She would do anything to be near him now, and he knew that. They were so in love and intoxicated with the other. She was the shy, beautiful, and youngest of the Black sisters. He was the sole heir of the Malfoy family, smart, confident, and handsome. Lucius/Narcissa fic inspired by Taylor Swift's new single "Mine"

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything you recognize.

"Cissy, come on. We're just going out to the lake, not Hogsmede." Lucius Malfoy said attempting to convince his future bride.

"Malfoy. I. Do. Not. Want. To. Get. In. Trouble." She responded for the hundredth time that month, but she knew in the end she would go with him.

"We won't. I promise." He said flashing her his pearly white smile.

"Fine. But only for half an hour, since it is after hours." She told him as she stood up from her favourite chair in the Slytherin common room.

"We'll go as soon as you say go." He smirked at her.

It was a habit with them to sneak out to the black lake after hours on Fridays to talk, and get to know one another better before they were made man and wife. They never got caught, and stayed out longer each Friday.

As they reached the lake, they sat in their usual spots a foot away for one another. Narcissa with her legs folded under her and Lucius with his barely touching the water. They talked first of school, and trivial things such as whose dating who. Suddenly there was a lull in their conversation,

"Lucius, if we are going to be married when I finish here next year I need to tell you something about me."

"That's the main reason we come here every Friday isn't it? So, we can get to know each other?"

"Yes, but this is something mother would strongly disapprove of me doing."

"Erm, okay then?"

"Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. I'm frightened of being married. I'm scared of turning into our parents, trapped in loveless marriages. I'm terrified of only being useful for giving you an heir. I don't want to be forgotten by you after I give birth. I want to be able to talk to you and tell you things and to be in love with you. I don't want what our parents have."

"Do you honestly feel that way? Do you feel as though we will become our parents?" He said in a serious, business like tone.

"Yes." she said insecurity lacing her words.

"Narcissa if there is one thing I can promise you it would be that we will never make our parents mistakes."

"How can you promise that? I mean honestly Lucius! Every purblooded man with an heir moves on from his wife to have a mistress at some point in his life! How can you promise not to ever do that?" She began to cry, alarmed he scooted to be an inch from her holding her tightly trying to console her.

"I can promise you that Narcissa Black because I love you and I always will." and with that said he kissed her the way he had wanted to since the arranged marriage was announced.

A/N: How'd you like it? It's just something I threw together in 30 minutes from my insomnia of the summer. Please click the little review button :)