This sora yay and I don't own any thing.

The group continued there battle with Naraku with a little help from Sesshomaru and Koga. They had finally defeated him and they were exhausted. Even as exhausted as Kagome was that didn't keep her from worrying about everyone. She started going around the group healing everyone, but she stopped short when she got to Sesshomaru. She looked up at the intimidating Inu and fidgeted a little. She never knew how to approach him because of his silent demeanor. So instead of touching him without his permission she decided it was best to ask him first. But when she was about to speak, he cut her off.

"Miko what do you want?" Sesshomaru inquired after seeing her stand there for a short period of time. Kagome was so absorbed in her thoughts that she was startled when she heard him talk.

"I just wanted to... um heal your wounds but it seems that they are already healed" Kagome rushed out. She felt slightly intimated with him towering over her.

"Hn this Sesshomaru is fine miko but what about yourself" Sesshomaru asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean Sesshomaru" Kagome asked tilting her head to the side in curiosity.

"Miko look at your clothes" Sesshomaru stated the smirk still on his face growing slightly wider.

When she looked down she saw that her clothes were torn in various places and she had blood all over her. The seriousness of her predicament slammed into her already tired mind. She suddenly realized that she was barely wearing clothing and she shot a warning glare to Miroku as she saw him inching his way to her. She looked at all the other males around the camp site and scowled. Just then she remembered there was a hot spring nearby. With that thought she grabbed her backpack and walked out of the field to the hot spring taking Sango with her.

Sesshomaru was chuckling in his head at the boldness of the miko. It was obvious she was tired. He was thankful that she left because his control thinned as soon as he took in her lack of clothing. He was happy that his hakamas were baggy because otherwise the little miko would have seen what Inu Youkai were equipped with. Not that he minded. The thought of her running from him made him snarl a little. That was the last thing he needed. He started planning on how he was going to woo the little miko.

This is the first chapter of my new fic and I want some feed back on how you think the next chapter should go. Because this time my wonderful readers you're going to be in control of this story. So the first ten who give me ideas of how you want the next chapter to go I'm going to put it in the story. And that will happen for all the chapters.