Hey! It's Victoria and Vanessa here! We just finished this chapter with Meg and I know its like one in the morning but we both wanted to get this up before she starts classes in a couple of hours. Camilla and Katerina are unfortunately not here to say anything so enjoy reading! Also, check out our other fanfic, VA Fan Mail and leave a letter! Here's a quick note from Meg (lol we're typing it coz we're on the phone with her right now; she says hi!):

Hola chicas! It's Meg! Anyways another kinda sorta long chapter! Sry again; no UDs on my stories yet! College is a pain in the ass and I have tones of homework. But enjoy reading this chapter and leave a really nice review. xoxo, Meg

We love you Meg! Kk, oh ya and all three of us apologize. There's only a couple of parts with RXD. But next chapter will hopefully be a little better and it WONT be centered towards Viktoria's anger. (lol, thats me! x, Victoria). But we'll shut up now so you can read. Ciao!

During dinner, nobody talked. The air was filled with awkwardness and tension between Dimitri's family and himself; not to mention the tension they probably felt between Dimitri and I. I was thankful that they didn't ask about us yet. Hopefully, they could tell that we didn't want to talk about it. I was sitting between Lissa and Karolina, and right across from Viktoria so she would throw me deadly glares every so often while spearing vegetables with her fork and angrily shoving them into her mouth. Everyone's attention was clearly headed towards her. Sonya stared at her like she was crazy, Yeva amusingly, and Lissa kept peaking at me from the corner of her eye. Olena kept looking at with an expression of sorrow, but I thoroughly ignored them.

After helping clean up a bit, Lissa and I headed upstairs while Dimitri stayed to talk with Olena for some time.

"I'm exhausted." Lissa yawned, plopping down onto Viktoria's bed. "But its only six. God, I hate adjusting to human time, especially since we're in Russia and we're in a different time zone."

I smirked and sat on the bed next to her. "You'll get used to it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you." she said, stifling another yawn. "What's going on with you and Viktoria?"

I rolled my eyes. "She hates me. The last time I was here, she snuck out of the house and tried to sleep with the 'bad boy' of this town, but I followed her and made Abe a deal that he'd stop what was going on between them if I left Baia. So I did, she found out, got really pissed, and never talked to me again. End of story."

"W.O.W. I'm really sorry." Lissa sympathized, patting me arm. "I'm sure Viktoria will come around and-

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

The doorknob twisted and the door opened to reveal Paul and Yeva. I raised my eyebrows. Certainly the least two people I'd imagine to come up here. The memory of when Yeva made me go see Mark and Oksana with Paul flooded into my mind. Oh crap, was she going to make me do that again? As in carry those heavy boxes filled with garden bricks for miles? She muttered something to Paul and Russian and he nodded. Ugh, I thought we had already established that she could speak English?

"Grandmother said she would like to talk to you." Paul emitted.

I nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Go ahead."

Yeva stepped forward and glared. I thought it was me at first, until I realized she was glaring at something behind me. I turned around and faced a very confused looking Lissa.

"Yeah, that's Lissa." I said, standing up.

Yeva moved forward until she was on the foot of the bed, right in front of Lissa. Then, she brought up her cane and started poking Lissa on the base of her arm. Lissa jolted back in surprise and gave me a weird look. Hey, this woman was full of surprises. Yeva grunted and squinted her eyes more at Lissa. It was creepy and I could feel the pressure Lissa was feeling.

Rose, what is Dimitri's grandma doing?

I shrugged in response and kept on watching Yeva as she brought her cane in for another poke at Lissa. Then she pointed her cane at the door in one motion, eyes still glued on Lissa. But when Lissa didn't get the message, Yeva jammed the end of her cane at her once again then pointed towards the door. Lissa sighed in defeat and got up from the bed, her eyes drooping from lack of sleep.

I'll just hang out downstairs for a while, Lissa told me tiredly as she passed Paul and into the hallway, But please tell her to speak directly to me next time. I speak Russian remember?

I smiled slightly then turned to Yeva. Her face was blank, almost resembling Dimitri's expression, and she looked bored.

"You know that Lissa speaks Russian right?" I mused, crossing my arms. "And whatever you're going to tell me, you can say it in front of Lissa."

Yeva motioned for Paul to come forward, and he did. She said a few more things to Paul, before he said, "Grandmother says she doesn't want to be involved in any annoying discussion you Americans carry out, as she has explained to you before."

I raised my eyebrow, well, at least tried to. "Yup, I remember that. But-oh forget it! Just tell me what you came here for. I promise I won't be 'annoying'."

There was a small pause Then, Yeva smirked hauntingly at me and said something to Paul. He nodded eagerly and smiled. "She wants to say thank you."

"For...?" I drifted off.

"Saving Dimka."

I froze. How could she possibly know that? Oh right, she has those freakishly 'psychic' dreams. But what I said next probably shocked the hell out of me.

"I don't know what your talking about."

Yeva snorted and whispered something to Paul.

"Grandmother doesn't need me anymore." he announced proudly. "It was nice seeing you again Rose."

Then, he smiled at me before shutting the door closed behind him. Well, that was kind of pointless and stupid. I looked at Yeva again and she looks pleased with herself as if she had just accomplished something

"Okay, what was that about?" I asked slowly.

She opened her old and wrinkly mouth and said, "I did not feel like talking English then. But now I do."

"Um...OK. So..." This lady was driving me crazy.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Rose." she said, her thick Russian accent lacing around her words. "You came here before to kill Dimka. You failed."

Gee, thanks, I felt like saying sarcastically, but I don't really need all this whole epic fail lecture.

Yeva ignored my lack of words and continued. "It was blurry in my dream, but I know that it was you who saved Dimka, not that blonde girl."

I feel silent then. But not that I was already. "Ok, ok. You caught me red-handed," I finally said. "But I'll spare everyone the details. Dimitri says Lissa saved him, I'll go with that. I'm perfectly fine with everything as it is."

The last two sentences were hard to say. Because in reality, I didn't want everyone to believe that. I didn't want Lissa to take all the credit. I wasn't perfectly fine with that. My mind ached to tell everyone the truth, but what I was really afraid of was Dimitri's reaction. He would probably deny it and hate me more then he already did. I was okay with us not talking, but risking that much would seriously end with a big fight. And I didn't want to give all that away.

"No you're not." Yeva demanded straight-forward. "I can see your expression. I just wanted to thank you, Roza. For everything. You brought my grandson back."

It was nice to have at least one of the Belikovs know that I was the one to save Dimitri. I hadn't imagined it to be Yeva, but still.

"Your welcome." I said solemnly.

Yeva nodded and headed for the door. "And I still meant what I said before; you are worthy of my grandson."

I smiled sadly at her as she reached for the knob But before she could, the door swung open and revealed, for God's sake, Dimitri. Dimitri and all his godliness was standing by the door, looking completely casual, but wore a confused expression once she saw Yeva. Yeva looked as if nothing had happened, and looked up at Dimitri with a satisfied glint in her eyes. She patted the red spot that was left on Dimitri's cheek from where she had slapped him earlier and Dimitri winced. She said something calmly to Dimitri and left with a happy face.

"What was that about?" Dimitri asked. Whoa. Practically the first time he talked to me in weeks. I looked behind me to see if he was actually taking to me, not some imaginary dude or a ghost or something. And it pleased me to see that there was no one there.

"O-oh nothing." I stumbled across my words. I found it harder and harder to talk to him, as if he was that distant. "We were just talking about...stuff."

Stuff? Wow Rose, really smooth.

Dimitri nodded and leaned against the door. He didn't look like he was going anywhere near me anytime soon.

"I just came up here for Lissa. She asked me to come up here and see if it was okay if she can come back here. She's almost asleep on the couch so..."

"Sure." I said. He turned to leave, but I stopped him. "Oh yeah and, comrade?"

He turned back around. I think it was the nickname, it always got to him.

"Yes, Roza?" he said back. My heart almost skipped a beat. It had been forever since h had called me that.

I opened my mouth to say something, but, embarrassingly, I forgot. Come on, Rose, think about what you were just going to say!

"Uhhh, never-mind." I said quickly, my face getting red.

"Well can I ask you something?" he said, crossing his arms and coming closer. I felt like something really really small as his tall figure loomed over me.

"Anything." I managed to choke out.

"What ever happened to you and my sister? I know everyone wants to know but, I'm just curious. When we were on the porch and I was behind that bush, I heard her yelling at you and she mentioned a boy..."

Oh great, explaining time.

"It's kind of hard to say..." I said, turning my head slightly.

"Oh. That's ok Rose. I understand if-

I shook my head and cut him off. "No. It's just, I don't want Viktoria hating me more then she already does. So you have to swear that you won't tell."

I kind of felt like a preschooler begging someone to not tell the teacher what she broke or what bad thing she did.

"I promise."

I took a deep breath and straightened up, but refused to meet his eyes that I felt on me, piercing through my skin.

"Viktoria was seeing this guy named Rolan." I started. "I can't remember for how long, but they seemed really...'friendly'. The day before her school started, she took me out to meet him. It was late at night so nobody else knew. She wore this really revealing red dress, I remember. Once we got there, I met Rolan and he seemed like an okay guy. But when Viktoria was looking away, he started flirting with me, I guess. I let it slide at first and Viktoria and Rolan went on their 'date'."

"But then Abe came and told me about Rolan's reputation and how they must be having sex already and how he'd gotten Sonya pregnant. I was worried-

Dimitri cut me off. I finally looked up at him and he looked pissed. Really pissed.

"Wait. This Rolan guy is the father of Sonya's baby?" That was followed by a string of Russian words I couldn't understand. But I was guessing they were swear words from the way he spat them out with pure hatred.

"Um, comrade? Do you want me to continue?" I asked doubtfully.

He sighed nodded.

I continued. "So I was worried and he made me an offer that clearly stated that he'd stop everything going on between Rolan and Viktoria, but only if I left Baia right away. So I agreed and luckily just in time. She was mad and thought that I only stopped it because I wanted Rolan for myself. Then she claimed that she loved him and he loved her and accused me of not knowing what love really is. End of story."

The ending came up in a rush but I hoped that he heard it for the sake of not repeating the story again. I waited for Dimitri's response, but his face was stone cold. Finally, he snapped out of his trance and looked down at me.

"You did what was right." he simply said. "But Viktoria shouldn't be like this to you. You did her a favor."

"Thanks." I replied slowly. Then, I finally had the nerve to move my eyes a centimeter so our eyes met. And there were about a hundred fireworks that exploded in my mind. I loved Dimitri and there was no doubt about it. Every single fiber of his being was the reason I lived. If only he could see that. Dimitri had my heart, but he would never truly accept it. Love fades, mine has. That stupid line ran through my head a million times. Why couldn't he just forgive and forget? Why was it so hard for him?

Right then, I wanted to see what he was thinking. I wish I could hear what he's thinking like I did with Lissa. Did he see a girl that he spent days sucking blood from as one of the innocent people he killed and savaged? Or a young woman he loved and cared for who realized that he was hers as she was his?

I wanted to stay like this forever. It was hell of a lot better then ignoring each other completely. But unfortunately, my dream was cut short when he came back to reality and turned his head away from me.

That did it. A jolt of anger ceased all around me. I had enough of this crap. I did love Dimitri but if he was going to deny his feelings and push me away, then I would too.

We were both silent for a long time. Luckily, Lissa burst in with a worn out expression.

"Were you planning on coming back anytime soon?" she asked Dimitri tiredly.

"Sorry, Lissa." he muttered, paying his full attention to her.

She waved him away then leaned her head against the wall as if she was going to fall asleep any second.

"Did you get any sleep during the plane ride? Or when we were still back in Court?" I questioned.

She shook her blonde head and brushed her hair back behind her ears.

"To busy with Christian back at Court. And too excited to come here on the plane. Who needs sleep?"

I rolled my eyes and led her to Viktoria's bed. "Get some sleep, Liss. You deserve it."

She barely had time to nod before she was knocked out by a wave of deep sleep. I stared at her sleeping figure for a moment, then grabbed the extra blankets and pillows that someone, possibly Olena, had laid on the foot of the bed. Then, I grabbed my pajamas and headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Dimitri asked quietly.

I sighed annoyingly then turned around and crossed my arms. "Downstairs. I'm sleeping on the couch. Thought you might want your 'privacy' with Lissa."


I held out my hand to stop him. "Don't worry, I get it. Love fades, mine has. I'm not going to push you any further, Dimitri."

He was silent. I looked at him to see if he was going to say something, but when he didn't, I rolled my eyes and went out the door. I practically stomped my way downstairs. Furiously, I changed into my PJ's quickly in the bathroom and wrapped the blanket around me as I snuggled into the couch. It was about three hours later when I finally went to sleep. And I was unbelievably happy to finally end this horrid day.


"Rooose. Waaake uuup!" I heard a voice ring in my ear. No way was I going to wake up. And the person who was waking me up would sure get hell later.

I turned my head and hid my eyes with my arm so my face was half covered.

"Come on Rose! It's ten 'o clock!"

Ten 'o clock my ass. One more thing I hated more then being woken up, was the person waking me up being so peppy and loud. It annoyed me to see people so happy once they just woke up when they could be sleeping in.

"Rose, everybody's waiting at the table. Breakfast's ready!"

Okay, whoever this was, was really pissing me off. If he or she says one more thing, then I'll-

"Come on. It's getting cold!"

I brought my hand so it was next to my temple. Then, I lifted it slightly and gave whoever it was a slightly hard slap. But apparently it was pretty hard for that person.

"Ouch! Seriously Rose? She slapped me!"

Just then, I recognized the voice. My eyes jolted open as I saw a horrified Lissa hovering above me with her hand cupping her cheek.

"You're so groggy and mean in the morning!" she half-joked, pressing her cheek more with her fingers.

"Oh god, Lissa, I'm so sorry!" I apologized, sitting up.

"It's fine. Just warn me next time your going to slap me!"

I smiled and nodded. "But don't try to wake me up next time and don't be so enthusiastic. You know me, I hate peppy people."

She laughed and stood up, pulling me with her.

"Come on, everybody's waiting in the kitchen." she said, leading me towards the smell of fresh bacon.

"Hmmm, bacon..." I groaned.

"Because Rose Hathaway needs her meat." Lissa teased.

"Good morning, Rose." Olena greeted. "I hope you had a nice sleep."

"Sure did." I said, helping myself to a pile of bacon and sausage.

"I sure didn't." Viktoria said mockingly. "All I heard was fighting from my room."

I looked her in awe. Memories from last night suddenly flew back to me. Dimitri and I hadn't been fighting loudly, hell, we hadn't been fighting at all, except for a few harsh words from myself. Speaking of Dimitri, I looked at the far end of the table and saw his gaze on Viktoria.

"Really?" Karolina asked, placing a tiny spoon-full of baby food into Zoya's mouth. "From who?"

Don't say it Viktoria, don't say it, I said to her in my mind.

She smirked at me. "From Roza and Dimka."

"No, we weren't-

But I was cut of by Viktoria. "So what were you two love-birds fighting about? Where you're going to spend your honeymoon in? When's the date? Don't forget to invite me."

That was it. Somehow she knew that we weren't seeing each other anymore and I knew exactly how. She had been listening to us when we were talking about her and Rolan and that lead on to us fighting. I mean Dimitri and I weren't yelling or anything. So this whole thing was payback. Because I had told Dimitri about Rolan, she was going to have me spill out to everyone that we weren't together.

"Viktoria." Olena warned.

"No, I'm just trying to be honest." Viktoria wagged her eyebrows amusingly. "So what has been going on between you two, Rose?"

I looked at Dimitri but his head was turned down, obviously not wanting to meet my eyes.

"I-We-I don't really want to talk about it." I muttered.

"Why? Cat bite you tongue?" Viktoria joked harshly.

"No-Viktoria, please. I don't want to talk about it. Not now."

Everybody at the table was quiet. Olena had apparently given up on Viktoria's attitude and was sipping her mug and blinking as if our little fight would end soon.

"Tell us. Tell us the truth. Were you love with Dimka? Or was that just another lie? Not everybody's perfect Rose. Not even-

"Viktoria." I hissed. "Look, I don't know why your acting like this, but it's certainly not the Viktoria I know and love. I'm sorry about everything, ok? I'm sorry about Rolan and every bitchy thing you think I've done, but this isn't you! I did not like Rolan and I was only protecting you so he wouldn't make you a blood whore or anything! I just want this feud between us to end, ok? I'm really, really-

"Rolan?" Sonya said, her eyes widening. "That one-night stand man? The Rolan who made me pregnant? The jerk who claims he's not the father and just leaves me to go hook up with another girl? Viktoria, what were you thinking?"

"You both are lying." Viktoria said coldly. "He loved me and he even said so himself."

"That's what he said with me too." Sonya said sadly. "But then I was blown off."

"Honestly Viktoria, did you even think it through?" Karolina joined in the conversation.

Viktoria seemed so lost but then she glared at me. "See what you've done? You've turned my whole family against me. Thanks a lot."

She slammed her fist down on the silverware and excused herself from the table, angrily filing up the stairs, her nostrils flaring.

"Rose." Olena said. "I'm so sorry about Viktoria."

Dimitri stood up abruptly. "I'll go talk to her."

I stopped him. "No. This is my situation and I have to fix it."

Without waiting for an answer, I gave everyone one last look before departing my uneaten breakfast. What a joyous way to wake up on a Saturday morning, huh? No breakfast, big chick-fight, and potentially embarrassing myself. Great.

I walked up to Sonya's door and knocked before opening it. Viktoria was sitting on the bed, staring out the window. She turned around to see who had came in, then turned back around.

"Go away." she said.

I stepped closer and pursed my lips. "Viktoria, I'm really sorry. For everything I've done. If you say you love Rolan, then I'm not going to get in your way. But I was only protecting you. You were like my sister. And I couldn't let my sister get knocked up like her other sister."

She was quiet.

"Viktoria?" I asked. "I understand if you never want to talk to me again, but I just want all the bad things to end between us. You know, start fresh."

It relieved me when she sighed, then turned around.

"I was mad, okay? Rolan was my first real boyfriend and I got carried away. I guess I'm the one who doesn't know what love is. Look, I'm sorry I've been a bitch lately. I just needed to get all my anger out. I hold grudges so you can't blame me."

I smiled then sat on the bed next to her. "Well I'm glad everything's done. We've got a lot of explaining to do downstairs."

She grinned and boy was I happy to see one of those again.

"And no." I answered her earlier question. "We're not seeing each other anymore."

She looked confused so I decided to clue her in.

"Dimitri and I used to love each other, but he's moved on. And that's no lie."

"Oh..." Viktoria looked surprised. "D-do you still love him?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Yes, I do. But its complicated."

She patted my back gently. "It's okay. I'm sure he'll come around."

I nodded and stood up, eager to head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Viktoria teased, doing that fucking cool one eyebrow lift thing that everybody can do except me.

"Back downstairs. I left a whole plate of bacon, eggs, and sausage waiting for me. And they're getting cold. You coming?"

She rolled her eyes and took my outstretched hand.

"Thought you'd never ask."

Ooh, bacon kinda sounds good right now. But its like one o clock and we don't know how to cook so too bad. :( So REVIEW and tell us what you want to see in future chapter. We take SUGGESTIONS and IDEAS. Again, sorry if there's going to be a long wait until the next chapter. Meg=Russia We=US Meg+We=Sorta Long Wait Sorta Long Wait=Better Chapters Better Chapters=Longer Chapters Longer Chapters=GOOD REVIEWS! :D