Disclaimer: Deep in the jungle, there is a magical monkey that farts every time someone is born, by the time that monkey stops farting, I will still not own Harry Potter. Although I DO claim sole credit for Professor DeLuna...XD

Warning: Some hard language, and Slash (yaoi, shonen-ai), Femme-Slash (yuri, shoujo-ai) don't like, don't read. Also, this is mildly AU.

Chapter Ten: Memories and Dreams

Draco gripped the row in front of him tightly, his knuckles turning white under the pressure when the Hungarian Horntail roared in rage as Harry Potter flew around it tantalizingly.

'Oh God, oh God, oh god!' thought Draco as Potter narrowly missed being burned to a crisp by the dragon's vicious flames. The girls in the audience screamed as the dragon nearly bit Potter in half and Draco had to stifle a scream of his own when he saw the dragon's horned tail whack into Potter's shoulder, sending him a few feet back. Draco had never been so terrified in his entire life...and he had to close his eyes in fright, sure that Potter would die.

'Wait...why do I care if he dies? Shouldn't I be relishing this?' mused Draco. He soon got the answer to his question. Harry Potter flew overhead, his cheeks flushed, green eyes sparkling brightly, and his unruly hair made even more unruly by the wind that was blowing through it. Draco's heart stopped and he could have sworn time slowed.

'He's too beautiful to die...' thought Draco dazedly in awe. It was that moment when Draco knew, and accepted that Harry James Potter meant more to him than he had EVER believed he could. But that moment was not to last and as time sped up and chaos once again returned, Draco came back to his senses briefly. But that too, was soon forgotten in his terror.

"NO!" Draco screamed as the dragon cornered Harry and flames began to spew forth from it's gnashing maw. Draco was sure Harry was going to die...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HARRY!" screamed Draco as he woke from the nightmare that was a memory as well. He bolted up, breaths coming in large sobbing gasps and tears blurring his vision. When Draco calmed enough, he recognized Theo and Blaise's faces gazing at him in concern. Blaise jumped up and poured Draco a glass of water from the jug sitting on his bedside table and handed it to him, while Theo handed Draco a handkerchief to dry his face on. Draco took both in silent gratitude and dried the tears and such from his face and drank the water that was offered to him.

When he had visibly pulled himself together, Theo and Blaise exchanged glances and sighed simultaneously.

"Draco..." said Blaise softly, "Enough is enough...I don't know why you're being so stubborn, but I think it's time you stop denying your feelings for Potter, and go to him!"

Theo nodded.

"You should know by now that you can't function properly with him just ignoring you...It's driving you mad, Draco, the way he won't even acknowledge you anymore and it's starting to show...we know you're scared...hell, with all you've been through, who wouldn't be scared! But, Draco...some things in life are worth the risk...they're worth fighting for...and we can tell just by seeing the way you look at Potter, that for you, he's worth fighting for. You love him. Draco...just admit it!"

Draco shook his head in denial, tears starting to well up in his eyes once again.

"No, no, no...I can't...I just can't!" he whimpered.

Blaise and Theo exchanged glances again.

"Well...I guess we have no choice but to tell him, then?" said Theo, still looking at Blaise.

Blaise nodded sadly.

"Tell me what?" said Draco warily, growing more suspicious of the looks Blaise and Theo were giving each other by the moment.

"Loony Lovegood asked Potter out," blurted Theo.

"She WHAT?" screeched Draco.

Both Blaise and Theo winced at the shrillness in Draco's voice.

"When?" he demanded.

"Yesterday..." said Blaise, trailing off.

"And what did Potter say?"

"Nothing yet...he's waiting..." said Theo softly.

"For what?" asked Draco, hopefully.

"Well..." said Theo hesitantly.

"About that..." chuckled Blaise nervously.

"What? I swear to Merlin, if you guys don't tell me now, I'll hex you both into next week!" shrieked Draco.

"Well we kinda told Potter you might still be interested and to wait a while before he said yes to Loony!" said Theo in a rush.

It took a minute to sink into Draco's muddled brain. But when it did...a look of dawning realization grew on Draco's face, then slowly darkened.

"You. Did. What." said Draco in an eerily deathly quiet voice.

"Before you kill us, Potter did say that he's hoping for you to tell him this Sunday whether or not he can ever be with you, because you're the one he REALLY wants and that if you just gave him a chance to show you how much he could care for you, you'd understand..." said Theo quickly.

Draco's expression of murderous rage softened.

"He said all that?" he asked curiously.

"Pretty much..." said Blaise.

Draco sat still for a while, contemplating the information in his mind, turning it over slowly.

Blaise and Theo looked at him expectantly.

Draco sighed in resignation before looking up.

"You're not going to give up until I give him a chance, are you?" he said wearily.

"Nope," said Theo.

"No way in hell!" said Blaise, "After all...despite how much you deny it, Potter makes you happy, and we want you happy."

Draco sighed again.

"Fine. Where did the git want to meet on Sunday?"

AN: Sorry I haven't updated lately...I've been working hard in school trying to get all my credits and graduate on time!

Anyways, REVIEW!