Hello! This is IHeartVA (Meg) with TeamDimitriBelikov! I'm writing this story with Camilla, Katerina, Vanessa, and Victoria! Sorry I haven't UDed my stories in a while but we've been working really hard on this, mostly because I live in Russia and they live in the US. But without further ado, here are the girls:

Hey guyz! Its Camilla, Vanessa, Katerina, and Victoria! We're so excited for you guyz to read this story so review and tell us what you think! Here's the summary of this story:

Queen Tatiana never died so Rose was never accused of murder. Everything in Spirit Bound happened except for that. Dimitri, Rose, and Lissa travel to Siberia to visit Dimitri's family. Except they still think that Dimitri's Strigoi. :O And has love really faded for RoseXDimitri? Read to find out.

Lolz, anyways, hope you guyz like it, it's 3,715 words; 7 pages! Big accomplishment. xD

The trip to Siberia was probably one of the longest trips I've ever had. Especially since Dimitri was sitting right next to Lissa, who was sitting right next to me. Only three guardians came with us, but most of them were ordered to assist Dimitri throughout the whole trip, still convinced that Dimitri was Strigoi. It was downright ridiculous. Lucky enough, Dimitri was aloud to go on this trip because of Lissa. So we were on our way to go see his family in Novosibirsk. And I'm pretty sure the news didn't reach all the way to Russia. The Belikovas didn't know that Dimitri was turned back. I wonder what they're reaction would be? I, for one, hadn't wanted to come on this trip, because I was determined to keep my promise to stay out of Dimitri's way. Love fades, mine has. Those words were like a dagger piecing through my heart. Ever since then, I hadn't spoken to Dimitri. The only times I saw him was when Lissa happened to stroll by. Even then, I couldn't help but feel an incision of jealousy. Thousands of questions roamed through my mind every time I saw them. The most important one was: Had they slept together? Anger surged through my veins every time I asked myself that. Dimitri and Lissa seemed fairly happy. I wasn't mad at Lissa. I was mad at myself. Furious at myself really.

A lot has happened over the course of the two months since Dimitri's change back into a dhampir. Lissa and Christian had gotten back together. Christian had to stay back at Court because the Prince of the Ozera's had died unexpectedly and they had to have this bi funeral for him and crown the next Prince or Princess. And believe it or not, I had broken up with Adrian. Yes, I, Rosemarie Hathaway, had broken up with a guy that any girl would want, Adrian Ivashkov. I had broken his heart because I felt bad for him. Anyone, including him, could tell that I still had feelings for Dimitri. I kept my promise of stalking him, but deep inside, I loved him. It could fade for him, but not me. But doesn't mean I would be on the best-buddies 'Dimitri Train'. Adrian was really pissed at first, but thankfully he forgave me and we've resumed our relationship as it was back at the Academy. Well, without all the dirty flirting and stuff. He still gives Dimitri death glares, but I knew Adrian would always be there for me.

"How's it like?" Lissa asked, craning her head towards me.

"How's what like?" I said, confused, looking behind her at Dimitri. His head was turned so he was looking out the window.

Lissa shrugged. "Russia. You've been there before. I took Russian back at the Academy, but I've never been there."

I clicked my tongue slowly and tried to shag up the memories of when I was in Russia, with Dimitri's family. Pft, of course I remembered it. I also remembered that Viktoria might still be pissed at me for that whole 'Rolan' thing.

"It's really nice." I said. "Definitely not what the stereotypes say." I took a peak at Dimitri when I said this. He and I knew perfectly well that I had thought that Siberia looked like what the stereotypes said.

"I can't wait to land." she consoled. Then she turned to Dimitri with a soft expression. "And I can't wait to meet your family. What are they like?"

Being Lissa, Dimitri looked at her, completely ignoring my presence. "They're very loving, and I'm sure they'd be honored to meet you, Princess. I have three sisters, Karolina, Sonya, and Viktoria. And I have a niece and nephew, and Sonya's pregnant. My grandmother, Yeva, also lives with us along with my mother, Olena."

Lissa smiled warmly at him and I couldn't help but turn my head and roll my eyes. They chatted for a few more minutes so I plugged in my earphones and tried to focus on a movie. I had no idea what was going on, only that it looked like a guy was stalking this girl in her sleep. Huh, great movie choice Rose. It wasn't until Lissa peaked over my shoulder that I found out the name of the movie.

"Twilight? I didn't know you liked Twilight." she teased.

"I don't." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "Just something to pass time. I have no idea what's going on."

She giggled and faced the tv screen in front of me. "Well I love that movie. Try not to get too addicted to the hot vampires and werewolves. Like I did."

"I'll try not to." I said sarcastically. Five minutes into the movie, I fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep, but I was guessing pretty long from the headache I had gotten when Lissa woke me up.

"We're here." she said joyfully.

I unbuckled my seat belt, stood up, and stretched. It would be nice to see Dimitri's family again. But the worst part was picking up from where I had left off. I grumbled to myself about how I would be the one who would have to explain everything to them if they didn't believe Dimitri's. I followed Lissa out of the plane quietly as the rest of the guardians followed a few feet back from us. Assholes. We got our luggage quickly, but when Lissa reached for hers, being the gentleman he was, Dimitri offered to carry her bags. I shot him death glares while his back was turned and lifted up my two heavy bags from the conveyer belt.

The taxi drive to the house was long. I spent most of the time looking out the window at the scenery outside. Everything seemed so familiar, it almost seemed as if I had never left. Once we got near the house, the taxi driver parked across the street and put the car on park.

"Rose." Lissa started. "Dimitri's family doesn't know we're coming and they don't know that Dimitri's a dhampir again. Since they saw you last and I haven't met them yet, you think you could maybe talk to them first? You know, like, ease them into it?"

I stared wearily at her then took a peak at Dimitri from the corner of my eye. His expression was blank, as usual. I turned back to Lissa and nodded slowly.

The corner of her mouth tweaked up and she gave me a hug. "We'll be parked here. Um, we'll come out in a few minutes or so."

"Wait." I stopped and pulled away from her. "I'm seriously going alone? Can't you come or something?"

Lissa inspected the house for a minute then looked back at me. "Fine. But your doing all the talking."

I smirked then pushed the taxi door open. The air outside was a little humid and there was a slight breeze that went through my hair, letting it swish and tickle the back of my neck. It didn't surprise me that a second after Lissa got out of the car, that Dimitri did too.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." I told Lissa coldly, nudging my head towards him.

Lissa gave me one of those 'looks' and sighed. "Then he'll stay out of sight or something. He'll stay away from the front porch so we could talk to his family."

There was no point in arguing. I set of towards the house as Lissa and Dimitri convinced his guardians to stay in the car. I looked the small house up and down and stepped closer to the door. I waited for Lissa and she came beside me a moment later. Dimitri followed wordlessly and walked behind a bush right next to the door that covered everything but his head, so he crouched down.

I took a deep breath and knocked. I heard footsteps from the stairs and the creaking of wood as the person inside came closer to the door. Lissa took my hand and gave it a squeeze as the door opened. I was expecting Olena, but no. It was Viktoria. And did she looked pissed once her eyes landed on me.

"Um, hi." I greeted lamely.

Viktoria threw me dagger eyes and she looked as if she would shut the door any minute now.

"What...the...hell...are you doing here?" Her words were slow, but it seemed sort of like a threat in a way.

What's wrong with her?, Lissa sent through the bond. I gave her a brief look before turning back to Viktoria.

"Uh, this is Lissa." I introduced, jerking my chin towards her. Lissa waved her hand shyly then instantly shut up.

But Viktoria didn't seemed determined to change her mood.

"You didn't answer my question." she demanded. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

This was going to be hard. "Viktoria, is Olena here? I think all of you need to hear this."

"No." she spat. "You don't get to see anyone until you tell me first."

I wrapped my fingers into fists and dug my nails into my skin until I swore I felt my flesh tear. "I know you still probably pissed about that whole 'Rolan' thing, but-

"Thing? Thing? Ever since that night, he won't even talk to me! That was my only chance with him! And you just had to come along and practically steal him away! I saw the way he was looking at you. I'm more then pissed Rose, I'm furious. So you have no place in this house, even if you have something to tell us."

Those words made me feel horrible. I loved Viktoria like a sister and she didn't deserve someone like Rolan. Not to mention that Rolan had probably made thousands of women pregnant in just one night; including Sonya.

"Viktoria." I said, trying to calm the tension between us. "I wasn't interested in Rolan. Look, can we no talk about this later? Please?"

"And why would I want to do that?" she hissed, crossing her arms.

I opened my mouth to say something when a tall shadow loomed over me. Viktoria's face morphed from angry, to shocked, to alert.

"Viktoria." Dimitri breathed. "You haven't changed a bit."

Being a dhampir, her instincts took over and she charged at Dimitri like a bull. But being the badass god, Dimitri dodged easily. Viktoria was taken by surprise at first, but then quickly recovered and threw a hard punch at Dimitri. He barely avoided it as he held out his hands.

"Viktoria." he said again, very calmly. "Stop fighting. I'm not a Strigoi."

Viktoria took another blow at Dimitri and it almost made contact with his right temple. "That's what every Strigoi says, Dimka." she grunted, kicking him from the side which he dodged easily again.

I knew I had to break up the fight, so I ran up from behind Viktoria, grabbed her upraised arms, and held it behind her like I was holding her captive.

"What are you doing?" Viktoria cried out. "He's Strigoi! Dimka is still Strigoi! Let me go!"

Dimitri straightened up a bit and walked towards Viktoria cautiously. Lissa did as well.

"Calm down." I said as she tried to jerk away from my grasp. "You need to listen to us. Dimitri's a dhampir again. We'll explain everything-

"MAMA!" Viktoria shouted, thrashing in my arms. "Let me go!"

I looked towards the door nervously and then back at her. "Viktoria, we're not going to hurt you."

"Then let me go!" she cried. I heard footsteps from inside the house.

"Viktoria? Where are you?" a familiar voice asked.

"Outside!" Viktoria called.

A moment later, Olena appeared in the doorframe. I let Viktoria go and she raced to her mother's side. Olena's eyes wandered from Lissa, to me, and finally to Dimitri. Her eyes widened and then she looked at Viktoria.

"Make them go away! Dimka's here and Rose and her friend are working with him! He's still Strigoi!" Viktoria almost screamed.

Olena was completely frozen in place. Then she looked from me to Dimitri, stopping at me.

"Rose...what are you doing here? With Dimka?"

I let out a breath that I had been holding and looked at her softly. "I tried to explain to Viktoria, but she just attacked Dimitri. I'm not working with any Strigoi. We just came to visit and we'd love to explain everything to you, if you promise to listen to every word we say, and trust us."

Olena hesitated before nodding. Viktoria looked at her like she was crazy and threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Don't trust them! There's no way Dimka is-

"Viktoria." Olena warned. "I think they could have at least one chance of explaining before jumping to conclusions."

Viktoria crossed her arms, upset, and glared at us.

"Should I call the rest of the family?" Olena asked quietly.

I nodded. "That would be best."

She stepped aside and motioned us inside. "Please, come in."

I smiled warmly at her as I followed Lissa inside the house. I expected Dimitri to come in, but he just stayed in place. He and Olena were staring at each other. He hadn't said anything the whole conversation, until Olena asked him something in Russian. He replied back smoothly, but still dead serious. I almost saw a sad smile on Olena's face, but I couldn't really make sure. She said something else and beckoned Dimitri inside.

Almost fifteen minutes later, the whole family was sitting in front of us. Karolina also tried to attack Dimitri, but didn't get as far as Viktoria did because Olena stopped her. The only people who didn't try to fight him were Paul, Zoya, Yeva, and Sonya. Probably Sonya didn't because she still looked too tired over her bulging stomach. But she looked fully alert once she saw Dimitri.

Everyone except Olena and Yeva tried to keep their distance from him and I couldn't help but feel a little bad. I mean, I knew it would feel really bad if your whole entire family hated you.

"I know," I started ", it's probably really confusing, because the last time I came here, I told you that Dimitri was turned Strigoi. And now believe it or not, he's back to a dhampir."

"Why would we believe you?" Viktoria shot at me. "What if he was never turned and you just lied?"

"Then believe me." Dimitri cut in. Everyone looked at him and fell silent. "Rose isn't lying. You could ask everyone at Court."

"But how?" Olena asked, shaking her head.

"I was Strigoi and I had nothing good in me. I wanted to kill for blood. And I wanted to end the Moroi and dhampir race. But then Lissa," he pointed to Lissa, "infused a stake with Spirit, since she's a Spirit user. It turns out that there was a way to turn Strigoi back to a dhampir or Moroi. So Lissa learned how to infuse and stake a Strigoi. I had captured her once, and she then staked me. Ever since then, I'm a dhampir again. You could say that I was healed."

I still couldn't believe him. I had worked my ass off to do everything and it was still about Lissa. He didn't even dare to mention me in the story. Lissa must have seen my upset expression, so she shot me a pain of sympathy.

I'm so sorry, Rose.

I turned my head away from them, tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"And how do we know that you're telling the truth?" Karolina asked mysteriously.

"You could run some tests on him, like they did at Court." Lissa answered. "His eyes aren't red and he doesn't drink blood. Rose actually testified with him when they were running these tests. She helped them realize that he was a dhampir again. Right Rose?"

I looked back at her and gave her a look that said, "Thanks for trying to make me feel better."

"Not really." I muttered. "But his skin isn't cold like Strigoi, and he could cry. Strigoi have no emotions so they can't cry. And he can't run as fast."

Yeva was the one to step forward. Slowly and without hesitation, she walked over to Dimitri with her cane and went as close to him as possible. They're forehead were just a few inches apart and Dimitri was looking strait ahead, not even flinching or crept out like I would have been. Then, she placed her old, wrinkly hand on Dimitri's cheek and a few seconds later, murmured something in Russian to everyone.

"What did she say?" I asked Lissa.

She's right. He is not cold., Lissa said through the bond.

Then slowly, Yeva lifted her cane up and slammed it down hard on Dimitri's foot. He winced in pain but then, she brought her hand up and slapped him. I almost laughed. Wow, she was strong for an old woman. But a few seconds later, I realized what she was doing. Just like the little boy had done. A single tear fell from Dimitri's eyes and everybody gasped. Yeva smiled at him and patted his now swollen cheek before going back to her spot on the couch.

"It's not possible..." Sonya said, grasping the edge of her shirt.

"Can't be." Viktoria whispered.

"Impossible." Karolina mused, hugging Zoya and Paul closer to her.

"Impossible for Strigoi." I continued. "We just came her to visit, if that's okay with you."

Olena was the one to answer. "We'd love to have you stay here. But it may take some time to take in all the news. I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding, Dimka. And thank you, Lissa, for saving my son."

Lissa smiled at her warmly but then looked down back at the ground. I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself.

I was kind of in the mood to see everyone hug, but this was reality and no-one hugged. Give them some time, Rose. They'll understand, I told myself.

"We're short on rooms." Olena explained. "So you'll three share Viktoria's room. Remember the one you stayed in Rose? It used to be you room as well, Dimka."

Viktoria lifted an eyebrow and stepped forward, glaring at me.

"No way am I going to let that slut sleep in my room." she said through gritted teeth.

"Viktoria!" Olena, Karolina, and Sonya all shouted out at the same time. I felt a million things at that moment. Hurt, sad, angry. But mostly hurt.

"What has gotten into you?" Olena said, looking meaningfully at her daughter.

She threw me a glance before turning to Olena.

"Nothing." she spat, as she turned on her heels and went up the stairs.

"I'm so sorry about Viktoria, I'm sure she-

I interrupted Olena. "No need to apologize. I guess I kind of deserved that."

Nobody said anything. Obviously knowing that the whole back-story behind those words was something I wanted to keep between Viktoria and I and Viktoria and I only.

"Well." Olena lilted, changing the subject. "I'll get dinner ready so why don't you go get your bags and settle in upstairs."

We all agreed and left everyone and all the tension and awkwardness to go get our luggage.

"What took you so long?" one of Dimitri's guardians grunted.

"Nothing, Darnel." I replied, shoving one of the bags over my shoulder.

"It's Darrel." he corrected. "And apparently we've been called back to Court. Guardian Belikov's case has been granted. He doesn't need anymore guards to watch him."

"Yipee." I faked sarastically. "Should we throw a party or something?"

Rose, Lissa warned, craning her head towards me.

"No, but just give us a call if he starts to act...weird." Darrel said, jumping into the front seat of the taxi as we finished unloading our bags.

"This is great." Lissa rejoiced, grinning at Dimitri. "Now your free to do whatever you want."

I took both of my bags and carried them into the house wordlessly, not wanting to hear anymore of their conversation. I climbed the stairs and checked if Viktoria was in her room before entering it. I certainly did not want to pick a fight with her anymore. I didn't want to pick a fight with anybody right now. I was stressed. His whole family thought that Lissa was the one that went through all that bullshit to save Dimitri. Let's see, she had infused a stake and staked Dimitri. Lissa: 2, Rose: 0. I, on the other hand, had dropped out of school, gave up being Lissa's guardian, risked my life, became a partial blood whore, killed more Strigoi and thus, putting my life in even more danger, broke Victor Dashkov out of a highly secured prison, lost Victor Dashkov and his half-brother, and still had time to train as one of the best guardians in the world. That changed the score a little. Lissa: 2, Rose: GOOGLE, infinity, a billion, whatever you want to call it! And Dimitri didn't even thank me for putting my whole career and soul in danger. That pretty much summed everything up.

"Hey." Lissa whispered, closing the door behind her.

"Where's Dimitri?" I asked coldly.

She sighed. "He's downstairs, helping with dinner. I feel really bad for him. I mean its like Olena won't even give him a smile or anything."

"Yeah. I feel his pain." I said, distracted.

"Rose..." Lissa empathized. "I'm really sorry, about everything. But please don't blame him, its my fault-

"Lissa." I stopped her. "Nothing's your fault. Stop taking the blame for everything, please. Dimitri thinks that you saved him, so let him go with that."

She shook her head. "But Rose, your the one who saved him. Your the one the did everything she can to save the man she loved. I only staked him and did what you said. He needs to thank you sooner or later, and everyone needs to know that Rose Hathaway was the one to save him."


"No." she professed. "I'm going to talk to him later."

I couldn't argue with that. She stepped forward and gave me a hug. "It's going to be okay."

"I hope so." I muttered against her hair.

Haha hoped u like it! Review and please understand that it might take a while for us to put up the next chapter coz we live in the US and Meg lived in Russia xD, but we'll be working on this story 24/7!