
The brothers think about each other and their lives as they walk along the Berlin Wall.

I would like to dedicate this to a best friend of mine, Sabrina. C., as a birthday present for her. C8

Disclaimer: Oh Hetalia, how I wish I owned thee~

Special thanks to Rowan, Ariam and Melanie for proofreading my work and giving me ideas! Much appreciated and I love you guys!

He once again paced along the lifeless wall that had separated him and his family.

Gilbert had no idea what he could possibly do. He had not had any clue as to what the future held for him, ever since the day that he was captured mercilessly by the violet-eyed Russian.

That man, he thought, just you wait. Ivan Braginski.

One day, I would make you feel all the guilt, regret and abhorring in the entire world, when I gather enough strength and force to destroy the monstrosity you have built on my homeland.

The whole world would be watching.

People would be celebrating and cheering; tears would brim their eyes when they realised injustice had finally been overthrown; smiles and laughter would be seen and heard as lost families reunite.

He was certain he would be one of them.

He was certain that the day would finally come.

Ludwig remembered playing hide-and-seek when he was a young child. He loved how thrilling it was when he had to make sure he was well hidden while anticipating anxiously to be discovered. His favourite hideout was that spot just behind the tall wall of an abandoned and broken country house. No one could ever find him that easily as the search usually started in front of the wall.

Except for Gilbert.

He knew Ludwig too well.

They were brothers, after all.

This bond could never be broken, nor their memories taken away from them.

Not even when a menacing army from the East decided to one-day storm in and strip them off their pride, their freedom, their rights and their happiness.



More gunfire.



Sound of trigger being pulled.

He looked up and found himself facing a shadowed, tall figure.

'Become one with Russia.'


'Your brother has already agreed to my proposal.'


'I would've taken you too. If he hadn't begged.'


He dropped his head. Blood was staining his whole uniform in patches. He had no more strength to defend.

I'm sorry, brother.

When he raised his head again, the other man was gone. He was left staring into the fading sunset – as brightly red as the trail of blood that travelled down his thigh – after Ivan's purposeless shot out of madness.

Ludwig once again walked along the wall in silence, fingertips lightly stroking every brick on the way.

How he wished he would be able to find a way across the cold, stern construction before him.

How he wished Gilbert would, like in the old days, come running behind the wall and shout, "Guess who's awesome? I found Ludwig!", with a finger pointing straight at him, grinning from ear to ear.

Only this wall was different from the rest.

There was absolutely no chance of passing through. Not until it was demolished, by the rage of their people; by the hands of justice.

In the meantime, they would just wait for the wheel of fate to turn, and remember the life they used to lead.

Most importantly, they would whisper prayers for one another, day and night – because even if they were reluctantly apart, their love and the same blood that ran in them would always bring them together.


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*Immer is the German word for 'always'.
