A.N. – So here's the prologue to "Stripped". Kairi is a totally different person here than she is in the beginning chapters, because this takes place in the far future. It's short, but that's how most prologues go. Hope you like it. Review, please. :3 Tell me what you think.

Kairi stood in the crowd, staring up in awe at the palace her 'prince' had built.

The lights danced all over the walls, and the amps stood tall and mighty over the thousands of fans that had come to watch their hero perform. Bodies thrashed and head banged around the large concert hall, where Darkness Falls was playing that night.

Fists pumped into the air, shouting along to the righteous lyrics that escaped from the dark angel's throat.

He threw his head back, his voice swimming on a particularly loud and pain-filled note, and the girls screamed, the guys cheered.

She remained the only one immobile in the crowd, a baseball cap covering her easily noticeable red hair, and muddy brown contacts hiding her wide aqua blue eyes.

He had finally reached his dream, and she knew he couldn't be happier, but the only thing that truly hurt her was the fact that he was happy without her.

She was once a key part of the rock star's life, and now she was just the wallflower, even with a successful band of her own.

She watched as all her best friends rocked on stage, driving the crowd wild with their musical talent and sex appeal, but her focus remained on the lead singer, who seemed to just ooze pheremones.

His long, choppy silver locks clung to his face, and sweat dripped down his shirtless body. His abs glistened, and his tattoos only added to the beauty. He smirked into the microphone and whispered out the next few words in his hit single, and the stadium quieted down, ready to hear their favorite part.


The tempo picked up again, and the crowd roared with excitement.

She began to feel that familiar aching pain in her chest, the one she had been acquainted with for a long time now, and she knew she had stuck around for too long.

A familiar voice yelled over the sounds of the crowd to her. "Kairi! We have to go!"

A hand clasped around hers, and she was being pulled away.

Kairi spared one final glance at the man she loved, his piercing aquamarine eyes reflecting sheer beauty, and then slipped between the folds of the roaring crowd without a second glance.

A.N. – Hope you guys liked it. I'm using Bullet For My Valentine's music to represent Darkness Falls' music. The song Riku was singing here is "4 Words (To Choke Upon)" by BFMV. You should look it up. ;D Now click that pretty review button and leave me one, please. [: