A/N I know I was evil leaving you with such a cliffie in the last chapter, sorry! Hope you'll like this new one! And thank you so very much to everybody who reviewed, alerted or favourited this story - you make me soo happy!

Disclaimer: Had I owned Torchwood, Ianto would be appearing in season 4... Sniffle..

Chapter 28

"Jack!" Ianto groaned as the phone rang. "Jack! Pick up!"

His sleepy lover picked up the phone, and woke up very quickly.

"Yes, it is. Alright, yes of course. Absolutely, we'll be there as soon as possible! Thank you, good bye."

Ianto was wide awake when Jack put the phone down, and looked anxiously at him.

"Ianto, erm… Lisa's… Lisa's taken a turn for the worse, that was the hospital, they've decided to sedate her and do a C-section, and they're doing it at nine o'clock this morning!" Jack said, still under shock after getting the message.

Ianto's eyed opened so wide that Jack was afraid they would jump out of their sockets, before gasping and jumping out of bed, putting a pair of pants on.

"You go and wake Alice, and I'll get some things together before I leave…" he said distractedly, obviously very shocked as well.

"Hey!" Jack said, getting out of bed, stilling his lover by taking his shoulders. "We're all going! This is our baby, we're doing this as a family! And it'll be ok, do you get that? Just calm down, and we'll be at the hospital in no time!" he said, pressing a kiss to Ianto's lips before running off to wake Alice.

The next thirty minutes were as though all three of them had taken speed, they ran around getting things together for themselves and for the baby, before finally going to the car. Just as they were loading the things into the car, Jack just stopped, and looked at his partner. Ianto and Alice were very surprised at this after the last half an hour, and looked curiously at him.

"Ianto, we're havin' a baby!" Jack said with a grin before getting into the car, the family going off to London to see the birth of their new family member.


Entering the hospital, Ianto went straight to the desk and talked to one of the nurses he knew.

"Ok, we've got an hour before they're putting her under, lets go to her room!" he said to his family, after having talked to the nurse, setting off towards the lifts, Alice and Jack hurrying after.

They soon came to Lisa's room, where they found her parents sitting outside.

"Mr and Mrs Hallet, this is Jack and Alice." Ianto introduced them.

Lisa's parents said hello softly, before excusing themselves, they still hadn't quite come to terms with Lisa's choice, but were happy that Ianto would take care of their child. The four of them had spent a lot of time talking about Lisa's choice and Ianto's new family during the last few weeks, and Ianto knew that they wouldn't contest Lisa's wish for Ianto to have the baby.

Ianto went in to see Lisa and they spoke softly for some time, before she asked him to bring Jack in.

"Ianto, could I have some time alone with Jack?" Lisa asked, and Ianto left, taking Alice to the cafeteria.

"Lisa?" Jack said softly, as Ianto left.

"Jack, I'm really happy Ianto's met you, you and Alice make him so happy, and I'm glad to be able to contribute to your family. I've seen the change in him, and I'm happy for you." She stopped talking, coughing, and Jack reached for a glass of water for her. She drank gratefully, and smiled weakly at him before continuing. "Jack, I know it already, but please will you promise me to take care of Ianto and this baby?"

Jack took her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

"Lisa, I promise to love and care for this child, as if it were my own! I love Ianto, and I will protect our little family, and give them all my love, till the day I die!"

"Thank you, Jack…" she said before closing her eyes, visibly tired.

Jack left the room, and met Ianto, Alice and Lisa's parents outside.

"I think she's ready…" he said looking sadly at them. Lisa's father took his wife's hands and they went into their daughter's room to say good bye.

A few minutes later, they came out as a medical team came to get Lisa to take her to the operating theatre.

Jack put an arm around Alice and the other around Ianto's shoulders, pressing a kiss to each of their heads before leading them off to the waiting room.


An hour later, a nurse came out to get Ianto, to tell them that they now had a healthy baby girl. She led the three of them to a room where they got to put on gowns before going to a sterile room. The nurse left them alone for a few minutes, before coming back with a bundle in her arms.

"Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet your daughter." Saying this, the nurse handed the baby over to Ianto. He sat down with Alice on one side and Jack on the other, looking at their new family member. The baby opened her big blue eyes, and it felt like she looked right at each of them, and Jack touched her cheek gently with one finger.

"Welcome to the world, Elizabeth!" Alice said to her baby sister, all of them smiling.

Reviews? Pretty please?