Ok so a quick update for anyone who may still be reading this fanfic... I am sooo sorry about how long it has taken me to return, I truly am! Things got hectic after the last chapter was uploaded, with graduating, and looking for a job, taking care of my ferret Smaug (yes after the dragon from the Hobbit) and now with trying to get into college, my life is total chaos.

Though on a brighter note, I finally got word pad on my tablet and will soon be able to fully update my stories again! Yay! I had actually honestly lost interest in fanfiction for awhile as well, worked on my own stories which are on deviantart, until just tonight I happened to look at all the reviews for this story. I went through every one of them, and decided, I will find my inspiration again and finish this story! The writing flow may be a little different from before (after all I've been playing with my own characters for awhile and been enjoying free reign with personalities and all that fun stuff) and hopefully characters like Lelouch remain in character since I haven't watched Code Geass in a long time...

Anyway, if any of you are still waiting on me, your wait is coming to an end finally! Soon!