In Happy Tree Town a green bear with a camouflage jacket and a green beret was taking a stroll through the Park when all of a sudden he saw a blue flash coming straight at him.

Flippy: What the hell is that...?

Something red tangled around Flippys neck and pulled him with that blue started choking and then he came to a complete stop and turned around and came face to face with a blue Hedgehog

Blue Hedgehog: Hi there!

Flippy: ugh...little too close there

Blue Hedgehog: Sorry, i was just running by and it seems my scarf got us tangled up

Flippy: oh, thats ok. *Flippy tries to take the scarf off* So whats your name?

Blue Hedgehog: My names-

A pink hedgehog started running straight at Flippy and the blue Hedgehog


Sonic: uh oh gotta run!

Sonic takes off but Flippy didnt fully get the scarf off so Sonic unknowly dragged Flippy with him and ran all across the town, with Flippy leaving a blood trail from being dragged at 100 MPH. Sonic came to a complete stop and then noticed Flippy on the ground next to him with blood flowing down his back and stars in his eyes

Sonic: Holy crap! Are you alright?

Flippy tried to smile

Flippy: *Caughs up blood* ok. heh heh i guess thats why they call you Sonic

Sonic faked a smile, knowing hes wasn't alright and that this was all his held out his hand to Flippy and pulled him up on his feet

Sonic: So, what your name?

Flippy: *Smiles* 'Names Flippy

Sonic notices the blood on him

Sonic: Can you walk?

Flippy:I was a soldier, i had worse

Flippy tries to walk forward only to fall back down

Flippy: Damn, im so dizzy

Sonic:*Puts hand behind head nervously* heh heh yea, sorry about that.*Helps Flippy back up and picks him up bridle style*Making Flippy feel a bit unconfortable

Flippy: W-what are you doing!

Sonic: Well you can't walk, so the least I can do is help a friend out

Flippy: Ugh, thanks Sonic. I have a med-kit at my house...on the other side of town

Sonic: No problem, hold on tight. Here. We...GO!*Sonic takes off to Flippys house*

Well heres my first Fanfic hope you like it. I might continue it if i dont get stuck in writers block.

If you find spelling errors let me know, the site messed up the writing.