Ever since I saw Zoro with those babies in Water 7 I couldn't help but think of him as a daddy. This is my take on Zoro being a father figure. This is only the intro more will come, most in drabbles. Well I hope you enjoy.

"Oi guys I see something. I think it's a boat." Usopp yelled as he looked through his binoculars

"Let's check it out!" Luffy yelled

"Mabey there's treasure in it." Nami cheered her eyes turning into beli sighns

As they reached the boat all their faces fell. Inside was a little girl only covered in shirt that looked more like a rag. Zoro not waiting for everyone plunged in the water and reached the girl. He quickly checked to see if she was awake. Zoro was taken back as she was so tiny. She was barely conscious when Zoro reached her. Zoro embraced the little girl and saw her grey eyes focus on him for a moment and then closed. Worry crept into Zoro. He looked up at Robin who nodded making a row of hands gripping Zoro's arm and pulling him onto the boat. Chopper immediately inspected the girl and he smiled easing the entire crew.

"She hasn't been out to long the worst she's going to get is a sunburn. She was really lucky no dehydration no bruises. But I wonder what happen to her" Chopper wondered out loud

Everybody stared at the soaking wet little girl who had thick black curly hair that reached her small shoulders. She was a small child the best guess of her age was three. She had beautiful long thick eyelashes and they wondered aloud what her eyes looked like but no one dared to disturb the little girl.

"They're grey" Zoro said answering the question

"Oh how pretty" Nami cooed.

"All she needs is rest" Chopper told everyone before he took to the girls' room. Everybody went back to the routines and waited for their new friend to wake up.

3 hours later.

A black curly head moved sluggishly in a warm bed and stretched her tiny body. She rubbed her eyes with balled up fists clearly missing her eyes an instead hit her nose. She opened her eyes as the pain woke her up. Still tired she looked around the big room blinking her eyes from the sunlight. She jumped back when she saw a person in the corner of the room.

She waved her hand at the person and noticed the girl did the same. She waved again and finally realized it was her reflection. She laughed but her face scrunched up in disgust as she saw the shirt she was wearing. It was a hot pink and when she jumped out of the bed the shirt reached her knees. She looked for another shirt but the drawers she was sure has clothes in were to high.
She pouted for a second and then with a huff she walked out of the room.

Walking in a rage she walked farther away from the room. Only after her anger had died down did she realize she was lost. She felt a whimper come from her throat and found comfort in sucking her thumb which she knew she was to big to be doing. Suddenly she heard a yell and jumped behind a corner looking into a room. It looked like a kitchen and she saw two people in there. There was a boy with a hat on and bigger boy with yellow hair. The bigger boy had his back to her so she could only see boy with the hat. She listened to what they was saying.

"Sanji you have to put your wanted poster up with the rest of the crew" The boy with the hat ordered

"Screw you bastards like I would put that horrible shitty picture of me." The other boy yelled his face turning red.

"It's that or you make me food" the Boy laughed

"You shitty bastard." The bigger boy suddenly tried to grab the poster from the other boy suddenly the shorter boy did something that made the little girls eyes grow in shock. The boy's arm stretched to the ceiling! She was going to run but she saw smoke and her curiosity got her to stay. The yellow boy's leg was on fire! With a jump he kicked the piece of paper a blazed. The hatboy screamed and let go of the paper and stuck his hand in his mouth. The little girl not wanting to see anymore turned and ran as fast as her little legs could take her. "Monsters" she whispered. She stopped running and hid when she heard voices.

"And then I grabbed the sea king with my bare hands and punched him making him plummet down 1200 feet in the water. You can guess who won"

"Sugoi Usopp"

"Let me tell you how I single handily took out an entire fisherman gang."

The little girl found herself almost bring drawn out of her hiding spot wanting to hear the story. That was until the strangers walked past her and she got to see how they looked. A man with curly hair that was half covered with a bandanna walked past her but it was on his face that made her mouth fall. An evil scientist she thought. His nose must have been part of his weird experiments. If the nose didn't freak out the little girl what followed the mad scientist made all the color in her face drain. A tanuki who was walking like a human. That must be his henchmen she thought.

She stood still and watched where they exited. After a few minutes she carefully followed them and poked her head out the door. She walked outside and felt something in her foot and found herself standing on grass. Grass there can't be grass on a boat she thought. Still walking not noticing she had put her thumb in her mouth again. She heard a woman's voice and hurried to see if this woman was a monster too. She saw a very pretty lady sitting down on a chair next to a man who had a hammer in his hand.

"Oi Robin hand me the wrench yeah"

"The little girl waited for the woman to move but she heard a strange sound and she saw several hands sprout out of nowhere and grabbed the wrench. To make matters worse the man suddenly opened his stomach to show three bottles IN HIS STOMACH! The little girl ran away but stopped when she heard another voice. It sounded like a girl. An angry girl.

She poked her head and saw a girl talking to a man who she could only see had a large afro and a tophat. She let out a sigh finally normal people. She was going to say hi when the big girl suddenly kicked the man in the head screaming "Enough with that panty shit". The little girl's face expressed pure horror as she saw a skeleton fall to the ground. She kicked his skin off she screamed in her head.

She was going to run away when she saw something on the ground. It was a white shirt. Quickly forgetting what she just saw she smiled and quickly took off the pink one. She put the white shirt on and stuck her tongue out at the ugly pink shirt. She really like the shirt and it had a lil button on it that she was now playing with. A yawn escaped her mouth and she rubbed her eyes ready to go back to that comfy bed. Still rubbing her eyes she started walking not seeing the pair of legs in front of her.

She tripped over them and face planted onto the hard wood. She laid there on the floor as tears escaped her eyes as she tried to stop them and little whimpers began to come out. She turned to see what she had tripped over and saw it was a pair of legs. She looked up to the man who was mumbling about never getting a nap anymore. He was the man that saved me the little girl thought. She waited for him to turn into a monster as more tears streamed down her face.

He turned to the little girl who had tears falling down her face. Rubbing the back of his neck he sighed and suddenly he picked her up and settled her in his lap. "Take a nap we both need it" He mumbled. The little girl was so shock but as her head rested on his chest and she felt his arm embrace her she couldn't help but close her eyes and fall asleep.

Robin turned to see where the child had ventured to and couldn't help but smile at where she was. She dropped her book and stood so she could get a better view of the two. Zoro had the girl in his lap both asleep but had one arm over protectively as the waves rocked the boat. The little girl made it even cuter as she sucked her thumb. Everyone on the deck began to follow Robin's stare and soon everyone had a smile on their face.

Sanji and Luffy arrived on the deck yelling at each other but a hand quickly covered their mouths. They looked for robin for an explanation but their eyes followed her gaze at the sleeping duo. Sanji was going to start laughing but a quick glance from Robin stopped him. Suddenly they saw Nami tiptoe to the pair with a camera and quickly snapped a shot. She looked at the shot and nodded in approval.

"For memories navigator-san" Robin asked

"No blackmail" Nami replied bluntly

Please review I hope you enjoyed the intro.