Author's Notes

Disclaimer: This story is based on the games Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, both copyrighted by Square, and is not intended for profit. This story may be posted on any website so long as it is not used for profit and this disclaimer appears with it--notifying the author through e-mail is appreciated, but not necessary.

And now, I'd like to thank the academy, my momma and, no...but here's some serious special thanks...

Thanks to Squaresoft for inventing the world of Chrono Trigger and first introducing us to Crono and his motley gang of time-travellers, and then to Serge and the dimension-spanning adventures of Chrono Cross. Without them, needless to say, this story could never have been written...

Also, special thanks to Discord, a Chrono Trigger fan and a veteran of fan-fiction who served as beta-reader and chief guinea-pig throughout the planning and writing of this story. There were many instances when, without his feedback and support, the story might never have been finished.

And special thanks to the Chrono Cross message-board members of, where the discussion that first prompted this story began, many of whom read the first drafts of this story and offered invaluable suggestions and support about the story and writing. Thanks to StarNeptune, OneThatWas, Libra, Darkelios and everyone else who's given feedback on it..and that goes for all the reviews here too.

Which leads me to final thank-you: thanks to everyone who's read the story. The point of any story is to share your thoughts, feelings and interpretations with others, and I'm indebted to all the readers who've allowed me to do that; they're the whole reason for writing, after all...

Now, onto that story!