A/n: Alrighty, now I feel like an ass for spamming everyone's inboxes with my formatting failure. I hope everyone likes this better- if there's anything wrong, pleasepleaseplease tell me! I love constructive criticism! Thank you so much to Agent South Dakota and Martienne, for tons of helpfulness! (I didn't even know that was a real word, but apparently it is!) Plus, this is Children's music, yes, but it's pretty damn good. ;]

Bad Day- Barenaked Ladies

Allison flung open the door, bouncing while she walked, bursting with energy, in that unique way only eight-year olds can. The Texas sky was a bit overcast, the summer heat and humidity thrown over the state like a thick, stifling blanket.

As she walked down the sidewalk, stepping on all the cracks, she hummed a little tune, a popular song that was playing on all the radios lately. She swerved quickly to walk up to the door of one of her friends' houses. She sprang up the three cement stairs to the front door quickly, pressing the yellowed doorbell button.

"Hey!" her friend, Lizzie, exclaimed, then saw who it was as she opened the door further. "Oh, hey Ally. Um, what's up?" the girl fiddled with her blonde hair, shifting nervously as she addressed Allison, considerably less excited than she was a few seconds ago.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play some ball?" asked Ally, with a hopeful smile, oblivious to Lizzie's mood change.

"Um," Lizzie glanced behind her, "Sorry, I'm, uh, helping my mom clean." She trailed off, playing with the hem of her shirt edgily.

"Oh, okay." replied Ally, face falling, voice noticeably getting quieter. She turned halfway and started down the stairs. "I'll just go, then." She mumbled, trying to put a faint smile on her freckle-spattered features.

"Okay," Lizzie closed the door on her, quickly running back to the kitchen, eager to tell the other girls she had over about how weird the new girl on the block was.

Allison trudged back to her house, feet dragging, and a hurt expression on her face. She knew something was up. She sat heavily on her front porch and sighed, tossing the baseball back and forth between her hands.

"Hi," a shy-sounding voiced started, "Me and the guys are playing a game, do you want to join?"

She looked up, and saw a skinny, gangly boy with unkempt short black hair, and friendly blue eyes, holding a baseball bat and offering her a hand. At her gate stood a cluster of other boys, okay looking, looking like they were arguing over teams.

There was a pause, in which they looked at each other, Allison a bit wary of this new kid.

She smiled, "Sure." Her heart lifted with elation. Who needed Lizzie, she couldn't even pitch well. As the kid, 'Leo', helped her up, she had this really weird feeling. Like she would know him for a really long time…she shrugged it off. "Dibs on batter!"

They didn't need to say,

That they didn't want to play,

I think I'll just stay in my room…

-Barenaked Ladies

A/n: i think it's abit OOC, but then again, this is when they're eight, so how heartless can Tex be? (-scary question...)