Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars the Clone Wars, it belongs to George Lucas! I am not making any money off of this! Please enjoy, and I have finally gotten around to typing this! It will also be going on my account! May the Force be with you!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Next Apprentice

Journal Memory Entry 1- My Firstborn's Birth- (Mirial, 34 BBY)-

The day started out as a normal day for me, my body was a bit sore, but that wasn't anything new. Because I, Luminara Unduli, had become unexpectedly pregnant, Palaptine sent me back to my home world of Mirial; along with Jedi Master Aayla Secura, until the baby was born. The three of us were to keep this a secret from the council, which was quite risky. I had managed to use four and a half months on missions and battles, while Aayla spent six months on the battlefield.

This was so no one would not notice any change. My people agreed to help me, as they understood some of the rules the Jedi had. We were said to be on a series of missions near the outer rim planets, helping to gain control there. Aayla was already up, and she helped me get off the bed. I sighed as I walked downstairs, and sat down at the table. "Luminara, what's wrong?" my friend asked, looking at me from the couch. "I'm just tired and a little bit depressed, that's all Mirachim." I replied, as Aayla poured us some warm tea. "Thank you, Aayla. Luminara, I told you that baby is going to be trouble! Woman who are pregnant only get depression in the beginning or half-way through, not two months before it's going to be due!" her friend said in a warning tone, sipping her tea in frustration.

"You're welcome, Mirachim. And she is only a month and one week away from having the child. The child may just have an opposite affect while developing inside of her. She is going to be very special." Aayla said, trying to calm the woman down, and reassure her. "I just want the time to go by quickly, so it can be born. I have duties that require my services, as well as Aayla's." Luminara said, staring at the calendar. "Well it won't take long, and it'll come when you're not expecting it." she said, knowing from past experiences of other deliveries she had performed. "I hope you're right." Aayla said quietly to herself, as she felt some fear rising in her chest.

A few weeks passed, and the pain increased to an extremely painful level. There was only two weeks left to go, I knew I just had to keep bearing with it. The next day, however, came a unexpectency. I had been up for a few hours, just trying to pass the time, minus the morning sickness. All of a sudden, I felt strange. I looked down at the floor to see water flowing out from underneath me. "Aayla! Aayla!" I cried out urgently, hoping that she was awake.

She came out of her room, and rushed downstairs to see what the matter was so early in the morning. (It was about 6 AM in the morning, FYI). "Luminara, what's wrong?" she asked, before her bare feet touched the water. "My water broke. Although it didn't break entirely, so the baby must be trying to get out early. What should I do?" she replied in a panic, breathing heavily.

"Calm down. You haven't broken entirely, so there's still time before it starts. We'll let Mirachim know, and she'll keep an eye out for you. Just calm down, it'll do no good if you panic." Aayla told her, as she calmed down a bit. Aayla went and told Mirachim, who got the spare bedroom ready for her, just in case. A few hours passed, and then another few, till it was just about two in the afternoon. All of a sudden, she felt her body rip in pain. Luminara gritted her teeth, as a few seconds later, her water broke once again, and a bigger pain hit her.

Aayla helped her up to the bedroom, and got Mirachim. I don't really remember what happened besides the pain, but after an hour and a half, the baby finally came out. Although she was crying, I smiled out of relief and happiness. Even if I wouldn't get to be there for my child. "What are you going to name her, Luminara?" Aayla asked the next day, as we were to leave that afternoon for Coruscant. "I've had this name in mind for quite some time, but now that I've seen her, I know it will work perfectly for her." Luminara said, walking over to the crib where the newborn girl was sleeping, and picked her up in her arms.

"My little one, as all newborns must be named within three days of birth; I bestow upon you a special necklace to wear when you are much older; which guarantees your name for life. And the hope that you will become a proud member of our race. From today on, your birthday is December 16th, 34 BBY, and your name is Anahita Unduli II." Luminara recited, placing the necklace on her head. She placed her back in the crib; smiling happily at the event she had preformed.

"Luminara, we're all set to go. Are you sure you're ready to leave? And will you tell me the baby's name?" Aayla asked, coming into the room. "I'm ready. Her name is Anahita Unduli the second." she replied, as Aayla took one last look at the baby. "How are you two going to meet each other in the future?" she asked in concern for both of them. "She'll know about me eventually, so she'll probably try and find some way to leave here and find me." she told her, as they headed downstairs and stopped at the door.

"It'll be strange getting back into the swing of things, won't it?" Luminara asked in thought, as Aayla just nodded in agreement. "We should leave. It'll be better for you if we go now, instead of later when you're too attached to Anahita." Aayla humorously said, trying to cheer Luminara up. She smiled, and walked out the door with Aayla. As they got on a small transporter which would take them to the beginning of the desert, where a Republic ship was waiting to take them back to Coruscant.

Mirachim waved at them, and once they were out of sight, she went back inside the house. About half an hour later, we reached the ship. As we took off, I felt the oddest feeling that something was up. "General Luminara? Is there something wrong?" asked the ships clone commander, as he drove the ship out of the atmosphere. "No, it's nothing. There's nothing wrong at all." she said, letting herself be composed instead of worrying about her baby. We left the planet of Mirial behind, along with my little girl, Anahita.

-Journal Memory Entry 1-End-