Disclaimer: If I owned it, I wouldn't be anxiously awaiting tonight's episode, would I? I'd have already seen it! ;)

A/N: Sorry this took me so long! I had a day or two where everything I wrote displeased me, and then I couldn't seem to make this turn out the way I wanted it to.

But it's up now! I hope you enjoy!


His lips are soft yet rough as he presses them against hers.

Within a matter of seconds, she's returning the pressure and moving her hands to rest on his bare shoulder blades, pulling him closer. His fingers entwine themselves in her hair, and suddenly it doesn't matter that she forgot to brush it.

Her mind's a little preoccupied – what with the kissing and his current state of undress – but through the haze of confusing emotions swirling around her brain, and the sensations littering her skin as his hands move from her hair and work their way down her body to come to rest on her hips, an important thought manages to make itself known.

Her brain slowly registers and comprehends what the voice within it is insisting; and once it does, the initial euphoria of the kiss begins to fade. It's a struggle to get her lips back under control and away from his (as much as she really doesn't want to), but she manages to pull back and take a deep breath.

But this is more than just oxygen deprivation making its self known, and Sam can tell.

"What are we doing?" Andy asks him quietly, unsurely, not quite able to meet his gaze.

"Well, up until a few seconds ago, we were kissing," he teases her with a slight smirk on his face, deciding to go for a bit of levity before the conversation starts to turn more serious. She shakes her head lightly, and he's suddenly very aware of the position they're still in; her hands lightly gripping his shoulder blades, his hands resting on her slim waist.

"Not what I meant," she tells him seriously, "and you know it."

He sighs almost inaudibly. He does know it; he knows that this situation is way more complicated than it might appear at first glance.

Relationships between coworkers are almost always frowned upon. In any workplace, in can cause disorder and serious complications … but on the force? Those 'complications' can be life-threatening and fatal if a cop allow their emotions to rule out over their instincts and common sense. No relationship on the force is looked at with approval.

Ones between rookies and their TOs, however, are completely forbidden. They usually result in a serious reprimand or demotion, if not flat out termination.

"We can't do this," she tells him quietly. "It's against the rules; we could get fired." Her hands remain where they are, however, as if she's only waiting for a reason to continue. She's seriously conflicted … but she knows that she doesn't want this to end.

"Yeah?" he asks her quietly, pressing his forehead against hers and drawing her in for a sweet, long kiss. "I guess we'll just have to keep it a secret, then, won't we?"

His lips attach themselves to hers once again, more insistent than before. She instinctively returns the pressure, getting lost in the sensations he's causing within her. When oxygen becomes a necessity, they part reluctantly and he rests his forehead against hers once again.

"I guess we will," she says breathily, responding to his earlier words.

There's still a voice in the back of her head, as he grins and moves them so that she's straddling his hips, that's telling her that this is wrong. That it's too big of a risk to take, and that she's making a mistake. But, as he firmly takes hold of her hips and hoists them both off of the couch in the direction of his bedroom, she finds that she really doesn't care.

And it certainly doesn't feel like a mistake; to be doing this now, with him … It actually feels pretty right.

She doesn't know what tomorrow will bring. What she does know, is that here, right now, she wants him.

No matter what the rules against it are.


The end.

I can't believe it's over; my first completed multi-chapter fic :)!

I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Leave a review; make a smile!