Mello's life at camp

Authors note- Happy Halloween guys. Well I have finally gotten caught up with my self on the chapters so now I have to write constantly. Its hard I'm lazy. JK. Hey the Sexy color thing actualyhappened I was Mello,Matt as Mellodeathnotelover, and Mikami was a friend.


We searched for at least an hour. We finally just gave up and went to eat lunch. Matt headed straight towards the food. I was about to when out of no where Roger comes up. His face was red with rage, or he was out of breath I'm not sure witch is was funny to see him like that I almost burst out laughing. I somehow managed to keep a straight face.

"Where have you been?" he asked all angry.

"What are you talking about ?" I asked him. He glared at me.

"Mello your punishment." he said point blank. I would have tried to make it more dramatic.

"Ohh... Well I forgot" I answered.

"Be there tomorrow," he said and stomped off. I headed over to the lunch line and got some food. I was about grab some chocolate milk but stopped my self. I thought to my self " Man this dare sucks" and kept going. I walked out and saw Matt and Mikami sitting together. I sat down. Across from them.

"Your wearing blue!" Mikami randomly exclaimed.

"So... Your wearing blue too," I replied.

"Yeah but blue is my sexy color. It's Matt's too" he said pointing at Matt.

"I don't think Matt has a Sexy color,"I said trying to keep a straight face.

"Hahaha...wait MELLO !" he yelled at me.

"You just got burned," Mikami said trying to be a Gangster. We all started laughing. I was trying to eat but I was feeling the pains of chocolate withdrawal. I could just picture my self strangling Mikami once this week was over. Matt looked up at me.

"Uhhhh …... Mello you okay?" he said worried.

"Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?" I asked back through my teeth.

"Mello seriously what the heck is wrong?" he asked.

"I'm about to die from not eating any chocolate!" I snarled at him.

"Whoa dude calm down its just chocolate." he said. While Mikami was laughing as hard as he could.

"I do not care I need some soon." I replied. I went over to the trash can and through the rest of my food away. I thought to myself I need to get a hobby to take my mind off this. I walked over to Matt.

"Hey what activities do they have here? Other than playing video games." I asked quizzically.

"Um I don't think we really have any... well there's a talent show coming up this week. That counts." he replied.

"Well maybe but what the heck would I do?'

"You could sing." he said.

"Yeah sing what."I asked glaring at him, "I'm not singing Bad Romance If that's what your thinking."

"No no I was thinking maybe Break by three days Grace."

"No way" I replied.

"Why not?" he asked irritated.

"Just cause I'm not doing it" I said.

"Well maybe you could show every one how to be sarcastic" He replied.

"Yeah maybe I could and use you as my assistant. And you would talk off a script and I would have some really good remarks planed. It would be hilarious."

" Mello I was kidding about that you thought I was serious."

"No I didn't that was sarcasm." I said annoyed " well I could sing a parody of some song."

"Or you could sing the Ebay song that would be hilarious... wait is that considered a parody or not?"

"WELL duh are you that dumb ?" I asked laughing my head off.

"shut up Mello you are so mean."he whined as we were walking into our room. I sat down and realized that I was shaking a little.

"Mello why are you kinda shaky?" he asked noticing too.

"I think its not having any chocolate to eat for so long I'm starting to fell weird."

"You'll probably be fine,"later he said and settled down for a game of Mario cart. I leaned back and went to sleep.