Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Yes I own the idea of this story. I do not own Naruto characters used in this story. I never will. This belongs to ever one who works hard to bring us the anime and Manga called Naruto. Also I say for those not eighteen and over please don't read, strong matting will be seen in later chapters by mating I mean sex.
AN: I hope you read this before you read this story. I use a lot of words that I feel each race in this story would use. So I made a vocab list I hope you look at it just in case you get confused.
Croatia- This word has some crazy meaning to it but for the purpose of my story it's the name used for all the magical races i.e. vampires, werewolves, wizards, etc.
Age- Most all Croatia creatures age the same except demons. So for all Croatia except the demons the age every 100 years; 100 year old Croatia creature would look and act like a 1 year old human except the Croatian would act more whatever race they are. Demons age at some weird pace in my story like 125 years, meaning every 125 years would be like 1 year for them. So a demon who is 2,700 would actually be 24. Though you don't need to worry because I will tell you everyone's age demon, vampire etc.
Brothering- means fellow brother, friend, comrade etc. This word is used by only the demons. It is used as only one person not its original meaning of group of people. So it would be 'Baddazz-brothering' not 'my brothering of demons.'
Brethren- means the same as the above word expect in my story I will used this for a group of 'brothering.'
Kindred- This is used in my story when the vampires are among other vampires or talking to another vampire, they might place it after another vampire's name. I know it usually means more than one person like a group but for my purposes it can use behind as a single person like 'Baddazz-kindred' or a group 'my Kindred'. Yet this word will be used by vampires only.
Kin- This word is used by the werewolves. They use it to refer to another werewolf, place after another werewolf's name or when talking. They usually will use it among other werewolves only or talking to another but not always.
Khan- Khan means leader. It's the vampire's word when addressing or talking to or about their vampire leaders.
Vampire Chambers- The house where all vampires stay; should be made clear anyways by the name.
Wizards Spear- a Spear certain wizards use that release magic spells for the owner like a wand but stronger.
Chapter 1: A Vampire's Crush
A raven hair girl stared out her window and instead of reading a clock she looked to the sky for time. It was 7am, time for her to get ready for what humans called school. That's right she was not human but a Vampire, A vampire from the Hyuga clan.
The Hyuga clan is one of the most powerful and smartest vampire clan ever. The thing that made the Hyuga clan vampire's stick out was their unusual lavender eyes. Their eyes held the power of their clan's greatest asset the Byakugan. The Byakugan allowed them, the Hyuga's to do three things; Byakugan gives the user a near 360º field of vision, second ability is being able to see through solid objects, and can use a degree of telescopic sight, and third it allowed them to freeze their prey before they ate them.
Hyuga's were highly praised by the other vampires because of their ability. They were the only vampires who didn't have red or black eyes making them very unique. Then combining their abilities to the normal vampire ability's like being able to hear long distance, see in the dark, having a very good sense of smell, and run faster than any car made then being one of the top dogs.
The only other vampire clan that could compare is the Uchiha clan. Uchiha clan vampire's also stood out for their own famous ability called the Sharingan. The Sharingan turns the Uchiha's clan member's black eyes into red blazing eyes. Sharingan for the Uchiha clan members makes them capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through simple eye contact and it slows their prays movement.
No other vampire clans had such great abilities to compare to such as the Hyuga or Uchiha making them strongest of the vampire clans. As such, all the vampires had come to an agreement many years ago allowing two vampire leaders or Khans to rule, One Hyuga and One Uchiha. As of now her father, Hiashi Hyuga and Fugaku Uchiha were head of the vampires. Vampires from different clans along with a few Hyuga and Uchiha made up the vampire council or in vampire lingo 'counts ruling'. The rest of the vampires just lived doing whatever they were told.
She wished she could do the same because it seemed like those vampires had more freedom but no she was the first born of the Hyuga clan that meant she was heir of Hyuga clan and would someday have to be one of the leaders of the Vampires. Yet she knew her father and many other vampires thought she was too weak to lead.
She didn't want to think about that now though after all she was still young she is only what 1,800 years old. She had been going to school for a good 1,300 years of her young life. Since vampires age slowly she was only 18 in human eyes which meant she's repeated a couple of grades a few times.
No, not because she was dumb or anything of the sort she just didn't exactly look 18 when humans would be 18. At that time she still looked like an infant. She didn't have to worry about people recognizing her not aging because she always changed schools and lot of the people in the vampire clans acted as higher officials so she could always erase school records and make it look like she never been in the grade she was retaking.
So in the end no one knew that this raven haired white eye beauty was a vampire besides her own kind. She strolled to the shower and got in turning on the cold water and quickly bathed before stepping out. Then walking over to her drawers she pulled out some white jeans, a purple tank top, a thin light purple jacket with the Hyuga symbol on it, and some white coach shoes. She combed and brush her hair out then brush her teeth and grabbed her backpack.
"Hinata-kindred are you ready to go," called her cousin and fellow vampire clan member, Neji from behind her bedroom door.
Hinata walked to her bedroom door opening it and said, "Yes Neji Kindred."
He only nodded and walked down a grand spiral staircase with her following close behind as she they walked out the door of the Vampire Chambers. The Vampire Chambers was more like a Mansion or grand house. There were nine floors, the first floor was the lobby, second floor was like a library, the third floor was where meetings among council were held, floors four through eight was were the vampires slept in rooms and the ninth floor the vampire's attic. Vampire's attic contain vampire's most treasured belongs and weapons. The house was the only one in the neighborhood and surround by trees so no one would ever know they live there.
Neji got into one of the many family cars, an all black Mercedes. The Vampire Chambers had a 10 car garage that could fit three cars in each. Yet most vampire's didn't drive they preferred to run or walk but to seem normal every once in a while for things like going to school or for the ones who worked they would drive to the place they were trying to get too.
Hinata also got in the car were she noticed her sister Hanabi already in the car. Neji started the car and drove off speedy leaving the Vampire Chambers. They got to school in no time. Konoha High school was the name of the School Hinata, Neji, and Hanabi went to.
Hinata got out the car to meet her friends. Most of her friends were not Vampires but were part of the Croatia world. Croatia is the Vampire, werewolf, Wizard term for magical creatures. Only a good ten percent of her school was part of the Croatian world the other ninety percent were mortals. And of course the mortals were forbid to know about the Croatian people. That was the main reason Hinata distant herself from most humans trying not to make an unnecessary bond as her father called it. The mortals couldn't tell the difference between her and their own kind anyway because when Croatians were not among other magical creatures they looked all human.
But just because vampires knew about other magical creatures like werewolves or wizards didn't mean they were all best friends. In fact Vampires were known to have a mutual hatred towards werewolves, the only reason why they stand one another now is because a forced peace treaty by the wizards.
Though all vampires didn't hate werewolves, in fact Hinata was one of those vampires that didn't hate werewolves. One of her best friend's was werewolf and because of that her kind tend to see her as weak and many didn't like her for it. Neji and Hanabi on the other hand were vampires who did hate the werewolves and only tolerated them as far as they need. As a matter fact they did the same for mortals and wizards the two usually only talked to other vampires.
Hinata didn't get along with the other vampires as much as her cousin or sister so instead of hanging with her kindred she talked to werewolves and wizards.
Hinata walked up to her friends with a smile on her face and said, "Hi Kiba, Shino, Konohamaru, Lee, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Sakura, Tenten, Udon, and Mogei."
"Was up," and, "Hey," her friends responded as they stood near Hinata's locker aka their chilling spot.
"Why are they such losers," Kiba joked as he pointed to where Neji and Hanabi stood talking to the other vampires Sasuke, Sai, Matsuri, and Itachi.
Since most vampires felt the same way as Neji and Hanabi they all tend to hang with one another never talking to anybody else. The mortals saw them as the cool kids and looked at most of Hinata's friends as losers. There were only a few people that she hung with that the mortals thought of as cool. She wasn't one of them. Itachi one of the vampires was a good 2,400 or 24 in human years yet he could look like he was 18 and so he enrolled in school as an 18 year old. He also was heir to the Uchiha clan, he and Hinata are supposed to be the future leaders of the vampires yet she doesn't want to rule and was pretty sure he didn't want her to either.
Sasuke was the same age as her and the other heir to the Uchiha rule. He would never be leader unless something happen to Itachi but that didn't mean other vampires didn't fawn all over him. He was a ladies' man but Hinata didn't see him as attractive at all. He also was possibly the rudest vampire besides her cousin Neji.
Matsuri and Sai were also same age as Hinata and weren't really from any important clan worth mentioning. They usually acted like assholes to everyone besides all the other vampires.
"Kiba don't call them that," Hinata whispered worried that they over heard him, they after all could hear a pin drop from a mile away.
They had too heard him but they decided not to be bothered with the stupid werewolf boy.
Kiba smiled, "I'm sorry Hinata I forgot for a second that they are your kin."
"Not only that you should know better than talking about Sasuke-kun," hissed the angry wizard name Sakura.
"Yea," shouted Ino.
Ino and Sakura are two wizards who were in love with the hot vampire Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura wasn't good at normal wizard spells when it came to being a wizard but she could whip up a good health potion anytime and she is getting better at normal spells thanks to the school principal who also is secretly a wizard that only non mortals knew about.
Ino on the other hand is good at normal spells especially her family's mind reading spell or body transfer spell. She also is learning a little medical spells so she could out do her friendly rival Sakura.
"You guys are troublesome," mumbled the lazy shadow wizard Shikamaru. Shikamaru is a genius wizard though he was really lazy. He also is famous for using his wizard's clan shadow trapping spell on people.
"I agree," said the fat wizard Choji. He is a good wizard though it seemed that everyone in his family had a weight problem. His, Ino's, and Shikamaru's fathers together made up one of the greatest wizard fighting group of all times.
"Don't yell at my beloved Sakura-Chan," yelled the bushy brow werewolf Lee.
Lee is a hyper werewolf but don't let that fool you he is awfully amazing when it comes to fighting and very fast when it comes to speed.
"Shut up Lee," growled Mogei another werewolf. She is one of the prettiest female werewolves Hinata has ever seen with the exception of Kiba's sister Hana.
"Yea stupid you're so loud," muttered Tenten another wizard though she used more weapons then spells and she always fought with a wizards spear. Her family is the most hands on wizards known.
The wizards Konohamaru and Shino just sighed softly. They are both excellent wizards from great families especially Konohamaru whose grandfather was name the god of wizards, professor of wizards, wizard king, Hiruzen Sarutobi.
"I wonder where that stupid mortal friend of yours is, Shikamaru," muttered Kiba trying to change the subject.
Hinata blushed she knew just what mortal friend they were talking about but the bell ranged before anyone could say anything and they all departed to get to class.
Walking fast and swift a blonde hair boy reached the classroom and open the door. All eyes landed on the boy including the teacher who didn't like him interrupting her third period class.
He ignored their piercing eyes and strolled over to his desk sitting down. He propped his feet up so they rested on his desk then closed his eyes hoping to get some sleep.
Wrong. "Naruto Uzumaki you have some nerve young man. First get your feet down off your desk and give me your pass," yelled his third period teacher.
Naruto open one eye to take a peek at her. He didn't feel like going through any mess today he already had a hard day with his grandfather.
'If you think that was hard then you wait and see,' his grandfather laughed from inside of his head.
"Kurenai sensei I do not have a pass so if you want me to get out tell me now. I don't want to argue I just want to sleep… I'm so tired," Naruto whined as his one eye open close again and he began to lightly snore as he fell asleep.
Kurenai blinked, did he just go to sleep on her. She wondered what the mortal did to be so tired. Then she noticed her kindred, Hinata, staring her as if to ask her not to get the mortal boy in trouble. Kurenai sighed Hinata was going to owe her one for this. She ignored the sleeping blonde and continued on with class instead of waking him up and sending him to the office.
Shikamaru shook his head at his sleeping friend muttering, "How like Naruto to be so troublesome."
"Just like him," agreed Choji, one of Naruto's good friends.
Sasuke who sat behind Naruto muttered, "What a dobe."
Yet the boy didn't hear any of this because he was sleeping the whole time. Naruto had a tiring morning. After all being a demon prince wasn't easy.
Naruto is a half demon who would soon become full demon in three months. Usually this didn't happen if you were half demon, you stayed half demon but Naruto was different. His grandfather the legendary demon king, one of the greatest demons of all times, Kyuubi was sealed inside of him at birth and his grandfather's powers was slowly becoming Naruto's own. When three months has passed he will no longer be half demon but full demon with all Kyuubi's powers. He was born into the royal possession but with power of his grandpas plus his own amazing power he was acknowledge by his fellow brethren earlier then most. His mother was queen of the demons were his father was a mere mortal so he naturally had a bit of human scent to him.
He used this small amount he had and intensified it to throw the vampires, wizards, and werewolves off track. Being the only demon in the school he decided it was safer to act as a mortal. Since his race was supposed to be destroyed in the petty minds of Croatians he decided to play human for the time being. It was easy especially since most knew only of his grandfather and his grandfather's fellow legendary demon friends otherwise most didn't know or care much about demons making easy for Naruto to blend in with the mortals.
"Naruto, hello, earth to Naruto class is over," Shikamaru sighed waving his hands in front of Naruto.
"Huh," Naruto yawned snapping out of his deep sleep.
"Class is over are you coming with us its time for lunch," he asked pointing to him, Choji, and Hinata.
"Oh lunch sure," Naruto said sleepy.
"Naruto-kun are you okay," questioned Hinata who never seen the boy not excited and pump up over lunch.
"Yea, are you okay you usually jump for joy for lunch," stated Choji.
"Just tired Kay now stop asking me questions," Naruto said pushing past his friends and heading for lunch.
"That was weird," noted Shikamaru looking after his friends retreating form.
"Is it," asked Kurenai. Now that all her students who didn't know about Croatia where gone she could talk freely to them.
Kurenai is a vampire from the Yuhi clan. She is 3300 years old but she only looked 33 so you could say she was 33 when talking to humans. She lived in the vampire chambers with Hinata and the rest of the vampires. She is pretty close to Hinata; she acts as if she is her older sister. Plus Hiashi always would tell Kurenai to watch after Hinata like Hinata was a child. Her red eyes made her stand out. She was one of those vampires whose eyes always stayed red. Her skin is pale and hair dark black and wavy. She is famous in the eyes of vampires and many other Croatia for her skills and ability to lead. Even Hinata looked up to her.
"Yea, he is always excited about lunch so he can eat ramen and he's never rude like that," said Choji.
Hinata nodded worried about her blonde friend.
"Mortals are strange is hard to fully understand them maybe you should give him some space," Kurenai told them directing most of her words towards the worried Hinata.
"Well we better get to lunch it will look strange in a mortals eyes if we aren't at lunch," sighed Shikamaru.
Kurenai agreed and they walked out into the hallways to the lunchroom. When they got there they noticed Naruto not sitting with their regular group of friends instead he was sitting at a table all by himself with his head down sleeping. His ramen was sitting there besides him and they could tell it was untouched. They got their lunch and went to sit down at their regular table.
"What's wrong with the mortal," asked Kiba nodding his head towards Naruto.
"Don't know," shrugged Shikamaru.
"I'm worried about him," said a sad Hinata.
Sakura shook her head, "Hinata I don't get how you can like a mortal."
"He nice, kind, sweet, caring, and strong," Hinata ranted blushing.
"But I am stronger," growled a jealous Kiba.
"Of course you are you idiot you're a werewolf he's a measly human," said Ino.
"Even for a human he is still pretty youthful. I wonder what has him down in the dumps," shouted Lee.
"I know the boss has never, not eaten a bowl of ramen," Konohamaru said.
"Why do you call that mortal boss," asked Shino.
"Because I have a lot of respect for him," Konohamaru told him.
"Yea and he always helps us out," added Mogei.
"Not to mention he's one of the only humans that don't think me, Konohamaru, and Mogei are weird," pointed out Udon.
"It doesn't matter what a measly mortal thinks," barked Kiba getting angry.
"It might not but you have to admit he is pretty nice," stated Tenten.
"Nice the idiot is the biggest douche bag ever," Kiba disagreed.
"Only because you piss him off," Shino reminded him.
"What about his stupid pranks," asked Kiba?
"Everyone is not perfect Kiba," said Hinata.
"Hinata you only say that because you like the stupid blonde hair idiot," growled Kiba.
It was true Hinata liked Naruto, a mortal. He was her only mortal friend and that was because she had the biggest crush ever on him. All her friends and family knew she liked the mortal and most thought she was stupid for liking him. Her father always tells her that she will never be with the mortal so she should get over her pitiful crush. She also knew all her friends besides Kiba liked Naruto. Kiba for some reason hated Naruto a lot and tried to piss off the blonde ever chance he got.
"Kiba even if I do like him, he is still my friend and I don't like the way you talk about him," Hinata told him as she got up from the table walking towards Naruto.
She sat down next to Naruto yet he didn't notice her at least she thought he didn't. So he surprised her when he said, "Hinata what do you want."
She blushed his voice was deeper than usual and very husky. She knew she shouldn't but she was getting aroused by the very sound of his voice.
Naruto detected the scent of her arousal and immediately it began to drive his demon nose crazy. He knew the vampire girl had a crush on him. He could hear her conversations with his good hearing.
"Hinata I thought I asked you a question," Naruto said in a demanding voice.
"I-i-I came to see if you were all right," she said stuttering she didn't know how this mortal boy drove her crazy but he did.
"I'm fine Hinata," Naruto sighed.
"Are you sure," she pressed.
"Actually I am not fine but I don't want to talk about it. I just want to sleep, I feel like someone sucked all the energy out of me," Naruto answered.
Hinata faced became really worried now. Did a vampire bite him? Did a Ghoul drain life from him? Questions ran through her head as she worried about him.
Naruto could sense her worrying about him and decided to put a stop to it, "Hinata look, I just had a bad day at home. My grandfather has been nagging me about my future plans to run my family's company after all I am the heir the almighty leader. I just feel so pressure I never felt this way before."
For some reason Naruto felt bad lying to her but this was the only way he could think of making her stop worrying but it seemed by the expression on her face he made it worst.
"Oh Naruto-kun I'm so sorry," she said knowing exactly how he felt.
"It's no problem really Hinata," he reassured her.
"Okay but you can always talk to me Naruto-kun," Hinata said blushing shyly as she finally realized she been talking to her crush longer than normal.
The lunch bell ranged and everybody begin to file out the cafeteria.
"Guess we should be going now," Naruto said getting up slowly while wincing in pain.
Hinata noticed this and wonder if he gotten hurt, "Naruto did you get hurt."
"Yea a little but it's just a small scratch," he claimed. Hinata nodded and they walked out of lunch meeting their other friends.
"Well if it wasn't my favorite blonde," laughed Kiba as he slapped Naruto on his back hard.
"Ahhh," Naruto cried out before hitting the ground. He looked up at Kiba with murderous eyes everyone could have sworn his eyes change red. But he didn't let them get a second glance because he took off.
"Kiba why did you do that," Hinata nearly yelled at him.
"I didn't know he was going die form a small hit Hinata," chuckled Kiba.
Hinata was furious and really fed up with Kiba so she turn and ran after where she last seen Naruto go.
After a while of looking Hinata started to get frustrated, she couldn't detect his scent anywhere which is strange because humans had a very distinct scent. She also had gotten use to Naruto's human scent so she should have been able to easy detect him but she couldn't. Not only that she used her vampire clan eyes to look through walls and she didn't see him it was like he left school. But she didn't even detect his scent leave. This was really weird. All vampires could do two things really well and that was, hearing far away and detecting one's scent. Her vampire bloodline happened to be one of the most superiors which is again the Byakugan. It allowed vampires from her clan to see through anything. The Uchiha had the next strongest which is the Sharingan it allowed them to hypnotize people. Yet with all this she couldn't find Naruto.
She sighed maybe she would see him tomorrow she began to walk to class only to notice that she missed four class periods looking for Naruto and the day was over with everyone was getting ready to go home.
Naruto breathed hard as he sat in the janitor closet. He had to mask his scent because he was sure someone would come looking for him. Normally a hit like the one Kiba gave him would have not affected him at all but he had bruises all over and his body still ached from his earlier activities.
Naruto took off his shirt and looked down at his body. He had marks all over him. They would usually heal quickly but his grandfather wouldn't heal these wounds.
He closed his eyes trying to gain some sleep as his thoughts went back to earlier this morning.
"Brothering it is time for what those mortals call, school, is it not," asked a red hair half demon.
"Gaara, School starts in two hours so I am good," Naruto told Gaara.
"Are you planning on training," Gaara asked the demon prince as they walked down the stairs of the demon layer into an old courtyard.
"Yes, I need to know how to control my grandfather's power," He responded.
"Kyuubi's power is immense so you have to be careful brothering," warned Gaara.
"I know that but I'm tired of being a half-demon prince who can't protect my brothering," Naruto said.
"If that is how you feel it is ridiculous. Even as half-demon you are pretty strong and as far as protecting us goes in three months you will be demon king anyways," Gaara said.
"Yea I guess," Naruto said and closed his eyes going into another mindscape.
"Wake up stupid no good lazy grandfather," yelled Naruto.
His grandfather growled, "If I would have knew Kushina would have bore a no good half-demon grandson like you I would have destroy you myself."
"Shut up and pump some of your demonic power in me old man," shouted Naruto.
"Is that how you talk to your grandfather you runt, oh I will pump my demonic power in you all right and guess what I am not going to heal you until I feel like you suffered enough," Kyuubi yelled at him.
Red demonic covered Naruto and he began to transform into his demon form.
"I really shouldn't have pissed off my grandfather," he said to himself as he tried to put some of the cream his mother gave him early to heal his wounds his grandfather gave him.
"So you agree you could have been more respectable," asked his grandfather.
"Yes I could have now will you please heal me this hurts badly," he yelled inside his head.
"Okay you damn brat," Kyuubi said as he begin to heal Naruto. Naruto was healed quickly and no scars where shown anymore.
"Grandson listen up, I know you don't want to kill those bastard werewolf, vampires, and wizards like I asked you to but don't you think you should least make our race known again," Kyuubi said.
"I will when the time comes old man," Naruto said.
"This is why we are hiding like little fucking babies because no one has balls to make the demon race know," yelled Kyuubi.
"All in due time," Said Naruto deciding he was going home.
AN: I will add new vocab each chapter when I see fit hope you like this.