Disclaimer: I own nothing…just wanted to borrow Harry Potter and the gang for some fan fiction fun! Whoo!

AN: Just so you guys know…this story turned out a lot more fast-paced than I originally planned. And we also have a very OOC Snape in our story. Hope you guys like it…Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

So here she was. The night before she leaves for her last year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, and Hermione Granger was awarded the position of Head Girl. Unfortunately, she didn't know who the Head Boy was yet…she supposed she would find out on the train. Now that the war was over and peace has been regained they can all return to school…thank Merlin the war ended last year.

Hermione went to brush her teeth and she looked at herself in the mirror. Over the past few years…months really; she had gotten prettier and more womanly. Her legs were more muscular, her hips perfectly flared out to create that coveted hourglass figure. She had a toned, flat stomach and round, soft and perky breasts; her shoulders led into her long neck and up to her face. Now her face was heart-shaped with big chocolate eyes, a cute nose and perfect Cupid's bow lips. However, she felt that even though she became more developed, that she was still plain. With a deep sigh and clean teeth she went to bed with very interesting dreams.

So here he was. The night before he goes back to his real home one final time. Who would've thought that Draco Malfoy didn't want to stay in the Malfoy Manor but Hogwarts? Draco actually was relieved that the war was over and the fact that he switched sides to the Order of the Phoenix. Granted not everyone was happy about the change of allegiance but he did not care because he had saved his mother the only person that ever really mattered to him besides himself. Shockingly enough Dumbledore made him Head Boy. He was interested to see who the Head Girl was but had no doubt that it was Granger.

Hermione sat in the Heads' compartment reading Hogwarts, A History…again. She had gotten there earlier than usual so she didn't meet with Harry or Ron. Then the door opens, but Hermione doesn't hear it.

"I knew it…hey Granger."

Hermione looks up and low and behold there is Draco Malfoy standing in the doorway with his trunk. She raises a brow. "You knew what, exactly?"

Draco throws his trunk up on the rack and sits across from her. "That I would be paired with you as Head Boy and Girl."

"Oh…well then…congratulations Malfoy." She turns back to her book and waits for a professor to come and "brief" them. This gives Draco the opportunity to get a good look at her.

He notices that she has changed…she's gotten…hot! Granger? Hot? Oh yeah…wow! Who knew she had a figure like that?

Hermione, through her eyelashes could see that Malfoy was starring at her. Why is he starring? Am I drooling? Ha! I have to admit though he did get kind of hot over break…Wait! This is Malfoy. No! No no no! Blood began to rush to her cheeks and a liquid heat pooled between her thighs. What the….? Why does he smell so good? Like…parchment…and fresh cut grass….and….her thoughts interrupted by Malfoy.

"So Granger…how was your summer?"

Shaking her head as if trying to dislodge the thoughts she just had. "Good…how about yours Malfoy?"


The rest of the train ride was silent. They came to Hogsmeade and took their own carriage to the castle, ate at the feast with their respective houses. Hermione talked about her summer with Harry and the Weasleys. She noticed that when the Headmaster announced the Head Students, all of the boys fourth year and older just stared at her. It actually made her a little uncomfortable at first, but then she smiled a little and sat back down.

Draco only really talked to Blaise and Pansy...well not really Pansy; she just hung herself all over him. Hermione was enjoying her dessert of trifle, when she suddenly felt a wave extreme jealousy wash over her. She looked around and was confused. However she tried to shake it off. Dumbledore summoned the Head Boy and Girl to his office after the feast.

Draco and Hermione begin their walk to his office. They gave the password to the gargoyle and ascended the stairs. Miraculously Dumbledore was already sitting at his desk. "Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy please have a seat. Lemon drop?"

"No thank you Professor."

"No thanks"

"You are probably wondering why I asked you two up here. Well first things first your duties: distribute rounds, plan the Spring Ball, and keep the school in general functioning order. You are allowed to give detention and take points. Your dorm portrait is located on the sixth floor corridor it is a portrait of a man and woman at their wedding. And finally, your password is Diligo eternus. Any questions?" Neither said anything. "All right then, Mr. Malfoy you are dismissed I need to speak to Miss Granger alone."

Draco gets up and leaves Hermione sitting there across from Dumbledore feeling suddenly an emptiness she could not describe. However, before she could think on it Dumbledore spoke. "Now Miss Granger, how was your summer?"

"Very good Professor I went to France and the Netherlands with my parents after I retrieved them from Australia. It was nice to have to not worry about them or the Death Eaters anymore."

"Excellent Miss Granger I am glad that you enjoyed yourself and your parents are safe. However I have some news for you. Miss Granger, are you familiar with the magical creatures known as Veelas?"

"Only a little sir." He raised his brow as if to ask her to continue. "They have one mate and one mate only. They turn into their bird forms when angry or feel their mate is threatened. They also have and insatiable … sex drive and will do anything to get their mate and keep them happy. If the Veela does not find their mate before the sixth month after their 17th birthday, then they begin to die of heartbreak and the death takes less than a year to complete, for each Veela is different with the death cycle."

"Very good Miss Granger. Are you also aware that your family has Veela blood in it?"

"No…professor where is this going?"

"Miss Granger you are in fact part Veela from your mother's side. I regret to inform you that you start to show the signs of a Veela very shortly, within the next few days actually, since your birthday was not but a week ago. I am sorry Miss Granger."

"What! I'm….I'm a…a Veela?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so Miss Granger. I have had Severus make some suppressant potions for you until you can find your mate, whoever he may be. Do you have any questions, Hermione?"

"N-n-no Professor." She shook her head.

"Very well then. You are dismissed." She got up from her seat and walked toward the door before she reached it he spoke again. "Miss Granger, remember my door is always open for you."

"Thank you Professor." With that she left his office and ran straight to her new dorm. She burst through the portrait after screaming the password. She didn't even look at her new home and made a beeline for her bedroom, slammed her door and threw herself on the bed and sobbed.

AN: So? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Tell me please…Will update soon!