Hey everybody thanks so much for the positive reviews! I know this is a short chapter but I am super tired! So I will def try to write another longer chapter tomorrow! So please review! And hope you enjoy!

Chapter 10

Cammie pov

I am exhausted. Literally, it hurts to even open my eyes so I don't, instead I just listen. I heard the soft rhythm of my heart monitor, and snoring? I then decided to try and move my hands and I felt around me and my hand landed on something soft. I opened my eyes and saw that my hand was in Zach's hair. My aunt was leaning on Mr. Solomon's shoulder. His head was leaning on hers. My mother was asleep in a chair. My best friends asleep on the floor, cuddled together.

I took a breath and tried sitting up. Pain shot through me as if I had been hit by lighting. I whimpered and continued to sit up further. I finally got into a full sitting position and looked around. Nobody had awoken or if they had they were really good at fake sleeping. Oh yeah, that`s right I'm not the only spy in the room. Breathing was hard, they really messed me up. My hands were wrapped so were my feet. My wrists were bandaged, so was my head. I looked down at my arms and saw the scratches; I hope they will go away.

The memories of those months kept replaying over and over in my head. I felt sick suddenly, I need to get out of here. I need air, I needed space, I need my dad. I quietly moved the blankets off my legs and saw the bruises and cuts. I looked over at Zach and I saw that he moved his head a little. If I wanted to get away I needed to do it fast. I quietly swung my legs to the side of the bed and placed my feet on the floor. I should have known better, as soon as my feet touched the floor, an alarm sounded in my room waking everybody up.

Zach jumped up and ran around to me and placed me back in bed. I sighed and looked up to see my mom staring at me, "Cammie, sweetheart you're awake. How are you feeling?" she asked petting my head. I took a deep breath, another mistake, which lead me into a coughing fit. After my lungs calmed down I finally responded with an "I have been better". She hugged me and talked about how need to be debriefed. She also mentioned that I could have died. Bex, Liz, and Macey haven't said anything to me. They keep staring at the floor or around me. Zach really hasn't said anything, neither has Joe or Abby. If they want to be mad whatever, I need a rest I just roll over and close my eyes.

I soon fall asleep, and then I can feel it. The needles they pricked me with, the countless times a metal bat connected with my body. I heard all of the smart ass remarks I made to them, and then saw the consequences I got for the remarks. All I wanted was my normal life back, but I guess when you become a spy, there never really is a normal.

I really wanted to write a chapter today for you all so I did sorry its short though! And sorry about the cliff hangers lol! So please review, hope to hear from you soon!