So I know I haven't done one of these in a long time but I truthfully forgot I had this story going and I kind of forgot I had this chapter mostly written and in my fanfiction folder…so tada he it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own –man or Sassy gay friend from Youtube. All copyrights are owned by their owners.

Ps. Everything here is word for word from the video. Just sayin'

We see Allen holding onto the body of Neah as she grabs for a knife, a narrator starts speaking: Meet Allen Walker from -man she is about to take her own life. This fate could have been avoided if she had a sassy gay friend.

Tyki barges into the room shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" while pointing at Allen.

(Intro for Sassy Gay friend plays)

"I love him." Allen stated getting up from Neah and looking Tyki straight in the eyes. Not even a hint of sadness for the man on the floor

"You love him? You met him Sunday, it's barely Thursday morning. Slow down crazy slow down." Tyki stated while shaking his head.

"Love makes you crazy." Allen said still looking into Tyki's eyes.

"Yeah I would say so," Tyki agreed nodding his head while adding "Neah, Neah where for art thou Neah? Translation: desperate, desperate I am really desperate. Are there any stalkers on my grounds?" Tyki said while animatedly using his hands to describe the situation. Allen looked down slightly embarrassed at the end of Tyki's explanation.

"Neah; killed your cousin Road." Tyki added, pointing at Allen's chest.

"Road killed her friend –"Allen tried to add but Tyki cut her off, "Save it Patty Herset, I'm not buying any of that stock home syndrome today thank you." By now Allen was glaring at Tyki saying "I'm a grown woman."

"I think you're 14 and you're an idiot. Who took a rouffie from a priest. Look at your life, look at your choices, have you even slept with this guy?" Tyki stated leaning back on his heels curious to Allen's answer.

Smirking, Allen replied with a simple "I did."

Eyes wide and an open mouth, it took all of 3 seconds for that information to sink in, "YOU BIG SLUT! GOOD FOR YOU! YAYAYAYAY." Tyki screamed while grabbing Allen's hands and jumping up and down for a few seconds before Tyki started talking once more "Common you stupid bitch." While slightly pushing Allen out the door while Tyki began to follow her. Just before he left the room though Tyki turned around and said to no one in particular "She's a stupid bitch." Before he flipped on his hat and walked out.

Reviews would be nice, theres one more video should I write another one and if so who would be the sassy gay friend?
