Edit version. Yes, I edited some parts, because I feel that the first chapters were boring O.o

Disclaimer: I don't own La Corda D'oro

Warning: Super OOC

As You Wish, Ojou-sama

Intro: It didn't matter whether they were of different status or not... as long as they were themselves... but those were just their wishful thinking. Little did they know about the seriousness of their worlds until they grew up...




Chapter 1




A bright scarlet haired girl sighed for the nth time that day.

She looked around the exquisite store, which she had entered a few hours ago, with pure boredom. She looked at her brightly polished nails stressing that she was indeed bored as she sat on the store's couch.

Two saleswomen panicked slightly seeing her sighing discontentedly.


The said girl looked up with dull eyes as her name was called. She immediately brightened at the sight of her personal butler, who stood before her. Wearing the traditional butler's black suit and bow tie. She smiled proudly seeing the saleswomen in front of her ogle at her servant.

Of course, who wouldn't?

To the part-time working saleswomen, he didn't seem to be a servant. He had strands of sky blue hair which looked silky when touched. His clear golden eyes were soft and might melt anyone whomever may be lucky enough to see his eyes directly. His posture was straight, his built was lean. He seemed around their age too, still in his teens.

The young lady who sat in boredom couldn't hide her glare as they continued to stare at her servant.

He was hers!

"We're going home now, there's nothing here to my liking." She declared, standing up with a fluid movement, bringing her hands to her waist. "Let's go, Len."

The blue-haired servant, particularly named Len, bowed, "As you wish, Ojou-sama."

With a flip of her long scarlet hair, the said Ojou-sama walked out of the store with confidence, holding her head high. Her loyal butler in tow. He quickly opened the door and assisted his Mistress into the long slick black car.

As the car rolled away, the scarlet headed girl sat on her seat with a stern expression. She folded her arms in front of her chest, and sighed loudly. Clearly seeking for attention.

"Ojou-sama?" Len asked, he was seating at the passenger seat, so he could only twist a little bit as he tried to see what was wrong with his Mistress.

"It's just so annoying! Can't they tell that's it's rude to stare? More so, to stare at the servant of Hino Kahoko!" She complained, and then she leaned into the front seat, "And you! Didn't I tell you to stay with me the whole time"

"Ojou-sama," Len interrupted in a polite manner, "You have your bodyguards with you."

"It's different! I wanted you to be there as a frie—"

"To be seen being too friendly with a servant won't do your reputation any good."

With the tone he gave, Kahoko was sure that he won't argue with her any further. She sighed frustratedly and leaned back into her seat with force. She stared outside the window instead.




Kahoko's POV


I pouted on my seat. I'm still not done voicing my thoughts out yet, how could he! Back then he would hear her out until the end!

I unconsciously frowned when I thought of the word back then.



Our relationship...

Len and I are master and servant, yet at the same time we're childhood friends…

We weren't like this in the past...

Our status difference hadn't been this evident...

My family is one of Japan's most prominent business 'boomer', as they call it. Len is the son of our family's head butler who lives in the same house. When we were children, we didn't know about the difference in status, about the different world we lived in, so we were always together.




"Len! Let's play!" a cute and innocent Kahoko said, following little Len out the garden.

"Don't follow me!" Len said, clearly irritated.

"No, let's play!" Kahoko insisted.

"Ah, you're noisy,"

Suddenly Kahoko lost her footing on an uneven ground and fell flat on her face. Then she began to cry. Len turned around looking all stressed. For a child, he already had the expressions of an adult.

"It can't be helped…" he sighed, running his fingers through his hair, he bent down as Kahoko sat up. "Here." He said, putting a strawberry into her mouth, she was surprised.

"Yummy," Kahoko said, chewing on the strawberry as she stopped crying.

"It doesn't hurt anymore right?" Len said, referring to her earlier fall.


Len smiled.


Len used to be the sweetest guy. He was always strict and stern, he acted like an adult, but deep inside he had a soft spot. To me, he only hid his kindness, but it was still there.


A flash of lightning appeared, and Kahoko saw in from her room. She hugged her pillow tightly just in time as the thunder came after.

"Why is the thunder so bright and noisy?" Kahoko asked aloud, she was around 6, "I- I'm scared." She gasped as another thunder came and shook the mansion's foundation.

"Kahoko! Are you okay?" Len asked, running into her room.

Kahoko looked up with tear filled eyes, her cheeks puffed up as her tears began to fall, "L-L-Leeeeen…." She cried hugging him.

Len was surprised, but hearing her sobs, he gently encircled his arms around her and patted her head to calm her down. After a while, Kahoko went back to lie on her bed with Len beside her.

"Can you please stay with me tonight?" Kahoko asked, putting up her best pleading look.

"It can't be helped." Len sighed, sitting on her bed beside her.

"Nee, you do understand why I was crying…right?"

"You don't like thunder, that's probably why you're crying. And besides," he paused for a while before continuing, "I feel like I have to protect you," Len said, a slight blush appeared on his face.

"Then…do you promise to always stay by my side?"

"Wha-what are you saying?" he stammered, completely beet red this time.

"So you can protect me all the time..." Kahoko had sat up and now she leaned on him and kissed his cheek. "It's a promise," Kahoko said smiling.

Len was speechless as first, but seeing her innocent eyes as she looked at him, hoping for a positive answer. He couldn't help but smile softly. "Okay," Len agreed.

Together forever, a promise made on that stormy night…



After that night, Len has always been by my side. He was always there to defend me, to help me up when I fall. I felt safe whenever he's around me...

He's my precious childhood friend...

Or something more...




When I was around 14 years old. . .

That was when I started to feel Len's sudden growing distance from me. . .

"Why? Can't I just pass the day with Len?" Kahoko demanded, staring at the head butler.

"You shouldn't Ojou-sama!" the elder said. "Your parents have already set your engagement date for the future. If people see you and Len being overly familiar with each other, they could assume the wrong things. You should know that servants and masters are…"

"Len!" Kahoko called as soon as she saw him pass behind the elder.

She quickly ran towards him, ignoring the head butler's warning voice as he called her name.

Len looked at her when he heard his name being called. As he looked at her, his golden eyes were cold, "You should listen to what father says, because he's right. I am just a servant"

"Liar, you promised to stay by my side…" Kahoko said desperately.


This is why I said it…


"From now on and forever! I don't care what other people say about it! You're going to stay by my side!"


The reason why no one can take him away from me anymore. . .

The reason why he is tightly bounded to me. . .

The cursed words that continue to bind Len until today. . .


"That's an order!"


I could still remember that shocked expression on his face as I said it. It was my first time to use those words, those words which meant it was an absolute order. I knew it was wrong to use it for selfish purposes, but I couldn't just take back my words, I was too angry at that time to back down my temper.

An absolute order can never be broken by servants. They live by those orders. So Len had no choice but to agree with my wish. . .

To never leave my side will make Len a servant forever. It's very, very cold. It must be unpleasant. . .

I raised my chin as I realized where my thoughts were leading me.

Why should I be guilty? In fact, Len should be grateful! No one can separate us now!

I bit my lower lip as I brought my hand to my chest. I could suddenly feel my heart beating at an uncontrollable pace. . .

This always happen when I think about Len being by my side forever. . .

Ne, Len... did you know how much I like you?







"Change schools…Kahoko."

I stood speechless in father's study. She watched as her father looked through his papers, as if just delivering the news to her will be enough and that she will immediately agree to it.

"Why do I need to change schools all of a sudden? I am satisfied with my current one." Kahoko said, though her voice was filled with curiosity at her father's sudden decision.

"I feel that you are ignorant about the ways of the world, which is why I want you to go study in Seiso academy this time." Father said.

I was about to protest when the school's name caught my attention.

Seiso? Seiso is the school that Len goes to! That's right, and maybe if I enter the same school as his, I can understand more about Len! See sides of him I have never seen at home!

"Very well Father, I will attend Seiso Academy." I said, smiling.

Father smiled at my easy and positive reply. "Then, I would very much want you to attend the Music Department. It's always been a point that the ladies in our household know how to play even a single instrument."

"Eh? There are separate departments in that school?"

"Yes, and since you've been taking up violin lessons, you should bring your violin starting tomorrow."

But then…which department is Len? I've never heard him play any instruments before…




Normal POV


Seiso Gakuen was starting to be filled with its students. Two distinct uniforms could be easily detected, immediately telling the people that there are two different departments in the school. It was also obvious since those who wear the cream colored uniforms carried their respective instruments, while those in black uniforms just carried their textbooks and such.

In a particular classroom at the Music Department, the students were excitedly catching up with one another with their activities during the weekends.

"See…there's this show which is so interesting," A male student said, chatting with his female friend in front of him, as he did, he unconsciously pulled the chair in front of him and sat on it.

"Excuse me," A cold voice suddenly said. "But I believe that chair doesn't belong to you." A blue haired teenager said, his glare was bone-chilling as he waited for his classmate to move.

Without a fuss or comment, the said classmate immediately stood up and moved out of the way as Len settled into his seat.

"Tsukimori-kun is scary" A fellow classmate whispered to a friend as they witnessed the happenings.

"But he's cool and mysterious! It's attractive," a female classmate countered with a squeal.

"He's the ice prince after all," Her friend agreed.

All of a sudden, their female homeroom teacher entered the room quickly and went to her desk, "You guys, get back to your seat. Today, our class will have a transfer student."

The students went to their seats immediately, wondering why their teacher seemed to be so fidgety.

"Erm…" She said, looking at the door she had left open, "You can come in…please…" The teacher said wearily.

Please? The students were in wonder as to why the teacher had to say please.

Suddenly two large uniformed men entered the room first, standing on both side of the door as the said new classmate entered.

A scarlet haired teenager entered the classroom with a different air, she paused in the middle, in front of the class. "Hello, nice to meet you. I am Hino Kahoko." She introduced briefly.

"Ah!" Len said in surprise, seeing her.

"Father told me that I have to learn more about the way of life, so I changed schools. This narrow classroom gave me a culture shock though, but I will tolerate and feel that I am at home. It will be fun to experience a commoner's life once in a while." She smiled.

Everyone began chattering all at once. Len stood up from his seat, "Ojou-sama!"

"Ah, Len. Great, we're in the same class." Kahoko sai brightly, "Here," She said, reaching out her violin towards him, "Please take care of it."

In a flash, Len was already by her side, taking the violin from her with a small bow, "Yes, ojou-sama." Len said expressionlessly.

The class stared wide-eyed at what just happened. The famous ice prince was suddenly bowing in front of someone else! He didn't seem to be ashamed at what he just did. They can't believe that someone could order their famous prince around. It seems like they were witnessing a real live drama, between a perfect matched couples!

"Kyaaaaaaaa~!" the squeal erupted all over the school.

Len sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. His classmates were all getting over excited by the event that just transpired. He shook his head in dismay but remained quiet.




By lunch words spread out like a disease, people already began talking about the hidden identity of their ice prince.

Kahoko sat at her chair watching Len arranging his things so that they could go eat lunch together outside. She watched as some female students peek into the classroom, obviously looking at Len.

Len seems to be very popular. . . I even heard some of our classmates call him 'prince' or something like that. . .

"I think I'm going to like it here." Kahoko said with a smile. Fans or not, Len was already hers.

"What are you thinking, suddenly changing schools and coming here?" Len said sharply. "For you to live like a commoner is impossible. Just go back home."

Kahoko looked at him with shock. She couldn't believe that Len just talked to her that way. Seeing her expression, Len sighed. He stood up and began to walk out of the classroom. Kahoko stood frozen, the other girls who witnessed everything were giggling.

"Just wait," Kahoko said, flushed.

Len stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around.

"To embarrass me in front of many is unforgiveable. As your punishment, you have to guide me around the school while I'm here." When she realized that her voice lack authority, she added, "That's an order."

"Huh? What did she say?" a female classmate asked mockingly.

Her friend laughed, "She's ordering Tsukimori-san,"

Len turned around and looked at Kahoko's face intently. He sighed as he saw 'stubborn' written all over it. He walked in front of her, bowed and kissed the back of her hand, "As you wish, Ojou-sama."

The females in the class gasped unbelievably as Len, their prince, complied with her orders.

Just watch Len. I'll show you that I can live like a commoner! After that, you have no choice but to concede with my staying here. Kahoko thought stubbornly.




A whole week passed as Kahoko got used to life as a commoner lifting her chair as to move to another place by herself, cleaning the classroom during duty, walking the long halls of school, carrying her own things. Depending solely on her own capabilities.




"Off to school already?" Her father asked, satisfied upon seeing his daughter getting ready for school.

"Mn," Kahoko said, "Len's waiting." As the other butlers opened the door to bid their young mistress goodbye, Kahoko suddenly felt dizzy. She felt that the ground's foundation wan't steady enough. The doors seem to shake as she walked. . .

She fainted.




Kahoko woke up with a start, she looked around and it took time for her to realize that she was in her room. Shouldn't she be in school already? So what is she doing inside her room?

"You have anemia. Don't push yourself too much," Len said, standing beside her bed.

Kahoko jumped. She didn't realize that Len was just beside her the whole time. "But" Kahoko began to protest.

"You still want to continue living a life of a commoner? Even after this? You're always tired nowadays."

Kahoko flinched from the venom in his voice. "That's right! I won't give up even if I die!"

"Really..." Len sighed frustratedly, but his eyes has a sudden warmth in them as he watched her. "That stubbornness hasn't changed."

"Eh?" Kahoko asked, as he stood up to get something on her bedside table.

"You haven't eaten yet. Your stubbornness will be the cause of your untimely death, it's rather pathetic." Len said sarcastically as he laid a tray of food on his mistress' lap.

Kahoko smiled. "Thanks, Len."




Len watched her eat for a while before sighing again.

Kahoko looked up from her food curiously, seeing Len's seemingly tired expression. She immediately searched through her brain for a topic to talk about with him. Then she suddenly remembered something.

"How long?" she whispered.

Len looked at her, mildly surprised at her sudden question, his brows furrowed. He was wondering what she meant by her question.

"How long have you been playing the violin?" she asked.

Len was surprised, "How did you learn about that?"

"I may be an idiot, but I can ask around." Kahoko said, slowly pouting.

"Ah," Len said, he cleared his throat, "Um, a while."

"You should've told me! We could've taken lessons together."

"Our levels are different."

Kahoko moaned in irritation, "Again with that master-servant stuff?"

Len tried suppressing a superior look, but a smug smile escaped his lips, "I meant that I'm far better than you," he said.

"Really now," Kahoko said, giving him a challenging look. "And I suppose you can tell me about things I still don't know?"

"Your way of thinking is too low. You might get migraine taking in new terms." He said.

The old and kind Len…starts to come loose… Kahoko grinned.






A/N: Review please! How is this edited chapter? :)