Me: Yes! I've done it! Here is another chapter, and it's quite good a beleive by my standers, but that's because I now have a plan that I'm sticking to, so that I don't get carried away.
Dark: So, does that mean more frequent updates?
Daisuke: But Neko is close to finishing this story. Faster updates means a quicker ending.
Me: Upload quickly for fans, upload slowly to make story last longer... I don't want it to end but I want t please them.
Dark: Well, this story can't go on forever.
Me: true, but still, I will be very sad when this ends. I really apreciate all the support from reviews and favs and alerts. It makes me really happy. And a happy Neko means no one ends up a sratching post.
Lucy: Neko doesn't DNAngel or the characters but she owns me and other OC's. Lets be honest here, if she owned it, she wouldn't be writing fanfiction for it.
Dark: Onto the next chapter.
A figure stood watching from a window at the dark streets below, the moon and street lamps eluminating those still wondering around at such a late hour, hanging with friends to go out clubbing or those who were doing acts that were far from friendly or legal. Either way, he didn't care about them. They were fragile beings campared to what he was, there for his amusment and for him to feed on. Sure, he once had a respect for them, seeing them as things could would work with perhaps later on in life, perhaps becoming friends, since it wasn't uncommon for his kind to mix and interact with theirs, especially in this day and age.
But now, everything had gone. He no longer was the vampire people had gotten to know. After one incident, one mistake, his whole life had gone spiraling downwards in a high volocity nose dive. He was alone now, only himself to consult, but he had made some company in the past few years. As if on cue, a male stood from the shadows, his eyes glowing an eerie red int he darkness, his sand blond hair tousled from his journey to report to him.
"Sir, it would appear everything is going smoothly just as you had predicted. However, there seems to be some commotion at the school and we beleive that the gardians are getting worried about what is happening. The head master is also worried about the increase in rogue vampires." The male said, bowing low as he said his reort, only giving full respect to the vampire who stood by the window, still stairing out into the night. Once finished, he stood up, awaiting any indication for what he should so next. The male at the window turned to him, his grey eyesmatching the smirk on his face while running a hand though his choppy mud brown hair.
"I see, so they already suspect that something is amiss, but don't know what truly is going on, correct?" He asked. When the messenger nodded, he couldn't help but chuckle at it. He waed his hand, signalling for the other vampire to leave. He returned to watching the night, smiling to himself. He hated that school so much, but for a particular reason. He chuckled to himself again, turning to go to the back of the room where a frightened human sat, gagged and binded so she could not escape, her blue eyes wide with fear. He smiled before biting into her neck, getting a muffled scream from the woman, before it turned into whimpers, her struggles stopping as she became completly limp. Honestly, why would his kind deny themselves of this, feeding from these people that were so much weaker then they were? Better then those from blood banks. To hear the screams and watch in terror as he drained their life was exilerating, a sort of high for him. He then cut his wrist, allowing a few drops to fall into the womens opened mouth, knowing she would become one of his to command in a matter of hours. He yhen left, turning to the window, his eyes gleeming red, a small trail of blood escaping from his lips down his chin, which he gathered with his thumb, licking it with a small hum of approval. Yes, soon his plan would go forth, soon he will do what he had been meaning to do for years now.
"Soon, I will get my revenge."
When Daisuke woke up, he saw that Dark was still asleep with his arms around him, much like the first time he had woken up with Dark after the party. Except he wasn't confused or forgetting what they had done or why he had done it. He smiled and nuzzled into his chest, inhaling Dark's scent, his smile growing bigger. He would have thought that he would have fallen for this undeniable playboy. But, he had learnt that he just wasn't a perverted player (Although, that was a major thing as he had found out) but he was also very caring, kind and thoughtful. Sweet when he wanted to be, but it sometimes turned into something perverted to make him blush, which his boyfriend seemed to like very much.
He smiled and nuzzled into his neck, hearing the other sigh softly and felt more pressure arround him as his arms tightened. He couldn't help but chuckle a little at how possesive he seemed. 'Protective, possessive and perverted, just what a seme should be Dai-chan!' Dark had said to him with the usual ruffle of his hair. They had both laughed at that and he couldn't help but laugh at the memory. He felt Dark stir and hazy purple eyes looked at him half lidded as he tried to get his brain to come out of dreamland. Daisuke moved and gave him a quick peck on the lips, getting him a lazy smirk.
"A good morning to you too Dai-chan." He murmered, giving him his own kiss, this one however lasting longer, not that the red head minded at all. He loved lazy morning kisses, since they made him all warm and fuzzy. Pulling apart, Dark got up and stretched, giving a yawn and blinked the sleep out of his eyes, while Daisuke did the same, scratching his head and rubbing one of his eyes. He went over to get some of his clothes, already beginning to take his top off until he felt arms encirlce his waist and warm breath brushing against his ear, making a faint blush spread across his face. He turned to see Dark's face only a few centimetres from his, making him blush even more. He had gotten over the close proximity that Dark liked, however, the look he was giving him was what made him blush. He was up to something and Daisuke was the target, if that smirk on the other vampires face was anything to go by, which he had learned did.
"Dark, what are you planning?" the red head asked, trying to give as much room as he could in the small space he actually had to manuver in, trying to get it so he could face the taller teen properly. Dark smirk just grew wider as he spun him around and pushing his lips to his, making the other gasp at the sudden action, which he used to his advantage, invading the smaller one's mouth with his tongue. He felt the teen body lean against him, but he moved away, breaking the kiss, smirking as he saw the small pout on now glossy lips and wanting look in those big ruby eyes. It took every fibre of his being not to just jump him and ravish him, since they had school to go to and that sorta stuff. He had only wanted to tease him a bit, just because he could and he loved the look he got, not to mention how willing his little Dai-chan was when they did start their little ake out sessions. But he had to keep himself in order. He had to make sure he was in full control of the situation and of himself.
"Dark..." Daisuke pleaded. So much for control. Dark thought as he mentally shrugged as he returned to him, kissing him again and pulling him closer, which Daisuke happily complied too. He then felt Dark's hands slowly travel under his top, fingers ghosting over his skin, making him shiver at the sensation. Finally, when they did touch, him gave a small moan as they began to go higher to his chest, lifting the material with them. Dark broke away from the kiss, and chuckled a little at the others slight whine of disappiontment. However, the purple headed teen then starting giving small kisses along his jawline and up to his ear. Daisuek gave another shiver as he felt the warmth coress the outer shell, making the teen above him give another chuckle as the hands continued to massage his chest.
"Say, Dai-chan?" Dark said in a hushed tone, his lips lightly moving over the others ear as he spoke. "We really should get ready for school. How about I help you?" As he said this, he moved them closer to the bed until they both were over, the teller vampire straddling Daisuke's hips as he pulled the top higher until it was off of his head. However, he did not completely remove it as his arms were still stuck in it, rendering him helpless to sheild himself from his highly perverted boyfriend. Dark sat there, smirking at the bosy that lay before him. He noticed there were still marks from last nghts activities. Mine! He thought as he leaned down to start kissing the others neck. He trailed down as his hands continued to trail all over his chest and stomach, enjoying the noises that he recieved when he trailed over some more sensative spots. He then moved himself to look at Diasuke's face, bringing a hand up to gently stroke his cheek, before giving him another kiss, arms wrapping themselves around his neck to bring him closer. His other hand continued to go lower to the hem of his boxers, his fingers slipping under them before-
"Dark! Daisuke! It's breakfast time. not sex time! Hurry up!" A loud shouted acompanied by loud banging. It would appear Riku Harada was a sore loser and therefore still getting over the fact she had lost to her younger sibling, which she had never done in her entire life. But, it wasn't like Risa was helping her with this, oh no, she was enjoying it, boasting and everything. As the saying goes. With great siblings, comes great rivalries. And these two were no exception to the rule of this, but because Risa had never won anything against Riku before, she was determind to make this last as long as possible, which had grated on the older twin nerves and so she was now angry at the one who had made her lose the bet. "Don't make me come in there! I also bring my sister in as well if I have too!" She heard shuffling and movement inside. Wihin three minutes, the door was open to two flushed faces belonging to the two boys, all in their school uniform, if not a little disgruntled from the obvious rush they had been in at the threat. Folding her arms, she glared at the two vampires. But before she could say anything, Risa came to stand beside her.
"Hey you two. Nice morning isn't it? Did you have a good night?" She said in a perky voice, a sweet smile on her face while the two were oblivious to the meaning in which her words took, thinking it was an innocent question enough. So seeming no harm in saying anything, Daisuke replied with a warm smile of his own.
"Yeah, it is a nice morning. And yeah we did. How about you?" His question was directed at the younger twin, but Riku stood in front of his view, eyes narrowed with her hands on his hips, making him feel intimidated and take a step back fro the heated gaze. Dark noticed this and stood in front of him sightly, making the female turn her glare to him.
"What's your problem?" Dark asked, folding his arms while the red head stayed where he was, wondering what they had done to upset the girl so much that she would be glaring at them early on in the morning. Heck, they hadn't even spoken all that much so he didn't understand where they would have had the chance to insult her.
"My problem? Dark, I thought you were suppose to be able to seduce anyone and able to make them so what they want. Take my sister for example-" "Hey" "-she would have jumped at the chance. But no, you had to be all humble and you even asked him if that was okay?" The two males looked at her with wide eyes and confused looks, turning to each other to silently ask What the hell is she on? "Thanks to you, I lost the bet." She finished her little rant, snapping the two's attention back to the not fuming brunette. Risa then took this opertunity to pull her sister back, still smiling.
"What bet? You're not making any sense Riku." Daisuke said, feeling safer now the girl was out of hitting range and took his previous position next to Dark, who was also looking confused at what she was talking about.
"Well, me and Riku had a little bet on who would ask first." Still seeing the two looks, she sighed. "We heard you last night, and we had made a bet on who would ask who to do it. I had betted on Daisuke and since he asked first, I won the bet. And now Riku is being all sore loser like because I beat her!" She said with a victorious smile. They didn't understand but once it clicked, both pairs of eye went wide and their cheeks turned pink. Well, Dark's did, while Daisuke went for the all out full body blush. Of course, that was understandable when you find out that on your first time, you had someone in the next room listening to you and making bets on what you might do. The red head decided now would be a good time to leave away from the strange girls.
"Oh well look at the time, come on Dark we better go now!" He said as he grabbed his hand and sprinted with him all the way to the dining hall. Once they both catched their breath, they turned to each other, before they both sighed, entering the building with a small blush on their faces.
I hate fan girls!
Lucy stood outside of the head masters office, looking at the dark wooden door, knowing the man inside already knew she was here waiting outside. Sighing, she vrought her fist up and gently knocked on the door, unsure of why Krad wanted to see her since they usually had meetings tomorrow, which made her worry. It was obviously something big that couldn't be left to a later date, especially if it was in the morning when all the students had school, meaning they couldn't meet outside like they usually did. She wondered idly if the gardians would be there, before shaking her head. Of course they will be there. They need to be since they protect this place. She entered the office to see Krad, Ayame and Kaito seeming to have been discussing something and by the looks on their faces and dark coloured aura's, she knew t had to be something big and also it was something bad. She closed the door and made her way to stand in front of the headmasters desk, her brows furrowed as she nodded in greeting to them.
"So, what is going on that cannot be on hold til tomorrows meeting?" She asked, looking at each of them. She was the youngest yes, only 17 but Krad had chosen her to be one of the gardians, not like she didn't have anywhere else to go once she had finished school. Of course, Dark's parents woudn't disagree with the blonds judgment, knowing he decided what he thought was best for the school. So this meant she had full access to any secret meeting or anything that was happening within and around the school. But of course, like the gardians, she was not allowed to say anything about what happened in the meeting nor was allowed to tell anyone about the gardians. She had got an era full and a half from all three of the older vampires for telling Daisuke about their meeting, but she had shrugged her shoulders, saying they both deserved to be happy and look where that had gotten them now, all lovey-dovey and going out and all couple stuff. She had also noticed how much better Dark had become, no longer the play boy she knew, but someone who really cared and loved Daisuke. My little brothers growing up so fast.
"As you are aware, there has been a rise in 'missing people' and rogues. This means that their isn't a vampire going around being careless, but are actually creating rogues for an unknown purpose. So far, there has been 25 reports of people missing and we are no-where close from finding out who is the group causing this." Krad said, placing his elbows on the desk, his chin resting on top of his hands. "This now worries me deeply since they seem to be near our location. I do not want this school or these students in danger." There was a silence before Kaito stepped forward.
"Ayame and I will be keeping wath as always here, keeping a high alert for anything suspicious or that catches are attention from the norm. We would like you to go to see the police force. They will allow you if you tell them where you come from. Try and help them with the investigation, and try to get as much information from the suspects and rogues as possible, since you will be able too know if they are lying or not." He said, his voice ferm and Lucy nodded in agreement.
"What are we going to do about the students? Surely we cannot let them go on clueless, even though we don't want them to panic. You know..." She didn't say it, but she knew they understood what she meant. Just in case.
"Krad will be giving the students an assembly about a chance of any danger, without trying to cause to much worry throughout the students. The last thing we need is for them to start worrying about all this since there is a chance nothing will happen." Ayame said. The brunette turned to the headmster, who nodded in what the gardian had just said. The bell rang and Lucy gave a sigh.
"Well, I must be off. Dark is coming over today and I still need to clear my place up a little before him and his boyfriend arrive." Lucy said, trying to make a quick get away. She knew what she had to do, but the fact that the school might be in danger made her stomach clench, not to mention that they didn't know the cause or reason for this group to suddenly want to change so many people.
"Don't say anything to them." Kaito said and she nodded before exiting the room and returning to her place, going by some students who were smiling and talking to their friends, while others were moaning about the next class, one worrying because they had forgotten their homework and knew they would get into trouble. She couldn't help but be frightened for all these young vampires, knowing there was danger just looming outside of the school walls, none of them knowing that they all may end up in more trouble then writing lines or an after class detention.
"Dark, wake up. Schools over now." Daisuke shook the purple headed teen who only groaned and moved his face into his folded arms, giving a small sigh, while Daisuke pouted and folded his arms before a wickid smile slid across his face. He leant down to the vampires ear and whispered. "Well, if you're not going to get up and go now, I wouldn't mind seeing more of those cute little photo's of you." nd like that, Dark sat up quickly, bolt up right and eyes wide.
"I'm awake!" And Daisuke was on the floor laughing at the instant reaction he had gotten while the other glared at him, silently fuming at his boyfriends taunt. He didn't know why, he didn't know how, but for some reason, Lucy has some extremely embarressing and a half photos of his when he was a kid and becausee they were late, his ever so loving sister had decided to get the album out and the red head being curious looked at them... And pretty muched awww'ed and laughed through out it. where was Dark? Sitting in a chair opposite the, planning the older girls fetal demise. Oh yes, he would get her back for that, no doubt about it. But what as more annoying is the fact he had not seen any pictures of his Dai-chan, meaning he had the upper hand in blackmail material, which was never a good thing in his books. He didn't believe he would actually do anything like that, but you never know.
"Are you still hung up over that time? Seriously Dark, my pparents have more embarressing photo's of me. Yours are nothing to be ashamed off." Daisuke had said to comfort him, which got him a mischevious smirk.
"Which reminds me Dai-chan, when am I gonna meet your parents? I'm pretty sure your parents are the kind to show of how cute their son is." He smirked widened when Daisuke's face pailed slightly, showing he was correct in making that assumption, especially his Mother. "Yep, we need to make an arrangement in the next holiday. When is it, after next week, right? You should invite me over and we could spend a glorious half term together. Wouldn't that be fun Dai-chan?" Your version of fun and my version of fun I think are two different things. Daisuke thought, but none the less agreed to it, which got him a kiss on the cheek. After that, they started making their way to Lucy's apartment, signing in and going up. Dark knocked and was greeted my an extremly disgruntled female vampire, hair half hazerdly tied up, jeans slipping down because she wasn't wearing a belt, her shirt gone funny because she had missed a button. Dark raised an eyebrow and leaned to the side to look inside, seeing there was lots of books stacked in a corner while some papers layed sprawled across the table.
"Ummm, are we interupting something?" Dark asked, looking over her appearence again, before Lucy looked down at herself and looked surprise like she hadn't actually realised what she looked like until the teen had pointed it out to her. Feeling a little embarressed, she allowed the two teens in before excusing herself and going into her bedroom. She had been rushing since the conversation she had witth the headmaster and gardians. She had litrally had to go back, get her things and go to class, then remembering she didn't have that one, meaning she had to go back and collect her books, only before leaving the building that she thought that paper needed handing in, making her go back upstairs collect it and rush to her class. Then if that wasn't worse, before she had left, some stupid kid had spilt yoghurt or something on her, meaning she had to go back and shower, dry her hair before she saw the time and realised that she hadn't tidied the place up for her brother and boyfriend arrival. so she had just quickly put something on and rushed around until everything looked a little more organised before they had knocked on her door and made her realise she looked like she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards. Smoothing her hair and sorting out her clothes, she went back in with a smile on her face.
"There we go, madness over. Sorry, I've been really busy and some of the students here are just...grrrr!" She said, before asking about how they were doing and starting idle chit chat. They talked about school and how one of Daisuke's art is going to be entered into a competition which he was really excited about, while Dark boasted and praised him for it, saying he knew how to pick them. Lucy was really happy to see that the two of them were getting along so well. She could tell by their aura's that they truly loved each other. Heck, some of the couples she saw didn't have such a strong and vibrant colour to it. It made her smile, but of course she was curious about one little itsy bitsy thing about their relationship. "So, how far have you gone then?" She asked bluntly, which made both the vampires eyes go wide and jaws drop. She didn't need to see their aura's, their blushes were enough to say it all. "My little brother has finally grown up and become a man!" She said, fist pumping before wiping a fake tear away, which gained her being pounced on by said teen.
After that was over with, she asked if they would like something to drink which they both agreed to. She went into the kitchen and began getting her fresh supply of blood when she noticed her planner, seeing how she was going to have to go tomorrow to investigate the disappearences and rise in rogues. She sighed, seeing all the plans she had made been scribbled out. She was going to be missing her friend Jessica's party, but it was her duty as a gardian in training to put personal matters aside for the safety of the school.
"Hey, are you okay?" Dark asked, poking his head through the kitchen door, looking confused and worried at why the brunnette seemed so anxious about something. Lucy quickly shut her planner and looked shocked at him before giving a warm smile. She put the book down, carrying out the glasses she had filled.
"Yeah, everythings fine. The last week before the holiday is going to be seriously packed. You would have thought schol would let us relax a little and prepare something wouldn't you?" She said in a casual tone, Dark smiling and going along with it despite the fact she was most likely hiding something from him, but she obviously didn't want to say anything if she wanted to keep it to herself. They entered back into th living room, Dark sitting next to Daisuke as he handed him his glass. Lucy thought they looked adorable together.
"Okay, since you've already done it, I can't really give you 'the talk'. However, I can tell you about something else that has relevence to your relationship. Have you ever heard of the blood bond act?" Looking at their confused faces, she took at that as a no and continued on with her explana tion. "Well, what it is when teo vampires drink each others blood at the same time, they form a bond between them. This shows that they truly belong to one another and that no-one else can have them. Also, it has this tendency to tell you if your 'partner' shall we say, is in some for of trouble or danger. It can sometimes lead you to them as well if you are seperated. I wanted to tell you this just so you have it in mind for the future. I mean, you two are really close. I mean like, extremly close, your aura's kind of act the same way which slightly freaks me out, but hey, I can live with that. Now that I've done the whole 'parenting on relationship' blah blah, I feel much better. Can't believe I coudn't have the talk with you. I knew Dai-chan would be blushing from start to end. But, he's still lushing, so I guess it's still good." She said with a small giggle as indeed, Daisuke was blushing at that last statement. Sorry Lucy, my parents beat you to it a few years ago. He thought.
After spending another hour there talking, the couple left the brunnette and she watched them head down the hall. When they were out of sight, she smiled andd returned back into the room. She smirked to herself as she continued to clean up to the place before packing for her stay at a hotel nearby where she had already made reservation for her time investigating. She thought back to those two, smiling to herself before speaking out loudly to no one. "I wonder if they will do the blood bond act tonight. In fact, I'm certain of it." Once vampires know who they love, they become inseperable. She laughed before noticing a picture of her and Dark, younger and laughing in the sun, both in casual clothes. You deserve every bit of happiness you recieve Dark. But- She looked out and saw the dark clouds, while hearing the rain hit the window -we might have some sorrows up a head.
When the two vampires arrived back to their room, they both started getting ready for bed. Dark was thinking about what his sister was so worried about, since she always seemed to happy and cheerful, nthing bringing her down, but then, he had seen the worry, the fear but he didn't know where those feelings were directed too. Girls are so complicated, why did I even date them? But, I was the infamous Dark, playboy extrodinar. He turned around to see Daisuke pulling over a t-shirt, not bothering with bottoms since the weather was getting warmer. I guess I have really grown up from then. Who would have thought it?
"Say, Dark?" Daisuke asked, breaking Dark's train of thought and turning to the slightly blushing but serious looking face of his boyfriend. He raised an eyebrow and wondered what was making him like this. "Why do you think Lucy told us about the Blood Bond act?" Now understanding and sort of seeing where this conversation was heading, he gave a smile and walked over to him, bringing him into an embrace and kissing the top of his head.
"My sister can obviously how the two of us are, so might have figured we might want to do that. Also, she did seem kinda miffed she couldn't give us 'the talk'. Why, is it bothering you?" Dark asked, worried that actually he was wrong it what he was thinking and perhaps the small teen didn't want to do that with him.
"Well, would you... You know, would you do that with, with me?" Daisuke asked, looking up with wide pleading eyes, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. Dark couldn't stand that look. It looked like Daisuke was expecting him to be rejected by the purple haired vampire, which he wasn't. He lenaed down and kissed him sweetly, bringing him closer before breaking apart.
"Daisuke, I would do it now if you wanted. The idea of you being mine and I to you and for all vampires to see, it makes me happy at the thought of it, being bonded in every way we possibly can. So, will you do the Blood Bond act with me?" Daisuke looked at him, before smiling and nodding quickly, making him slightly disorientated when he stopped. Chucking Dark smiled and placed his wrist to the others mouth, making him confused and look up at the violet eyes teen in confusion. "Lucy said we need to drink each others blood at the same time. I don't know what will happen, so just to be on the safe side, we'll drin from each others wrists, sound good?" Dark asked. Nodding in agreement Daisuke brought his own wrist to Dark's lips. With a nod, their fangs extended and they bit into each others viens, moaning at the first mouthful as they were engulfed by warmth and pleasure spiking through their blood. They continued to drink from each other with more enthusiasm now,, the feeling only getting stronger and stronger, their wrists feeling like they were on fire but they couldn't stop themslves. After what seemed like an eternity but was actually was a short moment, they broke away from each other, panting at what they had just experience, thier wrists feeling like someone had put white hot iron on them, before it suddenly left, leaving only a warm tingling feeling all over their bodies.
"Well, that was just..." Diasuke began, before he felt dizzy and started falling, black spots dancing across his vision, but thankfully Dark caught him before he reached the floor. He brought him over to the bed and layed him down. "Sorry." He mumbled "I'm just really tired..." He said softly before his eyes were closed and his breathing was even as he fell asleep. The other teen watched him, laying down next to him on the bed before his eyes too began to shut, falling unconsious. Unkown to them, their bond had already been connected, the proof of where they had both bitten, there was now an image of a black feather.
Ayame entered much later that night after her patrol to see both the teens asleep next to each other, but was curious as to why there was a smell of blood that lingered in the air, even though she could see that neither of them had been hurt. Going over, she saw her sons wrist and her eyes widened at the mark their. She rolled her eyes and shook his head, before glancing at the window, where she saw a raven looking into the room. She jumped onto the window sill and hissed, making the bird call before flapping its wings and flying away. She closed the curtain before looking down at the two bonded vampires, a gut feeling that a black feather was no coincedence, before looking back to where the raven had disappeared too, seeing the sun trying to break through the clouds. I fear that this, is a bad omen.
Me: Things are really starting to start and hey look, I found a plot XD. And who was that mysterious person eh? Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough.
Ayame: I don't like where this is going.
Lucy: Neither do I. What's with the bad signs. Think posotive! Dark and Daisuke are like, together togther! *Fangirl squeal*
Ayame: and what was with you trying to give the talk to my son? *Glares*
Lucy: Erm, uh, blame her! *points at me and runs off*
Me: urm... I can explain... it was in my chapter breakdown list! So was Riku being a sore loser (lol). But yes, tell me what you think of this and I think I'm gonna start on my next chapter as soon as possible since I now know where this is heading. As always, please reveiw, I like reviews very much. I will reply to them (just because I don't in my stories doesn't mean I don't pm you ^^) Anyway, that's all.
Lucy: *Runs back* Until we meet again! Byebye! *Runs away*
Me: Hey! Thats my line! *Chases her*