I am sorry that i have not updated! I have had major internet problems with my laptop which got fixed a few hours ago, so i have had no way to upload my stories whatsoever. I hope you people can forgive me, it was out of my hands. T-T Anways, I do not own Star Wars, or SWCW's! George Lucas and Lucasfilm's has the rights to it. I only own Anahita Unduli II, do NOT steal her!

Also, thanks you so much for all the reviews! CentuarGirl21: I am so happy you are liking my story and yes i do know the feeling of disliking OC's, which is why i tend to make mine different! ^_^ Referring to the I's part, JME 1 &2, the 1st being Luminara's POV, and 2nd was Yoda's POV. Hope that clarifies things up for you. And yes it is very sweet in chapter 5, I have to have the juicy parts in there every once in a while.

And now onto the next chapter!

Chapter 6- Injection-

The clones had surrounded the building outside. There were two on the roof ready to break in if needed. "Mistress, the front of the building is surrounded by Republic forces. About twenty of them. What do you want us to do about them?" a droid asked, turning to the Count's assassin. "Keep them from getting in here. I need to complete something for my master." she said, as the droid replied "Yes, Mistress", and proceeded to march into battle outside. Ventress walked back to her hostage, who was tied to a pole. She glared at Anahita, this child was a weakling! But Count Dooku wanted the Jedi who had the power to save… and to kill.

"Well my dear, would you agree that your army of clones can save you?" Ventress asked, smiling down at the bound girl. "Against the little number of droids you've got to protect you, those clones will win hands down!" Anahita said to annoy Ventress. "They may, but you'll be gone before they can get in here to rescue you. Now, since you're tied up, putting this in will be much, much easier." Ventress said, walking to the back of her, and Anahita felt her stick a long and thick needle in her neck. Then she stuck the needle in again to her neck four more times, a liquid flowing through her body. "What are you doing?" Anahita asked darkly, as Ventress walked back around her, and said nothing as she counted Count Dooku. Outside, the clones were done taking down the droids, who were broken, fizzing, and scattered around. "Let's move!" Captain Rex ordered the men, as they broke down the door and ran in, weapons raised against their chests. But there was no one in the room, as they looked at each other in confusion. "She's got to be here somewhere. Spread out and search for them!" Rex ordered, as they started to search the factory.

Meanwhile, Kit was anxious to hear news of the clone's retrieval of his padawan, but no message had come through since they had surrounded the building. Kit sighed; he knew that she would be okay, so long as she didn't fight Ventress. For without a lightsaber, Anahita would need to rely on her own fighting abilities. "Kit, do you need to talk to someone?" Obi-Wan asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. "No. I'll be fine, Obi-Wan. I just want Anahita back here soon." he replied a little forcefully, but then tried to hide it from Obi-Wan; who noticed the change in attitude at once. "She'll be back here in a bit, I'm sure the clones are on their way to the temple now. It would be better for you to try not to worry." Obi-Wan reassured Kit, who felt a bit calmer, but he was still very unsure of her returning. "I hope you are right." Kit said honestly, and turned his head towards the window to divert his attention.

"So you're Count Dooku? I would have expected someone younger and less of a fighter!" Anahita said straight to the count, as she was led into a meeting room. "My dear, you have a sharp tongue. I trust you'll hold it during our… negotiation." Count Dooku said, clearly not amused by Anahita's words. "What negotiation?" she asked, watching him closely as he sat down in a chair. Ventress stood next to him, her face deadly as a number of creatures in the galaxy. "I wish to exchange information I have discovered about your past." Anahita suspiciously looked at him, before asking, "What's the catch? Surely there is something in it for you. Or at least you want something from me."

"That isn't always the case, Jedi." Ventress snarled at Anahita, who glared back at the assassin in return. "Seems to me it would be the case, baldy!" Anahita said to her as Asajj fought back the urge to punch her. "Ladies, enough!" he said annoyed, as they shut up at the force of his voice. "Now, Anahita, I suppose you know of your full name?" Dooku asked her, but she was very confused. "You've struggled for so long to find out if you're an orphan or not, and have found little evidence or leads. How awful you must feel." Dooku said a bit dramatically, trying to lure her into the trap. He pulled up a hologram of a planet projected from the wall. Anahita was cautious of him, this felt all too un-Sith like.

'I have more to my name? And how did he know let alone find anything out about my past? How much does Count Dooku know already?' She thought, feeling anxiety seep through her thoughts, but she pushed them away. She needed to focus. "This is the planet Mirial, in the Mirial system. Your mother is from here as well, but she clearly left you abandoned with a friend of hers. Your full name is… Anahita. Unduli. The second." Dooku explained, as a picture of Luminara was shown next to the planet. "We discovered she is your mother, and there isn't any clue as to who your father is. She planned to keep you a secret from the Jedi Council, but her plan backfired." Ventress said, taking pleasure in Anahita's shock and disbelief. "That- that must have been just before I ended up at Coruscant. But why? Why are you both telling me this?" Anahita questioned the elder humans, as she tried to comprehend all the information. "Anahita, you were clearly not meant to be a Jedi in this life, but I am giving you an opportunity here. Working for the Separatists has many benefits. And since you are still training, I am sure I could teach you much more than the Jedi can. So, does this interest you?" Dooku said in his usual, evil, twisted ways of words.

He shut off the hologram, and looked at Anahita. There was so much confusion and questions to be asked in her head, she felt like it would explode. Even though she was upset, she cleared her mind and knew that she had to get out of this room before Dooku or Ventress could try any other means of persuasion. "My answer's no!" she cried out at him bravely, Dooku frowned. "You will stay here as our prisoner, Jedi. Ventress, if you would capture her." Dooku ordered, as Ventress intercepted the padawan as she sprinted for the door. "Get out of my way!" Anahita threw Ventress against the wall with a force push, and then raced out of the room not bothering to look back. Ventress got up and recovered, as Dooku gave her a look of warning. She backed off, and let her master go. Going to the nearest droids, he commanded them to find Anahita. "Sir, there's the girl! She is running through the middle of the ship." came a battle droids voice a few minutes later, as Count Dooku smirked and went to find her.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please be patient with me. I have to type up more, but the chapter is nearly done. I appreciate all reviews, they are a source of happiness! And of course, remeber to vote on my poll on my profile, and pages and groups on facebook you can join! May the force be with you!