A/N: Inspired by Kendall and Logan (the real ones) covering John Mayer's Edge of Desire. Go watch it here: .com/watch?v=3jXFBoCUAPA&feature=related

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the aforementioned things or most of the following things.

Kendall lies on his back and tries not to think but slowly, inexorably, he rolls onto his side, his gaze returning to Logan asleep across the room.

Logan is sprawled, half-tangled in his sheets, his limbs bared to the heat of the late August air. His lithe body seems to shimmer in the muted light of the LA night. He breathes evenly, undisturbed by the oppressive weather and the ever-present rumbling of the city or by Kendall's stare.

The night, in contrast, presses Kendall down against his mattress. He can't help but think that it feels like the pressure of time. He can't forget that in a few days, so few that the heatwave won't have time to break, he'll be here alone.

Logan is leaving, not just leaving, but moving on. In a few days, he'll be in a dorm room, with a different roommate, and Kendall will be alone. Logan is going somewhere new where Kendall, who is used to leading, cannot follow him.

So he struggles to sleep and tries to forget the things he never said. He'd always thought there'd be time, because he can't imagine life without Logan, but now he thinks it might be too late.

He and Logan have been circling each other for years, for as long as he can remember, in some elaborate dance that never brings them any closer. But tonight the gap between the beds looks so small, like he could bridge it. Kendall thinks how easy it would be to stand up and walk the few steps to where Logan is sleeping but, when he looks again, Logan seems impossibly, dizzyingly, far away.

He squeezes his eyes shut, tries to steady his breathing, tries to stop the burning in his head.

When he looks up again Logan is standing over him, smoothing his hair, crawling in next to him.

Kendall buries his head in Logan's chest, allows himself to be enveloped by Logan's presence, surrenders himself to peace in the silent reassurance of forever.