Title: TheSecrets between Us

Summary: Chazz, unable to handle his mother, decides to stay with his brothers for the summer. He knew it would be bad, but not this bad. Slade insists that brothers have no secrets, but Chazz knows, if he tells, Slade won't believe him anyway.

Warnings: Chazz-abuse, n/c in proceeding chapters, incest

Disclaimer: I Do not own Yu-gi-oh GX or the characters, nor do I make any money from this story.

Chapter: 1 – A Nice Room

Author's Note: Let me say it now, I did not lose a bet, I entered one. FOURtwo-Nish, a friend of mine, requested/challenged me to write a fic about Chazz/Jun and his brothers. I've never really watched Yugioh GX before, but she had me watch the first few episodes, 25-26, and 35 to get a feel for the characters. She wanted to see if I'd be able to write the characters in character and come up with a plausible scenario without having seen the entire show.

I bet I could, she said I couldn't.

I watched 25, 26, and 35 in both English and Japanese to get a feel for the "true" character and the censored character. At Nish's request, I'm going to use the English names, but the personalities are going to be a mix of both sub and dub.

As you have been warned, this is my first GX fic and I have little to know knowledge, so bear with me…and tell me if I win the bet, alright?



He'd had two choices when it pertained to where he'd spend the summer—with his mother, or with his brothers. Chazz was sure that anyone who had witnessed either of the times his brother's showed their faces at the school would tell him that that was a very easy choice. In fact, he could hear Jaden's voice in his head already. "Go to your mom's, Chazz! Moms are always so loving and nurturing and ready to give you a big meal! Brothers would rather beat you up and steal your stuff or something."

But it wasn't that easy. Sure, some mothers had nothing but love to give and wanted to make big meals for their children, but not his mother. It wasn't that she didn't love him and didn't care about whether he ate or not, she was just…her.

Always disappointed, always on the verge of screaming or crying. Always talking about how good of a job his brother's were doing and how she'd always wanted a daughter but didn't have one. She didn't have to say it for Chazz to understand that the only reason he'd been conceived because his father already had two perfect sons and his mother wanted her one perfect daughter. She wasn't satisfied with having another son born—her husband was, but she wasn't.

Chazz was sorry to be a disappointment and whenever he was around her that's exactly what it felt like. It leaked from the walls of her house, from the floorboards, from the paintings, from his bed, his clothes, her fake smiles, her phony attitude towards him when she said he was always, secretly, her favorite of the boys.

He knew he wasn't…she liked Jagger. He looked more like her while Slade looked more like their dad. As for Chazz, he didn't look like anybody.

Because of that, Chazz knew he wasn't going to stay with his mother, even though he knew it was probably the best place. But that place hurt. Being with his brothers would hurt, too, but in a different way. His brother's only attacked his pride, his body, and his sense of belonging. His mother hurt his soul.

So, as Slade asked over the phone where Chazz was going to stay for the summer, Chazz had to ask "Would it be alright if I stayed with you?"

"Yeah." Not even a moment of hesitation. "I'll send someone to pick you up." There were no goodbyes—Slade just hung up and returned to work. That was alright—Slade never had much to say anyway. It was alright if he hung up abruptly…Chazz was just glad that it was Slade who had answered.

He preferred Slade over Jagger…Jagger was already someone's favorite. Their father never really showed any special interest in any of his three sons, so, even if it didn't mean anything to the oldest brother, he was Chazz's favorite.

Jagger was obviously Slade's favorite. Chazz wasn't preferred by anyone. He was barely even a part of the family.

While everyone else was going back home for the summer, Chazz was just going away. He had no home to go back to.

_0_ _0_ _0_

"Put your things in the room set up for you," Slade said within seconds after Chazz came in the front door. "Four doors down the hallway from mine on the opposite side." Chazz simply nodded, not discouraged, just not wasting time on words that Slade would ignore. "Dinner is in an hour, so don't be late." Chazz left the entry room and made his way into the large sitting room that harbored not only a large television and various elegant pieces of furniture, but a massive painting of the only two important Princeton brothers.

"Where's Jagger?" Chazz asked, looking away from the painting and back at his oldest brother who sat down on a stiff-looking mint-coloured sofa and grabbed the laptop that sat on the cushion beside him.

"Working," Slade said nonchalantly. "Unlike you." Chazz sighed irritably and left the room, carrying his things in his bag over his shoulder. He didn't have many outfits, but he was sure he'd stumble into a few new ones. Jagger always had a tendency to throw out his younger brother's things and then replace them with more "acceptable" ones.

He retreated to his room and unpacked and then laid on the nicely made bed while he waited for the remaining half hour until dinner to tick by. The blanket was soft. That's all he could think about. The bed was a typical large bed, but the blanket was so ridiculously, fantastically soft.

The room was nice, too. It was different than the one had stayed in before, but it was neither better nor worse. It was spacious, had a good view of the field out back and the garden that encased it. The dressers matched and there was a framed photo of the three brothers together resting atop the smaller of the two wooden pieces. Everything was clean, not molding or neglected. The adjoined bathroom was clean as well and stocked with everything he'd need.

It was a nice room. Chazz wouldn't mind spending several months in it.

_0_ _0_ _0_

As it turned out, Slade hadn't told Jagger that Chazz was coming. When he arrived in an already foul mood from work, it just got darker. He acted as if he were going to argue with Slade, but instead the two settled into an in-depth conversation about Chazz and his "tendencies" as if he weren't in the room. Chazz guessed that it didn't matter if he was. His presence wasn't a hindrance. They were all brothers—there were no secrets between them. There was no reason not to say those painful things to his face.

After the hard-to-swallow dinner, Chazz drew back to his room, showered, and dressed for bed. It was still light out, but he was tired and the blanket was soft. Neither Slade nor Jagger were going to pay him any mind anyway, so it was best to spend the unneeded time wastefully until it was all gone.

Every last minute of it.


A/N: He's not sulking, he's just quiet. He's not depressed, he just isn't bothering. I wrote this in a way so that Chazz has at least one person to turn to, and that's Slade. I feel that since, Slade is the oldest, he'd be most mature and less likely to rag on Chazz all of the time and allow him to come up for air whereas Jagger would rather keep shoving his head under water until he quits coming up.