fine," said a red, white, and black wolf. "They just need plenty of rest."

"Oh, good," said Mia. Suddenly Mia's stomach growled loudly, and her face turned red in embarrassment

"The child is hungry," stated the red, white, and black wolf. "Prepare food for them." Then the wolf faced Mia and Sam. "Come with us."

I know the ending is crappy, but I've been trying to update so deal with it. Click the pretty review button please!
