A/N: Thanks to those of you who sent me messages asking for a fic based around the kiss at the end of "Where There's Smoke." I had a few ideas for stories already but your messages definitely motivated me.

I should have noted this a while ago, but after a comment I received on one of my other fics I feel I should mention it now. In my world Fiona is on birth control. What form exactly I don't know, maybe the pill, but she is taking some step to prevent pregnancy. And they haven't been with other people so they aren't being reckless by not using a condom. Just felt I should say that.

And I still don't own any of this. It's just so darn much fun to play with it!

Sam dropped me outside the loft. He was late for an appointment so he told me to say hello to Mike and sped off. My dress was ruined. My hair, which had been so carefully pinned up this morning, was completely down and hung loosely and wildly around my shoulders. In my right hand I held my shoes.

I was worn out. But I was alive. And I had saved myself. I was more than capable of taking care of myself but my body ached—especially my head where I had cut it and the shoulder I'd had to pop back into place after I broke the chair—and I desperately needed to see Michael.

I slowly climbed the steps outside the loft. I knew Michael was inside. Jesse was probably with him. I made my way up to the door. It was open so I pushed on it and headed inside. My weary body tingled with excitement. I would soon be wrapped in Michael's strong arms.

We had had a disagreement and I had missed him. I hadn't been ready to forgive him this morning but now...


Michael's voice sounded tired but full of emotion. He put his beer down on the counter and looked at me. I slowly walked towards him. Jesse was sitting at the counter but I barely noticed him.

"You should see the other guy," I said as I paused. I smiled and he smiled back. He moved around the counter and started walking towards me.

I wanted to run into his arms but I was too exhausted so I stayed in place. Mercifully after a few more steps he was close enough that I could reach out and pull him to me. My left hand wrapped around his neck and I gripped his belt with my right, still holding my shoes.

Michael wrapped his arms around me and I sighed as his lips met mine. His arms caressed my back and my shoulders as he tenderly kissed me. I urgently returned his kiss, hanging on to him and not wanting to let go.

I tossed my shoes to the side as I vaguely sensed movement in the loft. Jesse was leaving. I wrapped my right arm around Michael's back. My shoulder was still sore but I didn't care. I squeezed him tightly and sighed into his mouth.

Michael's tongue reached out to gently caress my lips and I parted my teeth to allow him access to my own tongue. His caress was sweet and tender.

I tried to reach my arm up towards Michael's face but the pain in my shoulder made me wince. Michael pulled back and steadied me, a look of concern in his eyes.

"Fi, are you hurt?" he asked, beginning to check me for fresh wounds.

"Nothing serious, Michael, just a few scrapes and scratches," I told him.

He brushed the hair out of my face and found the cut on my head.

"Fi, did they—" he began but I cut him off.

"I did it to myself, Michael. I had to find a reason to get into the bathroom to call you."

He gently kissed the cut. "That's my girl!"

Next he placed his hands gently on my shoulder. My breath caught in my throat. "And this, Fi?" he asked.

"Dislocated. But I took care of it. Did that one to myself too, but not on purpose."

He smiled and gently rubbed my shoulder. I closed my eyes and sighed. I leaned in closer to Michael, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my arms around him again. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

Slowly Michael guided me over to the bed. He sat me down on the edge and got me a glass of water. While he was filling it I curled up on my side.

Michael brought the water over to me and I sat up to take a drink then curled up on my side again. After putting the glass on the counter Michael returned to me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. I reached up and stroked the side of his face.

Even though I had saved myself I was grateful that Michael had wanted to be there to help me. I relished my independence but when it came to Michael I was willing to make an exception.

Michael's hands gently massaged my shoulders and my back as I rolled onto my stomach to make it easier for him. All the stress that I had been feeling since Sarah and I were kidnapped melted away under his touch.

I must have dozed off for a few minutes because I opened my eyes to see Michael sitting on the bed watching me. I was covered with a blanket. I smiled and sat up, drawing close to Michael.

"Hello, Michael," I said, reaching out to pull him towards me.

"Hi Fi," he replied before our lips touched. He sighed and hugged me tightly before kissing me again, his fingers lacing into my hair. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Me too, Michael," I replied, leaning my body against him and kissing him. My hands reached under his shirt and stroked his back.

Michael rubbed my shoulders as we kissed. I pulled his shirt over his head and when I pulled back he took my shoulders in his hands and looked at me.

"Don't you think you've been in that dress long enough, Fi?" he asked before kissing me again and reaching behind me for the zipper.

I didn't reply but I leaned in for another kiss and held my hair up out of the way so he could get the zipper down. Michael kissed my sore shoulder as he slowly eased the zipper down. I lay back on the bed so he could slide the dress and my thong off of me.

Michael tossed the dress aside. I never wanted to see it again. He quickly shed his pants and climbed back on the bed next to me. Brushing my hair away, he pressed gentle kisses to the cut on my forehead.

I reached up to stroke his cheek and winced as my shoulder sent pain shooting down my arm.

"Are you sure you're OK, Fi?' Michael said, leaning down to gently massage my shoulder.

"I'm sure, Michael," I said, lacing my fingers behind his neck and pulling him on top of me. It had only been a few days since we were last together but I had missed him.

Our lips touched again as our hands began to roam. I lightly scratched up and down Michael's sides as his tongue traced the contours of my lips. I sighed as I parted my lips and lightly brushed the tip of my tongue against his.

Michael deepened his kisses, his tongue gently but firmly probing my mouth as his hands moved from the small of my back to my breasts. He gently squeezed and I moaned with pleasure into his mouth.

I pulled Michael's boxers over his hips and he quickly kicked them off and settled back on top of me. I ran my hands along his hips as he kissed between my breasts and then took each nipple in his mouth. He kissed my neck and my chin before once again claiming my mouth with his own. Our tongues quickly resumed their wrestling.

I felt Michael growing hard and I wiggled my hips to brush against him. I laughed into our kiss as his breath caught in his throat.

"You feel so good, Fi," Michael said as he ran his hands over and around my breasts.

I held Michael tightly to me as we kissed and he grew harder against me. I was wet and ready for him.

I reached between us and gently grasped Michael's growing erection. I lightly ran my fingers around his shaft and across his swollen tip.

"You want it, Michael?" I asked, continuing to lightly stroke him as his hips bucked towards me.

"I want you, Fi," he replied, guiding my hands until his tip approached my dripping wet core.

I firmly grasped his cock and rubbed it against my pussy, pressing my thighs together to increase the pressure. Michael shuddered.

Michael lightly rocked his hips against me as his knee nudged my legs apart. I made room for him as his tip repeatedly touched against my entrance. I began to lift my hips to meet his strokes with my own.

"I can't wait anymore Fi," Michael said as he settled into position. His breathing had quickened and the emotion in his face was almost too much for me to bear.

"It's OK Michael," I replied, pulling him close for a deep kiss as I spread my legs around his hips.

Michael slipped his tip inside me, pulling it out again before thrusting in deeper. He pulled out again before reaching between us to stroke my clit with his thumb as he drove fully into me. I shook with pleasure as I felt my orgasm starting to build.

Michael slowly worked into a rhythm, his thumb stroking me as his cock slid in and out of me. I screamed his name as he drove me to orgasm.

He kissed me tenderly as I recovered, slowly pumping in and out of me as my breathing became more regular again.

"I missed you, Michael," I panted between kisses, drawing him to me and hugging him tightly. He rocked his hips slightly, keeping his cock buried deep inside of me as his mouth worked against mine.

"Missed you too, Fi," he said against my lips before settling into a rhythm. He kissed me and repeatedly drove into me until I came again, screaming his name and reaching for him.

My hips were writhing underneath him as he neared his own orgasm. I whispered his name into his ear and stroked his sides as he continued pumping in and out of me, our pubic bones crashing together until we both cried out. As I pulsed around him one final time he spilled into me, screaming my name before leaning in for another deep kiss.

Michael collapsed on top of me, taking care to avoid my shoulder. When his breathing stilled he rolled over, hugging me tightly and pulling me on top of him. He brushed the hair out of my face and pressed another kiss to my lips.

"I'm glad you're home safe, Fi," he said as I settled into a comfortable position.

"Did you doubt I would be, Michael?" I asked, running my fingers over his chest.

"Not for a second, Fi. Not for a second."

I'll probably do something from Michael's POV but I'm still working on a few ideas in my head. Stay tuned!