Disclaimer: Deep in the jungle, there is a magical monkey that farts every time someone is born, by the time that monkey stops farting, I will still not own Harry Potter.

Warning: Some hard language, and Slash (yaoi, shonen-ai), Femme-Slash (yuri, shoujo-ai) don't like, don't read. If you still decide to read this and flame me, I'm just gonna laugh.

A/N: This is titled after Halestorm's song by the same name.

Chapter One: Drink the Wine, My Darling

"Drink the wine
My darling you said
Take your time
And consume all of it
But the roses
Were only to drain my inspiration
The promises were spoiled
Before they left your lips"

"We have to stop this, Malfoy," protested Harry weakly as Malfoy pressed him up against the wall of an empty classroom. Malfoy, however, proceeded to ignore him and began to teasingly kiss Harry's neck. Harry moaned before finally succumbing to his desire and his protests died down as he began to take control of the situation, reversing their positions and pressing Malfoy against the wall and attacking his full pouting pink lips. Malfoy whimpered as clothes were shed and both boys groaned as skin met skin. Harry muttered a charm and instantly Malfoy's channel was slick and ready. Harry groaned as another charm was hissed and his cock was lubed up. Both boys moaned in pleasure as Harry thrust into Malfoy's tight warm heat. It had been far too long since they had last met for a good fuck, and both boys had been craving each other desperately, needed a fix. Their addiction to each other was obvious in the way they frantically attacked each other's mouths and bodies with vigor and the meeting of their bodies was hurried and rough. Malfoy cried out as Harry changed the angle of his hard thrusts and began to hit his sweet spot over and over again.

"Ah! Potter..." whimpered Malfoy, "I need...AH! I need you to-oh GOD, right there! AH! POTTER PLEASE!"

Harry understood what Malfoy wanted and with a practiced hand, he grabbed Malfoy's neglected member and began to pump it in time with his frantic thrusting.

As Malfoy's cries reached a crescendo, Harry knew he was close and proceeded to pinch the tip of Malfoy's penis, sending Malfoy over the edge.

Malfoy's eyes shot open and Harry watched as pleasure washed over Malfoy's pale face, captivated by the other boy's beauty. He loved it when Malfoy lost his cool and poise and came, because in that secret, forbidden moment, Malfoy became Draco with the unguarded, flushing face, the vulnerable boy whose emotions were as clear as day and whose gorgeous blue gray eyes glazed over in ecstasy as he clutched Harry to him and pulled him in for a passionate kiss to try to muffle his desperate whimpers and stop his uncontrollable trembling. Draco, the boy who was warm and addicted to Harry, the boy Harry never wanted to let go. The boy Harry could spend the rest of his life breathing in.

With a whimper of his own, Harry came, spilling his seed into Draco's tight, slick heat.

And as he rode out his orgasm, he could have sworn he heard Draco whimper, "Harry!"

Both boys collapsed onto the floor, completely spent and exhausted, foreheads resting together and breaths mingling in heaving pants.

After a few minutes of catching their breath, Draco stiffened and Harry sighed as Draco withdrew, pulling himself back together and gathering his infamous icy Malfoy composure. Draco, Harry's Draco, turned back into Malfoy, the bastard that Harry hated with as equal passion as he loved Draco. As Malfoy began to pull his clothes back on, Harry had to hide his tearing eyes.

"Thanks for the fuck, Potter," said Malfoy as he pulled his dress shoes on.

"Malfoy..." said Harry tiredly, "We have to stop."

Malfoy only snorted.

"A little late for that, don't you think, Potter?" said Malfoy, scoffing.

Harry grew angry. Malfoy knew damn well what he meant!

"That wasn't what I meant and you know it!" he snarled.

Malfoy raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow at Harry's attitude.

"I don't believe I do, Potter, please be so kind as to explain," he said coolly.

"We need to stop whatever this is between us!" yelled Harry.

Surprise-and was that hurt?-flashed across Malfoy's face before it became shuttered once again.

"Oh?" said Malfoy in an icy voice, "And pray tell, what made you come to this decision?"

Harry's anger fled, and in it's place was exhaustion.

"This is wrong, Malfoy..." said Harry tiredly.

Malfoy lost his temper.

"AND WHAT'S SO WRONG ABOUT IT!" he screamed.

Harry started, shocked at Malfoy's loss of composure.

"I..." Harry trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"WHAT?" snarled Malfoy, "WHAT'S WRONG ABOUT IT?"

Harry's own temper flared.




Malfoy's angry expression became shocked and Harry's anger suddenly fled.

"You don't love me, Malfoy...you never have and you never will...and I need more then just a few fucks to keep me happy, I DESERVE more than a few fucks, in fact! And that's why I refuse to do this anymore!" said Harry in a heated voice.

Malfoy shook his head in a dazedly stunned way.

Harry waited for a beat, hoping to Merlin that Malfoy would say that he was wrong and that he did love him. But Malfoy said nothing and with a barely audible sob, he turned, trying valiantly to hide the tears streaming down his face.

"Goodbye, Malfoy," he whispered before he fled.

When Malfoy finally came to his senses, Harry was gone, and Draco sank to his knees and wept in confusion and bitterness, wondering why it hurt so damn much.

"I breathe you in again just to feel you
Underneath my skin
Holding on to
The sweet escape
Is always laced with the
Familiar taste of poison"

A/N: Please review and tell me if I should continue this!

And btw, A Cycle WILL be updated...I haven't forgotten, I've just been crazy busy!
