Hello everyone! :3 I am back! After a few long years, a lot has happened in my life. If your curious as to what went on with me, PM me.

I apologize for putting this story on such a long hold. I recently found my summary of how I planned the whole story, so I've decided to pick it back up and finish it out.

THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF MPREG. If you do not like MPREG then leave the story where you left off 5 years ago.

This is a short chap, but it sets the stage for the future of the story.


Goku frowned as he walked into the kitchen the one morning. He didn't like it when he woke up and Vegeta was already out of bed. He saw Vegeta standing at the counter doing something he couldn't see. He smiled, taking in Vegeta's attire. He was dressed in one of Goku's white shirts and his boxers.

"Good Morning 'Geta, did you sleep well?" Goku asked.

"Hn." Vegeta said and frowned at his task.

"What are you doing?" Goku asked, walking closer and peering over Vegeta. Vegeta was standing over a bowl of Trix cereal, pulling out one of the colors.

"Pulling out all the orange ones." Vegeta said as he set three pieces of the cereal in an already accumulating pile.

"What for?" Goku asked.

"Their flavor, I don't like those ones."

Goku gave him an odd looked but shook it off and walked over to the fridge. "What are you going to do with them then?" He asked but looked over after Vegeta didn't respond.

Vegeta froze in his task, oh kami, no. He thought as he felt a lurch in his stomach and whatever was in it try to force its way up. He swallowed it back down, he wasn't about to throw up. He was wrong however, when his stomach lurched with more force and he found himself at the sink throwing up some eggs he had already eaten beforehand.

Goku's eyes widened, "'Geta!" He exclaimed and was at his side in an instant, rubbing Vegeta's back.

Vegeta shoved Kakarot away; he wasn't making it any better. He stood with both his hands on the sink and caught his breath; it felt like he had a sudden energy drain. He shakily reached for a glass and filled it with water; he rinsed out his mouth with it and spit it into the sink before taking an actual drink of it.

When he felt he was fine he turned on the water to rinse out the sink. After that was done he recomposed himself and looked at Kakarot who was running around shouting something he didn't hear.

"Kakarot, I'm fine." Vegeta said, but it looked as if he wasn't heard so he yelled, "Kakarot! Shut the hell up! I'm fine!"

Goku froze and looked over at Vegeta, "You just threw up, there's no way your fine!"

"I am." Vegeta went back over to his cereal, acting like nothing had just happened.

"Vegeta! You can't possibly expect me to-"

"Kakarot be quiet! You loud voice is giving me a headache!" Vegeta said and rubbed his temples, he really didn't feel like eating cereal anymore. Hell, he didn't even feel like being in Kakarot's house anymore.

"Sorry." Goku apologized, "I'm just worried. I've never seen you throw up anything except maybe blood from fighting."

Vegeta took an aggravated breath. He walked out of the kitchen and went outside, Kakarot followed him.

"I'm fine." Vegeta said, breathing in some fresh air. He felt like Kakarot was smothering him. He'd been staying with him almost every night for about a month now. Between sex, sparring, and a few mediocre dates, Vegeta was finding himself almost..content. But now he had gotten sick infront of Kakarot and he knew Kakarot wouldn't stop worrying unless he told him something. Kakarot was staring at him right now, looking worried.

"It was probably just some bad food last night, I'm fine." He said.

Goku sighed with relief.

"You need to meet your harpy, go get cleaned up and put on your suit." Vegeta said, hoping that would get Kakarot to leave him alone for a while.

Goku's eyes widened. "I forgot!" He went back inside hurriedly.

Vegeta took another relaxing breath, looking at the sky. He was feeling rather angry and irritated and knew just how to release it as a small smirk spread across his face.

~Later that night~

Vegeta sat across the table from Kakarot, inhaling his ramen. Kakarot was eating slower than usual, which was very worrisome. He could tell Kakarot was mulling something over in his mind. Vegeta set down his chopsticks, "What is it?" He asked.

Goku looked up at Vegeta and slurped his noodles, "Mph mmerrr mph?"

Vegeta just stared at him, narrowing his eyes.

Goku swallowed his food, "Wouldn't you like to visit Vegeta-sei?" He looked over at Vegeta with a thoughtful and hopeful look, "I mean, maybe there is a strong fighter there, someone we could compete with. And you could see your family. It wouldn't be all that bad."

"I wanna go! I wanna see where we came from!" Goten chimed in, his eyes lighting up.

Vegeta picked up his chopsticks and finished his food before standing up and turning his back to them, "No." Was all he said as he headed out.

Vegeta flew through the night sky until he landed on the edge of a clearing, overlooking the river and mountains. As much as he would like to go back, he couldn't. Not now, not while Kazuki was still here. If he went back before him, his father would think he wanted to come back, and not just for a visit. Besides, he could feel the anger swelling up inside him at his race. They were cowards. They ran from a fight, they hid, and stayed in hiding. How could he be proud of such weaklings? The race he knew always stood up, even if it meant defeat. No, he would need to send Kazuki back with a message. A message that his father should be ashamed of his decisions.

Vegeta felt an uneasiness, but it wasn't at his thoughts. In fact, his stomach felt like it was twisting. He felt a little nauseous and hot, and then the food came up. He stood there, panting and looking down at his mess. What on earth was going on? He never got sick. He was angry, furious, he powered up, firing ki blasts at the side of the mountains, kicking and punching the air. He did this for hours until he suddenly stopped mid-punch, Kakarot appearing infront of him.

Kakarot looked worried, but then a smirk spread across his face. "Coming out to train without me, huh?" He asked, taking a stance.

Vegeta smirked and put his fists up. And just like that, all his problems vanished, he was sparring with Kakarot.

~2 days later~

Trunks sat on his bed with Goten. They had been talking about their dads.

"Do you think they'll ever say anything to us?" Goten asked, talking about the relationship in particular.

Trunks laid back in the bed and put his hands behind his head, "Sure, I mean, we both already know. And they know about us, and Piccolo and Gohan."

"True, but I mean like actually admit it." Goten said, laying down next to Trunks. "You know your dad has been sick the last few days?" He looked over at Trunks.


"Yeah, like throwing up."

Trunks looked at him questioningly.

"I don't think my dad knows though." Goten sighed, "I've been hearing him in the mornings, and in the middle of the day. He's been avoiding my dad in a weird way whenever it happens."

Trunks looked at him thoughtfully and mischievously, "We've got to investigate this." He said when they heard a loud smash.

They peeked out the door and saw Vegeta stomping down the hallway and stairs, some blood on his face and dripping from his hand. Trunks looked over at Goten. "Something is definitely up."


Vegeta stood at the sink in his bathroom at capsule corp, he had left Kakarot's house to get some space. He stared at himself in the mirror. His hands were on the sink, his palms and face sweaty. He was tired of this. He was tired of being sick and hiding it from Kakarot already, but he knew he had to.

He was angry, pissed off. "God dammit!" He yelled as he punched the mirror and smashed it. His reflection falling to pieces. He slumped to the floor and put his hands on his face. He took a deep breath as he reached inward, and closed his eyes, searching.

Vegeta's eyes shot open. He knew it. He fucking knew it. And he couldn't tell Kakarot. He couldn't tell anyone. He sighed and got up.

He passed down the hallway and went down the stairs, going through the kitchen and out the back door to the gravity room. He needed to do some training.


Gohan stood next to Piccolo at the edge of the lookout tower. He could feel his brother's and Trunk's Ki coming closer. "What do you think's going on with Vegeta?" He asked.

Piccolo stood with his brows furrowed, arms crossed, "I'm not sure." He turned to Gohan, "Will you go help Mr. Popo in the garden?"

"Sure." Gohan said, curious as to what was happening. He knew Piccolo knew something but wouldn't tell him. He could feel something was up, but he did as Piccolo asked and went to help Mr. Popo.

"Boys." Piccolo said as the two arrived.


Vegeta laid on the grass by the river, staring up at the blue sky. Something was amiss, and he knew it. He could feel it. And he knew what it was, but he couldn't tell Kakarot. Not now. He was with that harpy again, this time finalizing their divorce. It would be done by the end of today. They had been dating for about four months now, Kakarot's divorce would have gone faster if the harpy didn't fight him on how much time Goten spends at his house. Of course, it should be up to the child, he was nearly fourteen, but the harpy wanted more. She had done well by turning Gohan into a wimpy nerd, and wanted to do the same with Goten, but Goten was so much like his father. He couldn't be wrangled into all that wordy, nerdy, math nonsense. That aside, both brats, Goten and Trunks, had been eyeing him suspiciously and snickering lately. The next time he caught them following him around he was going to fire a ki blast at them.

He could also tell Kakarot was worried about him, he hadn't been going full out in their sparring sessions like before, and they had been doing more date nights and relaxing. He needed to do something.

Kazuki had left about a month ago to deliver the news of Vegeta staying on earth. He wondered for a moment on how his father would take that. He knew his father would definitely disapprove of his current situation. He would be furious, as the prince, the prince of all saiyans, would never be caught in his situation. Especially because he would find himself powerless soon, but he would refuse that, he would stay strong, keep his power.

Vegeta turned on his side and laid a hand on his stomach. This was just not the right time. He sat up and flew to capsule corp. the only person he could talk to right now was Bulma. Maybe she could help.

Vegeta walked into the lab when he got there. Bulma was sitting at the desk, mulling over some blueprints. "Woman." He said.

"Ugh, I don't understand, these plans are perfect, so why isn't it working?" She said, looking up at the contraption that was in front of her. He had no idea what it was, or what it was supposed to do.

"Woman!" He said again, louder.

She jumped, "Geez Vegeta, don't sneak up on me!"

He smirked. "I need to talk to you."

They sat down at the table in the kitchen, Bulma had a cup of hot tea in her hand. She took off her glasses and looked over at Vegeta, she took a sip. "So what's going on?" She asked.

Vegeta sighed and look at her seriously, "Something that should not be happening right now."

"Spit it out already." She said.

"I.." Vegeta looked at her, having trouble grasping the word. He hadn't even admitted it to himself. He refused to even say it in his mind. "I'm.." He took a deep breath and breathed the word, "pregnant."

Bulma nearly choked on her drink, "What?!" She exclaimed. "How can you be pregnant?"

"Keep your voice down woman." He said. "Saiyan males can mate either a female or a male Saiyan."

Bulma laughed, trying to keep it together. She thought for a moment and decided to take the bright side, "Well that's great news," She said smiling, "Have you told Goku?"

"Are you insane woman?!" He exclaimed. "I can't tell him."

"Well sure you can. It's easy." She said, "Do you remember when I told you before we had Trunks?"

"No." Vegeta said. "You just got fat and then popped out our brat."

Bulma looked at him in disbelief. "I got fat," She said angrily, "And then popped out our brat?!" She crossed her arms and looked at him, she sighed, calming down. "You love that boy, don't you?" She looked at him lovingly.

"I do." Vegeta said easily.

"And Goku loves his boys?"

"He does."

"Then the both of you will love this child." She said simply. "But you've got to tell him. Trunks told me you were sick for a little while, and when you smashed your mirror I was a bit worried, but now it all makes sense. Just tell Goku. I'm sure he'll be happy."

"And what if he isn't? He already has two. He doesn't need another one."

"Have you ever known Goku to not be happy?" She asked, but then her heart dropped, "Are you saying you want to get rid of it?"

Vegeta stared at her, it didn't even cross his mind to get rid of the child, that wasn't even a possibility.

Bulma relaxed, "Good. So you need to go tell him."

Vegeta groaned, "I know."


Trunks stood with his back to the wall, doing his best to hide his ki. His eyes were wide. He crept away and went outside, blasting off as fast as he could. He had to go tell Goten.

Goten was sitting on his bed, mulling over his math book, when he heard a knock on his window. He looked over to see trunks hovering there. He got up and opened the window.

"My mom will kill me if she finds you here." Goten said as Trunks came in.

"Goten, I just heard.." Trunks looked at him, not sure how to put it, so he just said it simply, "I heard my dad say he's pregnant."

"What?" Goten asked.

"Like, you know, going to have a baby."

"How can he be pregnant? He's a guy."

Trunks sat down on the bed, "Apparently, male saiyans can either mate other males or females. At least, that's what my dad told my mom."

Goten's eyes were wide, "This is crazy. We've got to tell my dad."

"No!" Trunks exclaimed, "We can't. This is their business, but…" Trunks smirked, "This is some good gossip."

There was a knock on the door, "Goten! You better be studying!" Chichi exclaimed outside the door.

"Go!" Goten said, pushing Trunks out the window. "I am, mom!" He called back.

"See you tomorrow!" Trunks said, planting a kiss on Goten's cheek and taking off.


Goku flew home happily. It was dark outside, but that didn't put a damper on his mood. He searched for Vegeta's ki, he wasn't home, no one was home. Good. He had a plan.

He showered and changed quickly when arriving home. Then he got started.


Until next time, lovely readers. The next chapter will come in the next few weeks, I'm still working out the kinks. :3