Disclaimer: All characters are property of ABC. No copyright infringement is intended.

5 Years Ago

Seattle, WA

The universe is a cruel mistress. Calliope Torres finally found someone who she loved and who loved her back but then the sky opened up and the rains fell. Arizona packed her things from Callie's apartment and left. She never officially moved in but the apartment had never felt as empty as it did when Arizona shut the door behind her.

Cristina opened her apartment door and found her roommate broken. She had never seen Callie like this before even after the end of her marriage to George and the disaster that was Erica Hahn. Her eyes were glazed over and tears stained her cheeks. She was hugging her knees and rocking back and forth on the floor in front of the couch. Cristina did the only thing she knew to do, she left the apartment and a few minutes later she returned to the living room with Mark, 3 shot glasses and a bottle of tequila.

The next day, Callie woke up in her own bed with Mark beside her.

"What? We didn't? Did we?" Callie asked Mark.

"Huh?" Mark said sleepily as he opened his eyes. "Oh!" He exclaimed as he realized Callie thought they might have slept together, "No, no, we just slept. I wasn't going to leave you alone last night in the shape you were in."

"Ugh. I feel like I died. Why did you make me drink so much?" Callie asked.

"You're the one that was pouring it down my throat, Torres."

"I have to be at work in an hour. Make the room stop spinning, Mark."

"You're not going to work today. I called Derek and told him we were playing hookey."

"Thanks, Mark. You're a great friend," Callie said as she grabbed his hand in the bed.

"Don't go spreading that around, Torres. You know how you can repay me, right?"

Callie snorted at Mark's remark and hit him so hard he rolled out of the bed.

Callie was grateful to have Mark by her side today. The truth was, she couldn't bear to go to work today and see Arizona after their break-up. She knew it wasn't Arizona's fault, but seeing her would make her heart break into a million pieces again. It's just that Arizona and Callie wanted different things out of life. Arizona wanted Fiji and bikinis while Callie wanted a 2.5 kids and a dog.

Callie and Mark migrated from the bedroom to the couch where they nursed their hangovers. The television was on but Callie didn't notice. She spent the day in her head. Mark had tried to talk to her but he was met with silence. She didn't even react to his dirty comments about their past sex life. No, Callie was too busy thinking to hear him. She thought about the past few years and how far she had come in her life, but she couldn't stop thinking about the one thing she was missing – a family. Suddenly, after 5 hours of staring at the television, blankly Callie knew what she had to do. She made a series of quick phone calls before heading over to the hospital, leaving Mark on the couch.

Even her patients could tell she was sad. Dr. Arizona Robbins had lost her perkiness. That day she didn't make any jokes, she didn't read stories or play games with her patients. Instead, she spent all day with her head down, doing her job and hoping to get out of the hospital soon. Earlier in the day she heard the nurses gossiping about Dr. Torres and Dr. Sloan both calling in sick. The nurses also noticed that Dr. Robbins looked like her dog just died and started the hospital rumor mill.

Later in the afternoon, Arizona was shocked to see Callie entering the hospital. After all, she had called in sick today. She knew Callie wasn't sick – that she was avoiding her. She couldn't take her eyes off the bombshell as she walked toward the Chief's office, knocked quietly, entered and shut the door. She was still standing at the nurse's station 15 minutes later, pretending to work a chart when Callie quietly left the Chief's office.

Callie couldn't help but notice the piercing blue eyes staring at her as she closed the door. She knew she couldn't just leave Arizona without an explanation – like Erica Hahn had done to her. She slowly walked over to the blonde, grabbed her hand and pulled her into the nearest on-call room.

Arizona was shocked at the sudden attention from her ex-girlfriend but loved the feeling of touching her again. Once the door closed behind them and Callie ensured that it was locked the two exes were left staring at each other.

"I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better?" Arizona asked.

"You know why I called in sick." Callie replied. She paused a moment before continuing, "Ari- Arizona. Last night after you left and all day today I spent a lot of time thinking. Thinking about my life and where I want to be in my life. When I was a kid, I had a picture of what my life would be like as an adult and today I realized that besides the doctor part, I am nowhere where I wanted to be as a child. And today, today I'm going to start to make some changes to get to where I want to be as an adult. So I'm leaving. I'm ready to have a family and I know you aren't. It'll be too hard to see you everyday. To see you, to want a family with you and not be able to be with you. So I'm… I'm leaving. I just handed in my resignation. I just wanted to say goodbye." Callie finished her ramble with tears in her eyes, looking up to meet Arizona's blue orbs.

Arizona stood in silence while listening to her ex-girlfriend speak. When she realized that she was never going to see Callie again her eyes welled up with tears. The thought of not being able to see her everyday hurt more than the feeling of seeing her everyday and not being able to touch her. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing could come out. After several more minutes of silence, she walked toward Callie and pulled her into a hug. A hug she knew would be their last one. Arizona stood up on her tippy toes toward Callie and whispered into her ear, "I'll always love you."

When Callie replied, "I'll always love you, too," All Arizona could do was break down and cry. Callie couldn't stand to see her love hurting and cradled Arizona in her arms. Neither one wanting to break the embrace because they knew then that it would really be over. Finally after a long period of time, the quiet was broken by the sound of Arizona's pager. She had to go. Arizona pulled out of Callie's arms and took a moment to compose herself. She couldn't let the parents of her patients think that she was a crazy woman. Arizona couldn't bear to look Callie in the eyes as she turned around and walked toward the door. She swears she could hear Callie say goodbye as she whispered her own, "Goodbye Calliope."