A/N: This is a fairly long (27 chapters plus epilogue) Tim-centered story. Much of it takes place on an Atlantic island called Lugniapo. Now, before you rush off to look that up (if you really would do it), I have to explain. Lugniapo does not exist. It is an island nation I created because of the situation in this story and the lack of vital information available to me in my research on existing islands. I created the nation, its history, its location...and even a Spanish dialect for it. I give special thanks to Lady Aracne for her help with the language. It is basically modified Spanish in print (although in my head, the pronunciations are different). Everything about the island is fictional although there may be some similarities than you can see to real places. I have made use of a few different African languages in my Lugniapi dialect, as well as the names of some of the characters. The reasons for this should be clear as they come up. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS, nor the characters of NCIS. I do claim my OCs and the aforementioned island nation of Lugniapo. However, I'm not making any money of this story.

by Enthusiastic Fish

Chapter 1

"You're going where?" Tony asked incredulously.

"Lugniapo," Tim repeated patiently.

"Are you nuts, McGee?"

"Not last I checked," Tim said, trying to maintain his equanimity.

"That place is not really safe for outsiders."

"I know."

"Not even tourists are going there much since the coup."

"I know."

"Aren't there enough beaches in safer places?"

"I'm not going for the beaches, Tony," Tim said and checked on the status of some of his long-running projects. He'd be gone for a week and he didn't want to leave anything vital hanging for that long.

"Then, why in the world are you going?"

"Research." Tim was struggling to ignore Tony in the hopes that he'd just stop talking. Ever since he'd realized that Tim was leaving for a week-long vacation, he'd been trying to wheedle his destination out of him. Since he was leaving tomorrow, Tim figured it wouldn't hurt to tell.

"Research? For what?"

"My book."

"I thought you had decided not to write any more books," Tony said, sounding accusing.

"No, Tony. You decided I wouldn't be writing any more books. I am, unfortunately for you, under contract to produce a total of four books for the Deep Six series. That means that with Rock Hollow being done, I have two more books I have to write. I'm going international for the next one and Lugniapo seemed like a good choice."

"Why? Because people get killed there a lot and not even U.N. peacekeepers are going in there now?"

Tim sighed. "Look, I'm only going to the capital city, Aolano. I've made all the arrangements. I got a special visa. The government assigned me a guide who is never supposed to leave my side. He'll be my translator, too. I'm going there for a week and then I'm coming back. As long as I'm careful...which I will be...there's no problem."

"Except that there's an unstable and corrupt government and who knows how many human rights violations going on in there," Tony said.

Tim looked up and smiled. "Gosh, Tony...if I didn't know any better, I'd say you might actually be worried about me."

Tony did not smile. "Be careful, McGee. I mean that. Is research really worth risking your life over?"

"I'm not risking my life as long as I follow the rules. I've done everything in advance. I've been planning this for months."


"Yeah. Do you know how hard it is to get a visa for Lugniapo? I had to get special letters from the government, demonstrate that I was being honest about my intentions, and get permission from both the U.S. government and the Lugniapo government in order to get approved for my visit. Basically, I'm saying that if anything bad happens to me there, it's not their fault."

"That seems like a bad idea, McGee," Ziva said, joining in for the first time.

"It's the only way I could get in there." Tim saw them both getting ready speak again. He continued quickly. "Hey! You're both acting like I don't know the risks, like I've never seen anything dangerous before. I have. I was in Somalia, too, remember? Lugniapo is starting to stabilize and while they're still not letting too many outsiders into Aolano, there is some tourism on the coast. I'm being careful." He logged off his computer. "I'll see you guys next week."

"Have a nice time," Ziva said finally. "It should be a good experience."

"Thank you, Ziva." Tim smiled and headed for the elevator.

"McGee?" Tony said from behind him.

"What, Tony?"

"Just be careful."

Tim turned back. Tony was serious. Tim smiled and nodded in acceptance of the warning.

"I'll be careful. I'm always careful, Tony. See ya!"


Two days later...

Tim watched out the window, waiting for his first view of his destination...and he tried to ignore all the looks he was getting from the other people on the plane. It was a small plane...and Tim was the only white guy on it. Lugniapo was a large-ish island essentially halfway between South America and Africa, about two hundred miles south of the St. Peter and St. Paul Archipelago. Its location meant that there had been heated battles over who controlled it for more than a century before the slaves dropped there and the native inhabitants (those who had survived colonization anyway) had banded together and begun fighting against the masters. Since the mid-18th century, there had been periods of stability followed by longer periods of chaos as each group momentarily came out on top and stomped down the others. The most recent coup had been a radical political group who had taken down the first democratically-elected government the nation had seen in more than fifty years. That had been two years ago and it was only during this year that tourism had begun again...a small trickle of people wanting to enjoy the dark sandy beaches. They weren't white, but a kind of dark sand, almost black. It was interesting and attracted attention.

As the plane began to descend toward the Aolano airport, Tim felt more than a little nervous. This had been a long time in the making, and no matter what he had said to Tony, he was aware that this trip was more than a little risky. Still, it was the right thing to do. Of that much, he was sure...and nothing should go wrong provided he followed his guide's directions.

The plane landed and Tim waited for everyone else to get off before heading out himself. He climbed carefully down the steps and followed the crowd into the terminal. As he entered, he looked around, wondering if his guide would have a sign with his name on it.

"Timothy McGee." It was not a question.

He turned toward the female voice.

"That's me, yes."

"I am Alayla. I will be your guide while you are in Aolano. You must do as I say in every instance and you must not wander off by yourself for even a moment. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand. Do I need to go through customs?"

"No. You will give me your passport, please."

Tim hesitated. "I wasn't told that would be required."

"You will give me your passport or you will not be allowed to leave the airport."

Tim reluctantly fished out his passport and handed it to Alayla who pocketed it quickly.

"It will be returned to you at the end of your trip."

"All right. So...um...what's first?"

"Today I will take you to your hotel. You will stay there until tomorrow morning when I will take you on a tour of the city. The next day, we will begin the interviews you requested."

"Am I allowed to take pictures?"

"Only at designated times and in designated areas. Please ask for permission before you do so."

"All right. Where do I get my luggage?"

"It will be searched first and then sent on to the hotel. We will go."

"Most of my stuff is in there."

"It will arrive in plenty of time for you to use it. Dinner will be served in the hotel. I must ask that you not leave."

Tim nodded, feeling more tense than he could remember feeling in a long time. Alayla was not unfriendly, but her blunt manner was making him edgy. She led him out of the terminal and he got his first glimpse of Aolano. It was not pretty.

It's like a war zone, he thought. No wonder they don't like outsiders to see it.

"Come, Timothy McGee," Alayla said. "We must go."

"Okay. I'm coming."

He got in the car and hoped he hadn't made a mistake in coming here.


Ten days later...

The truck lurched to a stop and Tim was thrown violently against the front of the truck-bed. He barely flinched. His head felt heavy and his mind was running more slowly than molasses. Unkind hands pulled him from his prone position, dragging him from the bed and forcing him to stand on his own feet. With an effort, he focused on the building in front of him. He couldn't read the words over the entrance. He recognized the letters but the words themselves were unfamiliar...in another language. ...even so, he had no difficulty discerning what the building was. Every window had bars. There was a high fence surrounding the entire area, barbed wire on top.

He was forced into motion and he stumbled forward. A door opened, revealing cavernous black. As he kept walking, he felt a thrill of fear that finally awakened him to his situation. He didn't need to have anyone tell him what was happening. As the door clanged shut behind him, plunging the hallway into gloom, he knew exactly what was happening.

They had sent him to prison.