Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem

"Sir Jeigan, don't you think you're being a bit too harsh? They are only fresh recruits, barely even knights." Cain asked.

"You are partly correct Sir Cain, they are indeed barely knights. Still in the mentality of a squire, no discipline what so ever." the old knight's voice was as stern as ever.

"Really Sir Jeigan, be reasonable. It's alright to be a little uh...loose, there will be time enough for them to act seriously." Cain reasoned earning him a frosty glare. "Sir Cain, I believe at one point it was you fooling around during training sessions."

Cain stopped talking.

"This assessment is long over due, it is time these children learn what's expected of them." Sir Jeigan continued fiercely as he stormed down the halls of the Altean palace. "Assemble battalions seven and twelve immediately!"

"Yes sir."

The archer Ryan found himself aimlessly walking through the same halls as Sirs Cain and Jeigan. His mind wandered to earlier this morning:

"But Big Brother, I might get lost!"

"Don't worry about it Ryan, you'll remember."

"But Gordin!"

"It's all in a grid format...kind of. Well if you do get lost, you can just ask one of the other knights."

"Oh, okay."

But now he was lost, and there was no one in the general vicinity to ask directions from. Panic was starting to rise inside the little archer, for a second he debated whether to just run down the hall yelling "Luke! Rody! Cecil!". After a moment's thought he decided that he wasn't that desperate to find his way. Speeding up his pace Ryan swiftly turned the corner, instead of finding another set of unidentifiable corridors, his view was dominated by red. Then it was dominated by the ceiling.


"Oh! S-sir Cain! I'm so sorry, there's no one to ask directions and I'm lost but Gordin said it was in a square but it wasn't so-." Ryan stammered as he scrambled to his feet. Sir Cain blinked trying to sort out Ryan's rambling, he managed to pick out the vital words of 'directions' and 'lost'.

"I hope you didn't have anything important to do, the 7th battalion is needed in the riding fields." Sir Cain informed, "Would you happen to know where the rest of your battalion is?"

"No sir, I'm sorry. I was lost." Ryan hung his head. "But Cecil is usually in the training arena, and Rody and Luke are usually in their barracks or in town."

"Thank you Ryan, you should probably get going, Sir Jeigan despises tardiness." Sir Cain decided to head to the training arena first, Cecil probably has some other pitiful recruit sparring with her.

Ryan watched Sir Cain walk off, then he quickly dusted off his clothing. Then he took off to the riding fields dodging a couple of servants. Last time someone was late to one of Sir Jeigan's meetings...

The little archer skidded to a stop as he entered the riding fields, he was barely able to avoid colliding with Rody. The wind nearly knocked him off his feet, a sign that the cheerful summer was ending. "Rody? Do you know what this is about? Where's Luke and Cecil?" he asked breathlessly.

"I have no clue what this is about, Cecil's whaling the tar out of someone and Luke is fishing." Rody answered, the social knight was irately brushing his hair out of his face.

"Luke is fishing? Oh...Sir Cain won't find him in time." Ryan mumbled flopping down on to the grass.

"So how's your first week in the army Ryan?" Rody asked trying to cheer up the now deflated Ryan.

"It's alright I suppose. But the scrambled eggs for breakfast was burned, and I got lost." Ryan answered innocently. Rody smiled sympathetically but their conversation was broken off with Sir Jeigan calling attention.

"Now that everyone's here." the old paladin glared pointedly at Luke and Cecil. "We can begin."

Jeigan adopted the frosty look that had frightened even the most insolent of recruits into submission. "You have all heard of the bandit problem by now. The rumors that the Samsooth Sires have regathered, might have some fact to them. Regardless of name, a large group, possibly organization of bandits have been sighted multiple times. Their movements have been tracked closer and closer to the capital despite our efforts to eliminate them. Fresh recruits are not sent deep into the mountains for fear of ambush with your lack of experience. But in this time of idleness, some of you have fallen to laziness and ignorance of your expectations. There fore you will help with the efforts. You will head to the village of Koena, where there has been bandit sightings reported."

With that Sir Jeigan marched off, Ryan had to wonder at the way Sir Jeigan marched. He never walked like a normal person, always marched. But then again he's never seen Sir Jeigan off duty.

Sir Cain watched the old paladin strut off with a slight mocking smile on his face. Then he turned to the 9th and 7th battalions. "Captain Arran is unable to join us today, there fore I will supervise this mission. You have ten minutes to suit up and gather before the castle gates."

Ryan sighed with relief, he hadn't let his bow and quiver out of his sight all day. Cecil was lucky too, some kind of intuition must've allowed her to anticipate the orders. Luke was only armed with his fishing rod so he and Rody went to fetch their armor and weapons.

By the castle gates Ryan found himself staring at the horse's name plates. There was one named Feather, another named Sage, even one named Tiger. Luke had his hand over the name plate as he held the reins, Cecil's was called Orchid and written in fine cursive. Then there was Rody, there was a bronze strip around the leather reins. The name 'Jay' was engraved on it, but he had heard that Rody once nicknamed his mount Freckles.

Well...maybe all cavalier horses have to have dignified names. he thought. Personally Ryan thought that Freckles was a good name, the horse was dappled all over.

The arrival of Sir Cain signaled to move out. Ryan looked around confused as the riders mounted their horses, he didn't know how to ride.

"Come on."

The little archer turned to see Rody offering his hand, relieved he grabbed it as Rody hoisted him onto Jay. "It's not that bad, easier then riding a pegasus." the social knight said smiling.

That was true, Ryan's stomach flipped just thinking about the white winged equines spinning through the air. However his confidence was shatter as soon as they started. The ride was smooth but Ryan was terrified of the speed, he wasn't sure what to do. Was he suppose to hang on to Rody? Or just sit tight and hope that he doesn't fall off?

Utterly confused Ryan decided just to fiddle his thumbs until they arrived despite the sinking feeling in his gut. Being unusually absorbed into his activity, Ryan didn't hear the halt order. There fore he was not prepared for the sudden stop, his head hit Rody's back. He heard the social knight grunt as the momentum knocked him forward "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." Ryan quickly blurted out.

"Hey, it's fine, I'm wearing armor. Is your head alright?" Rody inquired as he swung off the horse with practiced ease. Ryan slid on to the ground praying that his legs didn't give out. A few seconds later he was still standing and his head wasn't hurting.

Blinking against the strong sunlight Ryan found himself staring at the remote village of Koena. It was in a tiny valley surrounded by the very edges of the Altean mountain chain. At one point in the distant past, it was an important military position. The only thing that suggested that was the large ruined fortress to the east. The outer walls were in ruins but the vast majority still loomed over the small village.

"7th battalion, head down to the village and ask about the bandit sightings. 9th battalion, come with me to search the area." Sir Cain ordered. After a chorus of 'yes sir!'s the 7th battalion split off of the main group.

Sir Cain watched them go wondering if he had made the right choice. He had often wondered if Sir Jeigan had been lucid when he formed that battalion. Luke and Rody were best friends-despite taking the word 'opposites' to a new level-perhaps that was an obvious choice. Individually everyone from that battalion was nothing short of exceptional for their level. Cecil had always been an enthusiastic student and Ryan shared the marksmanship that ran through his family.

But as a group...

Cecil and Luke never agreed on anything, which oddly included not agreeing that they never agree. During these arguments one could practically see Rody mentally banging his head on an imaginary wall. Ryan seemed to believe that every little mistake he made was the end of the world.

But maybe all this was just a phase. After all, in their youth, he and Abel had been as different as night and day. And as Sir Jeigan had so delicately put it, they were still just new recruits. They'll figure out a command hierarchy soon enough.

Thinking of his old comrade caused a familiar tug of loss through the red knight, and even the smallest twinge of resentment. Shaking off these feelings he turned back to the 9th battalion, "Alright, we can start by combing the wooded area around the fortress."

Ryan started to feel nostalgic for home as he looked at the little village. Cecil-being the up front one-had snagged the first villager they saw and began questioning him.

"I wonder why Captain Arran couldn't come, I heard that he's sick. Hey! Maybe that means we don't have to train anymore and-OW!" Luke yelled.

Rody had slapped him upside the head, a common gesture. Normally it was just a light reprimand that had no real anger or force behind the blow. This time it knocked Luke clean over, he would've been tasting dirt if quick reflexes had not saved him.

"Show some respect!" Rody snapped.

"I was kidding, you know, not really meaning it." Luke got up rubbing his head.

Ryan turned his attention back to Cecil after that, he wasn't sure if Rody was just easily forgiving, or Luke just had too good of a nature to sustain anger. One way or another it would blow over in a bit, half a minute maximum. He had often wondered if the two could have a real, proper fight...hopefully not.

"Thank you for your time." Cecil finished up her quiz. "That was the local milkman, he said that they've seen bandits at day time, would you believe it!"

Ryan shook his head, bandits at day time was unheard of, even in a vulnerable little place like this. Now that he had taken a good look around, he saw that the majority of the doors were barred and the windows blocked. Very few people were wandering the streets. A blind man could tell that the townsfolk were nothing short of terrified.

"Did you see something?"

"Sir Cain? No, was I suppose to see something."

Regardless Sir Cain still found himself staring at the fortress. A nagging feeling clung to him, something like guilt or maybe dread. Finally the unidentifiable feeling got the better of him.

"Morris, I'm going to check that fortress."

"Sir? Is that wise, to go in by yourself?" Morris questioned.

"The fortress is abandoned, this won't take long." Sir Cain answered. The fortress was on top of a knoll, during the hike he kept his eyes glued on the walls, he saw nothing else.

The fortress, despite its ruined look, was a sanctuary of cool air. It was dark except for a few streams of light that forced through the cracks on the walls. The top of the fortress was demolished but Cain found stairs that led underground. The steps were slimy with brackish water and mildew. The halls started to get narrower but there were racks on the walls meant for torches. Sir Cain pulled the material out of a rack, it was a kindling bundle. To his surprise it didn't crumble on contact, in fact only the top part was burnt, the rest was dry straw.

Tossing the bundle aside Sir Cain drew his sword and walked warily back towards the stairs. Just as he reached the steps a storm of footsteps thundered behind him. Cursing his luck but prepared, Sir Cain turned and using the momentum, swung his sword sideways. A spray of blood and a scream of pain greeted him, a burly figure clad in rags fell to his feet. Clasping the hilt of his weapon Sir Cain raced up the steps, elevation was his only chance at an advantage.

Before even getting half way up, a group of bandits cut his way upwards.

"Out of my way!" the knight growled. He sliced at his opponents but his efforts were to no avail, he was far too outnumbered. The second he slew a bandit two more took his place. He ducked an axe, a second later another weapon struck him from behind making him stumble.

Horror Sir Cain's body as he realized his efforts were Sisyphean. He locked blades with a bandit then finished him off with a shove and thrust. The entrance was lost in the circle of bandits that surrounded him. As he clashed with an axeman someone attacked him from behind. A wooden shaft collided with his head, Sir Cain felt himself falling.


Ryan was turning circles yet he couldn't find anymore villagers, they were all locked up in their homes. So what were they suppose to do now?

"7th battalion!" a social knight was barreling into the village at break neck speed. He ran a bit past before pulling his horse into a stop. "Big trouble, 9th battalion is being attacked by bandits!" he yelled.

"Bandits? From where?" Luke asked.

"The fortress, Sir Cain went to investigate and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Sir Cain can take care of himself, let's go!" Luke cut him off.

Ryan nocked an arrow on his bow and released the shaft into the neck of a bandit. Despite the crowd of bandits fighting the social knights he could still see a much larger group on top of the knoll. How the heck was Sir Cain suppose to get out of there?

With superior training and weaponry the Altean knights littered the grass with bodies. Several of the bandits got underfoot and were trampled.

Ryan wiped sweat from his forehead then looked around hoping to see Sir Cain somewhere. Rody started riding away.

"Rody! What are you doing? Sir Cain's in there!" Cecil and Luke yelled simultaneously. "Those bandits outnumber us by several times, we can't win!" Rody yelled back. "No one can fight their way out by themselves!" Luke exclaimed.

"And we'll all be killed if we storm that fortress by ourselves! That's why we're going back to the castle to request reinforcements! We're wasting time here, stay if you want!" A second before Rody rode off on his own the two battalion decided that here was sense in his words. They went back together.

"Sir Frey!" Rody yelled bursting into the council hall with Luke, Cecil, Ryan, and a few 9th battalion knights that were brave enough to come. Ryan winced as the door slammed against the wall. Isn't Luke usually the one with no manners?

"Sir Cain is trapped inside the Koena fortress, the bandits have gathered there. We couldn't fight all of them on our own, if you find any cowardice in this aciton, I take full responsibility." Rody's voice was strained, he probably was still trying to catch his breath.

"Koena fortress...I see. I'm sorry Rody but we cannot rescue Sir Cain, not immediately." Sir Frey answered.

"...Why?" Rody's voice was even though his posture radiated shock.

"The bandits are not isolated to Koena, you are to be deployed into the northern villages." Sir Frey said curtly. Ryan heard the tint of reluctance in Sir Frey's voice but he was willing to bet an arm and leg that Rody was deaf to it.

"And what's going to happen to Sir Cain and Koena?" Rody snarled uncharacteristically.

"Sir Rody, your are to follow your orders. The 7th battalion will put down the bandit attack in the northern villages. You will not go off and defy your superiors. As of now, Sir Cain is none of your concern." Sir Frey's voice turned as hard as stone.

For a moment Rody looked as if he was about to argue. Then he turned and swiftly stormed out the room without so much as a 'yes sir'. He closed the door without so much as a sound. As soon as the outraged social knight exited the room silently, Luke turned to Sir Frey. "My apologies sir, but I think that Rody has a right to be upset."

"I understand, Sir Cain is my friend as well. But we have more pressing concerns, maybe you can explain to Rody." Sir Frey sighed.

Luke nodded and began to race out the door. He paused then looked back to Cecil and Ryan, "Well come on! I'm not going by myself!" he exclaimed.

Author's Note: I thought I'd write something about Ryan, he seems a bit...small to be in the army, or at least too young. Seriously, how old is that kid? Well regardless, from what I could gather, Ryan's timid just like Gordin only more so. If Cain seemed a bit un-serious for a veteran knight, it's because I was trying to go along with the archetype. In the Cain/Abel archetype it's usually the red knight (perfect example: Forde) that's more relaxed, and the green knight (even better example: Kyle) who's more uptight. The exception to this is obviously Kent/Sain where it is flipped.
From looking at their stat growths, I can say that I'm fairly certain that Rody's suppose to be the 'Abel' and Luke the 'Cain', I suppose that's also supported by their personalities. As for Cecil, I'm thinking that she's one of those cavaliers that isn't in an archetype, you know like Franz and Frey.
Anyway, please give feedback, ideas are also greatly appreciated.